I ran a Faceless YouTube Channel For 30 Days! Crazy Results | YouTube automation

InVideo For Content Creators
17 Mar 202407:00

TLDRIn this video, the creator shares their experience of launching a new YouTube Shorts channel and achieving over 48,000 views in 30 days. They emphasize the importance of selecting a niche, using incognito scrolling to identify popular content, and leveraging AI tools for scripting and editing. The video also discusses the strategy of including multiple facts in one short and the necessity of testing various approaches to find what resonates with the audience.


  • 🚀 Started a new YouTube Shorts channel to test growth strategies.
  • 🎯 Chose a niche by observing popular content in incognito mode on YouTube.
  • 📈 Identified 'fun facts' as the most prevalent and evergreen niche.
  • 🎥 Decided to use stock footage relevant to the script for better narrative.
  • 🤖 Utilized an AI tool for scripting, editing, and voiceover in video creation.
  • 📊 Analyzed trending topics within the niche to generate video ideas.
  • 📈 Found that 'did you know' videos were performing well and replicated the format.
  • 🔄 Made adjustments to the AI-generated content for optimization.
  • 📈 Experienced initial fluctuation in views, indicating the need for content testing.
  • 🔄 Adapted the strategy by including multiple facts in one video, leading to increased views.
  • 📈 Emphasized the importance of testing multiple strategies for channel growth.

Q & A

  • How long did it take for the YouTuber to grow their new channel?

    -The YouTuber managed to grow their new channel in just 30 days.

  • What was the total number of views the channel received after 30 days?

    -The channel received over 48,000 views after 30 days.

  • What is the first step the YouTuber suggests for growing a faceless YouTube shorts channel?

    -The first step is to find a niche, as it allows for the creation of content that YouTube will push to viewers.

  • How did the YouTuber discover the popular niches for their channel?

    -The YouTuber used incognito scrolling on YouTube to see what kind of content was being pushed out to their target audience.

  • What type of content did the YouTuber decide to focus on for their channel?

    -The YouTuber decided to focus on fun facts about people, as it was a trending topic and had the potential to go viral.

  • What tool did the YouTuber use to create their video scripts and voiceovers?

    -The YouTuber used an AI tool called ai. invidio, iio to generate scripts and voiceovers for their videos.

  • How long did it take for the AI tool to generate a first draft of the video?

    -It took the AI tool just a couple of minutes to generate the first draft of the video.

  • What was the initial issue with the first video the YouTuber posted?

    -The initial issue was that the video only contained one fact, whereas reference channels had multiple facts in one shot.

  • How did the YouTuber optimize their video content based on analytics?

    -The YouTuber replicated the process of including multiple facts in one shot, as observed from the reference channels, and saw a significant increase in views.

  • What is the importance of testing multiple strategies for a new YouTube channel?

    -Testing multiple strategies is crucial as it allows the channel creator to understand what content works best for their audience and to continuously improve their content based on audience engagement and feedback.



🚀 Launching a Successful YouTube Shorts Channel

The speaker shares their experience of starting a new YouTube Shorts channel from scratch and achieving over 48,000 views in just 30 days. They outline the importance of finding a niche, using incognito scrolling to understand popular content, and tailoring videos to the target audience's interests. The speaker also emphasizes the significance of utilizing AI tools for scriptwriting and voiceover, streamlining the video creation process. They discuss the strategy of analyzing and adjusting content based on viewer engagement, highlighting the need for flexibility and continuous testing of different approaches to grow the channel effectively.


📈 Analyzing and Optimizing YouTube Shorts Performance

In this paragraph, the speaker delves into the analytics of their YouTube Shorts channel, noting initial mixed results. They identify a successful strategy used by reference channels, which involves compiling multiple facts into one video. Implementing this approach, the speaker's subsequent video received over 9,000 views, demonstrating the effectiveness of adapting content based on audience feedback. The speaker stresses the importance of testing various strategies to find what resonates with the audience, as views can fluctuate while YouTube algorithms fine-tune content delivery to the right audience. They also tease upcoming results from their 60-day posting strategy and invite viewer suggestions for future channel ideas.



💡Faceless YouTube Channel

A faceless YouTube channel refers to a channel where the creator's identity, including their face and often their voice, is not revealed. This style is popular for ensuring privacy and focusing content solely on the topic rather than the personality of the creator. In the script, the creator discusses how they successfully managed such a channel, highlighting the process of content creation without personal identity involvement.

💡YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts are short, vertical videos created specifically for quick viewing on mobile devices, similar to TikTok videos. The script describes the process of using YouTube Shorts to grow a channel quickly, leveraging the format's popularity and algorithmic preference for short, engaging content.


A niche in YouTube content creation refers to a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of content or product. Choosing the right niche, as the script suggests, is crucial as it allows creators to target specific audiences more effectively. This is demonstrated by selecting popular topics like fun facts which have a broad appeal yet specific enough to attract a dedicated viewer base.

💡Incognito Scrolling

Incognito Scrolling involves browsing YouTube in incognito mode to escape personalized search results and see what content is popular among the general audience. The creator used this technique to identify trending niches without bias from their own browsing history, ensuring the selection of content types with higher potential for mass appeal.


Going viral refers to the phenomenon where content rapidly gains popularity and is widely shared across the internet within a short period. The script details strategies for creating video content with the potential to go viral, focusing on engaging and universally relatable topics like humorous facts.

💡AI tool

AI tool, in the context of the script, refers to software that uses artificial intelligence to automate parts of the video creation process such as scripting, voiceovers, and editing. The creator uses an AI named 'invideo. iio' to efficiently produce content without manual scripting or recording, highlighting the integration of technology in content creation.


Analytics in YouTube refers to the data and metrics that provide insights into the performance of videos, such as views, watch time, and engagement rates. The creator analyzes this data to understand viewer behavior and adjust their content strategy accordingly, emphasizing the importance of data-driven decisions in digital content creation.


Engagement on YouTube is measured by how viewers interact with videos through likes, comments, shares, and viewing duration. High engagement rates are often a sign of content that resonates well with the audience. The script discusses improving engagement by adjusting video content to include multiple facts per short, thus keeping viewers interested and more likely to interact.

💡Evergreen content

Evergreen content refers to content that remains relevant and interesting over a long period, regardless of current trends. The script mentions the creator's decision to focus on 'facts' as a niche because it's evergreen, meaning it continually attracts viewers without being tied to fleeting trends.

💡Content Strategy

Content strategy involves planning, developing, and managing content creation and distribution to achieve specific goals. In the video, the creator outlines their strategy for leveraging YouTube Shorts, selecting engaging topics, and using AI tools to produce content that enhances their channel's growth and viewer engagement.


The creator started a new YouTube Shorts channel and managed to get over 48,000 views in 30 days.

The channel focuses on faceless YouTube automation, showcasing techniques for growing a channel without revealing one's identity.

A key strategy for the channel's growth was identifying a niche by using incognito scrolling on YouTube to see what's popular currently.

The creator chose a popular and evergreen niche, but aimed to stand out by using relevant stock footage instead of random clips.

An AI tool was used for scripting, editing, and voiceover, which significantly sped up the video creation process.

The AI tool, ai. invidio, iio, can generate a 30-second YouTube short with a script, music, stock media, and voiceover based on a prompt.

The creator's first video idea was about fun facts about people, inspired by trending topics in the niche.

The AI tool allowed for easy adjustments to the video, including script changes and media replacement, without needing extensive editing skills.

After posting the first video, the creator analyzed the analytics and found that including multiple facts in one shot increased views significantly.

The channel's growth strategy involved testing different content types and adjusting based on audience engagement and feedback.

The creator emphasizes the importance of testing multiple strategies and being flexible to adapt to the target audience's preferences.

The channel's success demonstrates the potential of AI automation in content creation for social media platforms like YouTube.

The video serves as a case study for individuals looking to grow a faceless YouTube Shorts channel using AI and strategic content planning.

The creator plans to share the results of 60 days of consistent posting, inviting viewers to subscribe and follow the channel's progress.

The video also encourages viewers to suggest ideas for the next type of channel the creator should attempt to grow.