I tried 12 AI interior design tools (NOT midjourney).. Here's my verdict.

Lydia Patel
26 Jul 202330:02

TLDRIn this video, Lydia explores the capabilities of 10 different AI interior design tools, assessing their effectiveness in generating feasible and creative design ideas for furnishing a house or Airbnb. She tests each tool's user interface, cost, design output, customization options, and purchasing availability. Despite the current limitations, she identifies potential use cases for each tool and recommends Homedesigns.ai for idea generation and Spacely for a free trial. The video concludes with her personal recommendations for future projects, balancing cost and practicality.


  • 🌟 AI interior design tools are emerging, offering a range of capabilities from idea generation to furniture selection.
  • 🏠 The testing involved 10 different online AI interior design platforms, each with unique features and limitations.
  • 📸 Most AI tools require a jpeg image of the space for design generation, not the standard format from a phone.
  • 🎨 AI tools like Room GPT and Reimagine Home offer design themes and color preferences, but may lack in structural detection and practical adjustments.
  • 🛋️ Some AI platforms, such as Interior AI and Kolov GPT, provide rendered images and product suggestions, but the accuracy of product matching can be off.
  • 📐 Hestia and AI Room Planner offer services like AR-based floor plan creation and design style customization.
  • 💡 Home Designs AI and Two Tree provide a good balance of design aesthetics and practicality, with options for real estate staging and room furnishing.
  • 🔍 Tools like Full House and Ludwig focus on furniture selection based on inspiration images, offering quality pieces for vacation rentals.
  • 🖌️ Home Styler offers a highly customizable and powerful design platform, but it can be time-consuming for some users.
  • 📊 The video script suggests that while AI in interior design is promising, it is still in early stages and no perfect all-in-one solution exists yet.
  • 💰 Pricing for these AI tools varies, with some offering free trials and others requiring monthly subscriptions or per-design fees.

Q & A

  • What is the main challenge in using AI for interior design according to the video?

    -The main challenge is not coming up with funky ideas, but rather transforming those ideas into feasible designs that fit the right dimensions and include real-life furniture that can be purchased, without spending hours figuring out how to prompt the AI.

  • How many online AI interior design tools did Lydia test in the video?

    -Lydia tested 10 different online AI interior design tools.

  • What are the two spaces Lydia used for testing the AI design tools?

    -The two spaces Lydia used for testing were her living room, which is a design challenge due to its layout, and a bedroom with temporary furniture and clutter.

  • What was Lydia's overall impression of Room GPT?

    -Lydia found Room GPT to be fun for generating initial ideas, providing a sense of color palette, textures, and materials. However, she noted that there wasn't a way to give feedback and further tweak the images, limiting its use for refinement.

  • How did Lydia describe her experience with Reimagine Home AI?

    -Lydia was surprised by the design themes and color preferences Reimagine Home AI suggested, which didn't align with her space. She found some of the design elements, like the treatment of her hexagonal coffee tables, to be strange and the overall design quality not very impressive.

  • What was a downside of using Interior AI that Lydia mentioned?

    -A downside of using Interior AI was its cumbersome initial email signup process, which required verification and email activation.

  • What were Lydia's thoughts on Kolov GPT after testing it?

    -Lydia found Kolov GPT to have a lot of potential. She appreciated the new and cohesive design ideas it generated, but she was disappointed with the drastic structural changes suggested and the disconnect between the AI's product suggestions and the items shown in the rendered images.

  • How did Lydia summarize the current state of AI in interior design?

    -Lydia summarized that it's still early stages for using AI in interior design, and there isn't a perfect all-in-one AI-powered solution yet. However, she sees various use cases for the existing tools and believes they can be helpful depending on the specific needs and budget of a project.

  • Which AI tool did Lydia find most useful for idea generation?

    -Lydia found Home Designs AI to be the most user-friendly and responsive to her prompts, providing the best designs for idea generation.

  • What are some of the tools Lydia suggested for translating AI-generated images into purchasable furniture?

    -Lydia suggested Full House for a free option and Two Tree or Hestia for a more comprehensive service if budget允许. These tools can help translate AI-generated designs into actual furniture purchases that fit the space.

  • What feature of Home Styler did Lydia find impressive?

    -Lydia was impressed by Home Styler's ability to import actual floor plans, build out detailed elements like flooring and window types, and create video tours of the space or high-quality rendered images.



🌟 Introduction to AI Interior Design Tools

The paragraph introduces the concept of using AI tools for interior design, highlighting the challenges of generating practical and feasible design ideas for furnishing a house or an Airbnb. The speaker, Lydia, explains her intention to test 10 different online AI interior design tools to assess their capabilities in providing good, creative ideas that fit real-life furniture and dimensions, and to determine if there's a perfect solution for her next project.


🛋️ Testing AI Tools for Living Room Design

Lydia discusses her experience with various AI interior design tools, focusing on the living room as the test subject. She describes the process of uploading images, selecting themes, and receiving design suggestions from the AI tools. The paragraph details her interactions with Room GPT, Reimagine Home AI, and Interior AI, sharing her observations on the quality of design, layout, and practicality of the suggestions provided by these tools.


🖼️ Exploring AI Design Options for the Bedroom

This paragraph delves into Lydia's exploration of AI-generated designs for the bedroom, highlighting the different design themes and the challenges of getting cohesive and reasonable designs. She discusses her experiences with tools like Interior AI and Kolov GPT, noting the pros and cons of each, including structural changes, product identification accuracy, and the practicality of implementing the AI-generated designs.


📐 Measuring and Designing with AI Tools

Lydia shares her experience with AI tools that require more detailed information, such as room measurements and design preferences. She talks about the AR measurement feature in Hestia, the design styles offered by Home Designs AI, and the process of getting AI-generated images and product suggestions. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of accurate room measurements and the potential of AI tools in providing design ideas and product recommendations.


🪑 Furniture Shopping and AI Design Aesthetics

The paragraph focuses on the practical aspects of using AI for furniture shopping and design aesthetics. Lydia discusses her experiences with services like Two Tree and Full House, which help in translating AI-generated images into purchasable furniture and decor. She also explores the limitations of tools like Archie and Home Styler, emphasizing the need for accurate space measurements and the potential of these tools for specific design styles and projects.


🎨 Conclusion and Recommendations for AI Interior Design

In the concluding paragraph, Lydia summarizes her findings and recommendations from testing various AI interior design tools. She highlights the strengths and weaknesses of different platforms, such as Homedesigns.ai and Spacely, and suggests how she would use them for her next project. Lydia also provides advice on selecting the right tool based on the user's needs, budget, and design preferences, offering a balanced view of the current state of AI in interior design.



💡AI Interior Design Tools

AI Interior Design Tools refer to software applications that utilize artificial intelligence to assist users in visualizing and planning interior spaces. These tools can generate design ideas, suggest furniture layouts, and provide a range of aesthetic options based on user input or preferences. In the video, the host evaluates various AI tools to determine their effectiveness in generating feasible and creative design solutions for home furnishing projects.

💡Design Prompts

Design prompts are specific instructions or themes given to AI interior design tools to generate particular styles or elements within a design. They serve as a guide for the AI to understand the user's preferences and desired outcomes, which can include color schemes, furniture styles, or specific design eras. In the context of the video, design prompts are used to tailor the AI-generated designs to the user's vision.

💡Furniture Detection

Furniture detection is the process by which AI tools identify and recognize furniture and other objects within a space based on a provided image or floor plan. This feature allows the AI to understand the existing elements in the room and either incorporate them into the new design or suggest replacements. It is crucial for creating realistic and practical design solutions that fit the user's space.

💡User Interface

The user interface (UI) refers to the visual and interactive elements of a software application that allow users to navigate and operate the program. A good UI is intuitive, easy to use, and enables users to effectively communicate their needs to the AI. In the context of AI interior design tools, a user-friendly interface can significantly impact the design process and the quality of the output.

💡Design Customization

Design customization involves the ability of users to modify and adjust AI-generated designs according to their specific tastes, needs, and the unique characteristics of their space. This includes changing color schemes, rearranging furniture layouts, and selecting different design styles. Customization is essential for transforming generic design ideas into feasible and personalized plans.


Cost-effectiveness refers to the value obtained from the money spent, ensuring that the investment in a product or service yields the best possible results relative to its cost. In the context of AI interior design tools, cost-effectiveness would consider not only the subscription or usage fees of the tools but also the time saved, the quality of designs produced, and the practicality of these designs for real-world application.

💡Structural Detection

Structural detection in AI interior design refers to the software's ability to accurately identify and represent the physical structure of a space, such as walls, windows, doors, and architectural features. Correct structural detection is crucial for creating designs that can be realistically implemented in the actual space without requiring significant alterations to the room's layout.


Aesthetics in the context of interior design relates to the visual appeal and artistic aspects of a space, including color schemes, textures, and the overall style. Aesthetics is a critical component of design as it influences the mood, atmosphere, and perception of the space. AI interior design tools aim to enhance or transform the aesthetics of a room according to user preferences and current design trends.

💡Real-life Furniture

Real-life furniture refers to actual, commercially available pieces of furniture that can be purchased and used within a designed space. In the context of AI interior design, the ability to include real-life furniture in the AI-generated designs is important for ensuring that the designs are practical and can be realistically implemented by the user.

💡Design Feedback

Design feedback in the context of AI interior design tools refers to the ability of users to provide input or critique on the AI-generated designs, allowing them to refine and adjust the design according to their preferences or the specific requirements of their space. This feature enhances the user's control over the design process and ensures that the final design is more aligned with their vision.


The exploration of AI in interior design shows the potential of technology in creative fields.

Room GPT offers a fun way to generate initial design ideas with different themes and color palettes.

Reimagine Home AI's surprise feature can provide unexpected design themes, which may spark new ideas.

Interior AI provides a range of styles from maximalist to Chinese New Year, indicating a wide variety of design options.

Kolov GPT stands out for its high-quality rendered images and potential for cohesive design ideas.

AI Room Planner offers a quick way to render new design ideas with various styles, though it has limitations in editing and prompting.

Hestia provides a full-service design experience, including an AR scanning feature for accurate floor plans.

Home Designs AI allows for detailed customization and a variety of prompts for a tailored design experience.

Two Tree offers a furniture shopping service that translates AI images into a curated list of furniture options.

Full House's Ludwig tool focuses on finding themed furniture inspired by an uploaded photo, offering a unique approach.

Archie presents a blend of AI and manual input, with room for improvement in structural detection and design variety.

Home Styler provides an extensive level of customization, allowing for detailed floor planning and design.

Spoke acts as an AI-enhanced mood board, integrating AI-generated images with a Pinterest-like interface.

Spacely combines AI design ideas with the ability to adjust specific objects and a furniture detection tool.

The current state of AI in interior design shows promise, but also highlights the need for further development and refinement.

For practical applications, a combination of AI tools and manual adjustments may provide the best results in interior design.