Transform Your Home with Midjourney : AI Interior Design #midjourney

Make Money with Josh
29 Mar 202307:06

TLDRIn this tutorial, the host demonstrates how to use AI interior design with Midjourney and Chat GB to transform a room. They guide viewers through the process of uploading a room photo to Discord, interacting with Midjourney, and receiving interior design suggestions. The video showcases various design styles and how to use Google Lens to find affordable alternatives for furniture and decor. The host also explores creating mood boards and virtual design packages, highlighting the potential of AI in enhancing home aesthetics.


  • 🏠 Use Midjourney and chat GB for interior design by taking a clean picture of the room you want to redesign.
  • πŸ“· Upload the room photo to Discord and send it to Mid Journey by following the prompts.
  • πŸ”— Sign up for Mid Journey through their website which will link to Discord and open within the platform.
  • πŸ›οΈ For the bedroom, Mid Journey provided four interior design options, with the third being the most accurate.
  • πŸͺ΅ Request different variations like wood grain to see various design options.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ Use image upscaling tools like YouTube to enhance the resolution of preferred design images.
  • πŸ›‹οΈ For the living room, Mid Journey generated four modern design options, with one featuring a dark wall being the most appealing.
  • πŸ›’ Utilize Google Lens on your phone to find and purchase similar items to those in the design images.
  • 🎨 Explore different design styles like minimalism, Scandinavian, mid-century modern, and coastal to expand your design knowledge.
  • 🌿 Experiment with specific styles such as Japanese and Scandinavian by inputting the bedroom picture into Mid Journey.
  • πŸ“ˆ Create mood boards and virtual design packages using tools like Canva and Etsy for a comprehensive design plan.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is transforming a home's interior using AI interior design with Midjourney and chat GB.

  • How does one begin the process of using Midjourney for interior design?

    -To begin, one should stand in the corner of the room facing the area to be designed, take a clean picture, and upload it into Midjourney through Discord.

  • What platform is used to interact with Midjourney?

    -Discord is the platform used to interact with Midjourney, where users can send personal messages and follow prompts.

  • How does the AI generate interior design suggestions?

    -The AI generates interior design suggestions by processing the uploaded images and providing different design variations based on the input prompts.

  • What was the presenter's initial reaction to the AI's design suggestions?

    -The presenter was amazed by the AI's design suggestions, particularly noting that the first three pictures closely resembled their room.

  • How can one find affordable alternatives to the suggested designs?

    -One can find affordable alternatives by using Google Lens to identify items in the design and finding similar, more budget-friendly options online or in stores.

  • What is the significance of the different design styles mentioned in the video?

    -The different design styles mentioned, such as minimalism, Scandinavian, mid-century modern, and coastal, provide a range of options for users to explore and customize their interior design.

  • How does the presenter use Google Lens to find specific items for purchase?

    -The presenter uses Google Lens by opening the image in the app and clicking on specific items, which then provides options for purchase, including different price ranges.

  • What is the purpose of creating mood boards in the video?

    -Creating mood boards serves to visually organize and display the design elements, color palettes, and themes for a particular space, aiding in the interior design process.

  • How does the video demonstrate the versatility of Midjourney's AI for different rooms?

    -The video demonstrates the versatility by showing how the AI can generate design suggestions for various rooms, such as bedrooms and living rooms, and adapt to different styles.

  • What is the presenter's final impression of Midjourney's AI capabilities?

    -The presenter is highly impressed with Midjourney's AI capabilities, noting that it's not perfect but is 'darn near perfect' and has significantly broadened their design possibilities.



πŸ›‹οΈ Interior Design with Mid Journey and Chat GB

The speaker demonstrates how to use the Mid Journey tool on Discord for interior design. They explain the process of taking a photo of a room, uploading it to Discord, and using Mid Journey to generate design ideas. The tool is used to create four different design variations for a bedroom and a living room. The speaker highlights the ability to upscale images and suggests using Google Lens to find affordable alternatives to expensive design elements. The video also touches on the potential for making money through interior design and the importance of understanding different design styles.


🎨 Exploring Design Styles and Creating Mood Boards

In the second part of the video, the speaker explores different design styles such as Japanese, Scandinavian, and Bohemian, and uses Mid Journey to generate design ideas for a bedroom in these styles. They show how Mid Journey can provide multiple perspectives and color palettes, even when the original photo does not include all views of the room. The speaker also discusses the creation of mood boards and virtual design packages using Canva and Etsy, emphasizing the versatility and excitement of using technology to enhance interior design.



πŸ’‘Interior Design

Interior design refers to the art and science of making interior spaces functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing. In the context of the video, it is about transforming a room's appearance using AI technology. The script describes the process of taking a picture of a room and using AI to generate design ideas, like changing the placement of furniture or choosing color schemes.

πŸ’‘Mid Journey

Mid Journey appears to be the name of the AI tool or platform used for interior design in the video. It is integrated with Discord, allowing users to send images and receive design suggestions. The video demonstrates how to use Mid Journey to transform a room by following prompts and receiving design outputs.


Discord is a communication platform that the video uses as an interface for interacting with the Mid Journey AI tool. Users sign up for Discord and then proceed to Mid Journey to upload images and communicate with the AI for interior design purposes. The script mentions how to send a personal message to Mid Journey within Discord and use it to enhance room designs.

πŸ’‘Image Upload

Image upload is the process of sending a picture from a device to a server or platform, which is a crucial step in the video's interior design process. The script describes how to upload a picture of the room to Discord, which is then used by the AI to generate design ideas.

πŸ’‘AI Interior Design

AI Interior Design is the application of artificial intelligence to assist in the creation of interior spaces. The video showcases how AI can analyze a room's photo and produce various design options. It's a modern approach to design that saves time and offers creative solutions, as demonstrated by the transformation of the bedroom and living room in the script.

πŸ’‘Design Variations

Design variations refer to the different design options or styles that can be generated by the AI based on the input image. The video script mentions how the AI provided four different design ideas for the bedroom and living room, each with unique elements and styles, allowing the user to choose the one that best fits their vision.

πŸ’‘Upscale Image

Upscaling an image means increasing its resolution while maintaining or enhancing its quality. In the video, the term is used when the presenter upscales the preferred AI-generated design images for better clarity and detail. This is done to facilitate a more accurate representation of the design for implementation.

πŸ’‘Mood Board

A mood board is a collection of images, textures, and samples that communicate the visual direction and style of a design project. In the video, the AI tool is used to create mood boards for different rooms, which include color palettes and design elements that reflect the desired ambiance and theme.

πŸ’‘Virtual Design Package

A virtual design package is a set of digital design assets that represent a complete design concept. The video describes how the AI tool can generate a virtual design package, which includes mood boards and color palettes, offering a comprehensive view of the proposed design.

πŸ’‘Japanese Style

Japanese Style is a design aesthetic characterized by simplicity, minimalism, and a connection with nature. In the video, the presenter asks the AI to apply a Japanese style to the bedroom design, resulting in a unique and culturally inspired room concept that reflects traditional Japanese design principles.

πŸ’‘Bohemian Design

Bohemian design is an eclectic and artistic style that often incorporates vibrant colors, patterns, and diverse cultural elements. The video script mentions the AI generating a bohemian design for the room, which showcases a variety of textures, colors, and an overall cozy and artistic atmosphere.


Introduction to transforming a room using AI interior design with Midjourney and chat GB.

Step-by-step guide on taking a photo of the room and uploading it to Midjourney via Discord.

Explanation of how to sign up for Midjourney and link it to Discord for AI interior design.

Demonstration of how to send a personal message to Midjourney with an image for interior design.

Instant results from Midjourney showing four interior design options based on the uploaded image.

Observation of the AI's ability to recognize room features like windows and ceiling fans in the design suggestions.

Personal preference for design option three and the exploration of variations with wood grain.

Using YouTube to upscale and save the preferred AI-generated design image.

Process of applying the same AI design method to a living room with specific features.

Acceptance of the AI's imperfections but appreciation for its design suggestions.

Utilization of Google Lens on a smartphone to identify and find affordable alternatives to expensive design elements.

Exploring different design styles like minimalism, Scandinavian, mid-century modern, and coastal through AI.

Experimenting with a Japanese style design and the AI's ability to adapt the bedroom image accordingly.

Bohemian design suggestions from the AI and the ability to visualize different room layouts.

Creation of mood boards and virtual design packages using Midjourney's AI capabilities.

Use of Canva to create a color palette from the AI-generated mood boards.

AI's ability to produce bathroom mood boards with a Japanese virtual design and color palettes.

Final thoughts on the potential of AI in interior design and the excitement it brings to the process.

Encouragement for viewers to subscribe, like, and share the video for more content on AI interior design.