I tried to Revolutionize LED Lights!.....And FAILED?

7 Apr 202414:00

TLDRIn this video, the creator shares his journey to design and build a set of modular, daisy-chainable PCBs aimed at illuminating a staircase during nighttime hours. The project, inspired by LED strips, was designed to automatically react to human presence, avoiding the need for intrusive lighting. Despite facing challenges with the initial design, including issues with noise interference and component selection, the creator remains optimistic about refining the concept in the future. The video also highlights the use of JLCPCB's new PCB layout service and the importance of selecting the right components for such a project.


  • 🌃 The video discusses a DIY project to create a staircase lighting system that illuminates steps in the dark for safety.
  • 🔍 The creator faced challenges finding existing solutions that met their requirements, avoiding rechargeable lights and extensive wiring.
  • 🛠️ A custom solution was devised, involving modular, daisy-chainable PCBs with LED strips that react to human presence.
  • 🏠 The project was sponsored by JLCPCB, a service offering design to production for PCBs, which is beneficial for complex projects.
  • 💡 The lighting system was designed to be mounted on a timber beam attached to the staircase, using an aluminum profile for aesthetics.
  • 📏 Key measurements for the PCB design included a step distance of 31cm and an aluminum profile width of 2.1cm.
  • 🔄 The PCBs were designed to be daisy-chained together through power lines and data lines for a seamless setup.
  • 💰 The VCNL4200 Infrared sensor was chosen for its affordability and capability to detect objects up to 1.5m, suitable for the staircase width.
  • 🔧 The project involved assembling the PCBs, soldering components, and programming the microcontrollers for the desired functionality.
  • 🛑 Despite initial success, the final implementation faced issues with constant illumination instead of activation based on presence, indicating a need for redesign.
  • 📚 The creator invites viewers to download project files and provide feedback, showing a collaborative spirit for improvement and innovation.

Q & A

  • What was the main problem with the staircase mentioned in the script?

    -The main problem was that the staircase became dangerous and difficult to navigate in the dark because there was no adequate lighting solution in place.

  • Why did the author not want to use the big lights for the staircase?

    -The author did not want to use the big lights because they would disrupt the sleep mood and were not in line with the desired ambiance.

  • What was the author's solution to the lighting issue?

    -The author created modular and daisy chainable PCBs with LED strips that react to human presence, aiming to install them next to each step of the staircase.

  • What was the赞助商 of the video and what service did they provide?

    -The video was sponsored by JLCPCB, who provided a new PCB layout service that includes design to production, component sourcing, and assembly.

  • How did the author attach the electronic components to the staircase?

    -The author used 3 pieces of 2m long timber beams that were cut to size and joined together to fit onto the staircase lip, then secured close to the staircase without causing damage.

  • What type of sensor was used in the project to detect human presence?

    -A VCNL4200 Infrared sensor was used, which can detect objects up to 1.5 meters away and has an integrated ambient light sensor.

  • What microcontroller was chosen for controlling the LED lights and distance sensor?

    -An Attiny402 microcontroller was chosen due to its small size, sufficient pins for all functions, integrated I2C for sensor communication, PWM capabilities, and programmability through a single pin.

  • What was the issue encountered when the author tried to use the PWM function?

    -The PWM function was not working as expected, and the author had to manually configure the timer B to fix the problem.

  • What was the final problem faced when all the PCBs were soldered together?

    -The final problem was that all the LEDs were constantly on, which indicated a failure in the communication between the PCBs and the proper functioning of the distance sensors.

  • How did the author attempt to fix the issue with the constantly on LEDs?

    -The author tried several solutions including adding a pull down resistor, flipping diodes, adding bigger capacitors to each board, and using smaller pull up resistors, but none of these attempts were successful.

  • What was the author's conclusion about the project?

    -The author concluded that a redesign of the board without a switching converter and with added filters to eliminate noise affecting the GND was necessary. Despite the frustration, the author intends to return to the project due to the appeal of the initial idea.

  • How can viewers help or engage with the author's project?

    -Viewers can help by downloading the project files from the video description and providing feedback on potential issues with the design.



💡 Staircase Lighting Problem and DIY Solution

The speaker discusses the issue of a dark staircase becoming hazardous at night and their aversion to using the main lights. They mention an unsuccessful search for pre-made lighting solutions online and describe their decision to create a custom solution involving modular, daisy chainable PCBs with LED strips that react to human presence. The speaker also highlights the video's sponsorship by JLCPCB, a company offering a comprehensive PCB layout service, and shares their approach to attaching the lighting solution to the staircase using wooden beams and an aluminum profile.


🛠️ Component Selection and PCB Design

The speaker details the selection process for the necessary electronic components, focusing on finding a suitable distance sensor. They chose the VCNL4200 Infrared sensor for its price and performance, and tested it with an Arduino development board. The speaker then explains the design of the PCB, emphasizing the importance of size accuracy and the ability to daisy chain the PCBs. They ordered 20 PCBs from JLCPCB, assembled the components, and programmed the Attiny402 microcontrollers, despite encountering issues with the PWM function which required manual timer configuration.


🔧 Implementation Challenges and Future Plans

The speaker describes the process of connecting the PCBs and writing code for the final project, acknowledging their limited programming skills. They faced challenges when the LEDs remained constantly on instead of responding to human presence as intended. Despite extensive troubleshooting, including repairing PCBs, adding capacitors, and adjusting resistors, the speaker was unable to resolve the issue fully. They concluded that a redesign of the board is necessary and expressed their intention to return to the project later, inviting viewers to download the project files and provide feedback.



💡LED strip

An LED strip is a flexible circuit board with a series of surface-mounted light-emitting diodes (LEDs). In the video, the creator aims to install small LED strips next to each step of the staircase to provide illumination without disturbing the sleep mood. The LED strips are a key component in the creator's solution to the problem of dark stairs, and they are designed to be modular and daisy chainable for easy installation and synchronization.

💡Daisy chainable PCBs

Daisy chainable PCBs, or Printed Circuit Boards, are designed to be connected in a series, where each board is linked to the next without a central hub or controller. This design allows for the efficient transmission of data or power between multiple devices. In the context of the video, the creator has designed modular PCBs that can be daisy chained to light up each step of the staircase, responding to human presence and creating a seamless lighting system.

💡Human presence detection

Human presence detection refers to the ability of a device or system to identify when a person is nearby. This is often achieved through sensors that can detect changes in light, heat, or movement. In the video, the creator wants the lights to turn on only when a person approaches, enhancing both convenience and energy efficiency. The use of a proximity sensor is central to the creator's vision for an intelligent and responsive staircase lighting system.


A microcontroller is a small computer on a single integrated circuit chip, which contains a processor, memory, and input/output peripherals. It is used to control and manage the functions of electronic devices and systems. In the video, the microcontroller plays a crucial role in managing the LED lights, sensor data, and communication between the daisy-chained PCBs, allowing for individual step illumination upon detecting a person's presence.

💡LED driver

An LED driver is a device or circuit that provides the necessary current to an LED to produce light. It regulates the power supply to ensure the LED operates efficiently and has a long lifespan. In the context of the video, the AL8860 LED Driver is used to step down the 12V input voltage and allow for a controlled current flow of approximately 150mA through the LEDs, which is the maximum they can handle for optimal performance.


A schematic is a representation of the components and connections in an electrical circuit or system. It serves as a visual guide for the design and construction of electronic devices. In the video, the creator's schematic outlines the design of the PCB, detailing the components and their interconnections, which is essential for transforming the idea into a functional electronic system.


Arduino is an open-source electronics platform that consists of hardware (various boards with microcontrollers) and software (a development environment for writing and uploading code). It is widely used for prototyping and developing electronic projects. In the video, the creator uses Arduino to test the VCNL4200 sensor and develop example code, which is a crucial step in validating the functionality of the chosen sensor before integrating it into the final PCB design.


Programming involves writing and modifying code to create software or control electronic devices. It requires knowledge of programming languages and an understanding of the system being controlled. In the video, programming is key to the operation of the microcontroller, which controls the LED lights and processes sensor data. The creator had to learn how to program the Attiny microcontrollers to achieve the desired functionality of the staircase lighting system.


In electronics, noise refers to unwanted electrical signals that can interfere with the proper functioning of a circuit. It can be caused by various factors, such as electromagnetic interference or high-frequency fluctuations. In the video, the creator encounters high-frequency noise on the power lines, which disrupts the normal operation of the LED lights and necessitates the addition of capacitors and a redesign of the PCB to mitigate the issue.

💡Pull up resistor

A pull up resistor is an electronic component used to ensure that a signal line is held at a high (or 'pulled up') logic level when it is not being actively driven by another device. It helps to prevent the line from floating to an undefined state, which can cause erratic behavior in digital circuits. In the video, the creator realizes that forgetting to add a pull down resistor for the input led to issues with the system, and they had to flip 14 diodes on the staircase to use the integrated pull up resistor of the Attiny to fix the problem.


JLCPCB is a company that offers PCB manufacturing and assembly services, as well as a layout service that assists customers in transforming their schematics into PCB designs, sourcing components, and assembling the final product. In the video, JLCPCB is mentioned as the sponsor and the service provider for the PCBs used in the creator's project, highlighting their all-in-one solution for PCB production, especially for complex designs.


The creation of modular and daisy chainable PCBs for staircase lighting that reacts to human presence.

The use of an LED strip-inspired design for the PCBs to ensure easy mounting next to a staircase.

The development of a solution that avoids the use of rechargeable lights and extensive wiring, respecting the user's preferences and constraints.

The innovative approach to utilize the staircase's lip by attaching a wooden structure to it for mounting the lighting system.

The integration of an aluminum profile for the LED strip to enhance the aesthetics of the staircase lighting.

The selection of a VCNL4200 Infrared sensor for its affordability and capability to detect objects up to 1.5 meters, suitable for the staircase width.

The use of an Attiny402 microcontroller for its compact size and sufficient functionality for the project's requirements.

The design of a PCB with specific dimensions to accommodate the LED lights, driver, sensor, and microcontroller for individual step activation.

The implementation of a 5V and 3.3V regulator to power the sensor and microcontroller within the PCB design.

The decision to use the AL8860 LED Driver to efficiently step down the input voltage for optimal LED performance.

The process of turning the schematic into a PCB design, ensuring precise sizing and the ability to daisy chain the PCBs.

The assembly of the PCBs, including soldering components and testing the functionality of the LEDs, driver, and sensor.

The challenge of addressing high-frequency noise on the power lines and the iterative troubleshooting process to resolve the issue.

The realization of the need for a redesign to incorporate a switching converter and filters to eliminate noise affecting the system's performance.

The offer of project files for download and an invitation for community feedback to improve the design, fostering collaboration and open-source innovation.

The commitment to revisit and refine the project despite the setbacks, demonstrating perseverance and passion for the initial idea.