I tried 50 different AI tools and here’s the best! BYE CHATGPT…

AI Master
16 May 202310:29

TLDRIn this video, the creator compares various AI chatbots to ChatGPT, including BingAI, Google's Bard, Perplexity Ai, and Chatsonic. Each AI is tested with questions ranging from baking a chocolate cake to calculating the distance between London and Mumbai in bananas. While ChatGPT performs well overall, Bing stands out for its accurate math calculations, helpful cooking advice, and creative ad writing. The video concludes that while each AI has its strengths, Bing is a strong alternative to ChatGPT, particularly for search-like prompts and conversational interactions.


  • 🔍 The video compares various AI chatbots, including ChatGPT, BingAI, Google's Bard, Perplexity Ai, and Chatsonic.
  • 🍰 When asked to provide steps for baking a chocolate cake, all AIs list ingredients and instructions, but ChatGPT includes a friendly wish for enjoyment.
  • 🥚 In response to egg substitution, ChatGPT offers a detailed alternative recipe, while Bard provides a less intuitive list of substitutes.
  • 📏 The video presents a creative question about the distance between London and Mumbai in bananas, with ChatGPT initially misunderstanding the unit of measurement.
  • 🍌 After clarification, ChatGPT estimates over a million bananas, while other AIs like Bard and Bing provide different measurements and calculations.
  • 🌟 When discussing the meaning of life, ChatGPT gives a standard, non-personal answer, whereas Bard's response is more motivational and inspiring.
  • 📣 For the creative task of writing a 30-second ad for socks with printed faces, ChatGPT's initial attempt is bland but improves with further prompting.
  • 📝 Chatsonic and Perplexity perform poorly in recipe and mathematical tasks, with Chatsonic failing to provide ingredients and Perplexity denying the possibility of measurement in bananas.
  • 🤖 Bing AI stands out with its toggle for style and its detailed response to the no-eggs problem, including effects on the cake.
  • 🏆 In conclusion, while each AI has its strengths and weaknesses, Bing is considered the best alternative to ChatGPT for its accuracy, creativity, and user-friendly responses.
  • 🎉 The video encourages viewers to experiment with different AIs and provides a prompt pack with a 50% discount for enhancing their ChatGPT experience.

Q & A

  • What was the main purpose of the comparison in the video script?

    -The main purpose was to evaluate and compare various AI models against ChatGPT to see which one performs better in answering a set of questions.

  • Which AI models were compared against ChatGPT in the video?

    -BingAI, Google’s Bard, Perplexity Ai, and Chatsonic were the AI models compared against ChatGPT.

  • How did ChatGPT handle the question about baking a chocolate cake without eggs?

    -ChatGPT provided a list of alternative ingredients that could be used as an egg substitute, but the response was not as intuitive as desired.

  • What was the strange response from ChatGPT when asked to calculate the distance between London and Mumbai in bananas?

    -ChatGPT incorrectly calculated the distance by dividing miles by ounces, resulting in a nonsensical figure of 14 million bananas.

  • How did Google's Bard handle the question about the meaning of life?

    -Bard provided a motivational and inspiring response, offering different perspectives and options to choose from.

  • What was the major issue with Chatsonic's response to the chocolate cake recipe?

    -Chatsonic only provided steps without listing the ingredients, which is not helpful for someone looking to bake a cake.

  • What was Bing's unique feature that stood out in the comparison?

    -Bing's unique feature was the toggle that allows users to choose the style of the response (creative, balanced, or precise).

  • How did Bing handle the 'no-eggs problem' in the chocolate cake recipe?

    -Bing provided substitutes with their weights and explained how each would affect the cake, which is beneficial for novice cooks.

  • Which AI model was considered the best alternative to ChatGPT according to the video?

    -Bing was considered the best alternative to ChatGPT due to its humor, accuracy, and friendly interaction style.

  • What was the final verdict on which chatbot is the true king according to the video script?

    -The final verdict was not definitive, as each AI had its own strengths and weaknesses, but Bing was highlighted as a strong contender.

  • What additional resource was offered in the video for enhancing the use of ChatGPT?

    -A pack of ready-made prompts was offered to help users improve their experience with ChatGPT, available at a discounted price with the code AIMASTERPIECE.



🤖 Showdown of AI Models

This paragraph introduces a comparison of various AI models, including ChatGPT, BingAI, Google's Bard, Perplexity Ai, and Chatsonic. The author sets the stage for an epic showdown where these AIs will be tested with the same set of questions to determine which one performs the best. The first AI to be tested is ChatGPT, with questions ranging from baking a chocolate cake, handling a lack of eggs, calculating the distance between London and Mumbai in bananas, understanding the meaning of life, to creating a 30-second ad for socks with printed faces. The paragraph details the strengths and weaknesses of ChatGPT in these tasks, setting a baseline for comparison with other AIs.


🏆 Google's Bard and Other AIs in the Competition

The second paragraph focuses on the performance of Google's Bard, Chatsonic, and Perplexity Ai in the given tasks. The author critiques Bard for its shortcomings in providing a complete recipe and handling egg substitutes, while also noting its incorrect calculation of distance in bananas. Chatsonic and Perplexity are highlighted for their lack of detail in initial responses and failure to perform simple math, respectively. The paragraph also touches upon the creative aspects of the AIs, with Bard's motivational response to the meaning of life and its lackluster sock ad, and the author's overall impression that ChatGPT still holds relevance despite the challenges posed by other AIs.


🌟 Bing AI: A Promising Alternative

The final paragraph discusses the author's experience with Bing AI, highlighting its unique features such as toggleable styles (creative, balanced, or precise) and its performance in the tasks. Bing AI is praised for its detailed response to the cake recipe, including frosting and visual aids, and its effective handling of egg substitutes. The author also commends Bing's accurate mathematical calculations and its motivational response to the meaning of life. However, limitations are noted, such as the 20-response chat limit. Bing AI's creative and engaging responses to the ad task, especially when asked for a funnier version, are appreciated. The paragraph concludes with the author's endorsement of Bing AI as the best alternative to ChatGPT, despite its limitations.



💡AI models

AI models refer to artificial intelligence systems designed to perform specific tasks, such as language understanding, generation, or problem-solving. In the context of the video, the creator is exploring various AI models to compare their capabilities and effectiveness. The video mentions several AI models like ChatGPT, BingAI, Google’s Bard, Perplexity Ai, and Chatsonic, each with unique features and performance levels in handling different tasks.


ChatGPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI that is known for its conversational abilities and wide range of knowledge. In the video, it is used as a baseline for comparison against other AI models. The creator assesses its performance in various tasks, such as recipe instructions, problem-solving, and creative writing.


BingAI, also known as Bing, is an AI developed by Microsoft that is integrated into the Bing search engine. It offers features like style toggling for responses and real-time web access for up-to-date information. In the video, BingAI stands out for its accurate math calculations, detailed egg substitute advice, and creative ad suggestions.

💡Google’s Bard

Google’s Bard is an AI model developed by Google that uses the proprietary PaLM language model. It is designed to provide real-time responses and access to the web for relevant information. In the video, Bard is compared to ChatGPT and other AI models in terms of recipe instructions, problem-solving, and creative tasks.

💡Perplexity Ai

Perplexity Ai is an AI model mentioned in the video that seems to be designed for specific copywriting needs. It does not perform well in the general tasks tested, such as providing a complete recipe or handling mathematical problems, and it even states that calculating the distance in bananas is impossible.


Chatsonic is an AI model discussed in the video that appears to be more tailored for providing steps and references rather than comprehensive instructions. It performs poorly in the video's tests by not including ingredients in its responses and not effectively handling the 'no-eggs' scenario.

💡Recipe Instructions

Recipe instructions are detailed steps provided to guide someone through the process of cooking or baking a specific dish. In the video, the creator asks various AI models to provide instructions for baking a chocolate cake, which serves as a test of their ability to deliver clear and comprehensive guidance.


Problem-solving refers to the ability to identify, analyze, and resolve issues or challenges. In the context of the video, the AI models are tested on their problem-solving skills by asking how they would handle a recipe without eggs and calculating a distance in an unconventional unit of measurement (bananas).

💡Creative Tasks

Creative tasks involve using imagination and original thought to produce something new or innovative. In the video, the AI models are challenged with creating a 30-second ad for socks with printed faces, which tests their ability to think outside the box and generate engaging content.

💡Meaning of Life

The meaning of life is a philosophical and existential question that seeks to understand the purpose or significance of life. In the video, the AI models are asked about the meaning of life to assess their ability to provide thoughtful and meaningful responses.


Comparison is the act of evaluating similarities and differences between two or more items to determine their relative merits. In the video, the creator compares different AI models by asking them the same questions and tasks to see which one performs the best across various challenges.


The author compares various AI chatbots to find the best alternative to ChatGPT.

ChatGPT provides a detailed chocolate cake recipe including ingredients and cooking instructions.

ChatGPT's response to the 'eggless cake' question is straightforward and practical.

ChatGPT's attempt at measuring distance in bananas results in a humorous and incorrect calculation.

Google's Bard uses a unique PaLM language model and has real-time web access.

Bard's advice on baking a cake without eggs is less intuitive than ChatGPT's.

Bard's average banana length for distance measurement is 7 inches, differing from ChatGPT.

Chatsonic's performance is underwhelming, providing only steps without ingredients or detailed instructions.

Perplexity AI struggles with understanding the recipe query and providing accurate mathematical calculations.

Bing AI offers a toggle for style selection and provides a recipe for cake frosting, a unique feature.

Bing's approach to the 'no-eggs' problem is comprehensive and informative.

Bing's accurate and precise calculation of the distance between London and Mumbai in bananas.

Bing's response to the meaning of life includes a motivational note, different from ChatGPT's neutral stance.

Bing's creative and effective 30-second ad script for socks with people's faces.

The author concludes that Bing is the best alternative to ChatGPT, offering a friendly and engaging user experience.

A special discount is offered for a pack of prompts to enhance the use of ChatGPT.

The video encourages viewers to experiment with different AI chatbots to find the one that suits their needs.