IDLES - Gift Horse (Mix Lyrics)

27 Jan 202413:44

TLDRThe transcript appears to be a mishmash of lyrics from various songs, possibly set to a musical background. It touches on themes of self-empowerment, love, and societal critique. References to entities like the 'Undertaker' and 'plastic pyramids' suggest a commentary on modern culture and perhaps the superficiality of certain aspects of life. The lyrics also express a desire for freedom and authenticity in relationships and life choices. The overall tone is energetic and rebellious, with a strong emphasis on individuality and personal agency.


  • 🎶 The script seems to be a mishmash of lyrics from various songs, possibly indicating a music-themed video or presentation.
  • 🚀 The phrase 'explode things from chrome Hooves' could suggest a powerful and energetic start, possibly metaphorically describing a creative or innovative breakthrough.
  • 🏃 The repeated use of 'go' and variations thereof might symbolize movement, progress, or a journey.
  • 🕰️ References to time, such as 'watch watch my my go go far watch', may emphasize the importance of time or urgency.
  • 💡 The line 'my seed SE our dreams are made he my' could be about personal growth and the realization of dreams.
  • 💰 The mention of 'just got paid not your' might indicate a theme of independence or self-reliance.
  • 🎵 Lyrics like 'sing your empire songs' could suggest a message about expressing oneself and creating one's own narrative.
  • 👑 The phrase 'the king she ain't the king' challenges traditional power structures and may imply a shift in societal norms.
  • 💧 The question 'are you hydrated baby' could be a metaphor for well-being and self-care.
  • 🌍 The mention of 'plastic pyramid' and 'unbox Paradise' might be a commentary on consumerism and the disposable culture of modern society.
  • 🚫 The lyrics 'I don't need a Bad, Religion to practice what they preach in, church' express a stance on personal beliefs and the rejection of dogma.

Q & A

  • What is the theme of the song that discusses the importance of staying true to oneself and not conforming to societal expectations?

    -The theme revolves around individuality and self-empowerment, emphasizing the importance of personal authenticity over societal pressures and expectations.

  • How does the lyric 'my baby she she's so raw' reflect the singer's perception of their partner?

    -The phrase 'my baby she she's so raw' suggests that the singer admires their partner's genuine and unfiltered nature, appreciating their authentic self-expression.

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'the king she ain't the king' in the context of the song?

    -The phrase 'the king she ain't the king' challenges traditional power structures and norms, suggesting that the singer's partner holds a power and significance that transcends conventional titles and roles.

  • What does the term 'plastic pyramid' metaphorically represent in the song?

    -The 'plastic pyramid' metaphorically represents superficial and temporary achievements or possessions that lack true value and significance in life.

  • How does the song use the concept of 'hydration' as a metaphor for personal well-being and relationships?

    -The song uses 'hydration' as a metaphor for emotional and physical health, suggesting that maintaining a balanced and nourished state is essential for both personal well-being and the health of relationships.

  • What is the underlying message in the lyrics about not needing a Bad Religion or a politic to guide one's actions?

    -The underlying message encourages self-reliance and personal integrity, stating that one should not rely on external authorities or systems to dictate their values and behavior.

  • How does the song express a desire for freedom and autonomy in the line 'I don't need a needle in me'?

    -The line 'I don't need a needle in me' communicates a yearning for independence and self-determination, rejecting the idea of being controlled or influenced by external forces.

  • What is the significance of the repeated use of the word 'watch' in the song?

    -The repeated use of 'watch' in the song serves as a call to pay attention and be mindful of one's actions and surroundings, emphasizing the importance of awareness and presence.

  • How does the mention of the 'Spinx' and 'the Nile' in the song contribute to the overall narrative?

    -The mention of the 'Spinx' and 'the Nile' adds a layer of historical and cultural depth to the song, connecting personal experiences and emotions to broader human history and the timeless nature of love and desire.

  • What is the emotional impact of the song's ending with the repeated phrase 'never love Chicago'?

    -The repetition of 'never love Chicago' at the song's conclusion conveys a complex mix of longing, regret, and unresolved feelings, leaving a lasting emotional impression on the listener.



🎶 Musical Explosion and Life's Journey

This paragraph is a vibrant blend of music and lyrics that encapsulate a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It begins with an energetic musical explosion, symbolizing the start of a new chapter. The lyrics touch upon themes of independence, as the narrator mentions not needing a 'blue can' and running in a direction that seems uncertain yet determined. The mention of 'gold' could symbolize the pursuit of success or the achievement of goals. The repetition of 'watch' and 'go' suggests a focus on time and progress, emphasizing the importance of moving forward. The paragraph also highlights the power of dreams and the joy of receiving a reward, as indicated by 'my seed SE our dreams are made.' The celebration of love and the beauty of a partner is another key theme, with the narrator expressing gratitude for a strong and supportive relationship. The paragraph concludes with a reflection on the king metaphor, suggesting that the true power lies within oneself.


🏺 Pyramids of Modern Life

This paragraph delves into a critique of modern society, symbolized by the 'plastic pyramids.' It suggests a commentary on consumerism and the superficiality of material possessions. The mention of 'the Spinx' and 'the Nile' brings in historical and cultural references, possibly to contrast the depth of past civilizations with the shallowness of contemporary life. The lyrics imply a sense of disillusionment with the current state of the world, where people are encouraged to 'save your money for another slice.' There's a call to action for self-reflection and safety, with the repeated phrase 'the safest way to play.' The paragraph also touches on themes of self-worth and the struggle against societal constraints, as indicated by the lines 'I don't need a Bad Religion' and 'I don't need a politic.' The message seems to be about finding one's own path and staying true to oneself despite external pressures.


💔 Love and Reflection in the Windy City

This paragraph is a poignant exploration of love and regret, set against the backdrop of Chicago. The narrator expresses a deep longing for a lost love, with the repeated question 'am I good' suggesting a struggle with self-doubt and the desire for validation from a past partner. The lyrics convey a sense of yearning and sadness, as the narrator reminisces about the times they had together and the pain of separation. The phrase 'eyes off so I can only see your eyes' captures the intense focus and connection that the narrator felt with their loved one. The paragraph ends with a lingering sense of melancholy, as the narrator remains fixated on their memories of 'Chicago' and the love that they left behind.




The term 'explode' refers to the act of bursting violently and suddenly, often associated with a loud noise and the release of energy or material. In the context of the video, it may metaphorically represent a sudden outburst of emotion or energy, as suggested by the line 'se you explode things from chrome Hooves', which could imply a powerful and dynamic start to the narrative or performance.

💡blue can

A 'blue can' could represent a literal object or symbolize a specific item or concept within the video's narrative. The phrase 'we don't need blue can' suggests that the blue can might symbolize something unnecessary or irrelevant to the characters or the situation they are in, emphasizing a sense of independence or self-sufficiency.


The word 'gold' often signifies wealth, success, or high value. In the script, 'he looks a little long in the gold' might be a metaphorical way of describing someone's appearance or demeanor as being grand or distinguished, possibly indicating a sense of achievement or importance within the context of the video.


Dreams are commonly understood as aspirations or goals that individuals strive to achieve. The line 'my seed SE our dreams are made he my' suggests that the video might be about the pursuit of personal ambitions or the realization of one's potential. It implies that dreams are a central theme and a driving force for the characters.


A 'generator' is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. In the context of the video, the phrase 'he moves like a generator' could metaphorically suggest that the character has a powerful, energizing presence that fuels or propels others, much like how a generator provides power.


An 'Undertaker' is traditionally a person who manages the burial or cremation of the deceased. The mention of 'Undertaker handing out passes to meet, your, maker' in the script could be a poetic way of referring to the inevitability of death or the end of a journey, adding a layer of depth to the video's theme of life and its transient nature.


The term 'king' typically denotes a male monarch, a ruler, or a person of great power and authority. In the line 'the king she ain't the king', it might be used symbolically to challenge traditional power structures or to suggest a shift in roles and expectations, potentially indicating a theme of empowerment or a subversion of norms within the video.


Being 'hydrated' refers to the state of having sufficient water in the body to maintain proper physiological functions. The phrase 'are you hydrated baby' could serve as a metaphor for emotional or spiritual nourishment, suggesting a concern for the well-being of the characters in the video beyond just physical health.


A 'pyramid' is a structure with a square base and triangular sides, often associated with ancient civilizations. The script's repeated mention of 'plastic pyramid' might symbolize the temporary or superficial nature of modern achievements compared to the lasting legacy of historical monuments, indicating a commentary on societal values and the pursuit of immortality.


An 'engineer' is a professional who designs, develops, and tests technological solutions. The line '泵 it up like an, engineer' could imply the application of skill and ingenuity to overcome challenges or to enhance the quality of something, possibly suggesting a theme of innovation or problem-solving within the video's narrative.


Freedom refers to the state of being free from coercion, restraint, or confinement. The script's emphasis on 'live it if I can't it, fre' and 'your strings on me' suggests a strong desire for autonomy and resistance against being controlled or manipulated by external forces, which could be a central theme of the video.


Chicago is a major city in the United States known for its rich history and cultural significance. The repeated mention of 'Chicago' in the script might indicate a specific setting or serve as a symbol for a place of importance to the characters, possibly representing a personal connection or a significant turning point in their lives.


The concept of 'exploding things' is metaphorically introduced, possibly symbolizing a sudden realization or change.

The mention of 'chrome Hooves' could be a creative way to describe a fast-paced, powerful movement.

The phrase 'we don't need blue can' suggests a disregard for traditional methods or tools, emphasizing innovation.

The line 'Tut he looks a little long in the gold' might be a metaphor for someone feeling out of place or overwhelmed by success.

The repetition of 'watch watch my my go go far' conveys a sense of urgency and the importance of seizing the moment.

The phrase '5 look it, go look how it, go look at' seems to be a call to action, urging to observe and engage with the surroundings.

The mention of 'my seed SE our dreams are made' could be a poetic way of expressing the nurturing of aspirations and ideas.

The line 'dream blck I just got paid not your' emphasizes individual achievement and self-reliance.

The concept of 'generator' being used to describe someone's movement suggests a continuous, powerful, and inspiring energy.

The phrase 'Undertaker handing out passes to meet your maker' is a vivid and dark metaphor for the inevitability of time and fate.

The repetition of 'Fu CC my C go go' might be a representation of a chant or a mantra, emphasizing determination and resilience.

The line 'my baby she she's so raw' portrays a sense of authenticity and unfiltered emotion in a relationship.

The phrase 'she talks me straight when I'm doing wrong' highlights the importance of open communication and guidance in a partnership.

The mention of 'sing your empire songs' could be a call to express one's identity and heritage through art and culture.

The concept of 'the king she's the king' challenges traditional gender roles and promotes equality.

The question 'are you hydrated baby' brings attention to basic needs and care in a relationship.

The metaphor of 'plastic pyramid' could represent the temporary and superficial aspects of modern society.

The line 'unbox Paradise save your money for another slice' might be a critique of consumerism and the pursuit of material possessions.

The phrase 'you feel pretty small this world is far beneath me' conveys a sense of empowerment and self-worth.

The mention of 'the Spinx the Nile' brings in historical and cultural references, adding depth to the narrative.

The repetition of 'pump it up like an engineer' might be a call to action for innovation and progress.

The phrase 'you were deflated for too long' could symbolize overcoming obstacles and regaining confidence.

The line 'it's the safest way to play God' might be a commentary on the importance of caution and responsibility.

The mention of 'Bad Religion' and 'politics' suggests a critique of societal institutions and their influence.

The phrase 'I don't need a pill to fix me' emphasizes self-reliance and the拒绝 of external solutions.

The repetition of 'still blood in this' might be a metaphor for enduring passion and vitality.

The line 'I can't live for you' suggests the importance of self-sufficiency and personal fulfillment.

The mention of 'Chicago' could be a nod to a specific place or culture, adding a personal touch to the narrative.