Welp Here We Are On YouTube
28 Feb 202409:02

TLDRIn this video, the hosts discuss a new artist alert for the band 'Idols' and their song 'Gift Horses' from the upcoming album 'Tank T N G.' They appreciate the audio's quality despite its noisy nature and draw comparisons to early Faith No More and Red Hot Chili Peppers. The hosts enjoy the song's fun and eccentric vibe, hoping for more exposure for the band.


  • 🎶 The video features a discussion about a new artist alert for the band 'Idols' and their song 'Gift Horses' from the upcoming album 'TANK TNG'.
  • 👀 The band 'Idols' is described as having a 'ridiculous' and unique style, with their content being engaging and a bit noisy.
  • 🎧 The video focuses on listening to the audio of the song 'Gift Horses' as the music video is considered a bit crazy.
  • 🤔 The song is described as challenging and interesting, with the hosts appreciating the complexity and noise of the music.
  • 🎤 The lyrics of 'Idols' are mentioned to be crazy, prompting the hosts to read along while listening to the song.
  • 🌟 The hosts draw comparisons between 'Idols' and influential bands Faith No More and Red Hot Chili Peppers, noting the mix of their styles.
  • 💃 The song 'Gift Horses' is described as fun and energetic, with the hosts enjoying singing along and imagining being at a concert.
  • 👥 The video script includes a personal anecdote about listening to music on Sydney Island, relating to the experience of listening to 'Idols'.
  • 📈 Despite the band having a small online presence, the hosts express their support for smaller and independent bands like 'Idols'.
  • 🎉 The hosts wish 'Idols' more exposure and express their interest in listening to more of their music, highlighting the positive reception.
  • 🙌 The video concludes with thanks to the patron Tyler for the song suggestion, showing appreciation for the community's involvement.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the video?

    -The main theme of the video is a discussion and reaction to a new song by a band called Idols, specifically their song 'Gift Horses' from the upcoming album 'Tank T N G'.

  • How did the hosts describe the band Idols?

    -The hosts described the band Idols as being 'ridiculous' in a positive way, indicating that their music and style is unique and attention-grabbing.

  • What was the viewer's initial impression of the song 'Gift Horses'?

    -The viewer, Tyler, described the song as 'a bit noisy' and mentioned that the music video was 'a little bit crazy', suggesting a high-energy and possibly overwhelming first impression.

  • How did the hosts react to the audio of 'Gift Horses'?

    -The hosts appreciated the audio and found it enjoyable, with one of them mentioning that they like being challenged by overwhelming songs.

  • What upcoming album is 'Gift Horses' from?

    -'Gift Horses' is from the band Idols' upcoming album titled 'Tank T N G' with a 'K'.

  • What did Tyler mention about the lyrics of the song?

    -Tyler mentioned that the lyrics of the song could be 'pretty crazy', indicating that they might be unconventional or thought-provoking.

  • Which bands did the hosts compare Idols to when discussing their sound?

    -The hosts compared Idols' sound to a mix of Faith No More and Red Hot Chili Peppers, specifically mentioning the early stages of these bands' careers.

  • How did the hosts describe the singer's style?

    -The hosts described the singer's style as a mix of the first singer from Faith No More and Anthony Kiedis' vocals, with a sonic beat and heavy bass reminiscent of the punk beginnings of Red Hot Chili Peppers.

  • What was the hosts' overall impression of the song 'Gift Horses'?

    -The hosts had a positive impression of 'Gift Horses', finding it fun, engaging, and musically interesting. They enjoyed singing along and felt that it would be a great song to play in various scenarios.

  • What did the hosts wish for the band Idols?

    -The hosts wished Idols more exposure and expressed interest in listening to more of their music, indicating their support for smaller or independent bands.

  • What was the hosts' final verdict on the song 'Gift Horses'?

    -The hosts' final verdict was positive, with one of them stating that they would absolutely listen to more from Idols and thanked Tyler for the song choice.



🎶 Introducing New Artist 'Idols' and Song 'Gift Horses'

The paragraph begins with an enthusiastic introduction to a new artist named 'Idols' and their song 'Gift Horses'. The hosts express their excitement about the song, despite it being described as noisy and the music video as crazy by one of their patrons, Tyler. They appreciate the opportunity to listen to the audio, as it allows them to focus on the music rather than being overwhelmed by visual elements. The song is noted to be from the band's upcoming album 'tank t n g with a K', and there is anticipation around the unique sound and potential challenging nature of the song. The hosts also discuss the importance of lyrics and the possibility of them being as intriguing as the music itself.


🎵 Analyzing Influences and Style of 'Idols'

In this paragraph, the hosts delve into the possible influences behind 'Idols' music, drawing comparisons to early stages of Faith No More and Red Hot Chili Peppers. They note the mix of different styles, including the Sonic beat of Faith No More and the punk elements of Red Hot Chili Peppers. The hosts express their delight in discovering and supporting smaller, independent bands like 'Idols'. They mention the band's YouTube page and the small number of views, indicating that the band is relatively unknown. The hosts share their positive experience of the song, describing it as fun and engaging, and they even sing along. They also speculate on the band's potential eccentricity, likening them to Mike Patton of Faith No More. The paragraph concludes with a hope for more exposure for 'Idols' and a thank you to Tyler for introducing them to the band.




The term 'ridiculous' in the context of the video refers to the hosts' self-description of their channel and the content they produce. It implies that they create content that is absurd, over-the-top, or comical. This is evident when they repeatedly use 'ridiculous' to emphasize the nature of their channel and the video they are presenting. The keyword sets a tone for the video that is light-hearted and not meant to be taken too seriously.

💡new artist alert

A 'new artist alert' is a term used in the music industry to draw attention to emerging musicians or bands that are worth noticing. In the video, the hosts are using this term to introduce the band 'Idols' as a new artist that their viewers should be aware of. It signifies that the band is fresh and has the potential to make an impact in the music scene.

💡music video

A 'music video' is a short film or video that is produced for a song, usually featuring a combination of music and visual storytelling. In the context of the video, the hosts mention that the music video for 'Idols' song 'Gift Horses' is a bit crazy, suggesting that it has a unique and possibly unconventional visual component.

💡noisy song

A 'noisy song' typically refers to a musical piece that is characterized by a loud, chaotic, or dissonant sound. In the video, one of the patrons describes the song 'Gift Horses' as noisy, which could imply that the song has a high energy level, complex instrumentation, or unconventional sounds that make it stand out.

💡upcoming album

An 'upcoming album' refers to a collection of musical recordings that are scheduled to be released in the near future. In the video, the hosts mention that the song 'Gift Horses' is from the band 'Idols' upcoming album 'tank t n g with a K', indicating that new music from the band is anticipated and will be available soon.


In music, 'lyrics' are the words of a song. They often convey a story, theme, or message and are a crucial element of a song's overall impact. In the video, the hosts refer to the lyrics of 'Gift Horses' as 'pretty crazy', suggesting that the song's words are unconventional or thought-provoking.


In the context of music, 'influences' refer to the artists, bands, or styles that have had a significant impact on a musician's or band's sound or creative approach. The hosts of the video speculate that 'Idols' might have been influenced by bands like Faith No More and Red Hot Chili Peppers, based on the sound of their song 'Gift Horses'.


The term 'eccentric' describes someone or something that is unconventional, quirky, or deviates from the norm. In the video, the hosts suggest that the band 'Idols' and their music might be eccentric, implying that their style and presentation are unique and different from what is typically expected.

💡singing along

The phrase 'singing along' refers to the act of joining in with the singing of a song, usually because one enjoys the music and feels connected to it. In the video, the hosts mention that they were singing along to the song 'Gift Horses', indicating that they found the song engaging and enjoyable.


In the context of the music industry, 'exposure' refers to the act of increasing the visibility or awareness of an artist or band among a wider audience. The hosts express their hope that 'Idols' will gain more exposure, meaning they wish for the band to reach more listeners and potentially grow in popularity.

💡great pick

The phrase 'great pick' is used to express approval or commendation for a choice that has been made. In the video, the hosts thank their patron Tyler for introducing them to the band 'Idols', indicating that they believe the song 'Gift Horses' is a good example of the band's work and worth sharing with their audience.


New artist alert for the band 'Idols'.

The band's upcoming album is titled 'tank t n g with a K'.

The song 'Gift Horses' is described as noisy and the music video as a bit crazy.

The lyrics of 'Idols' are noted to be crazy as well.

The song 'Gift Horses' is a mix of influences from Faith No More and Red Hot Chili Peppers.

The band's music is fun and keeps moving, encouraging listeners to sing along.

The bass in 'Gift Horses' is particularly impressive.

The band 'Idols' might have an eccentric stage presence similar to Mike Patton.

The song 'Gift Horses' is great for various scenarios and is enjoyable in the car.

The band has a small YouTube presence but has garnered positive reactions.

The song is reminiscent of a mix between early stages of Faith No More and Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Listeners who don't usually enjoy this type of music were tapping their feet to the song.

The band 'Idols' is hoped to get more exposure for their unique sound.

The song 'Gift Horses' is considered a great pick by Tyler.

The overall reaction to 'Gift Horses' is very positive, with a desire for more from the band.

The band 'Idols' is praised for their cool and unique sound.

The song 'Gift Horses' ends with a great production quality.