Ingraham: Trump was always one step ahead

Fox News
25 Mar 202408:10

TLDRIn 'The Ingraham Angle', Laura Ingraham discusses the challenges faced by legal forces in New York, Georgia, and D.C. to penalize Donald Trump before the election. She highlights a significant reduction in the appeal bond amount by the New York appellate court and criticizes the perceived double standards in legal treatment. Ingraham points out the contrast between the harsh treatment of Trump and leniency towards other criminals, suggesting a political motivation behind these legal actions. She also addresses criticisms from various political figures and media, arguing that the legal battles against Trump reflect a broader disdain for his supporters, while questioning the integrity of the opposition's political strategies.


  • 📺 Laura Ingraham discusses legal efforts in New York, Georgia, and D.C. aimed at penalizing Trump before the election, emphasizing challenges these efforts face.
  • 🛡️ The New York appellate court significantly reduced the bond for Trump's case from $454 million to $175 million, indicating a setback for his opponents.
  • 🔥 Ingraham highlights perceived media disappointment and bias against Trump, noting their expectations of harsher financial burdens on him.
  • 💬 Commentary on the legal system treating Trump differently, with critics alleging that he benefits from special treatment.
  • 🚨 Discussion on the notion of due process and fairness, comparing Trump's rights to those of illegal immigrants before deportation.
  • 🔴 Outlines the comparison of Trump's bail situation to high-profile cases like Bernie Madoff and Sam Bankman-Fried, suggesting a disproportionality in Trump's case.
  • 📌 Fani Willis's determination to proceed with legal action against Trump, despite obstacles, is highlighted as a sign of ongoing legal battles.
  • 📝 Accusations of Trump engaging in a grift, using other people's money for legal defenses, are critiqued by Ingraham as hypocrisy from his critics.
  • 🛠 Ingraham argues that attacks on Trump also disparage his supporters, positioning Democrats as having no constructive agenda beyond opposing Trump.
  • 🌐 Portrays the Democratic strategy as relying on fear-mongering and avoiding direct engagement, such as debates, due to a lack of defensible positions.

Q & A

  • What was the focus of Laura Ingraham's segment on 'The Ingraham Angle'?

    -The focus was on the legal challenges faced by Donald Trump in New York, Georgia, and D.C., particularly the attempts to incarcerate or financially drain him before the election.

  • What significant legal development regarding Trump was discussed?

    -A New York appellate court reduced the bond amount set by Judge Engoron for Trump to appeal a case from 454 million to 175 million dollars.

  • What did Laura Ingraham say about the left's reaction to the appellate court's decision?

    -She noted a palpable disappointment among the left and mocked other cable networks' expectations and preparations for a different outcome outside the Manhattan courthouse.

  • How did Laura Ingraham compare Trump's situation to other high-profile legal cases?

    -She compared it to Bernie Madoff and Sam Bankman-Fried, highlighting the disproportionate nature of Trump's bail amount despite the banks doing their due diligence and there being no victims.

  • What argument did Laura Ingraham make regarding the treatment of Trump versus violent criminals in New York?

    -Ingraham argued that violent criminals and drug dealers in New York are being treated more leniently than Trump, who is being pursued despite the lack of a clear crime.

  • What did Laura Ingraham say about the efforts of Fani Willis in relation to Trump?

    -Ingraham mentioned that Fani Willis, despite ongoing legal battles, said she is on track with her case against Trump, implying a continued legal challenge.

  • How did Laura Ingraham describe the perceived double standards in the legal treatment of Trump?

    -She criticized the double standards and hypocrisy in the legal system, contrasting the outrage over Trump receiving any rights with the protection of due process rights for illegal immigrants.

  • What critique did Laura Ingraham offer about the portrayal of Trump by his political opponents?

    -Ingraham criticized the portrayal of Trump as a grifter by his opponents, suggesting a lack of transparency and fairness in their criticisms and comparing it to their handling of omnibus bills.

  • What does Laura Ingraham imply about the media's role in the political landscape concerning Trump?

    -Ingraham implies that the corporate media, acting as surrogates for Joe Biden, are complicit in a campaign to demonize Trump and his supporters, justifying bending legal and political norms to prevent his candidacy.

  • According to Laura Ingraham, how do Democrats view Trump supporters?

    -Ingraham suggests Democrats ridicule and defame Trump supporters, attempting to delegitimize their choice by portraying them as supporters of a 'bad guy' for president.



🔍 Legal Battles and Public Perception

Laura Ingraham opens with a discussion on the ongoing legal battles against Donald Trump in New York, Georgia, and D.C., emphasizing the challenges faced by prosecutors to hold Trump accountable before the election. She highlights a significant reduction in the appeal bond amount set by a New York appellate court, from $454 million to $175 million, as a setback for those seeking to limit Trump's financial capabilities. Ingraham criticizes the media and legal commentators for their perceived bias and double standards in the treatment of Trump, comparing his case to other high-profile cases like Bernie Madoff and Sam Bankman-Fried, arguing that Trump's situation is unique due to his lack of direct victims. She points out the disparity in legal treatment between Trump and violent criminals in New York, suggesting a politicized justice system that targets Trump unfairly.


🔄 Political Strategies and Voter Sentiment

The second segment focuses on the political dynamics surrounding Trump's legal and financial challenges. Laura Ingraham critiques the left's narrative and strategies, suggesting they are motivated by political animus rather than justice. She references Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis's continued efforts against Trump, portraying these legal pursuits as politically motivated. Ingraham argues that attacks on Trump are, by extension, attacks on his 74 million voters, accusing Democrats of attempting to disenfranchise these voters by disqualifying Trump from future ballots. She questions the integrity of the Democrats' political strategy, accusing them of employing lawfare, exploiting racial divisions, and fear-mongering over abortion rights to undermine Trump and his base, highlighting a broader strategy to bypass traditional political debates in favor of legal and media-driven attacks.



💡Legal Forces

In the context of the video, 'legal forces' refers to the prosecutors and legal systems in New York, Georgia, and D.C. that are described as actively seeking to prosecute or financially burden Donald Trump before the election. The term highlights the perceived concerted effort by these legal entities to target Trump, suggesting an intense legal scrutiny that goes beyond normal legal proceedings, driven by political motives. The video implies that these forces are struggling to achieve their goal, as evidenced by a court decision that reduced an appeal bond amount significantly.

💡Appellate Court

The 'Appellate Court' mentioned in the script refers to the judicial authority that reviewed and subsequently reduced the bond amount set by Judge Engoron for Trump to appeal his case from $454 million to $175 million. This term is crucial for understanding the judicial process of appeals and the significance of higher courts in reviewing lower court decisions. The reduction of the bond amount is presented as a setback for those who oppose Trump, highlighting the appellate court's pivotal role in the ongoing legal battles.

💡Due Process

The term 'Due Process' is central to the video's critique of the legal actions against Trump, suggesting that the legal challenges he faces are unfair and violate the principle of fair treatment under the law. Due process is a constitutional guarantee that ensures all legal proceedings will be fair and that individuals will be given notice of the proceedings and an opportunity to be heard. The script contrasts the concern for due process rights for certain groups, like immigrants before deportation, with the perceived eagerness of some to deny these rights to Trump, framing it as a double standard.

💡Special Treatment

Within the video, 'special treatment' refers to the allegation that Donald Trump receives preferential treatment from the legal system, which is ironically countered by the speaker, who argues that it is actually Trump's opponents who benefit from such treatment. This concept is discussed in relation to the reduced bond amount and the broader legal challenges Trump faces. The narrative suggests that while Trump's critics accuse him of benefiting from 'special treatment,' the real inequity lies in the system's bias against him.

💡Political Corruption

This term is used to express concern over Trump's ability to secure funds through means that might involve unethical or illegal activities, with implications of 'political corruption.' In the video, it is mentioned as a risk if Trump is not prevented from moving assets. 'Political corruption' generally refers to the misuse of public power for private benefit, and in this context, it highlights fears about the potential for corrupt practices to influence the legal process and financial transactions.


The term 'grift' appears in the script as a descriptor of Trump's alleged modus operandi, implicating him in fraudulent schemes or obtaining money dishonestly. It's used to suggest that Trump exploits situations and people for personal gain, particularly through fundraising efforts related to his legal defenses. This keyword emphasizes the narrative of Trump as someone who perennially benefits from misleading others, a theme echoed by his critics within the script.

💡Legal Fees

The discussion of 'legal fees' in the video relates to the financial burdens associated with Trump's legal defenses. Critics argue that Trump is using donor money to cover these costs, suggesting a misuse of funds. The mention of legal fees serves to criticize Trump's financial management and fundraising practices, with an implication that his supporters might not be fully aware of or agree with where their donations are going.


In the video, 'transparency' is critiqued in the context of government spending and legislative practices, with a particular focus on omnibus bills. The script contrasts the call for transparency in political donations and legal processes involving Trump with the lack of transparency in government legislation, suggesting a double standard in how transparency is valued and applied.


Sam Bankman-Fried is mentioned as a point of comparison for the bail amount set for Trump. Bankman-Fried, a figure involved in a major financial scandal, had to post a significantly high bail, which is used to argue against the perceived disproportionality of Trump's bail amount. This comparison is deployed to highlight inconsistencies in the judicial system's treatment of different individuals based on the scale of their alleged offenses.


RICO stands for the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, a federal law designed to combat organized crime in the United States. In the video, there's a sarcastic inquiry about whether a political figure has 'figured out that RICO thing yet,' suggesting skepticism about the legal strategies employed against Trump. This reference to RICO underscores the ongoing debate about the appropriateness and effectiveness of certain legal frameworks in political legal battles.


Laura Ingraham opens the show discussing the legal challenges against Trump in New York, Georgia, and D.C.

New York appellate court reduces bond for Trump from $454 million to $175 million.

Media reactions to the appellate court's decision vary, with some expressing surprise at the reduction.

Discussion on whether Trump will be able to gather the reduced bond amount.

Criticism towards the legal system for allegedly giving Trump special treatment.

Comparisons of Trump's case to those of other high-profile figures with significant bail amounts.

Claims of no victims in Trump's case as loans were reportedly paid back in full.

Fani Willis continues to pursue legal action against Trump, unaffected by other proceedings.

Laura Ingraham criticizes those who overlook due process rights when it comes to Trump.

The notion of a 'Trump exception' to due process and basic fairness is introduced.

Ingraham points out the irony in critics' stance on transparency and legal fairness.

Discussion on the use of lawfare and political strategies against Trump.

Critics argue that Trump supporters disregard his alleged corruption.

The Democratic strategy is depicted as lacking a vision to restore America, focusing instead on criticism of Trump.

Assertion that ridiculing Trump and his supporters ignores the wishes of 74 million Americans.