Haberman: Former Trump lawyer's notetaking is 'disquieting' to Trump

11 Apr 202411:48

TLDREvan Corcoran, a former Trump lawyer and key witness in the classified documents case against the former president, has left Trump's legal team. Corcoran's meticulous notes on his interactions with Trump, including instances where Trump allegedly misled him about classified documents and encouraged him to lie to the Justice Department, have been crucial for prosecutors. His departure could signal potential challenges for Trump's defense as Corcoran's testimony could be highly damaging.


  • 📜 Evan Corcoran, a former Trump lawyer, has left Trump's legal team and is a key witness in the classified documents case against him.
  • 🔍 Corcoran's meticulous notes on his interactions with Trump have laid the groundwork for prosecutors and are crucial for the indictment.
  • 🚨 Trump allegedly misled Corcoran about the location of classified documents and encouraged him to lie to the Justice Department.
  • 🎤 A federal judge ruled that attorney-client privilege could not be used to shield Corcoran from investigators, making his testimony significant.
  • 🗣️ Corcoran's detailed voice memos and notes reveal instances where Trump suggested misleading the Justice Department about the documents.
  • 🤔 The departure of lawyers from Trump's team raises questions about the implications for Trump's legal strategy and the loyalty of his allies.
  • 📉 The pattern of Trump's lawyers leaving him and turning into witnesses or adversaries is a significant issue in his legal battles.
  • 👨‍⚖️ The role of attorneys working for Trump is challenging, with many facing legal and professional consequences after their association with him.
  • 🛑 The Trump legal team denies the allegations and maintains that Corcoran is still part of the team, despite evidence to the contrary.
  • 📅 The timing and impact of this development on Trump's upcoming trial in Manhattan is uncertain, but it is a noteworthy change in his legal representation.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of Evan Corcoran's departure from Trump's legal team?

    -Evan Corcoran's departure is significant because he is a key witness in the classified documents case against Trump. His meticulous notes and voice memos provide crucial evidence, as he was the one who searched for classified documents at Mar-a-Lago after a subpoena from the Justice Department.

  • How did Trump allegedly mislead Corcoran regarding the classified documents?

    -Trump allegedly misled Corcoran about the whereabouts of the classified documents and reportedly encouraged him to lie to the Justice Department.

  • What was the outcome of the effort to pierce attorney-client privilege in this case?

    -A federal judge ruled that the conversations between Trump and Corcoran could not be protected by attorney-client privilege due to the crime-fraud exception, as Trump was attempting to commit the crime of obstruction through Corcoran.

  • Why are Trump's lawyers leaving him, and what does this pattern indicate?

    -The pattern of lawyers leaving Trump indicates potential difficulties in representing him, as they may not want to be associated with his legal issues or may have concerns about their own legal and professional standing.

  • What role did Evan Corcoran play in the investigation at Mar-a-Lago?

    -Corcoran went through the storage room at Mar-a-Lago searching for classified documents after receiving a subpoena from the Justice Department. His detailed notes and voice memos helped lay the groundwork for the prosecutor's case.

  • How did the Trump legal team initially respond to the requirement for Corcoran to testify?

    -The Trump legal team fought against compelling Corcoran to testify, citing attorney-client privilege. However, a judge eventually ruled that he had to answer questions and could not refuse based on this privilege.

  • What is the importance of the detailed notes taken by Evan Corcoran?

    -The detailed notes taken by Corcoran are important because they provide a roadmap of interactions with Trump, including instances where Trump suggested misleading the Justice Department, which is crucial evidence for the prosecution.

  • What is the significance of the moment when Corcoran found classified documents at Mar-a-Lago?

    -The moment is significant because it shows that Trump was allegedly trying to hide the existence of certain documents, as he had moved them the day before Corcoran's search.

  • How has the departure of key attorneys from Trump's legal team impacted the ongoing cases?

    -The departure of key attorneys has left the legal team without consistent representation and expertise, potentially affecting the strategy and defense of the cases. It also highlights the challenges of representing Trump.

  • What was the reaction of Trump when he was informed about the discovery of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago?

    -According to Corcoran's notes, Trump made a plucking motion during the conversation, suggesting that Corcoran should take the documents to his hotel room and remove anything particularly incriminating.

  • What does the departure of Evan Corcoran from Trump's legal team indicate about the future of the case?

    -Corcoran's departure as a witness against Trump, rather than a legal representative, indicates a significant shift in the case. It suggests that the prosecution may have a strong case, and that Trump's legal challenges may be further complicated by the loss of a key attorney and witness.



📜 Departure of a Key Witness

This paragraph discusses the departure of Evan Corcoran, a significant attorney, from Donald Trump's legal team. Corcoran's role is crucial as he is a potential witness in the classified documents case against Trump. He had searched for classified documents at Mar-a-Lago after a subpoena from the Justice Department and allegedly was misled by Trump about their whereabouts. His meticulous notes on interactions with Trump laid the groundwork for the indictment, referring to Corcoran as 'Trump's attorney number one'. The paragraph highlights the importance of Corcoran's potential testimony and the impact of his departure on Trump's legal situation.


🧐 Attorney-Client Privilege and Its Consequences

This paragraph delves into the concept of attorney-client privilege and its breach in the case involving Donald Trump and Evan Corcoran. A federal judge ruled that the conversations between Trump and Corcoran were part of a crime, leading to the piercing of attorney-client privilege under the crime-fraud exception. Corcoran was compelled to testify and provide detailed notes of his conversations with Trump, which were instrumental for the prosecutors. The discussion emphasizes the significance of this legal development and its implications for Trump's case, as well as the broader context of Trump's legal team dynamics.


🤝 The Challenges of Trump's Legal Representatives

The paragraph focuses on the difficulties faced by attorneys working for Donald Trump. It highlights the history of Trump's lawyers, many of whom have faced legal troubles, lost their licenses, or been indicted. The conversation points out that representing Trump often leads to a tough and grueling job, with few professionals emerging unscathed. It also notes the high turnover rate of Trump's legal team, with original attorneys from various investigations and cases no longer part of the team. The paragraph underscores the challenges and risks associated with representing Trump, especially in high-profile cases.




Haberman refers to Maggie Haberman, a journalist and Trump biographer who is cited in the transcript as a source of information and analysis. She is known for her extensive reporting on the Trump administration and is currently a senior political correspondent for The New York Times. In the context of the video, Haberman provides insight into the departure of a key attorney from Trump's legal team and the implications of such a move.

💡Former Trump lawyer

The term 'Former Trump lawyer' refers to an attorney who previously represented Donald Trump in legal matters. In this context, it specifically points to Evan Corcoran, who has left Trump's legal team and is a significant figure in the classified documents case against the former president. His departure is noteworthy as he is considered a potential witness against Trump, given his firsthand knowledge and documentation of interactions.


Notetaking in this context refers to the practice of recording information, conversations, or events, which is a common method used by lawyers to document their interactions with clients and others. In the case of Evan Corcoran, his notetaking is particularly significant because it provides evidence that could be used against Trump in legal proceedings. These notes and voice memos offer a detailed account of conversations that could be pivotal in the case.


The term 'disquieting' describes a feeling of unease, concern, or anxiety that arises from a particular situation or piece of information. In the context of the video, it is used to describe Trump's reaction to the notetaking practices of his former lawyer, Evan Corcoran. The notes are disquieting to Trump because they could potentially be used as evidence against him in legal proceedings.

💡Classified documents

Classified documents are official records or materials that have been designated as confidential by a government due to the sensitive nature of the information they contain. In this video, the focus is on the alleged mishandling of such documents by Donald Trump, specifically after he received a subpoena from the Justice Department. The investigation revolves around whether Trump misled authorities about the location of these documents and whether he attempted to obstruct justice.


In this context, 'Trump' refers to Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, who is currently facing legal challenges related to his handling of classified documents and potential obstruction of justice. The video script details the legal issues surrounding Trump and the departure of key figures from his legal team.

💡Legal team

A legal team refers to a group of lawyers and legal professionals who work together to represent a client in legal proceedings. In this video, the term is used to describe the attorneys and professionals who were part of Donald Trump's defense in the classified documents case. The departure of a key attorney, Evan Corcoran, from this team is a significant event that could affect the strategy and outcome of the legal case.

💡Attorney-Client Privilege

Attorney-client privilege is a legal principle that protects the confidentiality of communications between a client and their attorney. This privilege encourages full disclosure by clients to their lawyers, which is deemed necessary for effective legal representation. However, the privilege can be waived or 'pierced' under certain circumstances, such as when the communication is in furtherance of a crime or fraud. In the context of the video, this privilege was challenged by prosecutors in relation to communications between Trump and his lawyers regarding the classified documents case.


An indictment is a formal legal accusation of a crime, typically issued by a grand jury. It is the document that outlines the charges against the accused and is the first step in the prosecution process. In the context of the video, the indictment refers to the charges brought against Donald Trump in relation to the handling of classified documents and potential obstruction of justice.

💡Justice Department

The Justice Department, also known as the Department of Justice (DOJ), is a federal executive department in the United States responsible for the enforcement of the law and administration of justice. In the context of the video, the Justice Department is the entity that issued the subpoena for classified documents to Trump and is conducting the investigation into the alleged mishandling of these documents.

💡Election interference

Election interference refers to the illegal or unethical actions taken to influence the outcome of an election. This can include a range of activities such as hacking into election systems, spreading disinformation, or engaging in other forms of manipulation. In the context of the video, it is mentioned as part of the legal issues facing Trump, specifically in relation to a federal case where he was represented by Evan Corcoran.


Evan Corcoran, a former Trump lawyer, has left Trump's legal team.

Corcoran is a potential critical witness in the classified documents case against Trump.

Corcoran searched the storage room at Mar-a-Lago for classified documents following a subpoena from the Justice Department.

Trump allegedly misled Corcoran about the whereabouts of the classified documents.

Trump reportedly encouraged Corcoran to lie to the Justice Department.

Corcoran had to testify before a grand jury investigating the case after a judge ruled he couldn't use attorney-client privilege.

Corcoran's meticulous notes about his interactions with Trump helped lay the groundwork for prosecutors to indict Trump.

The indictment referred to Corcoran as Trump's attorney 20 times.

Corcoran would likely be a key witness for the prosecution if the documents case goes to trial.

Corcoran recorded voice memos that turned into detailed notes about his conversations with Trump.

Trump suggested to Corcoran that he should mislead the Justice Department, as detailed in the indictment.

There was an unforgettable moment detailed in the indictment where Trump made a plucking motion during a conversation about the classified documents.

The FBI returned to Mar-a-Lago with a search warrant after Corcoran found classified documents.

Trump's legal team is denying that Corcoran has left the legal team, but sources confirm his departure.

Trump has a history of disliking when his lawyers take notes, which makes Corcoran's detailed notes particularly disquieting for Trump.

Corcoran's detailed note-taking suggests he anticipated needing to memorialize events at some point.

Trump has a history of lawyers leaving him, which can be problematic as these lawyers sometimes become witnesses or adversaries.

The Trump legal team has undergone significant changes, with many original attorneys no longer part of the team.

The dynamic between Trump and his legal team can be tense, especially during trials.