JUST NOW: BIDEN will not be Democratic Presidential Nominee for 2024

US Immigration
14 Apr 202413:46

TLDRSpeculations are rife that Joe Biden may not be the Democratic Presidential Nominee for 2024 due to his hinted intention to serve as a one-term president and current low poll numbers. The discussion revolves around potential replacements, with names like Michelle Obama and Gavin Newsom being tossed around. However, concerns regarding their political experience, public appeal, and readiness for the presidency are also highlighted. The narrative suggests that the Democratic party may be laying the groundwork to sideline Biden in the coming months, seeking a candidate who can better capture the Obama nostalgia and appeal to a broader voter base.


  • 📢 Joe Biden hinted in 2019 that he might be a one-term president, aiming to remove Donald Trump from office and then pass on leadership.
  • 🤔 There is speculation that Democrats may push for Biden to step down before the 2024 election due to his low approval ratings and perceived lack of confidence from the American public.
  • 🚨 The discussion around Biden's potential replacement has intensified, with some suggesting that his performance is not sufficient to win the upcoming election.
  • 🌟 Michelle Obama is mentioned as a potential candidate to replace Biden, despite her lack of political experience and presumed disinterest in politics.
  • 🔄 The Democratic party's attachment to identity politics makes it difficult for them to sideline Biden without nominating Kamala Harris, who also has low approval ratings.
  • 🗣️ There is skepticism about the possibility of Biden dropping out of the race, but worsening poll numbers could increase this likelihood as the Democrats have little to lose.
  • 💡 The narrative suggests that the Democratic establishment and possibly the 'Deep State' have decided that Biden no longer serves their purposes and are laying the groundwork for a new candidate.
  • 🔽 The editorial board's quote implies that Biden's age and memory issues are concerns, affecting his ability to continue as president.
  • 🏛️ There are concerns about the potential invocation of the 25th Amendment, which could forcibly remove Biden from office if his fitness for duty is deemed inadequate.
  • 🔮 The scenario of Biden not being the Democratic nominee for the 2024 presidential election is becoming more apparent and accepted among the public and political circles.

Q & A

  • What did Joe Biden hint at in 2019 about his presidency?

    -In 2019, Joe Biden hinted that he would be a one-term president, with his primary job being to get Donald Trump out of office and then hand over the leadership.

  • What is the speculated reason for Joe Biden not running for the 2024 Democratic Presidential Nominee?

    -The speculated reason is due to his low poll numbers and lack of faith and confidence from the American people, indicating that his candidacy might not be successful in the upcoming election.

  • What is the role of Kamala Harris in the context of Joe Biden's potential withdrawal from the 2024 race?

    -Kamala Harris, as the Vice President, would typically be the next in line if Joe Biden were to withdraw from the 2024 race. However, the transcript suggests that there might be considerations for other candidates due to her own low approval ratings.

  • What is the significance of the quote from the editorial board within the article?

    -The quote from the editorial board suggests that the Democratic establishment, including Joe Biden, was aware of his perceived limitations but chose to support him to prevent Bernie Sanders from winning the nomination and to avoid facing Donald Trump.

  • What are the three scenarios proposed to replace Joe Biden on the ballot?

    -The three scenarios proposed are: 1) Joe Biden announces at the Democratic National Convention that he can't continue his re-election campaign, leading to Michelle Obama being nominated; 2) Gavin Newsom is elected as the nominee at the convention; 3) Kamala Harris takes over the presidential mantle.

  • Why is Michelle Obama considered a potential replacement for Joe Biden in one of the scenarios?

    -Michelle Obama is considered due to her popularity and connection to the Obama era, which is seen as a time of nostalgia for many Democrats. However, she has never shown interest in a political career and has no significant political resume.

  • What are the criticisms against Kamala Harris as a potential replacement for Joe Biden?

    -Kamala Harris is criticized for her low approval ratings and the perception that she is not ready for the job of President. Her political record as Attorney General and Governor of California is also seen as a potential weakness.

  • What is the argument against the possibility of a Michelle Obama candidacy?

    -The argument against a Michelle Obama candidacy is that she has never shown interest in politics, has no significant political experience, and is currently enjoying a successful post-White House life, making it unlikely that she would want to step into the political arena.

  • What is the perspective on Gavin Newsom's potential candidacy?

    -Gavin Newsom's potential candidacy is seen as unlikely due to his record as Governor of California, which includes high taxes and poverty rates, as well as a net out-migration of residents to other states.

  • What is the main criticism of Joe Biden's presidency as presented in the transcript?

    -The main criticism is that Joe Biden's presidency is perceived as failing to unite the country, with his mental acuity being questioned and his policies not resonating with the American people, leading to low approval ratings.

  • What is the implication of Joe Biden's potential withdrawal from the 2024 race for the Republican party?

    -The implication is that it could present an opportunity for the Republican party, specifically for a candidate like Donald Trump, who could capitalize on the perceived weaknesses of the Democratic party and run on a platform of uniting the country.



🤔 Speculations on Biden's One-Term Presidency and Democratic Succession

This paragraph discusses Joe Biden's 2019 hint about serving as a one-term president, suggesting his primary role was to remove Donald Trump from office. It raises questions about the Democratic party's potential plans for the 2024 race, including the possibility of Biden being replaced. The conversation touches on Biden's cognitive abilities, the role of Kamala Harris, and the potential implications of a Biden withdrawal from the race. It also speculates on alternative candidates, such as Michelle Obama, and the challenges the Democratic party faces in maintaining a united front.


📉 Biden's Crumbling Presidency and the DOJ Report

The paragraph delves into the impact of a DOJ and special counsel report on Biden's candidacy, timing with his plummeting poll numbers. It suggests a strategy by the Democratic party and the deep state to sideline Biden in favor of a new candidate. The discussion includes the probability of a Michelle Obama candidacy, the media's role, and the potential for an honest debate about the next president. The skepticism around Biden's re-election prospects is highlighted, along with the political maneuvering that may be at play.


🤷‍♂️ Assessing the Democratic Party's Options for 2024

This segment explores three scenarios for the Democratic party's potential nominees if Biden does not run for re-election. The first scenario involves Michelle Obama being nominated at the Democratic National Convention, the second speculates on Gavin Newsom as a candidate, and the third acknowledges Kamala Harris as a potential successor despite low polling numbers. The discussion evaluates the viability of each scenario, considering the candidates' backgrounds, public perception, and policy records. The paragraph concludes with a prediction that the Democratic party may lean towards a candidate like Michelle Obama to avoid the 'Kamala Harris problem' and the identity politics associated with her nomination.



💡Democratic Presidential Nominee

The Democratic Presidential Nominee refers to the candidate chosen by the Democratic Party to run for the President of the United States in a given election cycle. In the context of the video, it is suggested that Joe Biden will not be the nominee for the 2024 election, implying a change in the party's leadership and direction.

💡One-term President

A one-term President is a leader who serves only a single term in office and does not seek or secure re-election. In the video, Joe Biden is described as having hinted at being a one-term president, suggesting that he may not run for re-election, which is a significant shift from the norm of most presidents seeking to continue their tenure.

💡Poll Numbers

Poll numbers refer to the public opinion data collected through surveys during an election cycle, reflecting the percentage of people who support a particular candidate. In the video, it is mentioned that Joe Biden's poll numbers are not favorable, indicating a lack of confidence from the public in his ability to lead, which may influence the Democratic Party's decision on their nominee for the 2024 election.

💡Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is the current Vice President of the United States and, according to the video, is being discussed as a potential replacement for Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee. However, her low approval ratings are highlighted as a concern, suggesting that her candidacy might not be the best strategy for the Democratic Party's success in the upcoming election.

💡Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama, the former First Lady of the United States and wife of the 44th President, Barack Obama, is mentioned in the video as a potential candidate to replace Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee. Despite her popularity and the residual appeal of the Obama presidency, the video questions her interest and qualifications for the role of President.

💡Gavin Newsom

Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California, is another figure discussed in the video as a potential nominee for the Democratic Party. However, his record as a governor is scrutinized, and it is suggested that his candidacy might not be favored due to the challenges faced in California under his leadership.

💡Elder Abuse

The term 'elder abuse' generally refers to the mistreatment or exploitation of elderly individuals. In the context of the video, it is used metaphorically to describe what the Democratic Party is accused of doing to Joe Biden by allegedly pushing him into a position he may not be fully equipped to handle, given his age and reported cognitive decline.

💡25th Amendment

The 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution outlines the procedures for replacing the President or Vice President in cases of death, resignation, or incapacity. The video suggests that there is a possibility of invoking the 25th Amendment in relation to Joe Biden, indicating concerns about his ability to continue serving as President.

💡Deep State

The term 'Deep State' refers to the idea of a group of unelected government officials, bureaucrats, and intelligence officers who allegedly wield significant influence and power behind the scenes, regardless of who is in elected office. In the video, it is implied that this 'Deep State' may be orchestrating a change in the Democratic Party's nominee for the presidency.


In the context of the video, the term 'puppet' is used metaphorically to describe a political figure who is controlled or heavily influenced by others, often behind the scenes. It is suggested that Joe Biden was seen as a puppet for the Democratic Party's interests, and that there may be plans to replace him with another candidate who would serve a similar role.

💡Identity Politics

Identity politics refers to political positions or actions that are based on the social, cultural, or ethnic identity of a candidate or a group of supporters. In the video, it is mentioned as a potential obstacle for the Democratic Party in sidelining Joe Biden, as they have previously emphasized the importance of diversity and representation in their political platform.


Joe Biden hinted in 2019 that he might be a one-term president.

Biden's job was to get Donald Trump out and then hand the baton off.

Democrats may pull Biden out of the 2024 race in May.

There is a discussion about Biden's cognitive abilities and memory.

Kamala Harris has low approval ratings, which might not help the situation.

The 25th amendment might be invoked if Biden's condition worsens.

Michelle Obama is mentioned as a potential replacement for Biden.

Gavin Newsom could be another candidate to replace Biden.

Kamala Harris is seen as not ready for the presidency by many.

The Democratic party might be looking for a fresh face for the 2024 election.

The idea of Biden not running for reelection is becoming more accepted.

Poll numbers are a significant factor in discussions about Biden's future.

There is a possibility that Biden might drop out as his polls sour.

The Republican party sees an opportunity to unite the country with their candidate.

The Democratic establishment might have known about Biden's condition and still propped him up.

Jill Biden's role in defending and leading Joe Biden is discussed.

The potential impact of a Biden withdrawal on the upcoming election is considered.