Things Will NEVER Be The Same Again

Solving The Money Problem
1 Apr 202423:43

TLDRThe transcript discusses the potential of Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) technology, highlighting the company's strategic move to offer demo drives to customers and the impressive progress made in autonomy. It emphasizes the significance of FSD's development, the inevitable increase in take rates as the software improves, and the potential for Tesla to dominate the robo-taxi market. The discussion also touches on the rules that prevent Wall Street analysts from including the potential of FSD in their valuation models until certain milestones are reached.


  • πŸš— Tesla is focusing on ensuring every customer gets a demo drive of FSD v12.3, showcasing its capabilities and potentially boosting word-of-mouth promotion.
  • 🌟 The strategic move from Tesla's top management aims to demonstrate the software's real-world application, which could significantly impact its adoption rate.
  • πŸ›£οΈ Tesla's FSD v12.3 is progressively improving, starting with highways, moving to city streets, and now focusing on parking lot navigation.
  • πŸš€ Tesla's last focus on parking suggests that it might be the least important aspect for their future autonomous taxi fleet, as parking would be less frequently used.
  • πŸ“ FSD v12.3's point-to-point navigation aims to drop passengers right at the entrance of their destination, similar to a taxi service, enhancing convenience.
  • πŸ” The progress of FSD software is being closely monitored by Wall Street, with expectations for it to reach 99.9% intervention-free operation in the near future.
  • πŸ’‘ Tesla is using a 'Trojan horse' strategy to get FSD on the roads, improving it through supervised driving and preparing for a future switch to unsupervised operation when safety profiles are high enough.
  • πŸ“ˆ The valuation of Tesla by fund managers won't include FSD as an asset until it transitions to unsupervised operation, due to regulatory and liability concerns.
  • πŸš• Tesla's potential entry into the robo-taxi market could revolutionize urban transportation, offering a cheaper and more convenient alternative to traditional ride-sharing services.
  • 🌐 The potential market for Tesla's robo-taxi service is enormous, with the possibility of generating billions in revenue and gross profit, transforming the company's valuation and business model.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of Tesla's FSD v12.3 and how is it being introduced to new customers?

    -Tesla's FSD v12.3 represents a significant advancement in autonomous driving technology. To ensure that every new customer is aware of this, Tesla's lead designer, France Von Hollen, has shown a photo of the Tesla team at a delivery center, demonstrating that every new customer not only receives their vehicle but also a demo drive of FSD v12.3. This strategic move is designed to increase understanding and acceptance of the technology.

  • What is the impact of Tesla's demo drives on FSD v12.3 adoption rates and word of mouth?

    -By providing demo drives of FSD v12.3, Tesla is likely to increase adoption rates and create positive word of mouth. This hands-on experience allows customers to directly witness the capabilities of the software, potentially leading to higher satisfaction and recommendation rates, which in turn could boost the software's usage and acceptance among the broader customer base.

  • How are Tesla's strategic moves influencing the perception of autonomous driving among the public?

    -Tesla's strategic approach, including demo drives and ensuring every customer gets to experience FSD v12.3, is gradually shifting public perception towards greater acceptance of autonomous driving. By demonstrating the practical application and safety features of the technology, Tesla is helping to alleviate concerns and build trust in the capabilities of FSD and autonomous vehicles in general.

  • What is the current status of Tesla's efforts in autonomous driving according to Joe X and Sawyer Merit?

    -According to Joe X, a former Airbnb executive who is now on Tesla's board, and Sawyer Merit, an influencer who shared insights from one of his followers, Tesla's full self-driving technology is delivering impressive results. Users have reported mind-blowing experiences, such as driving home to a different address without intervention, navigating two freeways, and choosing parking spots autonomously. This indicates that Tesla is making significant strides in its autonomous driving capabilities.

  • What is the significance of Tesla focusing on point-to-point navigation rather than parking in FSD v12.3?

    -The focus on point-to-point navigation over parking in FSD v12.3 highlights Tesla's strategic approach to autonomous driving. As parking is less critical for the operation of robo-taxis, which will autonomously pick up and drop off passengers, prioritizing navigation efficiency makes more sense for the business model. This indicates that Tesla is optimizing its technology to support the future of ride-sharing services rather than perfecting parking features.

  • What is the 'trojan horse strategy' mentioned by Gary Black in relation to Tesla's FSD?

    -The 'trojan horse strategy' refers to Tesla's method of getting the FSD software on roads to improve it through real-world use while enforcing supervision. This strategy allows Tesla to gather data and refine the technology without taking on unnecessary liability. It's a way for Tesla to gradually introduce and test the software, with the ultimate goal of transitioning to unsupervised autonomous driving when the safety profile is sufficient.

  • What are the implications of Tesla's FSD progress for Wall Street analysts and fund managers?

    -According to Gary Black, Wall Street analysts and fund managers are currently unable to include the potential of FSD in their valuation models due to the rules. They can only account for supervised FSD, which limits Tesla's valuation. However, once Tesla is comfortable with the safety profile and allows for unsupervised FSD in certain areas, the rules will change, and fund managers will be able to include FSD in their valuation models. This could lead to a significant reevaluation and increase in Tesla's stock value.

  • What is the potential market size for Tesla's FSD in the context of robotaxis?

    -The potential market size for Tesla's FSD in the context of robotaxis is enormous. Using Chicago as a baseline, it's estimated that a fleet of 10,000 vehicles could service the entire city's ride-sharing needs, generating significant revenue and profit. If this model were scaled up to the entire US urban population, the potential revenue and profit could reach into the hundreds of billions of dollars, not considering the potential global market.

  • How does Tesla's data lead in autonomous driving affect its competitive advantage?

    -Tesla's data lead in autonomous driving provides a substantial competitive advantage. The company has accumulated vast amounts of real-world driving data that it uses to improve its FSD software. This data lead means that other companies trying to catch up would need to invest billions of dollars to reach Tesla's current level of technology, and then surpass it, which is a significant challenge. As a result, it's likely that many companies will choose to license Tesla's technology rather than develop their own.

  • What is the role of Tesla Insurance in the company's long-term strategy?

    -Tesla Insurance is part of the company's long-term strategy to create a comprehensive offering around its vehicles and the FSD software. It's anticipated that Tesla will eventually offer liability insurance for FSD, covering the vehicles when they operate autonomously. This would be a natural extension of their current insurance offerings and would further solidify Tesla's position in the market, leveraging the data they have collected to accurately price the risk.

  • How does the current regulatory environment affect Tesla's deployment of FSD?

    -The current regulatory environment imposes certain restrictions on Tesla's deployment of FSD. Tesla is required to enforce supervision on the use of FSD to avoid taking on unnecessary liability. However, as regulations evolve and as Tesla demonstrates the safety and reliability of its technology, it's expected that the company will be able to gradually transition to unsupervised autonomous driving, which would significantly expand the potential use cases and applications of FSD.

  • What is the potential impact of Tesla's FSD on the traditional ride-sharing and taxi industries?

    -The potential impact of Tesla's FSD on the traditional ride-sharing and taxi industries could be substantial. With the capability of operating as robo-taxis, Tesla's vehicles could offer a more efficient, cost-effective, and potentially safer alternative to traditional ride-sharing services. This could lead to a shift in consumer preferences and disrupt the existing market dynamics, potentially commoditizing a significant portion of vehicle miles traveled in the US and beyond.



πŸš— Tesla's Strategic Demonstration of FSD v12.3

The paragraph discusses Tesla's strategic move to demonstrate the capabilities of its Full Self-Driving (FSD) software, version 12.3, to every new customer. This is done to ensure that customers understand the potential of the technology and to increase the adoption rate. The paragraph highlights Tesla's commitment to showcasing the software through demo drives at delivery centers, emphasizing the importance of customer experience and the potential impact on word-of-mouth marketing. It also mentions Joe X's experience with FSD v12.3 and his influence in promoting the software, as well as the potential for Tesla to shift from supervised to unsupervised FSD in the future, which could significantly alter the company's valuation and the automotive industry as a whole.


πŸ“ˆ Wall Street's Perspective on Tesla's FSD v12.3

This paragraph delves into the mindset of Wall Street analysts and their approach to evaluating Tesla's FSD v12.3 software. It explains that while they acknowledge the impressive progress made from v11 to v12.3, they are hesitant to increase Tesla's valuation unless there is a significant surge in FSD take rates or a clear transition towards level 4/5 autonomous capabilities. The paragraph also discusses the potential for Tesla to offer liability insurance for FSD, once the technology is ready for autonomous operation, and how this could revolutionize the insurance industry. Furthermore, it touches on the importance of adhering to valuation rules and the potential implications of FSD's progress on the overall market.


🌐 Estimating the Robotaxi Market Potential

The paragraph focuses on the potential market for Tesla's robotaxi service, using Chicago as a case study to estimate demand, fleet size, revenue, and utilization. It provides a detailed analysis of the costs associated with operating a fleet of robotaxis, including vehicle costs, maintenance, and insurance. The paragraph also discusses the potential profitability of such a service, with estimates suggesting significant revenue and profit potential. Additionally, it highlights the importance of understanding the data and being able to model the market effectively to grasp the full scope of the opportunity.


πŸš€ The Impact of Autonomy on Tesla's Valuation

This paragraph discusses the impact of achieving full autonomy on Tesla's valuation and the automotive industry. It emphasizes the importance of Tesla's data lead in the race to deploy safe robotaxis and the potential for other companies to license Tesla's technology. The paragraph also touches on the potential for Tesla to dominate the market due to its significant head start and the challenges faced by competitors in catching up. Furthermore, it encourages viewers to consider the implications of autonomy on Tesla's stock and to think critically about the potential opportunities and challenges ahead.


🌿 Promoting Health and Wellness with AG1

The final paragraph shifts focus from Tesla and FSD to promote a health supplement called AG1. It shares personal testimonials from users who have experienced increased energy, improved mental acuity, and better digestion after using the supplement. The paragraph emphasizes the benefits of having more energy and how it can lead to a healthier lifestyle, including more exercise and better diet choices. It also addresses skepticism towards the product, inviting critics to try it for a month and see the results for themselves, with the assurance of a money-back guarantee if not satisfied.



πŸ’‘FSD v12.3

FSD v12.3 refers to the latest version of Tesla's Full Self-Driving software. It represents a significant advancement in autonomous driving technology, as it aims to provide a more seamless and hands-off driving experience. In the video, the presenter discusses the impact of this software on Tesla's market position and its potential to revolutionize the automotive and ride-sharing industries.


Tesla is an American electric vehicle and clean energy company founded by Elon Musk. The company is known for its innovative approach to automotive technology, including electric vehicles and self-driving software. In the context of the video, Tesla is positioned as a leader in the development and deployment of autonomous driving technology, with FSD v12.3 being a key product in their portfolio.


Autonomy in the context of the video refers to the level of self-sufficiency a vehicle possesses in terms of driving without human intervention. The progression towards full autonomy is a central theme, with FSD v12.3 being a significant step towards achieving level 4 or level 5 autonomous capabilities, which would allow vehicles to operate completely without human drivers.


Robo-taxis are self-driving taxis that operate autonomously, picking up and dropping off passengers without the need for a human driver. The video discusses the potential of Tesla's FSD v12.3 software to enable Tesla vehicles to be used as robo-taxis, which could revolutionize the ride-sharing and transportation industries by reducing costs and increasing convenience.

πŸ’‘Wall Street

Wall Street is a metonym for the financial markets and the financial industry of the United States, particularly in New York City. In the video, it represents the collective mindset of financial analysts and fund managers who evaluate and invest in companies like Tesla. The video discusses how Wall Street's perception and evaluation of Tesla's FSD technology could impact the company's stock valuation and market outlook.


Valuation refers to the process of determining the economic value of an asset or company, often based on financial models and market conditions. In the context of the video, valuation is used to discuss the potential impact of Tesla's FSD technology on the company's stock price and market capitalization, as well as the challenges in accurately valuing the future potential of autonomous vehicle technology.

πŸ’‘Take rates

Take rates in the context of the video refer to the percentage of customers who choose to use a particular service or product, in this case, Tesla's FSD software. The video suggests that as the capabilities of FSD improve, more customers will opt for the service, leading to higher take rates and increased revenue for Tesla.


Liability refers to the legal responsibility for damages or injuries that may occur due to the use of a product or service. In the video, the discussion around liability pertains to the potential for Tesla to offer insurance for its FSD software, as well as the challenges in assigning liability in the event of accidents involving autonomous vehicles.

πŸ’‘Regulatory barriers

Regulatory barriers refer to the rules and regulations that govern the development and deployment of new technologies, such as autonomous vehicles. In the context of the video, these barriers could slow down or limit the adoption of Tesla's FSD technology, as the company and other stakeholders navigate the complex legal and safety requirements.

πŸ’‘Market disruption

Market disruption refers to the process by which an innovative product or service radically changes the dynamics of an existing market, often by displacing established players and business models. In the video, the potential for Tesla's FSD technology to disrupt the automotive and ride-sharing markets is a central theme, with the company's advancements in autonomous driving posing a significant challenge to traditional vehicle ownership and transportation services.


Investment in the context of the video refers to the financial resources required to develop and deploy new technologies, such as Tesla's FSD software. It also relates to the capital that investors, including individuals and institutions, allocate to companies based on their perceived potential for growth and profitability.


Tesla is on the verge of unlocking a massive opportunity with FSD v12.3, showcasing their commitment to customer experience through demo drives.

France Von holen, Tesla's lead designer, emphasizes the importance of ensuring every new Tesla customer receives a demo drive of FSD v12.3.

Joe X, a former Airbnb executive now on Tesla's board, shares a positive experience with FSD v12, highlighting its potential impact on customer perception.

Tesla's strategy involves a gradual rollout of FSD capabilities, starting with highways and city streets, and lastly focusing on parking.

The significance of Tesla's approach to parking in FSD v12.3, indicating a shift towards autonomous operation and the potential for robo-taxis.

Tesla's method of dropping customers off at their destinations, similar to a taxi service, showcases the practical application of FSD v12.3.

Gary Black's insights on Wall Street's perspective, emphasizing the importance of the rate of progress and Tesla's strategic decisions regarding FSD.

The potential for FSD to be included in valuation models once it reaches a certain level of autonomy and safety profile.

Tesla's cautious approach to avoid unnecessary liability, using a 'Trojan horse strategy' to improve FSD through supervised driving before full autonomy.

The inevitability of FSD take rates surging as the software's capabilities increase, offering a compelling value proposition to customers.

The potential for Tesla to offer liability insurance for FSD, leveraging their data to accurately price risk, once vehicles operate autonomously.

James Dmer's analysis, suggesting that Tesla's FSD could significantly disrupt the rideshare market and generate substantial revenue.

The potential for Tesla to dominate the autonomous vehicle market, given their data lead and safety advantage, making them the first choice for companies looking to license autonomy technology.

The importance of autonomy in evaluating Tesla's potential, with the expectation that it will be a game-changer for the company's valuation and market position.

The impact of increased energy and reduced cravings for sugar through the use of AG1, as reported by users, highlighting its potential health benefits.

The transformative effects of AG1 on users' mental acuity, stamina, and overall health, as shared in testimonials.

The potential for AG1 to help individuals overcome afternoon fatigue and increase productivity, as experienced by users.

The no-risk trial offered by AG1, allowing users to experience its benefits and request a refund if not satisfied.