Jake Diebler reviews Ohio State's second-round NIT win over Virginia Tech

Eleven Warriors
23 Mar 202410:18

TLDRThe transcript captures a head coach reflecting on his team's performance, emphasizing the importance of adaptability, aggression, and maturity. He discusses individual player development, particularly noting a player's growth in drawing fouls and impacting games on both ends. The coach also highlights the team's resilience in the face of challenges, such as choppy game flow and the need to balance tempo. Furthermore, he expresses gratitude for the support from fans and the positive impact it has on the team's performance.


  • 🏀 The coach emphasized the importance of waiting for the right moment to make big plays and trusting the players to perform under pressure.
  • 💪 The player Ry showed great toughness and ability to adjust his playstyle mid-game, particularly increasing his forcefulness as suggested.
  • 🚀 The team's collective maturity and toughness were crucial in maintaining focus during a choppy, foul-filled second half.
  • 🎯 The coach stressed the need for aggressive play, as it often leads to positive outcomes for the team.
  • 🏃‍♂️ Despite some careless turnovers, the team's tempo and pace were considered effective overall, with adjustments made as needed.
  • 🤕 An update on player Bruce was provided, with the expectation of recovery and support from the team.
  • 🙏 Scotty's anticipated return was mentioned, with a call for prayers and support for his quick recovery.
  • 🏆 The coach's strategy involves focusing on the team's strengths and preparing for a variety of potential opponents.
  • 🙌 The impact of the home crowd's support was acknowledged, with the team drawing energy from the fans' enthusiasm.
  • 🚫 The coach avoided preferring specific opponents, focusing instead on the team's performance and preparation.
  • 🏅 Recognition was given to player Felix's significant contributions on both offensive and defensive sides of the game.

Q & A

  • What was the player's initial condition mentioned at the beginning of the transcript?

    -The player had a hand or wrist issue but the details were not extensive.

  • How did the team respond to the trainer's guidance?

    -The team waited for the trainer's signal that the player was ready to proceed, and they trusted the player to make significant plays.

  • What characteristic of the player named Ry was highlighted?

    -Ry was noted for his great toughness, especially in the early stages of the game.

  • What was the coach's strategy for maintaining the team's focus during a game with many fouls and interruptions?

    -The coach emphasized leaning on the team's maturity and collective toughness, and encouraged them to stay aggressive and not let one play affect another.

  • How does the coach balance pushing the tempo with avoiding careless turnovers?

    -The coach aims for a balance, encouraging aggressive play but also reminding the team to be aware of the game's flow and not to rush shots.

  • What was the update on Scotty's status mentioned in the transcript?

    -Scotty was expected to return soon, and the team was praying for his quick recovery and support for his family.

  • How does Jameson contribute to the team's strategy at the free-throw line?

    -Jameson's ability to get fouled and score free throws puts pressure on the opposing team's defense, making him a valuable asset in their game plan.

  • What challenges does the coach face in preparing for games in a tournament setting compared to the regular season?

    -In a tournament, the coach has to rely on the team's strengths and focus on likely strategies without knowing the exact opponent, as opposed to the regular season where they have more time to prepare for specific teams.

  • How did the coach feel about the support from the home fans during the games?

    -The coach was very appreciative of the fans' support, noting that their energy and passion were evident and beneficial to the team's performance.

  • What was the coach's view on Felix's impact on the games?

    -The coach praised Felix for his rebounding, rim protection, and defensive instincts, as well as his growing offensive contributions, making him a valuable two-way player.

  • How does the team handle the pressure of each game being potentially their last in the tournament?

    -The team focuses on enjoying playing together, working hard to prepare, and embracing the opportunity to be among the few teams still playing.

  • What qualities does the coach admire in the player Colin, who was named Mr. Basketball in Ohio?

    -The coach admires Colin's toughness, intelligence, versatility, and most importantly, his love for Ohio State and commitment to the program.



🏀 Team Strategy and Player Development

The coach discusses the team's strategy, emphasizing the importance of waiting for the right moment to execute their game plan. He highlights a player named Ry, who demonstrated great toughness and the ability to make significant plays. The coach also talks about the growth of their relationship with Ry, noting his talent, basketball IQ, and ability to adjust during the game. Furthermore, the coach addresses the challenge of keeping the team focused amidst numerous fouls and a choppy game, emphasizing the team's maturity and collective toughness. He also shares insights on the balance between pushing the tempo and avoiding careless turnovers. The discussion concludes with comments on another player, Bruce, who had to leave the game due to an injury, and the anticipation of Scotty's return.


🎓 Coaching Philosophy and Fan Support

The coach elaborates on his coaching philosophy, particularly in preparing for games with limited information about the opponents, as is the case in the tournament setting. He credits his staff for effectively identifying key actions and concepts to focus on. The conversation shifts to the impact of the fans, with the coach expressing gratitude for their support during the two games. He acknowledges the energy the fans bring and how it positively affects the team's performance. Additionally, the coach discusses the contributions of a player named Felix, praising his defensive instincts and offensive growth, recognizing him as a valuable two-way player. The coach also reflects on the applause he receives during games, expressing appreciation for the recognition and support from the fans.


🏆 Embracing the Competitive Spirit and Future Outlook

The coach talks about the team's mentality and preparation for the upcoming games, emphasizing the importance of enjoying the journey and working hard to maximize their chances of success. He highlights the team's collective desire to continue playing and compete in the NCAA tournament, despite the initial disappointment of not being included. The coach also discusses the team's motivation to win a trophy and the competitive nature of the group. He concludes with comments on a player named Colin, praising his toughness, intelligence, and versatility, and expressing excitement for Colin's future within the program.




Toughness in the context of the video refers to the mental and physical resilience displayed by the players during the game. It is a key attribute that the coach appreciates and encourages, as it allows the players to persevere through challenges and continue to perform at a high level. The coach mentions the player showing 'great toughness' in the early going, indicating that this quality is crucial for the team's success.


Adjustments refer to the changes or modifications made to strategies or tactics during the game based on the evolving situation. The coach values a player's ability to make these adjustments without overthinking, which demonstrates a high basketball IQ and the capacity to adapt quickly. The video emphasizes the importance of a player's ability to adjust mid-game, as it is a sign of talent and understanding of the game.


Aggressiveness in this context is the proactive and assertive approach that the coach wants his players to have during the game. It involves taking initiative, making bold moves, and being active in both offense and defense. The coach believes that when a player is aggressive, it leads to positive outcomes for the team.


Maturity in the video refers to the emotional and mental development of the team, particularly their ability to handle challenging situations such as a choppy game or unfavorable calls without letting it affect their performance. It signifies the team's collective ability to stay focused and maintain their composure under pressure.

💡team dynamics

Team dynamics involve the interactions, relationships, and overall functioning of the team members. In the video, the coach speaks about the growth and strengthening of the bond among the team members, which positively impacts their performance on the court. A strong team dynamic is crucial for success, as it fosters trust, communication, and collective effort.

💡pace and tempo

Pace and tempo refer to the speed and rhythm at which the team plays the game. The coach discusses the strategy of pushing the tempo and the challenges of finding the right balance between moving quickly and not rushing their plays. It's about managing the game's speed to maximize their offensive efficiency and not allowing turnovers due to haste.


Recovery in the context of the video pertains to the process of rest and rehabilitation that a player undergoes after an injury. It is an essential aspect of sports performance, ensuring that players return to the game in the best possible condition. The coach mentions the importance of good recovery for the injured player, highlighting the support system within the team.

💡free throw

A free throw is a shot taken by a player without any defense, awarded after a foul. In the video, the coach discusses the strategy of getting a key player to the free-throw line to take advantage of his improved ability to score from there. This strategy is designed to put pressure on the opposing team's defense and increase the scoring opportunities for their own team.

💡defensive impact

Defensive impact refers to the influence a player has on the game's defensive side, including activities like blocking shots, stealing the ball, and preventing the opposing team from scoring efficiently. The coach emphasizes the importance of having players who can significantly affect the game's outcome through their defensive abilities.

💡two-way player

A two-way player is a term used to describe a basketball player who contributes significantly to both the offensive and defensive aspects of the game. The coach appreciates this quality as it means the player can influence the game in multiple ways, making them a valuable asset to the team.

💡fan support

Fan support refers to the encouragement and enthusiasm provided by the spectators during a game. It can significantly boost the morale and performance of the team. The coach acknowledges the positive impact of the fans' energy and passion on their team's performance.


The speaker mentions a player's hand and wrist issue, indicating an injury concern.

The team waited for a signal from Tony, showing trust and reliance on key players.

Ry's performance is highlighted, showcasing trust in his ability to make significant plays.

The speaker discusses the importance of toughness and how it was demonstrated early in the game.

The development of a strong bond between the coach and player Rody is emphasized.

The speaker praises Rody's basketball IQ and ability to adjust during the game.

The team's focus and ability to handle fouls and choppy game situations are discussed.

The strategy of pushing the tempo and the balance between speed and careful play is analyzed.

Bruce's injury and recovery status are mentioned, showing concern for player well-being.

Scotty's return and the anticipation of his comeback are highlighted.

Jameson's growth in getting to the free-throw line and his impact on the game are discussed.

The speaker shares insights on preparing for games in a tournament setting versus the regular season.

The impact of the fans on the team's performance is acknowledged and appreciated.

Felix's defensive and offensive contributions to the game are praised.

The significance of the team's participation in the N tournament and the mentality towards winning are discussed.

The recognition and applause for the head coach, Jake Dore, are mentioned.

The speaker talks about the competitive nature of the team and the goal to win the trophy.

The discussion about the high school basketball player Colin and his bright future is highlighted.