Press Conference: Second Round Virginia Tech vs. Baylor Pregame - 2024 NCAA Tournament

March Madness
24 Mar 202489:35

TLDRIn this transcript, the Baylor Bears and Virginia Tech Hokies women's basketball teams discuss their preparations and strategies for their upcoming NCAA tournament games. Coaches and players from both teams share insights on their opponents, the importance of rebounding and defense, and the impact of home court advantage. The Hokies reflect on their past experiences against Baylor and the growth of their players, while Baylor emphasizes the need to stay focused and not underestimate their opponents.


  • 🏀 The Baylor Bears and Virginia Tech Hokies discussed their upcoming game, highlighting the importance of defending the three-pointer and rebounding.
  • 🌟 Both teams acknowledged the intense atmosphere at Castle Coliseum and the support from their fans, which is expected to play a significant role in the game.
  • 🏆 The Baylor coaching staff emphasized the team's strengths in rebounding and defending, as well as the need to stay poised against Virginia Tech's offensive strategies.
  • 🚀 Virginia Tech's coaching staff discussed the team's adaptability and the importance of maintaining composure under pressure, especially against a strong defensive team like Baylor.
  • 🎓 Senior player Kayla King reflected on her career at Virginia Tech, expressing a focus on the team's success rather than personal emotions.
  • 🔥 Both teams recognized the challenge of facing a highly-ranked opponent like Baylor, with Virginia Tech's coach noting the growth and development of his players.
  • 🌱 The growth of Virginia Tech's younger players, such as Clara Stak and Carly Turner, was highlighted, with expectations for them to continue contributing significantly to the team's success.
  • 🤝 The Baylor Bears' coach praised the team's unity and communication, which are seen as key factors in their performance.
  • 🏃‍♀️ The importance of being aggressive and staying alert on the court was a recurring theme, with both teams emphasizing the need to be proactive in their gameplay.
  • 💪 Both teams showed confidence in their abilities, with a focus on leveraging their strengths to outperform their opponent in the upcoming game.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of Baylor's defense according to Dariana Littlepage?

    -The main focus of Baylor's defense, as emphasized by their coach, is being present on the catch and being aware of the shooters on the court.

  • How does Sarah Andrews describe the unique challenge presented by Virginia Tech, even without their best player?

    -Sarah Andrews describes the unique challenge as the increased hunger and motivation of Virginia Tech to play for their absent best player, making them a formidable opponent regardless of the absence of one key player.

  • What is the strategy of the Baylor team in dealing with the intense atmosphere of Castle Coliseum?

    -The strategy is to treat it as playing at home, using the noise and energy of the crowd to their advantage, and staying locked in and focused on their game plan.

  • What does Dariana Littlepage say about the importance of intentionality in the remaining games of the season?

    -Dariana Littlepage emphasizes the importance of being intentional and focused in the remaining games, as one missed play could cost them the game, and every challenge in the tournament is an opportunity that not everyone gets.

  • How does Sarah Andrews describe the team's current confidence level and readiness for the upcoming games?

    -Sarah Andrews believes the team is ready and excited to play, having learned from previous experiences and being more intentional in their approach to each game.

  • What was Coach Nikki Colin's reaction to the news about Kitley's absence?

    -Coach Nikki Colin expressed sadness at the situation and acknowledged the difficulty of the timing, but also emphasized that the team must not view their task as easier and must continue to play their best basketball.

  • How does Coach Colin describe the team's defensive strategy against three-point shooters?

    -Coach Colin explains that the team's defensive strategy involves denying one pass away, sticking to their fundamentals and principles, and playing hard off the bench. They aim to contest three-pointers and prevent drivers from beating them to the rim.

  • What is Coach Colin's perspective on the importance of embracing challenges in the tournament?

    -Coach Colin believes that embracing challenges is crucial, especially with a sold-out crowd and high stakes. She emphasizes that if a player isn't motivated to play in such an environment, they shouldn't be wearing the uniform.

  • How does Coach Brooks describe the evolution of Clara Stak from her freshman year to now?

    -Coach Brooks notes Clara Stak's increased aggression and natural instincts with the ball. He also highlights her development under coaching and learning from experienced players, while also emphasizing her individual growth and identity separate from other players.

  • What is the key factor for Virginia Tech's success in rebounding, according to the players and Coach Brooks?

    -The key factor for Virginia Tech's success in rebounding is the team's focus on outrebounding their opponents. They believe that whoever wins the rebound battle is likely to win the game, and they stress the importance of boxing out and finishing possessions.

  • How do the Virginia Tech players and Coach Brooks view the home court advantage at Castle Coliseum?

    -The Virginia Tech players and Coach Brooks view the home court advantage at Castle Coliseum as a significant factor. They acknowledge the loud and supportive atmosphere provided by their fans, which they believe gives them an edge in their games.



🎤 Press Conference Introduction and Baylor's Defensive Strategy

The paragraph begins with a humorous and chaotic conversation about chairs, setting a light-hearted tone. It then transitions into a formal press conference introduction, highlighting the presence of Baylor Bear student athletes Sarah Andrews and Dariana Littlepage. The conference emphasizes the importance of silencing cell phones and following media protocols. The first question addresses Baylor's defensive strategy, particularly their success in defending three-pointers, with the athletes attributing their coach's emphasis on awareness and aggressive play as key factors.


🏀 Discussing Challenges and Team Confidence

This paragraph continues the press conference, with the athletes discussing the unique challenges posed by teams like Virginia Tech, even in the absence of key players. The conversation shifts to the team's preparation for intense game environments, such as Castle Coliseum, and the strategies they use to counter such challenges. The athletes also reflect on their team's current confidence level and the importance of taking every game seriously in the tournament setting.


🤔 Reflecting on Past Games and Personal Growth

The paragraph involves the athletes and the coach reflecting on past games, personal growth, and the impact of coaching changes. The athletes discuss their memories of previous matches, the evolution of their team, and the influence of their coach's high basketball IQ. The coach, Nikki Colin, shares her approach to maintaining the team's national relevance and the importance of balancing basketball with education for student-athletes.


🏆 Preparing for Virginia Tech and Embracing Challenges

In this paragraph, the focus is on preparing for the upcoming game against Virginia Tech. The coach and athletes discuss the opponent's strengths, the emotional significance of the game, and the team's strategy to handle the pressure and challenges. The conversation emphasizes the importance of poise, teamwork, and embracing the competitive nature of the tournament.


🌟 Breakout Performances and Handling Success

The paragraph highlights the breakout performances of certain players and how the team handles success. The coach and athletes discuss the impact of a player's improved performance, the team's dynamic, and the importance of maintaining a consistent and poised approach to the game. The conversation also touches on the role of experienced players in guiding the team through the tournament.


🛠️ Adjusting to Changes and Building Team Dynamics

This paragraph focuses on the team's ability to adjust to changes, such as coaching transitions and player absences. The coach and athletes reflect on the growth of individual players and the team's overall development. They discuss the importance of understanding and exploiting opponents' weaknesses, the role of信仰 in the team's identity, and the impact of a quick turnaround in the tournament.


🎉 Final Game at Castle Coliseum and Legacy

The paragraph centers around a player's final game at Castle Coliseum and the legacy she leaves behind. The coach and athletes express their emotions about the game, the significance of the player's contributions to the program, and the impact of the fan support. The conversation also includes reflections on past experiences against Baylor and the anticipation of the upcoming game.


🤝 Coach Kenny Brooks' Thoughts on Team and Upcoming Matchup

In this paragraph, Coach Kenny Brooks shares his insights on the team's defense, the significance of the previous game against Baylor, and the importance of the homecourt advantage. He discusses the team's preparation for the matchup against Baylor, the growth of certain players, and the impact of the team's collective effort. The coach also reflects on the legacy of a retiring coach and the importance of advocacy for women's basketball.



💡Student Athletes

The term 'student athletes' refers to individuals who are both students and athletes, balancing their academic pursuits with their commitment to a sport. In the context of the video, this term is used to describe the individuals participating in the news conference, such as Sarah Andrews and Dariana Little, who are part of the Baylor Bear student athlete team. Their roles involve not only excelling in their sport but also maintaining their academic responsibilities.


In basketball, 'defense' refers to the strategies and actions a team uses to prevent the opposing team from scoring. The video script discusses the importance of a strong defense, particularly in guarding against three-pointers, which is a key strength of the Baylor team. The term is used to describe the tactical approach to stopping or limiting the opponent's scoring opportunities.


Rebounding in basketball involves recovering the ball after a shot is missed. It is a critical aspect of the game that can give a team additional scoring opportunities or prevent the opposing team from scoring. In the video, the athletes and coaches discuss the importance of rebounding as a key factor in their games and how it contributes to their team's success.


A 'three-pointer' in basketball is a shot taken from beyond the three-point line, with successful shots earning the shooting team three points. The video script highlights the significance of defending against three-pointers as a strategic element in the game. Teams with good three-point shooters can change the dynamics of a game quickly by scoring from long range.


In the context of the video, 'conference' refers to a sports league or a gathering where teams compete against each other. It is used to describe the various games and competitions that the student athletes participate in, such as the NCAA tournament or the ACC (Atlantic Coast Conference).


Coaching in this context involves the process of training, guiding, and strategizing with a sports team to help them improve their skills and performance. The video script features discussions about coaching philosophies, the impact of coaching changes, and the role of a coach in developing athletes both as players and as individuals.


Teamwork refers to the collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal. In sports, it involves communication, cooperation, and coordination among team members. The video emphasizes the importance of teamwork in executing strategies, supporting each other, and collectively contributing to the team's success.


Competitiveness is the desire to win or succeed, often demonstrated through effort and determination in a competitive environment. In the video, the term is used to describe the drive and motivation of the athletes and teams to excel in their games and tournaments.


Atmosphere in the context of the video refers to the environment or mood created during a sports event, particularly the energy and enthusiasm of the crowd. It can significantly impact the experience of the players and the outcome of the game.


In basketball, a 'turnaround' refers to the quick transition from offense to defense or vice versa, often necessitated by the opponent's actions. The video script discusses the challenges of preparing for games with short turnaround times, requiring efficient and effective use of limited preparation periods.


Baylor's student-athletes Sarah Andrews and Dariana Little discussed their team's defensive strategies and preparation for upcoming games in a press conference.

Dariana Little emphasized the importance of being aware of shooters and being aggressive in their defense, as coached by their coach.

Sarah Andrews highlighted the team's athleticism in closing out and getting back in front of passers, as part of their defensive approach.

The team's preparation for the intense atmosphere at Castle Coliseum was discussed, with Andrews comparing it to playing at home due to the noise and the team's home court advantage.

Chad B and KTX's Sarah discussed the challenges posed by Virginia Tech, even without their best player, due to their hunger and motivation to win for their teammate.

Baylor's student-athletes acknowledged the unique challenge of Castle Coliseum's environment and the need to stay focused and intentional in their gameplay.

The team's rebounding abilities were discussed as a key strength, with Sarah emphasizing their dominance on the boards in some games.

Dariana Little shared her reasons for joining Baylor, citing the legacy and the opportunity to be part of something great.

Sarah Andrews reflected on the team's growth and confidence level, especially after a strong game, and the importance of not taking any plays off.

The team's ability to handle quick turnarounds in the season was discussed, with bugs noting that it keeps them on their toes and prepared for such situations.

Coach Nikki Colin joined the press conference, providing insights into the team's strategies and her coaching philosophy.

Coach Colin discussed the challenge of facing Virginia Tech without their star player, Kitley, and how it makes the job of coaching easier but also tougher due to the emotional aspect.

The importance of embracing challenges and high expectations was highlighted by Coach Colin, emphasizing the team's goal to advance in the NCAA tournament.

Coach Colin's approach to keeping Baylor a nationally relevant program after taking over was discussed, focusing on being true to her coaching style and principles.

The impact of Sarah Andrews as a constant presence and leader on and off the court was discussed, highlighting her role in stabilizing the team and guiding her teammates.

Coach Colin's reflections on the coaching change at Baylor and how the team has adapted to new coaching styles and philosophies were shared.

The significance of the game at Castle Coliseum for Kayla King in her final collegiate game and the emotions tied to it were discussed.

Georgia Amore and Kayla King reflected on their past experiences against Baylor and how those memories influence their preparation and mindset for the upcoming game.

The team's defensive efforts against Marshall were praised by Coach Brooks, emphasizing their discipline and ability to execute the game plan.

Coach Brooks discussed the growth and development of Clara Stak and Carly Turner, especially in the context of increased playing time due to Liz Kitley's absence.

The importance of fan support and the home court advantage at Castle Coliseum was highlighted by Coach Brooks, who expressed pride in the team's fan base and their impact on the games.

Coach Brooks reflected on the legacy of Kayla King and her impact on the program, emphasizing her importance beyond statistics and her role as a leader and mentor.

The significance of facing a strong Baylor team and the preparations for the matchup was discussed, with Coach Brooks acknowledging the challenge and the team's readiness.

Coach Brooks shared his thoughts on the retirement of Katie Meyer, expressing admiration for her contributions to women's basketball and the ACC.