【最新】Loraモデル学習をGoogle Colabで作る方法解説。Kohya LoRA Dreambooth v15.0.0使用。【Stable Diffusion】

Shinano Matsumoto・晴れ時々ガジェット
19 Apr 202313:40

TLDRThis video tutorial explains how to create a Kohya LoRA Dreambooth model using Google Colab with version 15.0.0. It covers the preparation process, including uploading a square image to Google Drive and compressing it into a zip file. The tutorial then guides through mounting the drive, downloading the model, setting up the learning parameters, and starting the training process. It also discusses the caption method for image learning and the benefits of using Lora for its smaller size and efficiency. The video provides tips on optimizing the learning process and concludes with a brief mention of the instance class method for learning multiple concepts simultaneously.


  • 📌 Kohya LoRA Dreambooth v15.0.0 is a tool that can be used in collaboration with Google Colab for model training.
  • 🔗 A link to Kohya LoRA Dreambooth's Kohya Trainer is provided in the video description for easy access.
  • 🖼️ Users should prepare their images in a square format (512x512 to 1024x1024) and compress them into a zip file for upload to Google Drive.
  • 🚀 The script mentions that from this version onwards, the process has become more complex and may require a paid collaboration to avoid time limitations.
  • 📁 The script provides instructions on how to mount and execute operations with Google Drive within the Colab environment.
  • 🎨 The method of learning is divided into caption method and instance class method, with the script focusing on explaining the caption method.
  • 🏷️ The script explains how to use tagged images from anime image sites to enhance learning and how to automatically add captions and tags.
  • 🔄 The script advises on how to edit caption and tag files for accuracy and to exclude unnecessary tags.
  • 🏃‍♂️ The script provides guidance on selecting the appropriate model for learning, such as anyLora for anime or vae for other types of learning.
  • 🔧 The script offers tips on adjusting settings like min, snr, gamma for better learning outcomes and experimenting with these for optimal results.
  • 🛠️ The script concludes with advice on starting the training process and the benefits of using the instance class method for learning multiple concepts simultaneously.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is creating and using Kohya LoRA Dreambooth version 15.0.0 with Google Colab.

  • What is the first step in preparing for using Kohya LoRA Dreambooth?

    -The first step is to create a square image of about 512x512 to 1024x1024 and compress it into a zip file, then upload it to Google Drive.

  • How does the speaker describe the changes in the new version of Kohya LoRA Dreambooth?

    -The speaker describes the new version as being more complex and potentially running out of time if not part of a paid collaboration.

  • What are the two methods mentioned for using Kohya LoRA Dreambooth?

    -The two methods mentioned are the caption method and the instance class method.

  • What type of model is recommended for learning anime?

    -For learning anime, anyLora is recommended as it is reported to have better learning capabilities than other options.

  • How does the model handle tagged images from anime image sites?

    -The model automatically retrieves and adds tagged images from anime image sites, but this function is not executed if the user does not want it.

  • What is the purpose of the caption file and tag file created during the training process?

    -The caption file and tag file are created to help the user edit and check for any mistakes in the explanation for the actual image and tags.

  • What is the recommended setting for the min, snr, gamma numbers?

    -The recommended setting is to try different values such as 1, 5, and 999, as the smaller the value, the stronger the effect, and the larger the value, the weaker the effect.

  • How does the instance class method differ from the caption method?

    -The instance class method allows learning multiple concepts simultaneously, which can be beneficial for customizing Stable Diffusion models like Dreambooth.

  • What is the advantage of adding specific captions to images during the learning process?

    -Adding specific captions to images makes it easier to change certain aspects of the image when using the roller, such as making it easier to modify the hair part if 'long hair' is included in the caption.

  • What is the importance of the original image used for learning?

    -The original image is crucial as it affects how easily changes can be made. A well-balanced full-body bust image with a balanced hairstyle and a different background is recommended.



📚 Introduction to Kohya, LoRA, and Dreambooth 15.0.0

This paragraph introduces the user to the process of using Kohya, LoRA, and Dreambooth version 15.0.0. The speaker provides a step-by-step guide on how to access the Kohya Trainer through a link in the description and prepare an image for training by resizing it to a square and compressing it into a zip file. The speaker also mentions the potential challenges of using the system without a paid collaboration and the importance of checking the mount drive before proceeding. The explanation then shifts to the different methods available for training, such as the caption method and the instance class method, with a focus on the caption method in this session. The speaker emphasizes the importance of selecting the right model for learning, particularly for anime enthusiasts, and provides guidance on downloading and setting up the model. Additionally, the paragraph covers the process of uploading a zip file to Google Drive and the subsequent steps to prepare for training, including the automatic retrieval of tagged images and the creation of caption and tag files.


🛠️ Customizing and Executing the Training Process

This section delves into the customization options available during the training process. The speaker discusses the accuracy of the model and the options for inserting and deleting tags. The paragraph outlines the process of checking the model and setting the path for the base model and VAE if applicable. The speaker then provides instructions on saving the model to Google Drive and adjusting various settings such as the activation word, genre, and symmetry options. The paragraph also covers the impact of different parameters like min, snr, and gamma on the learning process, offering insights into how these can be adjusted for optimal results. The speaker shares personal experiences with these settings and encourages experimentation to find the best fit. The paragraph concludes with advice on selecting the appropriate batch size and saving frequency for the training process.


🚀 Starting the Training and Evaluating Results

The final paragraph focuses on the actual start of the training process and the evaluation of results. The speaker explains how to save the model at specific epochs and the importance of leaving certain settings at their default values. The paragraph also touches on the potential decrease in GPU usage rate and advises against it due to the slow pace. The speaker then discusses the uploading of the model to platforms like GitHub or Hugging Face, noting that they personally do not use this function often. The paragraph emphasizes the benefits of the instance class method for learning multiple concepts simultaneously and the advantages of using Lora for its small size and versatility. The speaker provides insights into the caption method, explaining how adding specific captions to images can influence the ease of making changes during the training process. The paragraph concludes with advice on selecting well-balanced images for training and the importance of diverse backgrounds and hairstyles in achieving the best results.




Lora is a model used in the context of machine learning and AI, particularly for image generation and manipulation. In the video, it is mentioned as a preferred option for those interested in learning anime styles, suggesting its capability to capture and reproduce specific artistic characteristics. The script also discusses the efficiency of Lora in terms of learning speed and accuracy, with the creator sharing their personal preference for its performance over other options. Lora's ability to handle detailed and nuanced learning tasks is highlighted, making it a central concept in the tutorial.


Dreambooth is a system mentioned in the video that is used for training AI models, like Lora, to generate images based on specific prompts or inputs. It is a method that allows users to customize the learning process, tailoring it to their needs. The script refers to the use of Dreambooth in conjunction with Lora, indicating that it is a key part of the process for creating personalized AI-generated content. The mention of Dreambooth sets the stage for the tutorial's focus on leveraging AI for creative purposes.

💡Google Colab

Google Colab is a cloud-based platform that allows users to run Python code in a collaborative environment, typically used for machine learning projects. In the context of the video, Google Colab is the environment where the user is guided to set up and run the Lora model. It is emphasized as a crucial tool for those without access to powerful hardware, enabling the execution of complex AI models and learning processes in a user-friendly and accessible manner.

💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a type of AI model used for generating images from textual descriptions. It is mentioned in the script as one of the options for users to choose from when setting up their Lora model. The reference to Stable Diffusion suggests that it is an alternative or complementary model to Lora, with its own set of capabilities and applications. The discussion around Stable Diffusion in the video provides insight into the variety of AI tools available for image generation and the considerations users need to make when selecting the appropriate model for their project.

💡Kohya Trainer

Kohya Trainer is a specific tool or interface mentioned in the video that is used in conjunction with the Lora model. It is likely a custom or specialized version of a training platform designed to work with Lora models. The script indicates that users are directed to a link in the description to access the Kohya Trainer, which suggests that it plays a significant role in the process of training and utilizing the Lora model. The mention of Kohya Trainer underscores the importance of having the right tools and resources when working with AI models.

💡Image Preparation

Image preparation is a critical step outlined in the script where users are instructed to prepare their own images for the learning process. This involves resizing images to specific dimensions and organizing them into a compressed folder. The importance of image preparation lies in ensuring that the AI model has the right kind of data to learn from, which directly impacts the quality and accuracy of the generated images. The script emphasizes the need for a well-balanced image, highlighting the significance of this step in achieving the desired outcomes with the Lora model.

💡Caption Method

The caption method is a technique discussed in the video that involves adding descriptive text or 'captions' to images to enhance the learning process of the AI model. By providing specific tags or descriptions, users can guide the model to recognize and reproduce certain features or styles. The script suggests that this method is particularly useful for those learning anime styles, as it allows for greater control and precision over the generated images. The mention of the caption method in the video illustrates the importance of clear and effective communication between the user and the AI model.

💡Tagged Images

Tagged images refer to a collection of images that have been labeled with specific descriptors or tags, which are used to train the AI model. In the context of the video, the script mentions the automatic retrieval of tagged images from anime image sites, indicating that these images are an essential part of the learning data. The use of tagged images allows the model to understand and categorize different visual elements, which is crucial for generating accurate and relevant output. The script emphasizes the importance of reviewing and editing these tags to ensure the highest quality of learning for the model.


VAE, or Variational Autoencoder, is a type of neural network used for efficient data compression and generation of new data. In the video, it is mentioned as an optional component that users can choose to learn along with Lora. While the script suggests that VAE is not necessarily required for the learning process, it can be selected for those who want to include it. The mention of VAE in the tutorial indicates that there are multiple approaches and options available to users when setting up their AI model, allowing for customization based on individual needs and goals.


GPU, or Graphics Processing Unit, is a specialized electronic circuit designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display device. In the context of the video, GPUs are discussed as a resource that is heavily utilized when running AI models like Lora. The script mentions that Lora uses a significant amount of GPU resources, which can be a limiting factor for users without access to powerful hardware. The mention of GPUs highlights the technical requirements and considerations that users need to be aware of when working with advanced AI models.


An optimizer in the context of machine learning is an algorithm that helps to improve the performance of a model by adjusting its parameters to minimize a loss function. The script refers to the optimizer type as a setting that users can choose when configuring their Lora model. The optimizer plays a crucial role in the training process, as it determines how the model learns from the data. The video suggests experimenting with different optimizer settings to find the most effective configuration for the user's specific needs, illustrating the importance of fine-tuning the learning process to achieve optimal results.


Kohya LoRA Dreambooth version 15.0.0 is used for training on Google Colab.

A link to Kohya LoRA Dreambooth's Kohya Trainer is provided in the description.

The process begins by creating a square image and compressing it into a zip file.

Google Drive is used to store the compressed folder and other necessary files.

Different methods of learning are discussed, including the caption method and instance class method.

Stable Diffusion 1.1 and 2.0 options are available for model download.

anyLora is recommended for those interested in learning anime styles.

The zip file is uploaded to Google Drive for the training process.

Tagged images from anime sites can be automatically retrieved and added as captions.

The caption and tag files can be edited for accuracy in the training data.

Stable Diffusion 2.1 users need to input the base model and VAE paths.

An activation word can be used, but it may not always function as expected.

The learning image can be randomly flipped horizontally for symmetry.

Lora is preferred for its smaller size and efficiency in learning.

The min, snr, and gamma settings can be adjusted for different learning effects.

The instance class method allows for learning multiple concepts simultaneously.

Adding specific captions can make certain features easier to edit with the roller.

The quality of the learning heavily depends on the original image used.