MISTAKES People Make Getting into Cybersecurity

The I.T. Career Podcast
25 Apr 202434:32

TLDRIn this insightful discussion, cybersecurity expert Mike Miller addresses common misconceptions and challenges faced by those looking to enter the cybersecurity field. He emphasizes the importance of passion and a good personality, as well as the necessity of hard work and continuous learning. Miller dispels the myth that formal education or extensive certifications are mandatory, advocating for self-study and hands-on experience. He also highlights the significance of networking and personal branding, encouraging job seekers to actively engage with the cybersecurity community and to leverage platforms like LinkedIn. Furthermore, Miller advises on setting clear goals, being open to new opportunities, and developing strong communication and problem-solving skills. He concludes with a reminder to stay adaptable and to embrace emerging technologies like AI, positioning oneself not as a victim of change but as an active participant in shaping the future of the industry.


  • 🔒 **Choosing a Specialization**: Cybersecurity is broad; it's important to choose a specific area to focus on, such as blue team, red team, or cloud security.
  • 💼 **Personal Branding**: Building a strong personal brand is crucial for networking and job opportunities, as it helps to stand out in the competitive field.
  • 🤝 **Networking**: It's not just about what you know but also who you know. Building connections within the cybersecurity community can lead to opportunities.
  • 🚀 **Starting Early**: Don't wait to gain experience. Start applying for jobs and gaining hands-on experience through labs and self-study to build a strong foundation.
  • 📚 **Education and Certifications**: While certifications can be valuable, they should be a byproduct of knowledge and not the sole focus. Education through various means is important.
  • 🛠️ **Hands-On Experience**: Practical experience, such as setting up your own lab or using platforms like TryHackMe, is invaluable and can be as beneficial as formal education.
  • 💡 **Passion Over Money**: Pursue a career in cybersecurity out of genuine interest and passion, not just for financial gains.
  • 📈 **Continuous Learning**: The tech field is always evolving. Stay up-to-date with new technologies and be prepared to continuously learn and adapt.
  • 🤖 **AI and the Future**: Embrace AI and automation as tools that can enhance your work and create new opportunities rather than fearing they will replace jobs.
  • 🎓 **Non-Traditional Paths**: College education is not mandatory for success in cybersecurity. Many paths can lead to a successful career, including self-study and on-the-job training.
  • 🔍 **Problem-Solving and Communication**: Develop strong problem-solving skills and communication abilities, which are key to success in any field, including cybersecurity.

Q & A

  • What is the first piece of advice Mike Miller gives to someone looking to start a career in cybersecurity?

    -Mike Miller emphasizes the importance of having a good personality and being someone that a team would want to be around for 8 hours a day, whether virtually or in person.

  • Why does Mike Miller suggest that people interested in cybersecurity should not wait to apply for jobs until they have a certification?

    -He encourages applying for jobs even without a certification because the experience of applying and facing potential rejection is a valuable learning opportunity.

  • What does Mike Miller consider one of the biggest barriers for people getting into cybersecurity?

    -One of the biggest barriers is the fear of reaching out and asking questions. Mike Miller believes the cybersecurity community is one of the kindest and encourages people to be open to learning from others.

  • How does Mike Miller describe the importance of personal branding in the technology field?

    -Mike Miller views personal branding as a form of career life insurance. He stresses that building a strong personal brand and community can lead to opportunities and support, regardless of one's current employment status.

  • What does Mike Miller suggest about the necessity of a college degree for a career in cybersecurity?

    -Mike Miller does not believe that a college degree is mandatory for a career in cybersecurity. He suggests that self-study, hands-on experience, and a willingness to learn are more important.

  • Why does Mike Miller recommend focusing on a specific area within cybersecurity rather than trying to master everything?

    -Focusing on a specific area allows an individual to develop a deeper understanding and expertise, making them more valuable and employable in that particular niche.

  • What does Mike Miller advise regarding the pursuit of multiple certifications in the cybersecurity field?

    -Mike Miller advises against having too many certifications without a clear focus, as it can be perceived as a lack of direction and depth in one's knowledge and skills.

  • How does Mike Miller describe the process of learning and gaining experience in cybersecurity?

    -He suggests learning through hands-on experience, such as setting up personal labs, using tools like Wireshark, and engaging in platforms like TryHackMe or Hack The Box. He also emphasizes the importance of understanding network packets.

  • What is Mike Miller's opinion on the role of AI in the future of cybersecurity jobs?

    -Mike Miller believes that while AI will replace some jobs, those who stay ahead of the technology and learn to leverage AI will create more job opportunities or improve their current roles.

  • How does Mike Miller define success in the cybersecurity field?

    -Success in the cybersecurity field, according to Mike Miller, is not solely defined by technical knowledge or certifications but also by having a good personality, being hardworking, and being goal-driven.

  • What does Mike Miller recommend for someone who is unsure about their career path in technology?

    -Mike Miller recommends keeping an open mind, being open to opportunities, and not burning bridges. He also suggests focusing on being a good communicator and problem solver, as these skills are universally valuable.



😀 The Importance of Choosing a Specific Field in Cybersecurity

The speaker emphasizes the vastness of the cybersecurity field and the necessity of selecting a specific area to focus on, much like choosing a sport. They use the analogy of a red, shiny Corvette that won't sell if it's hidden, highlighting the importance of personal branding and networking. The cybersecurity community is portrayed as kind and supportive, encouraging those interested to engage and ask questions.


🎓 Education and Certifications in Cybersecurity

Mike Miller shares his journey into cybersecurity, from his start in the late 90s to founding his own firm and selling it. He discusses the importance of personality and hard work, and how these traits are crucial for a successful career. Education is highlighted as important, but not necessarily through traditional college routes. The speaker also addresses the misconception that one must be highly intelligent to enter tech, emphasizing passion over pedigree.


📚 The Role of Certifications and Experience

The paragraph discusses the significance of certifications as a byproduct of knowledge rather than a silver bullet to landing a job. It stresses the need for a focused approach in cybersecurity and warns against the potential negative impact of having too many unrelated certifications. The importance of hands-on experience is also emphasized, suggesting that practical knowledge often speaks louder than certifications alone.


💼 Personal Branding and Career Longevity

The speaker underscores the importance of personal branding in career development. They share their experience of building a business and the subsequent realization of the value of personal brand over company brand. The narrative encourages transparency, vulnerability, and community building as key components of a strong personal brand, which serves as a form of 'career life insurance'.


🤝 Building Connections and Overcoming Fear

The paragraph focuses on the importance of networking and personal connections in the tech field. It encourages individuals to actively engage with others on platforms like LinkedIn, comparing it to attending a networking event. The speaker advises on the approach to take when networking online, emphasizing the value of adding to conversations and the importance of treating online interactions as genuine professional engagements.


🚀 Staying Persistent and Embracing Opportunities

The speaker shares personal anecdotes about perseverance and the importance of applying for jobs even before feeling fully prepared. They stress the value of learning from rejections and viewing each 'no' as a step closer to a 'yes'. The narrative encourages staying open to opportunities, being adaptable, and maintaining a long-term perspective on career goals.


🛠️ Adaptability, Problem-Solving, and Communication

The final paragraph emphasizes adaptability, problem-solving, and communication as key skills for success in any field. It advises being open to new opportunities and not burning bridges, as the path to a dream job may not be linear. The speaker also discusses the evolution of job hunting from traditional methods to leveraging social media and online platforms, and the importance of being proactive in building a professional network.

📈 Embracing AI and Continuous Learning

The speaker addresses the concern about AI replacing jobs and encourages a proactive approach to learning and leveraging AI. They predict that AI will create new job opportunities and that those who continuously learn and adapt will not be left behind. The importance of standing out by being a good human being and building a strong network is also highlighted.




Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and data from digital attacks. In the video, it is the central theme, as the discussion revolves around how individuals can enter and succeed in this field. It is portrayed as a broad area with various specializations, emphasizing the need for a focused approach to building expertise.

💡Personal Branding

Personal branding refers to the process of creating a unique image or identity in the professional world that sets someone apart from their peers. The video stresses its importance in cybersecurity, suggesting that a strong personal brand can act as a career 'life insurance' and open up opportunities even in the face of job loss or market fluctuations.


Certifications in the context of cybersecurity are formal qualifications that prove one's knowledge and skills in specific areas, such as ethical hacking or network security. The speaker discusses the value of certifications as a byproduct of knowledge rather than a silver bullet for job acquisition, and warns against having too many without practical experience.


Networking is the process of building and maintaining relationships with others in the same or related fields. The video highlights the significance of networking in the tech industry, where 'who you know' can often be as important as 'what you know'. It is suggested as a vital tool for job seekers and career advancement.


Experience in the video refers to the practical knowledge and skills gained through hands-on work in the field of cybersecurity. It is differentiated from formal education and certifications, with an emphasis on the value of real-world application and problem-solving through activities like setting up personal labs and engaging in hands-on projects.


LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that is highlighted in the video as a powerful tool for personal branding and networking. The speaker shares personal success in growing a large network on LinkedIn, which has led to numerous job opportunities and professional connections.

💡Red Team

A Red Team in cybersecurity is a group that simulates an attack on an organization's systems to evaluate its security measures. The video's speaker mentions having a passion for Red Team activities, which led to a career in penetration testing, underscoring the importance of pursuing one's interests in choosing a cybersecurity specialization.

💡Blue Team

The Blue Team represents the group responsible for defending an organization's network against attacks, in contrast to the Red Team. The video suggests considering certifications and roles associated with the Blue Team for those looking to specialize in cybersecurity, particularly in security analysis and incident response.

💡GRC (Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance)

GRC refers to the practices and processes an organization implements to ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and standards. It is mentioned in the video as an area the speaker ventured into, indicating the diversity of roles and specializations within the broader cybersecurity and IT fields.

💡AI (Artificial Intelligence)

AI is the development of computer systems to perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, and pattern recognition. The video discusses AI as a transformative technology in cybersecurity, creating opportunities for those who stay ahead and learn to leverage it effectively.


Choosing a specific area within cybersecurity is crucial as it is a broad field.

Self-doubt about intelligence or skills is a common mistake; confidence is key.

The importance of personal branding in the cybersecurity community.

Having a good personality and being hardworking are essential for a successful career.

Education is important, but the path can be diverse, including boot camps, self-study, and YouTube.

Practical experience, such as setting up home labs and hands-on learning, is invaluable.

Certifications are helpful but should be a byproduct of knowledge, not the sole focus.

Having too many unrelated certifications can dilute one's focus and be detrimental.

The cybersecurity community is welcoming and supportive, encouraging newcomers to ask questions.

Networking and building connections are vital for career advancement.

LinkedIn can serve as a powerful tool for personal branding and professional networking.

Applying for jobs and gaining experience should not be delayed; start the process early.

Rejection is a part of the process, and persistence is key to eventual success.

Staying open to new opportunities and being adaptable is important in a rapidly changing field.

Passion for the subject matter is a driving force that can lead to a fulfilling career in cybersecurity.

AI and emerging technologies present opportunities for growth and should be embraced, not feared.

Continuous learning and adapting to new technologies are essential to staying relevant in the field.