AI Turned my sketches into Realistic Portraits!? - This is getting Scary...

16 Sept 202015:05

TLDRThe video explores the fascinating and sometimes eerie capabilities of AI in the realm of art creation. The creator, Jazza, experiments with AI-generated art based on his sketches, highlighting the technology's potential and limitations. From transforming simple drawings into complex portraits to playing with sliders to manipulate the AI's output, Jazza's journey showcases the AI's ability to surprise, confuse, and entertain, while raising questions about the future of AI in art and its impact on creativity.


  • 🤖 The video discusses the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of art and the fascination with how technology might eventually surpass human capabilities.
  • 🎨 The speaker reflects on a previous experience with an AI photo generator that was overwhelmed by traffic, indicating the popularity and potential challenges of AI art tools.
  • 🖌️ The video showcases AI's ability to transform simple sketches into detailed portraits, highlighting the uncanny yet impressive results.
  • 🌅 The speaker experiments with an AI art program by Nvidia, which takes rough concepts and refines them into more polished images.
  • 👤 The video includes attempts at creating various representations, such as a self-portrait and depictions of Moana and the Backstreet Boys, to test the AI's capabilities.
  • 💡 The speaker finds that the AI tends to have biases and may default to certain features or styles based on its training data.
  • 😅 The video reveals mixed results, with some AI-generated images appearing more like caricatures or different individuals than the intended subjects.
  • 📊 The speaker manipulates various sliders and settings in the AI program to understand how changes affect the final output.
  • 🌿 The video humorously notes the AI's preference for depicting people with certain hairstyles and features, such as wavy hair and confident eyes.
  • 🔍 The speaker invites viewers to share their thoughts on AI in art, whether they find it exciting or concerning, and how it might evolve in the future.
  • 🎥 The video concludes with the speaker encouraging viewers to engage with AI art content and to share their own experiences and creations.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is artificial intelligence's role in art and its potential to transform simple sketches into complex portraits.

  • What was the initial concern of the speaker about AI?

    -The speaker initially had a concern that AI might have the potential to overtake humans one day.

  • What happened to the photo generator website mentioned in the video?

    -The photo generator website was taken down due to an overwhelming number of visitors.

  • How did the speaker describe the AI-generated portrait based on the line work?

    -The speaker described the AI-generated portrait as uncanny, creepy, and super cool.

  • What is the 'next evolution' of AI art mentioned in the script?

    -The 'next evolution' of AI art refers to the ability of AI to transform simple sketches into more detailed and aesthetically pleasing images, as demonstrated by the NVIDIA research.

  • What was the speaker's strategy for creating a representation of themselves using AI?

    -The speaker's strategy involved following the proportions laid out by the AI and making adjustments to the sketch based on the AI's feedback, such as confidence levels in certain facial features.

  • What was the result of the speaker's experiment with the AI-generated avatar?

    -The result was a mixed feeling experience for the speaker, as the AI-generated avatar did not exactly meet their expectations but still provided an interesting outcome.

  • How did the speaker react to the AI's interpretation of their drawing of Donald Trump?

    -The speaker was surprised and amused that the AI's interpretation looked more like Vladimir Putin than Donald Trump.

  • What was the outcome when the speaker decided to draw a Backstreet Boys-themed sketch?

    -The AI generated a mix of faces that somewhat resembled the Backstreet Boys, with some features being more accurate than others, showing the AI's ability to learn from example sketches.

  • What did the speaker conclude about AI's current capabilities in art?

    -The speaker concluded that while AI is not the best in the world and still has a long way to go, it is getting closer and shows potential for future development in the field of art.

  • What was the speaker's final verdict on AI's current level of intelligence in art?

    -The speaker felt that AI is showing signs of intelligence but is not yet at a level where it can consistently produce high-quality, accurate art without some trial and error.



🤖 AI and Art: Exploring the Future

The speaker, Jazza, introduces the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of art. He shares his fascination with the potential of technology to surpass human capabilities and discusses a previous experience with an AI photo generator. Jazza highlights the uncanny ability of AI to transform a simple line drawing into a detailed portrait, while also acknowledging the limitations of AI in art, as demonstrated by the lack of an 'art apocalypse.' He then delves into an NVIDIA research example, where AI takes rough sketches and transforms them into more complex images, eliciting mixed reactions of amazement and critique. Jazza invites viewers to share AI art on his subreddit and expresses his intent to experiment with new art mediums using his avatar, the Jazz Raptor.


🎨 Experimenting with AI Art

Jazza continues his exploration of AI in art by discussing the evolution of AI art and the potential it holds. He uses his own avatar as a test subject, drawing it in a simplistic manner and allowing the AI to transform it. The results are mixed, leading Jazza to discuss the need for more abstract or suggestive drawings to better suit the AI's capabilities. He also touches on the biases present in AI, as seen in the repeated pouting expressions, possibly due to the AI's training data. Jazza's playful interaction with the AI includes attempts to create a 'salad lady' and a Backstreet Boys-inspired poster, highlighting the learning curve and the creative possibilities of AI in art.


👤 AI's Interpretation of Characters

In this section, Jazza experiments with the AI's ability to interpret and generate images of various characters. He tests the AI's responsiveness to different inputs, such as facial features and expressions, by drawing sketches of people like Donald Trump and Lauren Ipsum. Jazza observes the AI's tendency to default to certain hairstyles and expressions, and he manipulates the 'confidence' sliders to alter the AI's output. The AI's occasional errors and limitations are noted, but Jazza also acknowledges the progress and potential of AI in creating character representations, despite its current imperfections.


📝 Reflecting on AI's Creative Potential

Jazza concludes his AI art experiment by reflecting on the capabilities and potential of AI in the creative field. He discusses the importance of understanding the AI's preferences and limitations when creating art with it. Jazza shares his experiences with tweaking the AI's settings to achieve more satisfactory results, such as adjusting the 'confidence' of facial features. He invites viewers to share their thoughts on AI's role in the future of art, whether they find it exciting or concerning. Jazza expresses his own curiosity and enthusiasm for exploring AI's evolving role in creativity and encourages viewers to stay tuned for more AI-related content.

👋 Signing Off

Jazza wraps up the video with a brief farewell, signaling the end of the exploration into AI and art. He expresses his hope that the viewers enjoyed the content and found it engaging. With a friendly tone, he signs off, indicating that this marks the temporary end of the discussion but leaving the door open for future explorations and discussions on similar topics.



💡Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is used to generate art from simple sketches, transforming them into complex and realistic images. The video explores the capabilities and limitations of AI in the field of art, showcasing how it can produce uncanny portraits and how it learns from examples to improve its output.

💡Photo Generator

A Photo Generator is a software or tool that uses AI to create images based on user input. In the video, the speaker references a Photo Generator that was taken down due to high traffic, indicating its popularity and the demand for such AI applications. The tool is an example of how AI can be used in creative processes, raising questions about the potential for AI to overtake human creativity.

💡AI Art

AI Art refers to the creation of artwork using artificial intelligence. This can include paintings, sketches, digital art, and more, generated or enhanced by AI algorithms. The video discusses the early stages of AI Art, showing how AI can take a simple drawing and turn it into a detailed picture, thus pushing the boundaries of traditional art creation.

💡Nvidia Research

Nvidia Research refers to the research and development efforts of Nvidia, a company known for its graphics processing units (GPUs) and AI technologies. In the context of the video, Nvidia Research is associated with an AI program that can transform simple sketches into more detailed images, showcasing the company's contributions to the field of AI and its applications in art.

💡Jazza Avatar

The Jazza Avatar refers to a digital representation or illustration of the speaker, Jazza, created using AI. The video explores the process of generating this avatar and the speaker's reactions to the AI's interpretation of his likeness, providing insight into the personal and creative aspects of AI Art.


Moana is a Disney animated film that serves as a reference point in the video for the speaker's experiment with AI Art. The speaker attempts to generate an image of Moana using the AI program, exploring the AI's ability to recognize and replicate specific visual styles and characters from popular culture.


Hamilton is a Broadway musical created by Lin-Manuel Miranda, mentioned in the video as a reference to the speaker's personal interests and as a cultural touchstone. The mention of Hamilton serves to humanize the speaker and provide a relatable context for the discussion on AI's ability to understand and represent complex cultural products.

💡Backstreet Boys

The Backstreet Boys are a popular boy band used as a reference in the video to explore the AI's ability to generate images of groups and individuals based on examples. The speaker uses the band as a test case to see if the AI can create a collective representation of people, showcasing the AI's capacity for learning from and mimicking human-like features.

💡Salad Lady

The term 'Salad Lady' is used in the video to describe a character generated by the AI based on a simple sketch and the AI's interpretation of the term 'salad'. It illustrates the AI's ability to associate words with images and create a visual representation that might not align perfectly with human expectations but still captures a certain essence of the concept.

💡Component Confidences

Component Confidences in the context of the video refers to the AI's confidence in the accuracy and representation of individual components of an image, such as the nose or eyes. The speaker manipulates these confidences to influence the AI's output, demonstrating how the AI's learning process can be guided and adjusted to achieve more desirable results.

💡Creative Destruction

Creative Destruction is an economic concept that refers to the process of industrial mutation where new technologies and innovations replace older ones, leading to the demise of existing markets and the creation of new ones. In the video, the term is used metaphorically to discuss the potential impact of AI on the art world, suggesting that AI could lead to significant changes in how art is created and valued.


The discussion begins with an exploration of artificial intelligence's potential to surpass human capabilities, referencing a previous photo generator that was overwhelmed by traffic.

The presenter expresses a fascination with AI and its current applications in the field of art, specifically mentioning an instance where AI transformed a line work into a portrait.

Nvidia's research is mentioned, showcasing how AI can create detailed images from simple sketches, and the presenter's reaction to the results is a mix of awe and critique.

The video includes a segment where the presenter attempts to use AI to generate an image of themselves through their 'jazza avatar', adding a personal touch to the discussion on AI art.

The presenter acknowledges the role of community input, encouraging viewers to share AI art examples and engage in discussions on the topic.

An attempt to generate an image of Moana using AI results in a humorous detour, highlighting the limitations and biases in AI's current capabilities.

The presenter's experiment with drawing a more abstract version of their avatar leads to insights on how to better interact with AI for desired outcomes.

A segment on the AI's interpretation of a 'salad face' adds a comedic element to the video, showcasing the AI's ability to create unexpected and quirky results.

The presenter's attempt to draw Donald Trump using AI leads to an amusing comparison with Vladimir Putin, illustrating the AI's interpretation of facial features.

The video includes a creative exercise where the presenter uses AI to generate a Backstreet Boys-style poster, providing a unique perspective on AI's artistic potential.

The presenter's interaction with the AI's sliders and confidence levels offers insights into how tweaking parameters can influence the AI's output.

A final experiment with generic male and female drawings tests the AI's ability to produce balanced and confident facial features.

The presenter concludes with a reflection on AI's current state in the art world, inviting viewers to share their thoughts on the technology's potential and future impact.

The video ends with a call to action for viewers to engage with AI content and subscribe for more explorations of art and creativity.