Magnific Style Transfer Tutorial: Turn Any Storyboard Into A Film Still With Just ONE Reference!!

Mermaid Toast
8 Apr 202423:13

TLDRIn this tutorial, the speaker is thrilled to introduce the style transfer feature by Magnific, a tool that can transform storyboards and hand-drawn images into realistic film stills using a single reference image. The process is particularly useful for professionals in animation, film, product design, and more. The demonstration involves taking a storyboard of a Greek fisherman and using a real-life image of an old man as a reference to create a detailed and realistic image. The speaker guides viewers through adjusting the style and structure strength, using the 'faithful' setting for style transfer, and making minor tweaks for perfection. The tool's ability to handle multiple panels and add custom textures is also highlighted, showcasing its versatility across industries. The tutorial concludes with the speaker's enthusiasm for Magnific's innovative capabilities.


  • 🎨 **Style Transfer Feature**: Magnific's style transfer tool can transform storyboards and hand-drawn images into realistic film stills using a reference image.
  • 🖼️ **Image Realism**: By using a reference image, the tool can create highly realistic images that match the desired style and structure.
  • ⚙️ **Adjustable Strengths**: Users can control the style and structure strength to balance the influence of the reference image on the final render.
  • 👴 **Character Consistency**: The tool maintains character consistency, even when applying style transfer to multiple panels or images.
  • 🌊 **Background Adaptation**: The style transfer tool can adapt backgrounds, like a Greek ocean, to match the reference image while keeping the main subject intact.
  • 📈 **Efficiency in Animation**: This tool is particularly useful for animators and storyboard artists, as it can significantly reduce the time spent on achieving specific shots.
  • 🛠️ **Fine-Tuning Options**: After the initial render, users can make minor adjustments such as changing the direction of a character's gaze or modifying specific features like hair length.
  • 🧩 **Multi-Panel Support**: The tool can process multiple panels of a storyboard in one go, saving time and ensuring a consistent style across the sequence.
  • 🔍 **Detail Enhancement**: The upscale feature can be used to increase the resolution and clarity of the images, further refining the final output.
  • 🌟 **Creative Flexibility**: The tool offers creative flexibility, allowing users to transform various subjects, not just human characters, into different styles.
  • 🚀 **Industry Applications**: The style transfer tool is versatile and can be applied across different industries, such as architecture, product design, and more.

Q & A

  • What is the main feature of Magnific discussed in the tutorial?

    -The main feature discussed is the style transfer tool, which allows users to adapt drawings and storyboards to make them resemble real-life images or a specific style by using a reference image.

  • How does the style transfer feature benefit a storyboard artist?

    -The style transfer feature benefits a storyboard artist by enabling them to transform their hand-drawn storyboards into realistic images, which can help visualize the final product more accurately before production.

  • What is the purpose of using a reference image in the style transfer process?

    -The purpose of using a reference image is to guide the style transfer process, ensuring that the output image takes on the visual characteristics of the reference, such as lighting, color tones, and general style.

  • What are the two main strengths that can be adjusted in the style transfer tool?

    -The two main strengths that can be adjusted are style strength and structure strength. Style strength determines how much the reference image's style influences the output, while structure strength dictates how closely the output adheres to the composition of the reference image.

  • How does the tutorial demonstrate the process of using the style transfer tool?

    -The tutorial demonstrates the process by showing the user how to input a storyboard image and a reference image, adjust the style and structure strengths, and then apply the transformation to create a realistic and styled image.

  • What is the significance of the 'faithful' setting in the style transfer tool?

    -The 'faithful' setting is used for transferring the style of a reference image effectively. It ensures that the output image closely matches the style of the reference while maintaining the structural integrity of the input image.

  • How can the style transfer tool be used for product design?

    -The style transfer tool can be used in product design by taking a hand-drawn design or concept sketch and transforming it into a more realistic rendering. This helps designers visualize and refine their designs before moving to the production stage.

  • What is the role of the 'real' setting in the style transfer tool?

    -The 'real' setting in the style transfer tool is used to enhance the realism of the output image. It adjusts the transformation to make the final render appear more like a real-life photograph or a professionally rendered image.

  • How does the tutorial address potential anomalies in the initial output of the style transfer?

    -The tutorial suggests adjusting the structure strength if the initial output shows anomalies or unwanted elements. It also demonstrates how to use post-processing tools like Photoshop to clean up the final image.

  • What is the advantage of using the style transfer tool for architectural renders?

    -The style transfer tool can be advantageous for architectural renders by allowing architects to quickly transform conceptual sketches into realistic images. This can help in client presentations and in visualizing the final structure more effectively.

  • How does the tutorial show the process of refining the final image?

    -The tutorial shows the process of refining the final image by using the upscale tool to polish the image further, adjusting the resemblance to the original, and using post-processing software like Photoshop or Lightroom for minor touch-ups.



🎨 Introduction to Magnific's Style Transfer Feature

The speaker expresses excitement about a feature by Magnific called 'style transfer'. This feature allows users to upscale and reimagine images, making minor tweaks to create animations or to adapt drawings and storyboards into realistic images. It's particularly useful for professionals in animation, film, and product design who want to bring their hand-drawn concepts to life. The process involves using a reference image to influence the style and structure of the original drawing, which can then be fine-tuned using various settings to achieve a realistic look.


🖼️ Transforming Storyboards into Realistic Images

The speaker demonstrates how to use the style transfer tool to transform a storyboard of a Greek fisherman into a realistic image. They use a reference image of an old man and adjust the style and structure strength to achieve the desired outcome. The process includes cropping, removing unwanted elements, and making minor adjustments to details like hair and facial features. The end result is a high-quality, realistic image that closely resembles the original storyboard and reference image.


👴 Refining the Old Man in a Boat Scene

The speaker refines a storyboard featuring an old man in a boat. They use the style transfer tool again, specifying details like a long beard and a kayi boat to make the image more accurate. The process involves adjusting the structural strength and using the reference image to ensure consistency in the character's appearance. The speaker also discusses the ability to adjust the character's gaze and make minor corrections to the image for a more polished result.


🤖 Style Transfer with Non-Human Characters

The speaker extends the use of style transfer to non-human characters, such as a robot and a young boy in a spaceship. They show how the tool can combine elements from a reference image with the characters from a storyboard to create a cohesive scene. The speaker also mentions the possibility of adding custom textures and the ability to apply style transfer to multiple panels of a storyboard simultaneously, which is a significant time saver.


🚀 Broad Applications and Personalizing the Experience

The speaker highlights the versatility of the style transfer tool, noting its broad applications across various industries like architecture and product design. They also mention the potential for personalizing the experience, such as turning oneself into an animated character. The speaker praises the Magnific team for their innovation and encourages users to explore the tool's capabilities, promising to share more lessons in the future.



💡Style Transfer

Style transfer is a technique used in the field of artificial intelligence and computer vision to apply the style of one image onto another. In the context of the video, Magnific's style transfer feature allows users to take a storyboard or a drawing and transform it into a realistic image by using a reference image to influence the style of the original artwork. This is particularly useful for artists, designers, and filmmakers to visualize their concepts in a more lifelike manner.


A storyboard is a visual representation of a script or a sequence of events, typically used in filmmaking, animation, and graphic design. In the video, the speaker uses storyboards to plan out scenes for an animation or film, and then employs the style transfer tool to convert these storyboards into realistic film stills, providing a clearer vision of the final product.

💡Reference Image

A reference image is a specific example or a piece of artwork that serves as a guide or inspiration for another piece of work. In the video, the speaker uses a reference image of an old man to influence the style of the character in the storyboard. The reference image helps the AI to understand the desired visual outcome and apply it to the original drawing.


Upscaling is the process of increasing the resolution or quality of an image. In the video, the speaker uses the upscale tool to enhance the resolution of the transformed image after the style transfer process. This step is crucial for achieving a high-definition, polished look that is suitable for professional use.

💡AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the video, AI is used to power the style transfer and upscale tools, enabling the software to understand and apply complex visual transformations to images.

💡Structural Strength

Structural strength in the context of the video refers to the parameter that controls how much the structure of the reference image influences the style transfer. A higher structural strength means the original drawing's structure will be preserved more closely in the final image. The speaker adjusts this parameter to balance the stylization with the original artwork's integrity.

💡Style Strength

Style strength is a parameter that determines the intensity of the style from the reference image that is applied to the original image during the style transfer process. In the video, the speaker sets the style strength to 100% to ensure that the reference image's style is fully applied to the storyboard, creating a realistic look.


A prompt is a statement or question that elicits a response. In the video, the speaker uses prompts to guide the AI in how to transform the storyboard. For example, the prompt includes descriptions like 'back of an old man in jacket in foreground' and 'Greek ocean in background,' which help the AI to generate an image that matches the intended scene.


Photoshop is a widely used software program for image editing and manipulation. In the video, the speaker uses Photoshop to make final adjustments to the image after the style transfer process, such as cropping, removing unwanted elements, and enhancing details to polish the final render.


Lightroom is a photo editing software that is used for organizing, editing, and exporting photos. In the video, the speaker uses Lightroom to perform the final touches on the image, such as adjusting the aspect ratio, removing edges, and applying lens blur to enhance the depth and focus of the image.


The term 'gamechanging' refers to something that significantly alters the state of play in a particular context, often leading to new possibilities or efficiencies. In the video, the speaker describes the style transfer tool as 'gamechanging' because it revolutionizes the way storyboards and drawings can be transformed into realistic images, saving time and offering new creative possibilities.


Magnific's style transfer feature allows users to transform storyboards into film-quality images using a single reference image.

The tool is particularly useful for animators, directors, storyboard artists, and product designers looking to bring their drawings to life.

Users can combine real-life images with animated character references to create a unique blend.

The process involves breaking down storyboard panels and using them as references to influence the style transfer.

The style transfer tool in Magnific has two main sections: one for the storyboard image and another for the reference image.

By adjusting the style strength and structure strength, users can control the influence of the reference image on the final render.

The 'faithful' setting is ideal for transferring the style of a reference image, while 'real' provides a more realistic output.

The process can be fine-tuned by adjusting settings such as style strength, structure strength, and the prompt used.

Photoshop can be used to make minor adjustments to the final image, such as cropping and removing unwanted elements.

The upscale tool in Magnific can be used to polish the final render and improve its resolution.

The tool can recognize and adapt elements from the reference image, such as the character's hair, beard, and clothing.

Multiple panels from a storyboard can be processed in a single style transfer operation, saving time and effort.

Custom textures can be added to the style transfer to create more detailed and realistic images.

The style transfer feature is not limited to human characters and can be applied to a wide range of subjects, including robots and aliens.

The tool can be used across various industries, such as architecture and product design, for creating renders and designs.

The presenter shares their personal experience, stating that Magnific has become an essential tool in their creative process.

The tutorial demonstrates how to achieve character consistency across different images using the style transfer feature.

The style transfer process is described as game-changing, offering a significant time-saving advantage over traditional methods.