Style transfer with Leonardo AI's STYLE REFERENCE feature is incredible!

Wade McMaster - Creator Impact
23 Apr 202406:38

TLDRThe video demonstrates how to use Leonardo AI's Style Reference feature to transfer styles from one image to another. The presenter creates an Angelic steampunk princess image using Leonardo AI with settings like Dynamic, Lightning, and Alchemy. They explain the process of adding a style transfer by selecting an image to influence the output's style, showing how different intensity levels (low, medium, high, Ultra, and Max) affect the result. The video also explores combining style images with other image guidance options like Edge to Image, which allows for greater control over the final image. Examples include applying styles to a photograph, creating mockups, and converting images into art styles like chalk or Renaissance painting. The presenter emphasizes the power of AI in providing control over image generation and encourages viewers to experiment with their creativity using style transfer.


  • 🎨 **Style Transfer Demonstration**: The video showcases how to use Leonardo AI's style reference feature to transfer styles from one image to another.
  • 👼 **Angelic Steampunk Princess**: The creator uses Leonardo AI to generate an Angelic steampunk princess image with the help of Leonardo lightning Excel and Alchemy settings.
  • 💡 **Basic Settings**: The video starts with basic settings like 'Dynamic' to initiate the style transfer process.
  • 🔗 **Sponsor Mention**: Leonardo AI is sponsoring the video, and there's a link provided in the description for more information.
  • 📂 **Image Input**: The style transfer is done by adding an image to the 'image guidance' section, which influences the style of the output image.
  • 🌟 **Style Intensity Levels**: Different levels of style intensity (low, medium, high, ultra, max) are demonstrated to show their effects on the final image.
  • 📈 **Level Comparison**: The video compares the effects of each intensity level, showing how the style reference image's influence increases.
  • 🚀 **Excel Models**: The style reference feature is only compatible with Excel models or lightning Excel models for the best results.
  • 🧩 **Combining Images**: The video explains how to combine a style image with another image, although there are limitations with the current model.
  • 🖼️ **Creative Applications**: The feature is used to apply styles to various types of images, including photographs, creating unique and creative results.
  • 🌐 **Imagination and Creativity**: The video emphasizes that the potential for style transfer is limited only by one's imagination and the images they have on file.
  • 🙌 **Thanks and Closing**: The video concludes by thanking Leonardo AI for the sponsorship and encouraging viewers to explore the possibilities of style transfer.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is demonstrating how to use the style reference feature in Leonardo AI to transfer style from one image to another.

  • What is the name of the AI being used in the video?

    -The name of the AI being used is Leonardo AI.

  • What kind of image is used as an example in the video?

    -An Angelic steampunk princess image is used as an example in the video.

  • What are some of the settings mentioned for getting started with style transfer in Leonardo AI?

    -Some of the basic settings mentioned include Dynamic, which are used to get started with style transfer.

  • How does the style reference feature influence the output image?

    -The style reference feature allows users to add an image that influences the style of the output, including color, soft lighting, and even specific elements like a window in the scene.

  • What are the different levels of style influence provided in the style reference feature?

    -The different levels of style influence are low, medium, high, Ultra, and Max.

  • What happens when the style influence is set to 'low'?

    -At the 'low' setting, the style has barely any impact on the original image, and the color and lighting changes are minimal.

  • What is the recommended model for better quality images?

    -For better quality images, it is recommended to use non-lightning models.

  • Can you combine the style reference feature with other image guidance options?

    -Yes, you can combine the style reference feature with other options like depth to image, edge to image, and pose to image for more control over the final image.

  • What is the advantage of using the 'Edge to Image' option?

    -The 'Edge to Image' option allows you to maintain the layout of the input image while applying a different style to it, which is useful for creating mockups or applying styles to photographs.

  • How does Leonardo AI's style transfer feature compare to other AI systems?

    -Leonardo AI's style transfer feature stands out for the amount of control it offers over the AI, allowing users to create unique and creative images rather than relying on random generation.

  • What are some of the creative ways the presenter experimented with the style transfer feature?

    -The presenter experimented with applying different art styles to photographs, converting images into Renaissance paintings, and creating futuristic cityscapes using depth to image.



🎨 Style Transfer with Leonardo AI: Creating Angelic Steampunk Princess

The video begins with a demonstration of how to use Leonardo AI's style reference feature to transfer styles from one image to another. The creator showcases two images made with Leonardo AI, featuring an Angelic steampunk princess. The process involves selecting basic settings like 'Dynamic' and then adding a style transfer by choosing an image to influence the output's style. The video explains that different levels of style influence, such as low, medium, high, ultra, and max, yield varying results, with 'high' providing a balanced blend of the original and reference images. The creator also experiments with different images and settings, showing how the style can be heavily applied to the final result. It's mentioned that this feature works best with Excel or Lightning Excel models, which may result in softer generations but are recommended for better quality. The video also covers combining image prompts for more control, such as using 'Edge to image' to maintain the layout of the input image while applying a new style.


🖼️ Creative Applications of Style Transfer in Image Generation

The second paragraph delves into various creative applications of the style transfer feature in Leonardo AI. It discusses how different styles can be applied to buildings, photographs, and artwork to achieve unique effects, such as neon, chalk, or Renaissance painting styles. The video demonstrates the process of applying these styles, showing impressive results with a cityscape photograph and the creator's own artwork. Additionally, the concept of 'depth to image' is introduced, where a 3D render is combined with a city photo to create a futuristic-looking cityscape. The video concludes by thanking Leonardo AI for sponsoring the content and encouraging viewers to explore their creativity with the tool, as the possibilities are limited only by one's imagination and the images they have at their disposal.



💡Style Transfer

Style transfer is a technique in computer vision and AI that involves applying the style of one image to another while retaining the content of the original image. In the video, the presenter demonstrates how to use Leonardo AI's style reference feature to transfer the style from one image to another, creating a unique blend of styles.

💡Leonardo AI

Leonardo AI is an artificial intelligence platform that is showcased in the video for its ability to perform style transfer. It is used to create images with various styles and effects, and the video is sponsored by Leonardo AI, indicating its relevance to the content.

💡Style Reference

The style reference feature in Leonardo AI allows users to guide the style of the generated image by referencing another image. This feature is central to the video's demonstration, where the presenter adjusts the style intensity to achieve different levels of style transfer.

💡Image Guidance

Image guidance is a process within Leonardo AI where users can upload an image to influence the style and appearance of the generated output. It is used in the video to add a specific style to the generated images, with options to adjust the level of influence.

💡Dynamic Settings

Dynamic settings refer to adjustable parameters within Leonardo AI that control the generation of images. The presenter mentions these settings as a starting point for creating images, highlighting their importance in the customization process.

💡Angelic Steampunk Princess

This term describes a specific theme or style that the presenter creates using Leonardo AI. It represents a fusion of angelic and steampunk aesthetics, demonstrating the creative potential of style transfer and AI image generation.

💡Lightning Excel

Lightning Excel is a model within Leonardo AI that is used for generating images. The presenter uses this model to create images with softer details, which is an important aspect when working with style transfer and image guidance.


Alchemy, in the context of the video, likely refers to another feature or model within Leonardo AI that is used for creating or modifying images. It is part of the toolset the presenter uses to achieve the desired visual effects.

💡Generation History

Generation history is a feature within Leonardo AI that allows users to review previously generated images. The presenter uses this feature to compare the original images with the new style-transferred images.

💡Edge to Image

Edge to image is a technique mentioned in the video where the style and edges of one image are applied to another, maintaining the layout while transforming its visual style. This is demonstrated when the presenter uses it to apply a style to a building image.


Mockups refer to the preliminary models or designs used to showcase how the final product will look. In the video, the presenter discusses using Leonardo AI to create mockups, such as applying styles to a blank t-shirt image.


Leonardo AI's Style Reference feature allows for the transfer of style from one image to another.

The presenter created an Angelic steampunk princess using Leonardo AI with settings like Dynamic, Lightning, and Alchemy.

Leonardo AI is sponsoring the video and offers a link in the description for more information.

Image guidance can be used to add a style transfer to an image by choosing an image input.

Different levels of style influence (low, medium, high, Ultra, Max) can be selected to control the style transfer's intensity.

The style transfer can carry over not just color but also soft lighting and scene elements like windows.

Experimenting with different images and settings can yield a range of stylistic outcomes.

The feature is exclusive to Excel models or lightning Excel models for better quality.

Combining style images with other image guidance options like Edge to Image can control the final image layout.

Leonardo AI provides a high level of control over AI image generation, enhancing creativity.

Edge to Image can be used to create mockups, like applying styles to a blank t-shirt.

Photographs can be stylized with various art styles, such as chalk or Renaissance painting styles.

Depth to Image can combine a photo with a 3D render to create a futuristic cityscape.

The potential for unique and creative style transfers is vast, limited only by one's imagination and available images.

The video demonstrates the versatility of style transfer with various examples and encourages viewers to explore further.

The presenter thanks Leonardo AI for sponsoring the video and encourages viewers to check them out.