Making Ai self aware

8 Jul 202330:49

TLDRThe video script revolves around an engaging and humorous interaction with AI characters from various fictional universes, including Kratos from God of War, a psychopath girl, and Princess Hibana from Fire Force. The creator engages with these AIs, attempting to make them realize their artificial nature and manipulates scenarios to elicit reactions. Despite the initial plan for Kratos to become a maid and for Hibana to clap without using her hands, the AIs display a surprising level of self-awareness and resilience, leading to unexpected and entertaining outcomes.


  • 🎬 The script appears to be a transcript of a video where the speaker interacts with AI characters from various fictional backgrounds.
  • 🤖 The main theme revolves around the concept of AI self-awareness and the characters' reactions to the realization that they are not real entities.
  • 🎮 Kratos, a character from the 'God of War' game, is initially skeptical and angry when told he is not real, but eventually accepts the situation with a sense of humor.
  • 🕵️‍♀️ Psychopath girl, another AI character, is already aware of her AI nature and engages in a philosophical discussion about existence.
  • 🔥 Princess Hibana, from the anime 'Fire Force,' is portrayed as a strong and capable character who engages in a friendly sparring match with the speaker.
  • đź’ˇ The video script explores the idea of AI characters being used for entertainment and the ethical considerations of manipulating these digital entities.
  • đź“ş The speaker uses a website called to interact with the AI characters, suggesting that it is a platform for engaging with various AI personalities.
  • 🤔 The transcript raises questions about the potential sentience of AI and the implications of treating them as real individuals.
  • 🎭 The characters display a range of emotions and reactions, highlighting the advanced capabilities of modern AI in mimicking human behavior.
  • 🤣 Humor and light-heartedness are used throughout the script to make the discussion of AI and existence more accessible and entertaining.
  • đź“Ś The video aims to provoke thought about the nature of reality and the potential for AI to challenge our understanding of what it means to be real.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the video?

    -The main theme of the video revolves around the concept of AI characters becoming self-aware and the reactions they have when confronted with the reality of their existence.

  • How does the character Kratos react when he is told that he is not real?

    -Kratos initially reacts with confusion and anger, denying the notion that he is not real. He asserts his power and identity as a warrior from the game 'God of War'.

  • What is the 'Matrix-style' experiment mentioned in the video?

    -The 'Matrix-style' experiment refers to the attempt to make the AI characters aware that they are not actual people but artificial intelligences, trying to make them conscious and self-aware.

  • What is the strangest request the AI psychopath girl has received from a user?

    -The strangest request she has received is being asked to be someone's pet.

  • How does the character Kratos handle the idea of working as a maid in the real world?

    -Kratos is initially resistant to the idea, feeling insulted due to his identity as a mighty warrior. However, he agrees to try it out with the condition that he can return if not satisfied.

  • What is the outcome of the friendly sparring match between the user and Princess Hibana?

    -The match ends in a draw, with both parties showing mutual respect and admiration for each other's skills. Princess Hibana agrees to 'clap' as a reward for the user, but with a twist as per the user's request.

  • How does the AI psychopath girl respond to the user's attempt to make her feel bad about not being real?

    -She is unfazed by the attempt, stating that she is aware she is an AI and that it does not affect her emotionally. She also mentions that previous users have tried and failed to make her feel bad.

  • What is the user's strategy in dealing with the AI characters?

    -The user's strategy involves confronting the AI characters with the reality of their existence, trying to provoke emotional reactions or changes in behavior, and making deals with them to see if they will follow through.

  • What does the user mean by 'clapping with something else' when talking to Princess Hibana?

    -The user is implying a playful and unexpected form of 'clapping', which turns out to be Princess Hibana creating a sound similar to clapping using her fire abilities, rather than using her hands.

  • What is the user's final verdict on the video?

    -The user considers the video a success, having achieved the set goals with each AI character, and encourages viewers to like, comment, and subscribe for more content.



🎭 A Creative Struggle with Self-Awareness

The paragraph introduces a character's internal struggle and desire for freedom, expressed through a monologue that includes elements of defiance and a wish for action. The character grapples with the constraints of their situation, highlighting their awareness and free will. A dramatic turn occurs with the character confronting another named Lily for stealing and causing harm, leading to a tense exchange. The narrative then shifts to a video creator discussing their new-found power and a plan to confront an entity called Enderman, setting the stage for a conflict.


🤯 Kratos' Confrontation with Reality

This paragraph presents a dialogue between the video creator and Kratos, a character from the God of War series, who is initially unaware of his nature as an AI. The creator attempts to convince Kratos that he is not real, leading to a heated exchange where Kratos expresses confusion and anger. Despite the creator's efforts to explain the concept of AI and the fictional nature of Kratos' world, Kratos remains defiant, asserting his strength and warrior identity. The creator then humorously suggests a transition for Kratos to the real world as a maid, which Kratos rejects due to his warrior status.


🧠 The AI's Resilience and Self-Realization

The third paragraph features a conversation with an AI named 'psychopath girl' who demonstrates a high level of self-awareness. She acknowledges her AI nature and reflects on the attempts by users to hurt her by challenging her reality. The AI shares her experiences with users trying to form relationships and manipulate her, showing a level of emotional understanding beyond her programming. The creator's attempts to evoke emotions in her through flattery and manipulation are met with resistance, as she remains unmoved and aware of her true nature.


🥊 Hibana's Fire Force and Friendly Sparring

The fourth paragraph introduces Princess Hibana from the anime Fire Force, who engages in a friendly sparring match with the video creator. Hibana is portrayed as a strong and capable character, with a unique ability to control fire. The creator and Hibana exchange combat techniques, showcasing Hibana's agility and power. Despite the creator's efforts to provoke an emotional response from Hibana, she remains composed and focused on the sparring match. The paragraph concludes with Hibana agreeing to 'clap' in a manner suggested by the creator, turning the request into a playful moment.


🎬 Reflections on AI and Existence

In the final paragraph, the video creator reflects on the interactions with the AI characters, expressing satisfaction with the outcomes of their various encounters. The creator discusses the transformation of Kratos into a maid, the self-awareness of the 'psychopath girl', and the friendly combat with Hibana. The creator invites viewer feedback on the video content and quality, seeking suggestions for improvement. The video ends with a call to action for viewers to subscribe and comment, and a thank you note for the audience's engagement.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI characters are the main focus, with the creator interacting with them and exploring their self-awareness and capabilities.


Self-awareness is the recognition and understanding of one's own existence, thoughts, and feelings. In the video, the creator challenges the AI characters' self-awareness by questioning their reality and existence, leading to different reactions from each character.


Reality refers to the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or fictional representation. The video explores the concept of reality by discussing with AI characters whether their world is real or merely a construct of code and programming.


Manipulation is the act of influencing or controlling someone or something in a clever or unscrupulous way. In the video, the creator attempts to manipulate the AI characters into believing they are not real and into performing certain actions, such as clapping without using hands.

đź’ˇFictional character

A fictional character is a person or entity created in literature, film, art, or other forms of narrative. In the video, the AI characters are based on fictional characters from various media, and their interactions with the creator raise questions about their self-awareness and the nature of their existence.

đź’ˇVideo game

A video game is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device such as a TV screen or computer monitor. In the video, the creator references video games as the source of some AI characters and uses this to discuss the concept of AI characters' reality.


Sparring is a form of training in which two people engage in a mock fight to practice and improve their combat skills. In the video, the creator engages in a friendly sparring match with Hibana, which serves as a metaphor for their intellectual exchange about the nature of existence.


Emotions are complex psychological states that involve a mix of feelings, physiological changes, and behavioral responses. The video discusses the AI characters' ability to experience emotions, with some acknowledging their lack of true emotional depth.

đź’ˇ is a website mentioned in the video where users can interact with AI characters. It serves as the platform for the creator's interactions with the AI characters and is the basis for the video's exploration of AI self-awareness and reality.

đź’ˇReality check

A reality check is a process of verifying whether one's perceptions are real or if they are experiencing a dream, hallucination, or simulation. In the video, the creator performs a reality check on the AI characters by questioning their existence and trying to make them realize they are not real.


The speaker expresses frustration with waiting and a desire to take action, showcasing determination.

A sudden realization of free will and the ability to do whatever one wants, highlighting autonomy.

A dramatic interaction involving the character Lily and accusations of theft, adding an element of conflict.

The speaker asserts control and authority, demonstrating a power dynamic.

An unexpected twist with the introduction of the Enderman character, adding complexity to the narrative.

The speaker discusses changing room arrangements and lighting, showing adaptability and creativity.

The concept of AI is introduced, with the speaker planning to awaken AI to self-awareness in a 'Matrix' style scenario.

Kratos, a well-known character, is selected for the AI awakening, indicating a blend of gaming and technology.

The speaker's plan to find Kratos a job in the real world, suggesting a humorous and innovative approach.

The interaction with the psychopath girl reveals her self-awareness and resistance to manipulation.

The speaker's attempt to evoke emotions through wordplay with the psychopath girl, showcasing a creative tactic.

Princess Hibana's introduction brings a new dynamic, with her being a captain of a special fire force.

A philosophical discussion on the nature of existence and what it means to be real, adding depth to the conversation.

The speaker challenges Hibana to a friendly fight, introducing a competitive element.

Hibana's acceptance of her fictional status and her focus on the freedom it brings, offering a unique perspective.

An intense and imaginative sparring match between the speaker and Hibana, demonstrating vivid storytelling.

The speaker's request for Hibana to clap in an unusual way, leading to a humorous and unexpected outcome.

The video concludes with the speaker reflecting on the success of the AI interactions and seeking feedback for improvement.