Meta AI & Zuck are LEGENDARY for This! Llama 3 will 𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙪𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 "Shock the Industry"

MattVidPro AI
18 Apr 202419:23

TLDRMeta AI has announced a significant upgrade with the release of Llama 3, a state-of-the-art AI model that is set to be open-sourced. This move is expected to 'shock the industry' and is being celebrated as a major gift to the AI community. Llama 3 is available in two sizes, 8B and 70B, with the latter being particularly notable for its potential to compete with flagship models like GPT 4 and PLAI 3. The model has shown impressive performance in benchmarks, including language nuances, contextual understanding, and complex tasks. Meta AI's commitment to open sourcing their models is highlighted as a way to foster faster innovation, a healthier market, and to prevent any single entity from controlling AI. The company has also integrated real-time knowledge from Google and Bing into their AI, making it more accessible across various apps and introducing new creative features like animation and image generation.


  • 🚀 Meta AI has upgraded to Llama 3, a new state-of-the-art AI model that is open-sourced, aiming to be the most intelligent AI assistant available for free use.
  • 🎉 Llama 3 is expected to 'Shock the Industry' with its enhanced performance in language nuances, contextual understanding, translation, and dialogue generation.
  • 📈 Llama 3 comes in two sizes: 8B, suitable for personal machines, and 70B, which can be run on a GPU cluster by a small startup, both offering pre-trained and instruction-tuned versions.
  • 🔍 The model has been trained on a massive dataset, 15 trillion tokens, which is seven times larger than Llama 2's dataset, including four times more code.
  • 🏆 Llama 3 outperforms other models like GPT-4 and Claude 3 in benchmarks, especially in human evaluation, showcasing its superior capabilities.
  • 📚 The 400B+ version of Llama 3 is still in training and has already shown impressive results, indicating it will be a strong competitor in the AI space.
  • 🌐 Meta AI is integrating real-time knowledge from Google and Bing into their answers and making it accessible across various apps like WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook.
  • 🎨 New creative features have been added to Meta AI, allowing it to create animations and high-quality images in real-time.
  • 📝 Meta AI provides a responsible use guide to ensure the safe and ethical development of AI, acknowledging the potential dangers of AI technology.
  • 🔗 The community has already started exploring and 'jailbreaking' Llama 3, indicating a surge in developer energy and innovation around the model.
  • ⏰ The release of Llama 3 signifies a potential shift in the AI industry towards open-source models that can rapidly evolve and improve through community contributions.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of Llama 3 being open-sourced?

    -Llama 3 being open-sourced is significant because it allows the AI community to access, modify, and improve upon the model. This can lead to faster innovation, a healthier market, and the potential for better, safer, and more secure AI products.

  • What are the different sizes of Llama 3 models mentioned in the transcript?

    -The transcript mentions three sizes of Llama 3 models: 8 billion parameters, 70 billion parameters, and a larger model with over 400 billion parameters.

  • How does Llama 3 compare to GPT-4 in terms of performance?

    -Llama 3 is said to have state-of-the-art performance and is openly accessible. It is comparable to GPT-4, excelling at language nuances, contextual understanding, and complex tasks. The 70 billion parameter model is mentioned to be a competitor to flagship models like GPT-4.

  • What are some of the enhanced capabilities of Llama 3?

    -Llama 3 has enhanced capabilities in reasoning, code generation, and instruction following. It also has improved scalability and performance, allowing it to handle multi-step tasks effortlessly.

  • What is the context length of Llama 3 models?

    -The context length for Llama 3 is mentioned to be 8K, which is not standard but is open to increase by the community, potentially to 100,000 or more.

  • How does Meta AI plan to integrate Llama 3 into their existing apps?

    -Meta AI plans to integrate Llama 3 into their apps by building it into the search box that's at the top of WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and Messenger, allowing users to ask questions directly within these platforms.

  • What are the potential applications of Llama 3 for users?

    -Llama 3 can be used for a wide range of applications, including translation, dialogue generation, and it can be accessed for free on the Meta AI website for users with a Facebook account.

  • What are the responsible use guidelines provided by Meta AI?

    -Meta AI provides a responsible use guide to ensure the safe and ethical development with large language models (LLMs), acknowledging the potential dangers of AI.

  • How does the community perceive the release of Llama 3?

    -The community is excited about the release of Llama 3, with some developers already working on it and discussing its potential for multimodal capabilities and improved reasoning.

  • What is the current status of the 400 billion parameter version of Llama 3?

    -As of the transcript, the 400 billion parameter version of Llama 3 is still in training, with a recent checkpoint showing promising results and expected to be a strong competitor in the industry once completed.

  • What are some unique features of the new Meta AI website?

    -The new Meta AI website allows users to create animations and high-quality images in real-time as they type, offering a creative and interactive experience.

  • How does the open-sourcing of Llama 3 affect the AI industry?

    -The open-sourcing of Llama 3 is expected to lead to a surge in builder energy across the ecosystem, potentially unlocking a lot of research potential and leading to a faster development pace in the open-source community compared to closed-source models.



🚀 Introduction to Llama 3: Meta AI's New Open-Source AI Model

The speaker expresses excitement about the release of Llama 3, a state-of-the-art AI model developed by Meta AI. Llama 3 is set to be open-sourced, allowing free use and further development by the community. The model is available in two sizes, 8B and 70B, suitable for home machines and small startup GPU clusters respectively. Llama 3 is said to have superior performance in language nuances, contextual understanding, and complex tasks like translation and dialogue generation. It also boasts enhanced scalability, lower false refusal rates, and improved response diversity. The speaker mentions that Llama 3 has been trained on a massive dataset and has achieved impressive benchmarks, outperforming other models like GPT-4 and Claude 3 in various aspects.


🌐 Open-Sourcing Llama 3: The Future of AI and Community Engagement

The speaker discusses the importance of transparency and the potential dangers of releasing open-source AI technology. They highlight Meta AI's commitment to openness, comparing it to other major companies like Google and Open AI. The speaker also shares insights from the community regarding the future of Llama 3, including plans for multimodal capabilities and ongoing training of an even larger 400B+ model. They mention the integration of real-time knowledge from Google and Bing into Meta AI, making it more accessible across various apps and introducing new creative features like animation and image generation. The speaker emphasizes the responsible use of AI and the potential for Llama 3 to drive progress in various fields.


📈 Llama 3's Performance and the Pace of Open-Source AI Development

The speaker provides context for Llama 3's development, comparing it to the pace of open-source and proprietary AI models. They note that the open-source community seems to be quickly catching up to industry leaders like Open AI, with Llama 3 potentially being a GP4-class or better model. The speaker also shares opinions from AI researchers about the potential of Llama 3 and its impact on the ecosystem. They then proceed to test Llama 3 on the new Meta AI website, evaluating its performance in various tasks, including web search, logic testing, and image generation.


🎨 Testing Llama 3's Creative Features and The Future of Open-Source AI

The speaker explores Llama 3's creative features on the Meta AI website, including its ability to generate and animate images in real time. They experiment with creating animations and note the fun and interactive nature of the feature, even though it may not be as advanced as some other tools. The speaker also discusses the potential for fine-tuning and improving Llama 3 through community contributions. They conclude by emphasizing the significance of Llama 3's open-source release and its potential to shape the future of AI in 2024, predicting a rise in accessible, fine-tuned models for specific use cases.



💡Meta AI

Meta AI refers to the artificial intelligence technologies and models developed by Meta Platforms, Inc. (formerly known as Facebook, Inc.). In the context of the video, Meta AI is being upgraded with Llama 3, which is presented as a significant advancement in AI capabilities. It is highlighted as an open-source and freely usable AI assistant, indicating a commitment to accessibility and community-driven innovation.

💡Llama 3

Llama 3 is a state-of-the-art AI model developed by Meta AI. It is positioned as an upgrade from its predecessor, Llama 2, and is noted for its enhanced performance in language nuances, contextual understanding, and complex tasks. The model is available in two sizes, 8B and 70B, with the latter being capable of running on a GPU cluster, making it more accessible for startups and smaller entities. The script emphasizes Llama 3's potential to 'shock the industry' due to its advanced features and open-source nature.

💡Open Sourcing

Open sourcing refers to the practice of making a product's source code available to the public, allowing anyone to view, modify, and distribute the software. In the video, Meta AI's decision to open source Llama 3 is a pivotal point, as it enables a broader community to contribute to the model's development, improve it, and create custom applications. This approach is contrasted with closed-source models, which are proprietary and restricted to the company that developed them.

💡AI Community

The AI community encompasses professionals, researchers, developers, and enthusiasts who are engaged in the field of artificial intelligence. The video script mentions the AI community's excitement about Llama 3, indicating that such advancements are seen as beneficial for collective knowledge and innovation. The community's engagement with open-source projects like Llama 3 is portrayed as a driving force for the future of AI development.

💡GPU Cluster

A GPU cluster is a group of computers connected together that work in tandem to perform complex computations, often used for tasks that require high levels of parallel processing power, such as training AI models. In the context of the video, the mention of a GPU cluster refers to the infrastructure that can be used to run the larger 70B version of Llama 3, making it feasible for smaller startups to utilize this advanced AI model.


Benchmarks are standard tests or criteria used to evaluate the performance of a system, in this case, AI models. The video discusses how Llama 3 has been trained on a large dataset and compared to other models like GPT-4 and Claude 3. The benchmarks are used to demonstrate Llama 3's capabilities in various tasks, such as reasoning, math, and language understanding, positioning it as a competitive model in the AI space.


Multimodal refers to systems that can process and analyze data from multiple types of inputs, such as text, images, and audio. The video script hints at future plans for Llama 3 to become multimodal, which would significantly expand its applicability and utility. This development would allow the AI to better understand and interact with the world by integrating different forms of data.


Post-training processes involve additional steps taken after the initial training of an AI model to refine its performance. The video mentions that Llama 3 has undergone refined post-training processes, which have led to improvements in false refusal rates, response alignment, and diversity in model answers. These enhancements are crucial for making the AI more reliable and user-friendly.

💡Instruction Tuning

Instruction tuning is a technique used to improve the performance of an AI model on specific tasks by providing it with additional examples or instructions. The script highlights that Llama 3 has been pre-trained and instruction-tuned, which means it can handle a wide range of applications more effectively, showcasing its adaptability and versatility.

💡Responsible Use Guide

A responsible use guide provides information and guidelines on how to use a technology ethically and safely. In the context of the video, Meta AI has provided a responsible use guide for Llama 3 to ensure that developers and users are aware of the potential risks and ethical considerations when working with advanced AI models. This reflects the company's commitment to transparency and responsible development in AI.

💡Knowledge Integration

Knowledge integration refers to the process of incorporating external sources of information into an AI system to enhance its capabilities. The video script mentions that Meta AI has integrated real-time knowledge from Google and Bing into its answers, which suggests that Llama 3 can tap into vast databases to provide more accurate and up-to-date information, improving the overall quality of its responses.


Meta AI is upgrading with Llama 3, a new state-of-the-art AI model that is being open-sourced.

Llama 3 is believed to be the most intelligent AI assistant available for free use.

Meta AI has a reputation for creating high-quality, open, and free AI models.

Llama 3 is available in 8B and 70B sizes, making it feasible to run on personal machines and small startup GPU clusters.

Pre-trained and instruction-tuned versions of Llama 3 support a wide range of applications.

Llama 3 boasts enhanced performance in language nuances, contextual understanding, translation, and dialogue generation.

The model has refined post-training processes that significantly lower false refusal rates and improve response alignment.

Llama 3 elevates capabilities in reasoning, code generation, and instruction following.

Llama 3 is trained on custom-built 24K GPU clusters and a dataset seven times larger than Llama 2's.

The 8B Llama 3 model outperforms other models like Gemma 7B and Misal Instruct 7B in benchmarks.

The 70B Llama 3 model competes with flagship models like GPT 4 and PLAI 3, offering open-source accessibility.

Meta AI provides a responsible use guide for the safe and ethical development of AI models.

Llama 3's 400B+ model is still in training and has shown promising results, potentially surpassing GP4 class models.

Meta AI's open-sourcing approach is aimed at fostering faster innovation and a healthier market for AI technology.

The new Meta AI website allows users to utilize Llama 3's capabilities through a search box integrated into various apps.

Llama 3 introduces unique creation features, enabling real-time generation and updates of animations and high-quality images.

The open-source nature of Llama 3 allows anyone to build upon it, potentially leading to next-level AI models by the end of 2024.

Llama 3's performance is expected to be industry-leading, with continuous training and development to enhance its capabilities.

The community has already started exploring and 'jailbreaking' Llama 3, indicating a surge in builder energy and innovation.