Meta Just Achieved Mind-Reading Using AI

18 Nov 202318:16

TLDRIn 2054, the US has launched a pre-crime police unit, reminiscent of the 2002 film 'Minority Report.' Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin and company Meta have developed AI systems capable of translating brain scans into text and predicting visual representations from brain waves in real-time. This breakthrough could revolutionize communication for the speech-impaired and enhance brain-computer interfaces. However, it raises significant privacy concerns, as it could potentially allow companies to intrude on personal thoughts.


  • 🌐 Meta, a social media conglomerate, has achieved a breakthrough in AI by developing a system that can predict and interpret brain waves in real-time, essentially 'mind-reading'.
  • 🔮 The technology was developed at the University of Texas at Austin, creating a non-invasive language decoder that translates brain activity into text.
  • 🧠 The device, called a semantic decoder, can interpret imagined speech and silent videos, reconstructing continuous language from perceived speech.
  • 🚫 However, the technology is not without limitations, as non-invasive methods like fMRI have slower temporal resolution compared to invasive methods.
  • 💡 Researchers used an encoding model and generative AI, specifically an earlier version of GPT, to predict and decode brain responses to language.
  • 🧠 The study found that different brain regions encode word-level language representations, suggesting redundancy and backup systems in language processing.
  • 🤔 The technology could have significant implications for individuals who have lost the ability to communicate due to illness or injury.
  • 🌟 Meta's AI system uses MEEG technology, which can take thousands of brain activity measurements per second, to decode visual representations in the brain.
  • 📸 The system can reconstruct images perceived and processed by the brain, aligning with modern computer vision AI systems like Dino V2.
  • 📈 This advancement raises privacy concerns, as companies could potentially use this technology to better target advertising or influence public opinion.
  • 🚀 The future of brain-reading technology is uncertain, but it could lead to revolutionary changes in communication, particularly for those physically impaired.

Q & A

  • What is the concept of 'pre-crime' mentioned in the script?

    -The concept of 'pre-crime' refers to the idea of predicting and arresting individuals for crimes they have not yet committed but are likely to commit in the future, as seen in the 2002 movie Minority Report.

  • What is the significance of the semantic decoder developed by researchers at the University of Texas at Austin?

    -The semantic decoder is a device that can read a person's mind by converting brain activity into a string of text, essentially translating thoughts into a conscious, understandable stream of text.

  • How does the non-invasive language decoder work?

    -The non-invasive language decoder works by analyzing brain recordings through functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and reconstructing what a person perceives or imagines into continuous natural language.

  • What are the limitations of non-invasive fMRI in brain decoding?

    -The major limitation of non-invasive fMRI is its temporal resolution, meaning how quickly it captures changes in brain activity. The fMRI measures the blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal, which is slow, taking about 10 seconds to rise and fall in response to neural activity.

  • How did researchers address the challenge of slow fMRI response times?

    -Researchers employed an encoding model which predicts how the brain responds to natural language. They trained the model using 16 hours of spoken narrative stories, extracting semantic features and building an accurate model of the brain's responses to different word sequences.

  • What role did generative AI play in the development of the mind-reading device?

    -Generative AI, specifically an earlier version of GPT-1, was used to accurately predict the most likely words to follow in a given sequence. This helped in refining the predictions of the decoder and determining the most likely words over time.

  • What surprising discovery did researchers make about different parts of the brain and language representation?

    -Researchers discovered that diverse brain regions redundantly encode word-level language representations, indicating that our brains have backup systems for language understanding and usage, similar to having several copies of the same book.

  • What is 'cross-modal decoding' and how was it tested in the study?

    -Cross-modal decoding refers to the process of interpreting different types of information, such as visual or auditory signals, using the decoder. In the study, researchers tested this by having participants imagine stories during fMRI scans, and the decoder successfully identified the content and meaning of their stories.

  • How did Meta's AI system differ from the University of Texas' non-invasive language decoder?

    -Meta's AI system used MEEG technology, another non-invasive neuroimaging technique, which can take thousands of brain activity measurements per second. This allowed the system to decode visual representations in the brain and predict what a person is looking at in real time.

  • What are some potential future applications of brain-reading technology?

    -Potential future applications include helping those who are mentally conscious but unable to speak or communicate, adapting smartphone features based on a user's mood or brain activity, and even commanding or querying devices just by thoughts.

  • What concerns arise with the advancement of mind-reading technology?

    -There are concerns about privacy, as companies like Meta or Google could potentially know what individuals are looking at or thinking, which could be used to better target advertising or sway public opinion.



🚨 Future of Policing: Pre-Crime in 2054

The video begins with a discussion on the concept of 'pre-crime', a futuristic policing method where crimes are prevented before they occur, as depicted in the 2002 movie 'Minority Report'. It introduces the viewer to a world where security and government control intersect, raising questions about privacy and surveillance. The video then transitions into a real-world application of similar technology, where researchers at the University of Texas have developed a 'semantic decoder', a device that translates brain scans into text. This breakthrough, announced in May 2023, has significant implications for both privacy and assisting individuals who cannot communicate due to illness or injury. The video sets the stage for a deep dive into this groundbreaking technology and its potential impact on society.


🧠 Mind-Reading AI: Decoding Brain Activity

The second paragraph delves into the specifics of the mind-reading AI developed by the University of Texas at Austin. The device, known as a non-invasive language decoder, uses functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to reconstruct what a person perceives or imagines into continuous natural language. The researchers, led by Jerry Tang and Alexander Huth, published their findings in the Journal of Nature Neuroscience. The video explains the limitations of non-invasive systems and how the team overcame these challenges by using an encoding model and a generative neural network language model, specifically GPT-1. The paragraph highlights the innovative use of AI to predict and generate word sequences, and the implications of this technology for understanding and potentially restoring communication for those who have lost the ability to speak.


🧬 Brain's Language Processing: Redundancy and Backup Systems

This paragraph explores the findings of the researchers regarding the brain's language processing capabilities. It reveals that different parts of the brain, known as cortical regions, redundantly encode word-level language representations, suggesting that our brains have backup systems for language understanding and usage. This redundancy is likened to having multiple copies of the same book, ensuring that if one copy is damaged, the information is still accessible. The video also discusses the team's experiments with imagined speech and cross-modal decoding, showing that the decoder can interpret silent speech within the brain and even predict word descriptions of visual content. The significance of these findings for brain-computer interfaces and the potential for further advancements in the field is emphasized.


🌐 AI and Privacy: The Future of Mind Reading

The final paragraph discusses the broader implications of mind-reading technology, particularly the involvement of Meta (formerly Facebook) in pushing the boundaries of this research. It describes Meta's use of MEEG technology to create a real-time AI system capable of decoding visual representations in the brain. The video speculates on the potential applications of this technology, such as adapting smartphone features based on a user's mood or brain activity, and the ethical considerations surrounding privacy and the potential misuse of such technology by corporations. The video concludes with a reflection on the balance between the benefits for physically impaired individuals and the risks of privacy infringement, leaving viewers with questions about the future of this technology and its impact on society.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is used to translate brain scans into text and predict what a person is looking at based on their brain waves, showcasing its potential in understanding and interpreting human cognition and perception.


Mind-reading, in the context of this video, refers to the technological capability of interpreting and understanding human thoughts directly from brain activity. This is achieved through the use of AI systems that analyze brain scans and brain waves to predict or translate thoughts into text or visual representations.

💡Semantic Decoder

A semantic decoder is a device or AI system that can interpret the meaning behind brain activity by converting it into a string of text. It goes beyond simple word recognition and attempts to understand and reconstruct the continuous language that a person perceives, imagines, or would speak.

💡Non-Invasive Language Decoder

A non-invasive language decoder is a technology that translates brain activity into language without requiring any invasive procedures, such as brain implants. It uses non-invasive methods like functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to record brain activity and AI algorithms to interpret this data into meaningful language.

💡Generative AI

Generative AI refers to AI systems that can create new content, such as text or images, based on patterns and data they have learned. In the video, generative AI is used in conjunction with a semantic decoder to predict and generate the most likely word sequences that match a person's brain activity, thus aiding in the mind-reading process.


Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a non-invasive neuroimaging procedure that measures and maps the activity of the brain by detecting changes associated with blood flow. In the video, fMRI is used to record brain activity, which is then interpreted by AI to reconstruct the language a person perceives or imagines.


Pre-crime is a concept where crimes are detected and prevented before they actually occur. This idea is often associated with speculative fiction, such as the movie 'Minority Report,' but the video discusses the real-world implications of such technology, particularly in relation to privacy concerns and government control.


Privacy refers to the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people. In the context of the video, privacy is a major concern as mind-reading technologies have the potential to reveal personal thoughts and perceptions, which could be exploited and lead to a loss of personal privacy.

💡Semantic Information

Semantic information refers to the meaning conveyed by language or other forms of communication. In the video, the researchers' goal is to extract semantic information from brain signals, which would involve understanding not just the words but also their context and relationship to each other in a coherent message.

💡Cortical Regions

Cortical regions are specific areas in the outer layer of the brain, known as the cerebral cortex, responsible for various sensory, motor, or cognitive processes. The video discusses the finding that different cortical regions encode similar word-level language representations, suggesting redundancy and backup systems for language understanding in the brain.

💡Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs)

Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are systems that enable direct communication between the brain and external devices, often with the goal of assisting individuals with disabilities. In the video, the development of non-invasive BCIs that use AI to interpret brain activity represents a significant advancement in technology and has potential applications for those who cannot communicate verbally.


In 2054, the United States has federally launched a new police unit for pre-crime, arresting people who commit crimes in the future.

Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin have created a semantic decoder that can translate brain scans into text.

The device can turn a person's brain activity and thoughts into a conscious, understandable stream of text.

Meta, a social media conglomerate, has also developed an AI system capable of mind-reading using brain waves.

The AI system can predict what a person is looking at in real-time by analyzing their brain waves.

The University of Texas at Austin's non-invasive language decoder was detailed in the Journal of Nature Neuroscience.

The semantic decoder reconstructs what a person perceives or imagines into continuous natural language using fMRI.

Non-invasive systems like fMRI have excellent spatial specificity but are limited by their slow temporal resolution.

To overcome this, researchers used an encoding model and generative AI to predict brain responses to natural language.

The AI model used in the study was an earlier version of the now famous GPT models.

The decoder employs a beam search algorithm to generate and refine word sequences from brain activity.

Decoding word sequences captured not only the meaning but often the exact words, demonstrating the effectiveness of the system.

Different brain regions were found to redundantly encode word-level language representations, suggesting backup systems for language understanding.

The system was tested on imagined speech, successfully identifying the content and meaning of silent stories in the brain.

Meta's AI system using MEEG technology can decode visual representations in the brain in real-time.

The AI learned imagery by itself without human supervision, aligning with modern computer vision AI systems.

The technology could potentially adapt devices like smartphones to user's mood or brain activity.

There are concerns about the misuse of this technology for advertising or privacy invasion.

True mind reading or telepathy remains in fiction, as the technology needs to overcome significant challenges.

The breakthrough at the University of Texas in Austin has stunned the scientific world and captured widespread attention.

The study's technical prowess was praised for its potential to decipher thoughts and dreams from subconscious brain activity.