Midjourney Ai Face Swap - Complete Tutorial

20 May 202305:21

TLDRThe video script introduces a significant update to AI face swap technology, powered by mid-journey, a potent AI texture and image generator. It guides viewers step by step on setting up a mid-journey account, joining Discord, creating a server, and inviting necessary bots for the face swap process. The script details how to use the mid-journey bot to generate a new image and the face swap bot to replace the original face with the generated one. The process is showcased with a cyberpunk theme and the option to refine the image resolution. The video ends with a teaser for an upcoming comprehensive mid-journey course on AI tools.


  • πŸš€ AI face swap technology has been significantly updated thanks to Mid-Journey, a powerful AI texture image generator.
  • πŸ“± To use the face swap feature, one must have a Mid-Journey account and be part of the Mid-Journey community on Discord.
  • πŸ“Ή A tutorial video is available for complete beginners on setting up a Mid-Journey account and joining the Discord server.
  • πŸ”— By clicking the plus sign on Discord, users can create their own server and invite the Mid-Journey bots for the face swap functionality.
  • πŸ€– The Mid-Journey Bot and the Face Swap Bot need to be invited to the user's server to proceed with the face swap process.
  • πŸ“Œ The user should type '/save ID' in the face swap bot to generate a unique ID for the face swap operation.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ An original image (the one to be swapped) must be uploaded and named to initiate the face swap process.
  • 🎨 The Mid-Journey Bot is used to create a new image from scratch by using specific prompts like 'cyber Punk', 'male', 'female', 'close-up portrait', 'ultra realistic', and '4K'.
  • πŸ”„ Generated images can be refined and varied by using options like 'V' for variations and 'U' for upres (higher resolution).
  • πŸ”— The face swap can be performed by right-clicking on the generated image and selecting the 'app in swapper' option.
  • πŸ“± A comprehensive Mid-Journey course and a subscription-based learning platform on AI tools are in development to help users become more productive.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about the recent update in AI face swap technology, specifically within the platform called Mid-Journey.

  • What is Mid-Journey?

    -Mid-Journey is a powerful AI texture image generator that now supports face swapping features.

  • What is the first step in using the face swap feature on Mid-Journey?

    -The first step is to have a Mid-Journey account and to join the Mid-Journey community on Discord.

  • How does one join Mid-Journey on Discord?

    -To join Mid-Journey on Discord, one must find the plus sign on the left side of Discord, create a server, and then join the Mid-Journey server.

  • What are the bots that need to be invited to the server for the face swap feature?

    -The Mid-Journey bot and the Face Swap bot need to be invited to the server to use the face swap feature.

  • What is the process for inviting the necessary bots to the server?

    -The user must go to the Mid-Journey server, find the Mid-Journey Bot, add it to their server, and also use a provided link in the description to add the Face Swap Bot.

  • How does one initiate the face swap process?

    -The user types '/save ID' in the chat with the Face Swap bot after adding an image, naming it, and pressing enter.

  • What is the command used to create a new image for the face swap?

    -The command used is '!imagine' followed by a prompt, such as 'cyberpunk male female close-up portrait ultra realistic 4K'.

  • How can the user refine the generated images?

    -The user can refine the images by pressing 'V' for variations or 'U' for upscaling the resolution.

  • What is the final step to complete the face swap?

    -The final step is to right-click on the selected image, choose the 'Apps' option, and click 'In-Swapper' to perform the face swap.

  • What additional resource is the speaker planning to offer?

    -The speaker is planning to offer a Netflix-style subscription platform that teaches the latest tools in AI, including a comprehensive Mid-Journey course.



πŸš€ Introduction to Mid-Journey AI Face Swap Update

The video begins with an introduction to a significant update in AI face swapping technology, thanks to Mid-Journey. The speaker explains that Mid-Journey is a powerful AI texture and image generator and that users can now perform face swaps directly within the platform. The first step is to ensure that viewers have a Mid-Journey account and have joined Mid-Journey on Discord. For complete beginners, a previous video was published to guide them through setting up Mid-Journey within Discord. The speaker then proceeds to demonstrate how to create a server on Discord and invites the Mid-Journey bots to the server, which is necessary for the face swap process.


πŸ“Έ How to Use Mid-Journey for Face Swaps

The speaker continues by detailing the process of using Mid-Journey for face swaps. After setting up the server and inviting the necessary bots, the viewer is guided to type in 'save ID' to initiate the process. They are then prompted to upload an original image, which will be used for the face swap. The speaker demonstrates how to use the Mid-Journey bot to create a new image from scratch by typing 'slash imagine' followed by a prompt. The generated images can be selected, and the 'in swapper' app is used to perform the face swap. The final step is to save the new image, which can then be posted or used as desired. The speaker also mentions that they and their team are working on a comprehensive Mid-Journey course and platform to teach the latest tools in AI, which will be available on a Netflix-style subscription platform.



πŸ’‘AI face swap

AI face swap refers to the process of using artificial intelligence to replace the face of a person in a photo or video with another face. In the context of the video, it is a significant update to the mid-journey platform that allows users to perform face swaps seamlessly within the application.


Mid-journey is described as a powerful AI texture image generator. It is a platform that enables users to create and manipulate images using AI technology. In the video, mid-journey is the central tool for the face swap process.


Discord is a communication platform that allows users to create and join servers for various purposes, including gaming, communities, and work collaborations. In the video, Discord is used as a medium to host and interact with the mid-journey bot and the face swap bot.

πŸ’‘mid-journey bot

The mid-journey bot is an AI-driven tool integrated within the Discord platform that facilitates the interaction with the mid-journey AI image generator. It is one of the essential components required for performing a face swap.

πŸ’‘face swap bot

The face swap bot is a specialized AI tool designed for the purpose of swapping faces in images. It is another bot that needs to be invited to the Discord server to enable the face swap feature within the mid-journey platform.


In the context of Discord, a server is a virtual space where users can communicate and interact through text, voice, and video. The server mentioned in the video is created for the specific purpose of using the AI tools for face swapping.

πŸ’‘slash imagine

Slash imagine is a command used within the mid-journey platform to generate images based on the prompts provided by the user. It is a crucial step in creating the new face for the face swap.


Prompts in the context of AI image generation are specific descriptors or instructions given to the AI to guide the creation of an image. They help the AI understand the desired output, such as style, subject, and quality.


Upres is a term used to refer to the action of increasing the resolution of an image. In the video, it is an option provided within the mid-journey platform to enhance the quality of the generated images.

πŸ’‘in swapper

In swapper is an application or feature within the mid-journey platform that facilitates the face swapping process. It takes the generated image and the original image to create a new image with the swapped face.

πŸ’‘AI course

The AI course mentioned in the video is an upcoming educational platform that aims to teach users about the latest tools in AI. It is described as a Netflix-style subscription service, catering to beginners who want to become more proficient in AI technologies.


AI face swap has received a major update thanks to mid-journey.

Mid-journey is a powerful AI texture image generator.

Face swaps can now be done directly inside mid-journey.

A mid-journey account and Discord presence are required to use the face swap feature.

A tutorial video is available for setting up mid-journey for beginners.

Creating a server on Discord is the first step in the process.

Inviting the mid-journey bot to your server is necessary for face swapping.

The face swap bot must also be invited to the server for the feature to work.

The 'save ID' command is used to create a unique identifier for the face swap.

The 'slash imagine' command is utilized to generate new images for the face swap.

Users can specify details like 'cyberpunk', 'male', 'female', 'close-up portrait', 'ultra realistic', and '4K' for image generation.

The generated images can be refined and selected for variations using 'V' and 'U' commands.

The 'in swapper' app is used to perform the actual face swap.

Users can save the final face swap image to their download folder.

A comprehensive mid-journey course and platform are being developed for learning AI tools.

The platform will be a Netflix-style subscription service offering AI education for productivity.

An announcement will be made once the mid-journey course and platform are ready.