Face Swap Midjourney Tutorial | How To Swap Face In Midjourney

28 Sept 202309:46

TLDRThe video introduces a groundbreaking AI tool that allows users to swap their face onto any generated image, opening up possibilities for social media profiles and beyond. By using mid-journey and pixie.ai, users can easily integrate their likeness into various scenarios, such as being on a beach or in a rainforest, with detailed prompts for lighting and camera settings. The process is simplified through Discord bots, making AI image generation accessible to everyone.


  • 🤖 AI image generation tools like Mid-Journey and plugins now allow users to insert their own face into any generated image, opening up possibilities for various applications.
  • 🌟 The process is easier than imagined and can be accomplished with a clear image of oneself and the use of a Discord bot called InsightFace Swap.
  • 🌐 Discord bots are used for both image generation (Mid-Journey) and face swapping (InsightFace Swap), streamlining the process of customizing images.
  • 📸 Users only need one high-quality image of themselves, free of obstructions like glasses or heavy bangs, for the face swapping process.
  • 🎨 The AI can generate images based on detailed prompts, including age, hair color, setting, camera settings, and lighting preferences.
  • 🌳 An example scenario provided in the script involves a man in his 40s with short dark hair in a rainforest, demonstrating how specific prompts can shape the AI's output.
  • 🔍 Understanding camera lenses and settings like F 1.8 can help users craft better prompts and achieve more realistic results.
  • 📌 The script emphasizes the importance of writing effective prompts to guide the AI in creating the desired images.
  • 🔗 An ID name is created for the user's image, which is used in the face swapping process, with a limit of 20 different IDs on the free plan.
  • 🏖️ Another example provided involves a man on a beach in Florida with a pina colada, showcasing the AI's capability to create realistic and situational images.
  • 💡 The potential applications of this technology are vast, including professional profile pictures for LinkedIn, images for dating apps, and more, without the need for physical outfits or settings.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about using AI image generation tools, specifically mid-journey and pixie.ai, to create images with one's own face in various scenarios.

  • How has AI made life easier in terms of image generation?

    -AI has made life easier by allowing users to integrate their faces into pictures with ease, something that was previously difficult and time-consuming without the use of complicated tools.

  • What is the name of the AI tool used for face swapping in the video?

    -The AI tool used for face swapping in the video is called pixie.ai's Insight face swap.

  • What is the first step in creating an AI-generated image with mid-journey?

    -The first step is to create a Discord server with both the mid-journey and Insight face swap bots.

  • What is the purpose of the 'forward slash save ID' command?

    -The 'forward slash save ID' command is used to upload an image and give it a name for future reference during the image generation process.

  • What are some rules for naming an image in the mid-journey tool?

    -The name should only contain letters and numbers, be no longer than 10 characters, and should be from a clear front view, high quality, without glasses or heavy bangs.

  • How does the AI tool understand specific camera settings?

    -The AI tool understands specific camera settings like focal length and aperture (F-stop) by mentioning them in the prompts, which helps generate more accurate and desired images.

  • What is the process for swapping a face in an image?

    -To swap a face, one must first upscale the desired image, save it to their computer, then upload it back to the server chat, and use the 'forward slash swap ID' command along with the saved ID name for the face swap.

  • How can one improve their prompts for better AI-generated images?

    -One can improve their prompts by understanding the effects of different camera settings and lighting conditions on the image, and by practicing in the mid-journey newbie rooms and observing others' prompts.

  • What are some potential uses for AI-generated images with one's own face?

    -Potential uses include creating profile pictures for social media platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn, images for dating apps like Tinder, and even professional photos without the need for actual outfits or settings.

  • How can one join the Discord community mentioned in the video?

    -One can join the Discord community by following the link provided in the video description.



🤖 Introduction to AI Image Generation and Mid-Journey Tool

This paragraph introduces the concept of AI-generated images and highlights the capabilities of the AI tool, mid-journey. It emphasizes the ease of use and the wide range of applications, such as creating Tinder photos, Instagram travel pictures, and LinkedIn profile images. The speaker also promises to guide the viewer through the process of generating images with their own face. The paragraph discusses the previous challenges faced by non-experts in integrating their faces into images and introduces a new method using pixie.ai and insightface's technology, which simplifies the process. The speaker expresses gratitude to an AI image generation Pro who helped teach the method and notes that the language of the Discord interface, being Swedish, won't affect the process.


🌟 Mastering AI Image Prompts and Discord Bots for Face Swapping

This paragraph delves into the specifics of using AI tools for image generation and face swapping. It explains the process of creating a Discord server with the necessary bots, saving an image with a specific ID, and generating an image based on detailed prompts. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of clear front-view images without glasses or heavy bangs for the best results. It also discusses the role of lighting and camera settings in refining the AI's output. The speaker provides an example prompt and explains the concept of upscaling images for better quality. The paragraph concludes with a guide on how to perform a face swap using the generated image and the saved ID, resulting in a personalized image suitable for social media profiles.



💡AI image generation

AI image generation refers to the process of creating visual content using artificial intelligence algorithms. In the context of the video, it involves the use of AI tools to produce images where a user's face can be integrated into various scenarios. This technology is showcased as a powerful and accessible way to generate personalized content for social media platforms.


Mid-journey is an AI image generation tool mentioned in the video that allows users to generate images based on specific prompts and settings. It is used to create a variety of scenarios and is integrated with other plugins to enhance the user's experience in customizing the generated content.

💡Face swap

Face swap is a technique that involves replacing the face in an image with another face, typically using software. In the video, it is used to place the user's face onto an AI-generated character or scene, allowing for personalized and realistic images that can be used on social media platforms.

💡Discord bot

A Discord bot is a software program that operates within the Discord platform, providing automated services or interactions for users. In the video, Discord bots are used to facilitate the process of AI image generation and face swapping, streamlining the user's experience and making the process more accessible.


Upscaling refers to the process of increasing the resolution of an image, thereby enhancing its quality and detail. In the context of the video, upscaling is an important step before performing a face swap to ensure that the final image is clear and high quality.


In the context of AI image generation, prompts are the descriptions or scenarios provided by the user to guide the AI in creating the desired image. These prompts can include details about the setting, lighting, and other visual elements.


Photorealistic refers to images or visuals that closely resemble real-life photographs in terms of detail and quality. In the video, achieving a photorealistic result is important for creating convincing and believable AI-generated images for social media profiles and other applications.


Lighting in the context of image generation and photography refers to the arrangement, quality, and direction of light in a scene. Proper lighting can significantly impact the mood and overall appearance of an image. In the video, specifying lighting preferences is crucial for achieving the desired look and feel in the AI-generated images.

💡Camera settings

Camera settings pertain to the various adjustable parameters on a camera that affect the outcome of a photograph, such as focal length, aperture, and shutter speed. In the video, mentioning specific camera settings in prompts helps the AI generate images with a more realistic and professional look.

💡Social media

Social media refers to online platforms that allow users to create and share content or participate in social networking. In the video, social media is presented as a primary use case for the AI-generated images, where users can enhance their profiles with personalized and high-quality images.


Personalization involves tailoring products, services, or content to meet the specific needs or preferences of an individual. In the video, personalization is central to the process of creating AI-generated images, where users can integrate their own faces or characteristics into various scenarios to create unique and personalized content.


Artificial intelligence is now capable of generating images with user's face integrated into them, opening up possibilities for various applications.

The AI image generation tool mid-journey, along with other plugins, allows users to apply their face to any generated image.

This technology can be utilized for enhancing Tinder photos, travel pictures for Instagram, or creating the perfect LinkedIn profile picture.

The process of integrating one's face into images is now much simpler than before, only requiring a clear picture of the user's face.

The tool pixie.ai by insightface is introduced as a means to change the face in any picture.

Discord bots are used for both the face swapping process and the actual image generation.

An example is provided on how to use the forward slash save ID command to upload and name an image for later use.

The importance of creating a clear and specific prompt for the AI to generate desired images is emphasized.

The concept of camera settings and lighting preferences is crucial in generating realistic AI images.

The process of upscaling images to enhance quality before using them is explained.

A detailed guide on how to perform a face swap using the Discord bot and the forward slash swap ID command is provided.

The practical application of this technology for creating professional profile pictures on platforms like LinkedIn and dating apps is discussed.

An invitation is extended to join a Discord community for sharing and exploring more AI-related projects.

The potential of AI in creating realistic and personalized images for social media is highlighted.

A free AI tool cheat sheet is offered to those who sign up for the newsletter, providing additional resources for using AI efficiently.