NovelAI - Text Adventure Tips and Shortcuts

P Gatcomb
17 Oct 202316:32

TLDRIn today's video, the presenter dives into NovelAI's text adventure generator, highlighting its enhanced capabilities with new presets and AI models that create compelling stories. The video demonstrates how to craft a basic text-based adventure, starting with defining the story's theme, tone, and style. It guides viewers through setting up the context, using tags, and leveraging shortcuts for actions like looking around, examining items, and navigating the adventure. The presenter also shows how to manipulate the story by adding items to the inventory, using wildcards, and triggering character actions. The video emphasizes the importance of context in shaping the narrative and advises on experimenting with different presets for varied story outcomes. It concludes by encouraging viewers to explore and enjoy the creative possibilities of text-based adventures.


  • 📚 Utilize new presets and AI models to generate compelling stories with the text adventure generator.
  • 🧠 Remember that the text-based adventure module's intelligence is based on the story it has been fed.
  • 🎨 Define the story's author, title, tone, and style to set the foundation for your text-based adventure.
  • 🏷️ Use tags to include specific elements or themes you want to see in your story.
  • 📝 Insert generated titles, styles, and tags into the memory for continuous context throughout the adventure.
  • 🔄 Ensure completion by using the 'ensuring completion after start' feature for appropriate component lengths.
  • ↕️ Navigate your adventure using cardinal directions or player commands for a more controlled experience.
  • 📚 Create multiple lore book entries to hold generated ideas and edit them as the story evolves.
  • 🔍 Use the 'look around' command or the letter 'L' for a quick description of the surroundings.
  • 📷 Incorporate inventory management and examine items for deeper interaction with the story's environment.
  • ❌ Be cautious with the use of exclamation points as they can trigger unexpected story developments.
  • 🔄 Switch between 'Storyteller mode' and 'Adventure mode' to adjust and refine your story's context and direction.
  • 🔧 Experiment with different presets like 'Writer's Demon' to alter the style and tone of your generated text.

Q & A

  • What are the new features in NovelAI's text adventure generator that make it more effective?

    -The new features include the addition of presets and advanced AI models that significantly improve the generation of compelling and interesting stories.

  • How does the text-based adventure module in NovelAI work?

    -The text-based adventure module in NovelAI is as smart as the story it has been programmed with, creating some ambiguity in the narratives it generates.

  • What is the first step in creating a text-based adventure story in NovelAI?

    -The first step is to establish what the story is about, including defining the author's style, tone, and any specific tags or themes that should be included in the story.

  • How can you define the title and style for your text-based adventure story in NovelAI?

    -You can define the title and style by clicking on the appropriate mode and entering the desired title and a description of the style you want for your story, such as 'creepy horror thriller'.

  • What is the purpose of tags in the context of creating a text-based adventure story?

    -Tags are used to specify elements or themes that you want to appear in your story. They are important because they influence the content that the AI generates.

  • How do you ensure that the generated content is always referred back to in the text-based adventure?

    -By placing the defined elements at the top of the context, the content is always referred back to regardless of where you are in the adventure or how long it gets.

  • What is the 'ensuring completion after start' option used for in NovelAI?

    -The 'ensuring completion after start' option ensures that when you type something in, the AI generates content that is an appropriate length for that particular component of the story.

  • How can you navigate around the text-based adventure in NovelAI?

    -You can navigate around the text-based adventure using directional commands like 'north', 'east', 'south', and 'west', or by using player actions to interact with the environment.

  • What is the significance of using 'lore book entries' in NovelAI's text adventure?

    -Lore book entries allow you to define elements within the universe of the adventure that can be referenced multiple times, providing a consistent backdrop for the story.

  • How can you add items to the inventory in NovelAI's text adventure?

    -You can add items to the inventory by using the 'take' command or by specifying that an item is taken within the context of the story.

  • What is the role of the 'wild cards' feature in NovelAI's text adventure?

    -Wild cards allow for the introduction of random elements or actions into the story, adding an element of unpredictability and variety to the adventure.

  • How can you alter the style and tone of the generated story in NovelAI?

    -You can alter the style and tone by changing the preset within the configuration settings, which will affect how the AI generates the text.



📚 Introduction to Text Adventure Generator

The video begins with an introduction to the Text Adventure generator, highlighting its improved capabilities with new presets and AI models that enhance the creation of engaging stories. The presenter emphasizes that the module's intelligence is limited to the story it has been written with, which can introduce some ambiguity. The objective is to craft a basic text-based adventure story, starting with defining the story's theme, tone, and style. The process involves setting the title, such as 'The Haunted High School,' and using tags to include desired elements in the story. The presenter also explains how to input these elements into the context for reference throughout the adventure.


🎮 Navigating the Adventure and Using Shortcuts

This paragraph delves into the mechanics of navigating the text-based adventure. The presenter discusses how the player's commands are distinct from the character's actions within the story. It covers the use of cardinal directions (North, South, East, West) to control the character's movement and how the system remembers previous contexts to inform future actions. The video also introduces shortcuts like 'L' for 'look around' and 'X' for 'examine,' as well as how to take items and view the inventory. The presenter demonstrates how to edit the story to include new elements, such as an old drumstick, and the importance of maintaining context for the AI to generate coherent story elements.


🔄 Dynamic Storytelling with Wildcards and Actions

The third paragraph focuses on the dynamic aspects of storytelling within the text adventure. It introduces the concept of wildcards, which allow for the introduction of unpredictable elements into the story. The presenter also shows how to perform random actions using an exclamation point and how to trigger specific character actions or responses. The video emphasizes the importance of being cautious with forced actions due to the potential for context confusion. It also touches on the ability to directly input actions or dialogue into the context for the AI to generate the subsequent narrative.


⚙️ Customizing the Experience with Config Presets

The final paragraph discusses customizing the text adventure experience through the use of different config presets. The presenter shows how changing the preset, such as to 'Writer's Demon,' can significantly alter the style and tone of the generated text. It stresses the importance of considering the context, which includes all previously defined elements like the setting, style, and title. The video concludes by encouraging viewers to experiment with the various components and presets to create unique and engaging text-based adventures.



💡Text Adventure Generator

A 'Text Adventure Generator' is a software tool that creates interactive fiction or text-based games. It allows users to define the narrative, settings, and actions within a story, which the software then uses to generate a branching story that users can interact with. In the video, it is used to create a compelling and interactive story using NovelAI's advanced features and AI models.


In the context of the video, 'presets' refer to pre-defined settings within the text adventure generator that can be used to quickly establish the tone, style, and thematic elements of the story. They are used to streamline the creation process by providing a starting point for the story's atmosphere and narrative direction.

💡AI Models

AI Models in this video script refer to the artificial intelligence algorithms that power the text adventure generator. These models are responsible for understanding and processing the input from users to create coherent and engaging stories. They are highlighted as a key factor in the effectiveness of the text adventure generator.


In the video, 'context' is the background information or setting that influences how the text adventure generator interprets and generates the story. It includes elements like the title, author's style, and tags that are defined by the user. The context is crucial as it provides the foundation upon which the AI builds the narrative.


'Tags' are keywords or labels that users can define to include specific themes, elements, or characteristics they want to see in their story. They act as cues for the AI to incorporate certain ideas or motifs into the generated text. In the video, tags are used to guide the narrative towards including elements like 'haunted high school' or 'mystery'.

💡Lore Book Entries

Lore Book Entries are detailed descriptions or pieces of information about the world or setting of the text adventure. They can include descriptions of rooms, characters, or items. In the video, the user creates lore book entries for different rooms in the high school setting, which the AI can then reference and incorporate into the story.

💡Directional Commands

Directional Commands are user inputs that dictate the character's movement within the text adventure, such as 'north', 'south', 'east', or 'west'. They are used to navigate through the story's setting and explore different areas. The video demonstrates how these commands are interpreted by the AI to move the narrative forward.


Shortcuts in the video refer to quick commands or actions that the user can input to perform specific functions within the text adventure. These can include looking around ('L'), examining items ('X'), or checking inventory ('I'). They provide a more efficient way for users to interact with the story and control the character's actions.


The 'Inventory' in the context of the video is a list of items that the character in the text adventure has collected or is carrying. It is used to track and manage these items, which can be referenced or used throughout the story. The inventory system adds depth to the gameplay by allowing users to interact with objects and use them in the narrative.


Wildcards, as mentioned in the video, are special elements that can be added to the functionality of the text adventure generator. They allow for random or unexpected events to occur within the story, adding an element of surprise and unpredictability. The video shows how wildcards can be used to introduce unique and varied experiences in the adventure.

💡Storyteller Mode

Storyteller Mode is a feature within the text adventure generator that allows users to switch between playing the game and editing or viewing the underlying story context. It provides a way to manipulate the narrative directly and see how different elements are connected. In the video, the user utilizes Storyteller Mode to adjust the context and observe the effects on the generated story.


Introduction to NovelAI text Adventure generator with new presets and AI models for compelling story generation.

The importance of understanding the text-based adventure module's limitations based on the story written so far.

Creating a basic text-based adventure story with the ability to define author's style, tone, and story elements.

Using tags to include specific themes or elements in the story, such as 'Mystery' or 'Noir'.

How to use the 'memory' feature to store generated titles, styles, and tags for context in the adventure.

Ensuring completion after starting the adventure by adjusting the text length for each component.

Exploring the generated story ideas and how they incorporate defined titles and tags.

Utilizing chat GPT to define elements within the adventure that can appear multiple times.

Creating multiple lore book entries for rooms in a high school setting and editing them as the story progresses.

The significance of including the item name in the description for context recognition.

Using the inventory system to manage items and character details within the adventure.

Navigating through the adventure using cardinal directions and how the system interprets player actions.

Using the 'look around' command as a shortcut to describe the environment and setting.

Examining items in the environment and the ability to take them into inventory.

Adding wildcards to the functionality for more dynamic and unpredictable story elements.

Performing random actions using the exclamation point to introduce unexpected events.

Interacting with non-player characters using the 'do' and 'say' modes for a more immersive experience.

Triggering specific actions or character dialogues using the exclamation point for story control.

Switching between Storyteller mode and Adventure mode to adjust and control the story's context.

Altering the preset configurations for different story responses and styles, such as 'Writer's Demon'.