NovelAI - Adventure Mode Overview and Tips

P Gatcomb
29 Jun 202314:11

TLDRIn this video, the presenter dives into the text-based adventure side of Novel AI, a tool they thoroughly enjoyed for its ability to create anything with enough context. They guide viewers through setting up a simple mystery game, demonstrating how to add elements to the story as it unfolds. The presenter highlights the importance of establishing the story's context, such as the protagonist being a private detective named Scotland, searching for a missing person named Riley. Throughout the video, they showcase how to interact with the environment, use items like lock picks, and navigate the story's challenges. They also discuss the tool's ability to remember inventory items and suggest adding items to the memory for consistency. The presenter emphasizes the fun of experimenting with the tool, mentioning their experience creating various forms of writing, including mystery novels, short stories, and poetry. They conclude by encouraging viewers to enjoy the process of discovery and creation within the adventure mode of Novel AI.


  • ๐Ÿ“š The text-based Adventure tool in Novel AI allows users to create and interact with stories by providing context and making choices.
  • ๐Ÿ” Users can add elements to the story as they play, such as characters, items, and settings, which enriches the narrative.
  • ๐Ÿ”‘ The tool remembers user inputs like inventory items, which are crucial for maintaining continuity in an adventure game.
  • ๐Ÿšช The story can have random elements, but users can also guide the narrative by adding specific details to the 'memory' of the story.
  • ๐Ÿ” Users can 'look around' and interact with the environment to discover clues and items, which can be used to progress the story.
  • ๐Ÿ”ฉ The system can handle complex inputs like using lock picks on a door, but it requires the user to remember to add these details to the memory.
  • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Users can create lore entries for characters and objects, which can be referenced in the story to maintain consistency.
  • ๐Ÿ“‰ It's important to manage the story's complexity by not adding unnecessary details that might clutter the memory and confuse the AI.
  • ๐ŸŽฒ The tool has a random item generator that can introduce unexpected elements into the story, adding to the adventure's unpredictability.
  • ๐Ÿ“ Users can edit the story directly, allowing for quick adjustments and the ability to correct or change the narrative flow.
  • โš™๏ธ The tool offers different modules and AI personalities that can alter the story's tone and direction, providing a variety of storytelling experiences.

Q & A

  • What is Novel AI's text-based adventure tool used for?

    -Novel AI's text-based adventure tool is used for creating interactive stories where the user can invent anything by providing enough context. It allows users to set up scenarios and add elements to their story as they play through it.

  • How does the user interact with the text-based adventure in Novel AI?

    -The user interacts with the text-based adventure by typing in commands or actions they want their character to take. The system then generates responses based on the context provided and the user's input.

  • What is the significance of the Ctrl + Enter keys in Novel AI's text-based adventure?

    -Ctrl + Enter is used to run the adventure and generate the next part of the story based on the current context and the user's previous inputs.

  • How can the user add context to their story in Novel AI?

    -The user can add context by establishing elements such as the character's name, their profession, and the objective of their adventure. This context is then used by the AI to generate a more coherent and relevant story.

  • What is the purpose of the 'memory' in Novel AI's text-based adventure?

    -The 'memory' in Novel AI's text-based adventure stores information about the story's context, such as the character's inventory, the setting, and any established facts. This helps the AI to maintain consistency and continuity in the story.

  • How can the user customize the direction of the story in Novel AI's text-based adventure?

    -The user can customize the direction of the story by adding specific details to the memory, such as items in the inventory or character traits. The AI then uses this information to generate a story that aligns with the user's input.

  • What is the role of the 'lore block' in Novel AI's text-based adventure?

    -The 'lore block' is used to add background information or descriptions about characters, places, or objects in the story. This helps to enrich the narrative and provide a more immersive experience for the user.

  • How does the user handle inventory in Novel AI's text-based adventure?

    -The user should explicitly add items to the memory when handling inventory, such as mentioning specific items they are carrying. This ensures that the AI accurately recognizes and includes these items in the story.

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  • What challenges might a user face when managing inventory in Novel AI's text-based adventure?

    -Users might face challenges with inventory management if they do not update the memory with new items or changes to the inventory. This could lead to inconsistencies or inaccuracies in the story's generation.

  • How can users experiment with different story elements in Novel AI's text-based adventure?

    -Users can experiment with different story elements by adjusting the memory, adding new lore, and changing the context. They can also use the 'retry' feature to see how the AI generates different outcomes based on their inputs.

  • What are some of the creative uses of Novel AI's text-based adventure tool?

    -Users have creatively used Novel AI's text-based adventure tool to write mystery novels, short stories, long stories, and even poetry. It offers a flexible platform for generating various types of narratives.

  • How does the AI's personality affect the story generation in Novel AI's text-based adventure?

    -The AI's personality can influence the way the story is generated, leading to distinctive and unique narratives. Different AI modules may have different personalities, which can result in varied story outcomes.



๐Ÿ” Introduction to Novel AI's Text-Based Adventure

The speaker introduces the audience to the text-based adventure feature of Novel AI, expressing enthusiasm for the tool's flexibility and creativity. They describe setting up a simple mystery game and show how to add elements to the story interactively. The speaker also demonstrates the use of the tool's features such as altering the environment, establishing character details like being a private detective named Scotland, and interacting with the environment, like checking a locked door.


๐ŸŽฒ Exploring the Interactive Storytelling and Inventory Management

The speaker delves into the interactive nature of the text-based adventure, highlighting the use of randomization to create a unique experience each time. They discuss the importance of managing inventory within the story, such as lock picks and baseballs, and the need to update the story's context to maintain accuracy. The speaker also shows how to use the tool's 'say' mode to interact with characters and how to add to the lore block for deeper story development.


๐Ÿš€ Advanced Techniques and Customizing the Narrative

The speaker shares advanced techniques for using Novel AI's adventure module, including how to customize the direction of the story while maintaining the element of randomness. They emphasize the importance of adding items to the memory to keep track of the inventory, especially in adventure games. The speaker also demonstrates how to add new elements to the story, such as a Xenomorph behind a hatch, and how to use the author's note to include important story components. They conclude by encouraging experimentation with the tool and adjusting the narrative to fit the desired storytelling style.



๐Ÿ’กNovel AI

Novel AI refers to a text-based adventure tool that allows users to create and interact with their own stories. It is mentioned as a platform where one can 'invent anything' given enough context. In the video, Novel AI is used to create a mystery game, demonstrating its flexibility and creativity in storytelling.

๐Ÿ’กText-based Adventure

A text-based adventure is a type of interactive fiction where the story unfolds through text inputs and outputs. It is the core focus of the video, as the host uses Novel AI to create a mystery narrative that the viewer can follow and interact with, emphasizing the immersive and engaging nature of this storytelling format.


In the context of Novel AI, context refers to the background information or setting details that the tool uses to generate a coherent and relevant story. The video emphasizes the importance of providing enough context for Novel AI to create a meaningful and engaging adventure, such as describing the environment or establishing character roles.

๐Ÿ’กPrivate Detective

A private detective is a character archetype often found in mystery stories. In the video, the host establishes the user's role as a private detective named Scotland, tasked with finding a missing person named Riley. This sets the stage for the interactive narrative where the viewer can make decisions and influence the story's direction.


Inventory in a text-based adventure refers to the items or objects that a character possesses which can be used to interact with the environment or solve puzzles. The video discusses the importance of managing inventory within Novel AI, as it directly affects the story's progression and the user's ability to perform actions within the narrative.

๐Ÿ’กLock Picks

Lock picks are tools used for unlocking doors without a key. In the video, the host's character, Scotland, is equipped with a set of professional lock picks, which are used as part of the narrative to overcome obstacles such as locked doors, adding an element of problem-solving to the adventure.


Randomness in the context of the video refers to the unpredictable and spontaneous nature of the story generated by Novel AI. The host highlights that the adventure game aspect is 'truly, genuinely random,' which contributes to the replayability and excitement of the experience, as each playthrough can lead to different outcomes.

๐Ÿ’กLore Block

A lore block in Novel AI is a component where additional background information or story elements can be added to enrich the narrative. The video demonstrates how the host uses lore blocks to develop the story's setting and characters, such as adding details about a character named Jack, who is revealed to be a paleontologist.

๐Ÿ’กChoose Your Own Adventure

Choose Your Own Adventure is a term used to describe a style of interactive storytelling where the reader or player makes choices that affect the narrative's outcome. The video script references this concept, as Novel AI allows the user to make decisions that direct the story, similar to the classic 'Choose Your Own Adventure' books.

๐Ÿ’กGenerative AI

Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that can create new content, such as stories, based on input data or learned patterns. The video showcases Novel AI's generative capabilities, as it autonomously generates story elements and responses to user inputs, creating a unique and dynamic storytelling experience.


A Xenomorph is a fictional extraterrestrial creature from the 'Alien' film franchise. In the video, the host adds a Xenomorph as a surprise element beyond a hatch in the story, demonstrating how Novel AI can incorporate unexpected twists and elements from popular culture into the narrative.


The text-based adventure side of Novel AI allows users to invent anything with enough context.

Setting up a straightforward mystery game demonstrates how to add elements to the story as it unfolds.

The initial scene is a dimly lit restaurant, providing a starting point for the story.

Players can use the 'alt R' command to modify the environment and add narrative elements.

Establishing a character's background, such as a private detective named Scotland, adds depth to the story.

The game involves exploring a locked room and using items like lock picks to progress.

The story can branch out randomly, with the player's choices influencing the narrative.

Players can interact with objects like computers and machinery to uncover more about the environment.

The inventory system allows players to keep track of items and use them in creative ways.

Adding components to the story, such as discovering old computers, enriches the narrative.

The 'show inventory' command helps players manage and remember items they have.

Players can edit the story directly to introduce new elements like hearing footsteps.

The tool allows for dynamic generation of characters, like Jack, a paleontologist with a passion for hunting.

Lore blocks can be used to add depth to characters and their motivations.

Players can customize the direction of the story by adding details to the memory.

The importance of updating the memory with new items or changes to avoid inconsistencies in the story.

The adventure mode in Novel AI is flexible and allows for a lot of experimentation with story development.

Different AI modules can be used to change the tone and personality of the story mid-narrative.

Experimenting with different settings and AI personalities can lead to unique and engaging story outcomes.