Ollama UI Tutorial - Incredible Local LLM UI With EVERY Feature

Matthew Berman
11 May 202410:11

TLDRThe Ollama UI Tutorial video showcases an open-source, fully-featured local language model (LLM) front end that can be used with local and open-source models. The presenter demonstrates the installation process and highlights the interface's speed and features, such as model file presets, multiple model support, prompt templates, document embedding, and customization options. The tutorial also covers how to download and load models using Ollama, set default models, and utilize various interactive features like chat archiving, response editing, and voice recording. Additionally, the video mentions Aura Data Brokers, a service that helps protect personal information online by identifying and opting out of data brokers selling user data.


  • 🌟 The Ollama UI is an open-source front end for LLM (Large Language Models) with a wide range of features.
  • 🔍 It can be used with local and open-source models, providing a fully-featured interface similar to Chat GPT.
  • 🚀 The UI is hosted locally (Local Host 3000) and offers high inference speed with the Llama 3 model.
  • 🎮 It includes a game like Snake and Python, showcasing the fast loading animation and well-formatted responses.
  • 📚 Users can load multiple models simultaneously and manage them through the interface.
  • 📁 Model files allow for presets that define how a model behaves, including system prompts and guardrails.
  • 💡 The community feature enables users to download and share model files created by others.
  • 📋 Pre-defined prompts can be saved, edited, copied, shared, and deleted, enhancing efficiency in repetitive tasks.
  • 🔗 The system supports file uploads and voice recording, adding to its versatility.
  • 📈 It includes a document feature, similar to a local version of RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation), for referencing uploaded documents.
  • 🛠️ The UI offers extensive settings for customization, including embedding models and document chunking parameters.
  • 📝 Users can archive, share, rename, and tag chats, as well as edit responses and provide feedback.
  • 🔑 Authentication and team management features are available for added security and collaboration.
  • 🔧 The setup process is straightforward, requiring Docker and Ollama, with clear instructions provided.

Q & A

  • What is Ollama UI and what makes it impressive?

    -Ollama UI is an open-source front-end interface for local and open-source models. It is highly featured, offering a user experience similar to chat GPT, but with the added benefits of being completely local and customizable. It impresses with its fast inference speed and full feature set, including support for multiple models, prompt templates, and document embedding.

  • How does the installation process for Ollama UI work?

    -To install Ollama UI, you need Docker and Ollama installed on your computer. You clone the GitHub repository for the UI, navigate into the directory, and use a provided Docker command to set it up. Once the Docker image is downloaded and the setup is complete, you can access the UI at localhost:3000, where you can sign up and log in to start using the interface.

  • What is a model file in the context of Ollama UI?

    -A model file in Ollama UI is a preset configuration for a specific model. It allows users to define how the model should behave, including system prompts and guardrails. Users can create, download, and share model files to customize their experience with the language model.

  • How can users manage and organize their prompts in Ollama UI?

    -Users can save, edit, copy, share, and delete their prompt templates in Ollama UI. They can also import prompts created by others and use suggested prompts to streamline their interactions with the language model.

  • What is the document feature in Ollama UI and how is it used?

    -The document feature in Ollama UI is a locally implemented version of ReAct, allowing users to upload documents for reference during their interactions with the language model. Documents can be easily referenced in prompts using a hashtag and can be tagged for better organization.

  • How does the authentication system in Ollama UI work?

    -Ollama UI includes an authentication system that allows users to register and log in to their local instances. It also provides an admin panel for managing users, setting up webhook URLs, and managing JWT expiration, ensuring a secure and personalized experience.

  • What are the benefits of using Aura Data Brokers as mentioned in the video?

    -Aura Data Brokers helps users protect their privacy by identifying which data brokers are selling their personal information and automatically submitting opt-out requests on their behalf. This service can reduce spam and the risk of being targeted by scammers or hackers.

  • How can users customize their experience with Ollama UI?

    -Users can customize their experience in Ollama UI by setting default models, choosing between text completion and chat interfaces, and selecting different embedding models. They can also adjust settings such as chunking size and overlap for document embedding.

  • What is the significance of the 'playground mode' in Ollama UI?

    -The playground mode in Ollama UI allows users to experiment with different settings and features without affecting their main interface. It supports both text completion and chat interfaces, providing a flexible space for users to explore the capabilities of the UI.

  • How does the chat feature in Ollama UI enhance user interaction?

    -The chat feature in Ollama UI allows users to edit responses, copy them, provide feedback, and even have the response read out loud. It also displays generation info, such as the number of tokens per second, offering insights into the performance of the language model.

  • What are the steps to add a new document in Ollama UI?

    -To add a new document in Ollama UI, users click the plus button, select a document to upload, add tags if desired, and save it. The document will be processed, and once the embeddings are complete, it will appear in the document list for reference in prompts.

  • How can users manage multiple models in Ollama UI?

    -Users can load multiple models simultaneously in Ollama UI and switch between them as needed. They can also download additional models from the Ollama library and use the 'ollama list' command to see the models currently installed on their system.



😀 Introduction to Open Web UI and Installation

The video introduces Open Web UI, an open-source front-end interface that's highly featured and can be used with local models. The presenter is impressed with its capabilities and plans to demonstrate its installation. The interface is reminiscent of chat GPT and is currently running on localhost with the Ollama 3 model. It offers a fast inference speed and includes features like model file presets, prompt templates, and document support similar to RAG. The presenter also mentions the ability to customize system prompts and guardrails, as well as the option to download and share model files from the community.


🛠️ Setting Up Open Web UI with Docker and Ollama

The second paragraph focuses on the setup process for Open Web UI, which requires Docker and Ollama to be installed. The presenter provides a step-by-step guide to cloning the GitHub repository, using Docker to run the interface, and accessing it through a web browser. The video also covers how to register and log in to the local instance of Open Web UI. Additionally, it explains how to load the Ollama 3 model and other supported models from the Ollama library, emphasizing the interface's multiple model support and load balancing capabilities.


📺 Conclusion and Call for Engagement

In the final paragraph, the presenter invites viewers to share their thoughts on Open Web UI and encourages them to like and subscribe for more content. The video concludes with a reminder for viewers to check out the Open Web UI for its rich feature set and user-friendly interface.



💡LLM (Large Language Model)

A Large Language Model (LLM) is an advanced artificial intelligence system designed to understand and generate human-like text based on vast amounts of data. In the video, the presenter discusses a front-end interface for LLMs, emphasizing its impressive features and capabilities when used with local and open-source models like Ollama.

💡Open Source

Open source refers to a type of software where the source code is made available to the public, allowing anyone to view, use, modify, and distribute the software. The video script highlights that the front-end interface is completely open source, which means users can freely use it with local models without restrictions.

💡Inference Speed

Inference speed is a measure of how quickly an AI model can process input data and generate an output. The video emphasizes the fast inference speed when using the front-end with the Ollama model, which is important for real-time interactions and efficient performance.

💡Local Host

Local Host refers to a network service that is accessible only on the local device and not over a network. In the context of the video, the interface is running on Local Host 3000, indicating that it is a self-contained application on the presenter's computer.

💡Model Files

Model files are sets of data or configurations that define how an AI model behaves, including its responses and capabilities. The video mentions that users can load multiple models and customize their behavior using model files, which are like presets for specific AI model behaviors.

💡Pre-defined Prompts

Pre-defined prompts are templates for inputting commands or questions into an AI system. The video script explains that users can save frequently used prompt templates for efficiency, which can be easily accessed and modified as needed.

💡Embedding Models

Embedding models are machine learning models that convert words or phrases into vectors of numbers that capture semantic meaning. The video discusses the use of the Sentence Transformers all-Mini LM embedding model for understanding and processing text inputs locally.

💡Document Uploading

Document uploading is the process of adding files, such as text documents, to an AI system for reference or analysis. The video demonstrates how users can upload documents like the Tesla 10K report and use them in prompts by referencing them with a specific symbol.


Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user or device. The video mentions that the front-end interface includes authentication features, allowing for user accounts, permissions, and secure access to the system.


Docker is a platform that allows developers to develop, ship, and run applications in containers. The video script provides instructions on using Docker to set up and run the open-source front-end interface for LLMs.


Ollama is an open-source language model that is used with the front-end interface discussed in the video. It is noted for its ability to be used locally with the interface, showcasing the capabilities of using local models for AI interactions.


Ollama UI is an impressive, fully-featured local LLM (Large Language Model) front end.

It is completely open-source and can be used with local and open-source models.

The UI is reminiscent of Chat GPT but offers a fully local experience running on Local Host 3000.

Demonstrates fast inference speed with the Llama 3, 8 billion parameter model.

Features a well-formatted and interactive interface with all the expected features of a language model front end.

Users can load multiple models simultaneously.

Includes model files for presets and system prompts, allowing customization of model behavior.

Offers the ability to download and use other people's model files from the Open Web UI community.

Provides pre-defined prompts that can be saved as templates for frequent use.

Enables importing of prompts for convenience.

Includes a feature for suggested prompts within the interface.

Supports file uploads and voice recording functionalities.

Allows setting a default model for consistent use.

Documents feature is a locally implemented version of RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation), enabling easy referencing of uploaded documents.

Users can import documents and manage document settings, including embedding models.

Provides detailed settings for chunking size, overlap, and query parameters.

Chat archiving and sharing features are available for better organization and collaboration.

In-chat editing, response copying, feedback options, and text-to-speech functionality are included.

Generation info is displayed, showing response token speed.

Sponsored by Aura Data Brokers, which helps protect personal information from being sold and targeted by scammers.

Authentication, team management, and database downloading are available for secure and collaborative use.

Playground mode allows users to select between text completion and chat interfaces.

Setup requires Docker and Ollama, with straightforward installation instructions provided.

GitHub repository offers a well-maintained project with numerous features such as intuitive interface and load balancing.

Open Web UI supports multiple model instances and is compatible with various models available on the Ollama platform.