OpenAI's Sora Made Me Crazy AI Videos—Then the CTO Answered (Most of) My Questions | WSJ

The Wall Street Journal
13 Mar 202410:38

TLDROpenAI's text-to-video AI model, Sora, generates hyper-realistic, detailed one-minute videos from text prompts. While the technology impresses with smooth transitions and continuity, it still has imperfections, such as issues with hands and color changes. Mira Murati, OpenAI's CTO, discusses the potential and challenges of Sora, including its current research status, the need for safety measures, and the future of AI in video generation and its impact on the film industry.


  • 🎥 Sora is OpenAI's text-to-video AI model that generates hyper-realistic, highly-detailed one-minute videos from text prompts.
  • 👩‍💻 Mira Murati, OpenAI's CTO, provides insights into Sora's capabilities and its current stage of development.
  • 🤖 The AI-generated videos showcase the potential of Sora, including the realistic rendering of people and environments, but also reveal flaws such as issues with hands and object continuity.
  • 🚀 Sora is based on a diffusion model, a type of generative model that starts from random noise to create a more refined image.
  • 🎬 The challenge of maintaining consistency between frames is crucial for the sense of realism in AI-generated videos.
  • 🔍 Imperfections in Sora's output are acknowledged, and the company is working on improvements, including post-generation editing capabilities.
  • 📺 The data used to train Sora includes publicly available and licensed content, such as videos from YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Shutterstock.
  • 💡 Sora's current generation process is time-consuming and computationally expensive, but OpenAI aims to optimize it for wider accessibility.
  • 🏛️ Ethical considerations are paramount, with OpenAI undergoing red teaming to identify and address vulnerabilities, biases, and other potential harms.
  • 🗣️ While Sora does not currently generate audio, OpenAI is considering the integration of audio in the future.
  • 🌐 OpenAI is cautious about releasing Sora, ensuring it does not negatively impact global elections or contribute to misinformation before making it publicly available.

Q & A

  • What is Sora and how does it generate videos?

    -Sora is OpenAI's text-to-video AI model that creates hyper-realistic, highly-detailed videos of about one-minute length based on text prompts. It uses a diffusion model, a type of generative model, to start from random noise and progressively refine the image, analyzing lots of videos to learn object and action identification, and then defining the timeline and adding detail to each frame to ensure continuity and realism.

  • What issues can be observed in the AI-generated videos by Sora?

    -There are flaws and glitches in the AI-generated videos. For example, the model may not follow the prompt closely, there can be imperfections like objects changing colors between frames, and the simulation of hands is particularly challenging due to their complex motion. Additionally, there might be issues like extra fingers appearing or lack of sound synchronization with the mouth movements.

  • What kind of data was used to train Sora?

    -Sora was trained on a mix of publicly available data and licensed data, which could include content from platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Shutterstock. The videos used for training are 720p and 20 seconds long.

  • How long does it take to generate a video with Sora?

    -The time taken to generate a video with Sora can vary depending on the complexity of the prompt, but it could take a few minutes to produce the video.

  • What are the computing power requirements for generating Sora videos compared to ChatGPT or DALL-E?

    -Sora requires significantly more computing power than ChatGPT or DALL-E. While ChatGPT and DALL-E are optimized for public use, Sora is a research output and is much more expensive to run.

  • When does OpenAI plan to make Sora available to the public?

    -OpenAI is aiming to make Sora available to the public eventually, with a hope for release within the year of the interview. However, the exact timing will depend on the resolution of issues related to misinformation, harmful bias, and ensuring the technology's safety and reliability.

  • What safety and content considerations is OpenAI taking into account for Sora?

    -OpenAI is conducting red teaming to test Sora's safety, security, and reliability. They are identifying vulnerabilities and biases, and considering content limitations similar to DALL-E, such as not generating images of public figures. They are also concerned about the potential impact on global elections and other societal issues.

  • How does OpenAI plan to address the challenge of content provenance with AI-generated videos?

    -OpenAI is researching and working on watermarking the videos to help with content provenance. They are trying to figure out how to trust real content versus AI-generated content, and how to distinguish between reality and AI creations. These considerations are part of the reasons why Sora has not been deployed broadly yet.

  • What is the potential impact of Sora and similar AI tools on the video industry?

    -Sora and similar AI tools could significantly impact the video industry by extending creativity and becoming tools for filmmakers and creators. OpenAI aims to involve industry professionals in the development and deployment of these tools, considering the economic implications when people contribute data.

  • How does Mira Murati view the balance between the potential of AI tools and the safety and societal considerations?

    -Mira Murati believes that the balance between profit and safety guardrails is not difficult, but the real challenge lies in addressing the safety questions and societal implications. She emphasizes that these considerations are what keep her up at night, and that while there is amazement about the technology, it's crucial to navigate the path to integrating AI tools into daily reality carefully.

  • What is the stance of OpenAI on the inclusion of harmful or illicit content in AI-generated videos?

    -OpenAI is cautious about the inclusion of harmful or illicit content in AI-generated videos. They are in the discovery mode, figuring out the limitations and how to navigate them. They aim to ensure that the tool provides a level of flexibility for creative purposes while maintaining ethical boundaries.

  • How does OpenAI address the concerns of testers being exposed to harmful content during the development of AI tools like Sora?

    -OpenAI acknowledges the difficulty of this issue. In the early stages, it is part of the red teaming process to consider the exposure to harmful content. When working with contractors, they go further into managing this process, ensuring that people are willing and able to handle such content.



🎥 Introduction to Sora: OpenAI's Text-to-Video AI Model

This paragraph introduces Sora, OpenAI's text-to-video AI model, which generates hyper-realistic and highly-detailed one-minute videos based on text prompts. It discusses the capabilities of Sora, including the creation of professional-looking women characters, and acknowledges the current issues with the model, such as imperfections in hand movements and inconsistencies in object continuity. The conversation features Mira Murati, OpenAI's CTO, who provides insights into the technology and its development process. The paragraph also touches on the potential impact of AI-generated videos on the film industry and the concerns about their misuse.


🚀 Sora's Development and Future Plans

This section delves into the technical aspects of Sora, explaining that it is a diffusion model that starts from random noise to create images. The discussion includes the time it takes to generate videos, the computing power required, and the cost of using Sora compared to other AI models like ChatGPT and DALL-E. Mira Murati shares OpenAI's goals to optimize the technology for public use and the potential timeline for its release. The paragraph also addresses the considerations around global elections and the company's commitment to ensuring the safety and reliability of the tool before public deployment.


🤖 Ethical and Societal Implications of AI-Generated Videos

The final paragraph focuses on the broader implications of AI-generated video technology. It discusses the potential for extending creativity and knowledge through AI tools, the challenges in navigating the path to integrating these tools into everyday reality, and the importance of addressing safety and societal questions. The conversation highlights the need for content provenance and trust in real content, as well as the ongoing research and development of watermarking techniques. The paragraph concludes with a reflection on the balance between the technological advancements and the ethical considerations that must be met.




Sora is OpenAI's text-to-video AI model, which generates hyper-realistic, highly-detailed videos based on text prompts. It represents a significant advancement in AI technology, as it can create smooth and realistic video content, but still has imperfections and glitches that need refinement. The model is currently in the research phase and is not yet available to the public, but its potential impact on the filmmaking and content creation industry is significant.

💡Diffusion Model

A diffusion model is a type of generative model used in AI, which starts from random noise and progressively refines the image to create a more detailed output. In the context of the video, Sora utilizes this type of model to generate videos from text prompts, learning from vast amounts of data to identify objects and actions, and then construct scenes with a sense of continuity and realism.

💡Generative Model

A generative model in AI is designed to create new data instances that resemble the data it was trained on. In the video, Sora is fundamentally a generative model that analyzes numerous videos to learn how to generate new, realistic video content from textual descriptions. This technology is at the heart of AI's ability to produce creative content like never before.


Realism in the context of the video refers to the lifelike quality and continuity of the AI-generated videos. Sora's ability to create videos with a sense of realism is what sets it apart from other AI models, as it ensures that each frame flows smoothly into the next, maintaining consistency in objects and characters, which is crucial for giving viewers a sense of presence and believability.

💡Flaws and Glitches

Flaws and glitches are imperfections in the AI-generated videos, such as inconsistencies in the depiction of objects or actions. In the video, examples include a robot not properly yanking a camera from a person's hand, or a yellow cab changing colors between frames. These glitches highlight the current limitations of the AI model and the need for further development and refinement before the technology can be widely deployed.

💡Red Teaming

Red teaming is a process where a group of experts tests a tool or system to identify vulnerabilities, biases, and other potential issues. In the context of the video, Sora is undergoing red teaming to ensure that it is safe, secure, and reliable before it is released to the public. This process is critical for addressing concerns about the potential misuse of AI technology and its impact on society.


Misinformation refers to false or misleading information that is spread, often unintentionally. In the video, the concern is that AI-generated videos like those produced by Sora could be used to create and spread misinformation, which could have significant societal impacts, especially around global elections. OpenAI is cautious about releasing the technology until they are confident in their ability to mitigate such risks.

💡Content Provenance

Content provenance involves verifying the origin and authenticity of digital content. In the video, as AI-generated videos become more realistic, it becomes increasingly important to establish methods for determining whether a video is real or AI-generated. This is crucial for maintaining trust in media and preventing the spread of misinformation or manipulated content.


Watermarking is the process of embedding a visible or invisible identifier into digital content, such as videos, to establish ownership or authenticity. In the context of the video, OpenAI is researching watermarking techniques for AI-generated videos to help with content provenance and to distinguish between real and AI-created content, which is essential for preventing misuse and ensuring trust in the media.

💡Computing Power

Computing power refers to the capacity of a computer or system to perform operations, which is a critical factor in running complex AI models like Sora. The video mentions that generating videos with Sora requires a significant amount of computing power, which is why it is currently more expensive and not yet optimized for public use like ChatGPT or DALL-E.

💡Public Figures

Public figures are individuals who have a high profile in society, often due to their occupation, achievements, or influence. In the video, it is mentioned that OpenAI has a policy against generating images of public figures with DALL-E, and a similar policy is expected for Sora. This is part of the safety measures to prevent misuse of the technology for creating misleading or harmful content involving real people.


Sora is OpenAI's text-to-video AI model capable of generating hyper-realistic, highly-detailed one-minute videos from text prompts.

Mira Murati, OpenAI's CTO, temporarily stepped in as CEO during Sam Altman's brief ousting.

Sora works as a diffusion model, creating videos from random noise based on text prompts.

The AI model analyzes numerous videos to learn object and action identification for scene creation.

Sora's videos are notable for their smoothness and realism, maintaining consistency between frames.

Flaws and glitches are present in Sora's videos, such as morphing characters and color-changing cars.

OpenAI is working on post-creation video editing tools to fix imperfections in Sora's outputs.

Sora's training data includes publicly available and licensed content, with confirmed inclusion of Shutterstock videos.

Videos generated by Sora are currently 720p and 20 seconds long, taking a few minutes to produce depending on the prompt's complexity.

Sora is more expensive to run than ChatGPT and DALL-E, as it is a research output rather than an optimized public product.

OpenAI aims to release Sora to the public, hopefully within the year, with a cost and ease of use similar to DALL-E.

Sora is undergoing red teaming to ensure safety, security, and reliability before public release.

OpenAI is considering limitations for Sora, such as restrictions on generating images of public figures and potentially nudity.

The company is engaging with artists and creators to determine the tool's flexibility and utility.

OpenAI is researching methods to differentiate between real and AI-generated videos to address issues of misinformation.

The impact of AI-generated video technology on the film and video industry is a concern, as it may alter job landscapes.

Despite concerns, AI tools like Sora are deemed worth pursuing for their potential to extend human creativity and capabilities.

OpenAI is focused on addressing safety and societal questions related to AI deployment and the balance between innovation and ethical use.