OpenArt Tutorial: Train Your Own Model (AI Image Generation 2024)

OpenArt AI
10 Apr 202405:07

TLDRThis tutorial video guides viewers on how to train a custom fine-tuned AI model for image generation using OpenAI. It covers four types of models: style, character, face, and object. For beginners, the video recommends a model training book co-authored by the co-founder of OpenArt. The focus is on creating an illustration style model by uploading a consistent set of images with a common theme and variety, such as people, animals, and objects. After training, the model can generate illustrations in the desired style. The video also addresses a common issue with the style model not capturing the intended theme and suggests solutions like uploading more images or adjusting the prompt. Additionally, it highlights the importance of having a variety of poses and angles for character models to build a three-dimensional understanding of the character. The creator demonstrates generating an anime character named Aane, showing how to dress her in different outfits and settings. The video provides tips for generating consistent characters and offers resources for further assistance.


  • 🎨 **Style Model Introduction**: The video introduces the concept of training a style model to create a personalized illustration style that can be used in various media.
  • πŸ“ˆ **Quantity of Images**: It's recommended to upload as many images as possible (up to 128) to train the model effectively.
  • πŸ” **Consistency is Key**: The uploaded images should have a common theme to prevent the model from becoming confused.
  • 🌟 **Variety in Training Images**: Including a variety of subjects (people, animals, objects) helps the model learn the style across different contexts.
  • βš™οΈ **Model Training Process**: The training process can take a few minutes, during which the user can perform other tasks.
  • πŸ–ŒοΈ **Fine-Tuning the Model**: If the model doesn't capture the desired theme, more images can be uploaded or the theme can be emphasized in the prompt during generation.
  • πŸ‘₯ **Character Model Tips**: For character models, it's crucial to have a variety of poses and angles to help the model understand the character from all sides.
  • 🧐 **Consistent Character Generation**: Ensuring that the character looks consistent across images is vital for good results.
  • πŸ“š **Additional Resources**: The video suggests additional resources, such as a training book and other videos, for further guidance on character generation.
  • πŸ–₯️ **Practical Applications**: The generated models can be used to enhance articles, presentations, and make work or school more engaging.
  • 🌈 **Color Palette Exploration**: The video demonstrates how to adjust the model to achieve desired color tones and styles.

Q & A

  • What are the four types of models that can be fine-tuned with OpenAI?

    -The four types of models that can be fine-tuned with OpenAI are style, character, face, and object.

  • What is the recommended approach when training your first model with OpenAI?

    -When training your first model with OpenAI, it is recommended to start with the style model and to use a training book provided by the authors, including the co-founder of OpenArt.

  • How many images can you upload for training a style model with OpenAI?

    -You can upload between four to 128 images for training a style model with OpenAI.

  • What are the three key tips to keep in mind when uploading images for model training?

    -The three key tips are: 1) Quantity - maximize the number of images you upload, 2) Consistency - ensure a common theme in the images, and 3) Variety - include different subjects such as people, animals, and objects to help the model understand the style across various subjects.

  • What happens if the model doesn't capture the common theme during training?

    -If the model doesn't capture the common theme, you can either upload more images that better represent the theme or adjust the prompt to include more details about the desired theme when generating images.

  • How long does it usually take for a model to finish training in OpenAI?

    -The model training in OpenAI usually takes a few minutes, during which you can do something else and check back when the training is completed.

  • What is the importance of having a variety of poses and angles when training a character model?

    -Having a variety of poses and angles is crucial for a character model as it helps the AI to build a three-dimensional understanding of the character, capturing features from all perspectives.

  • What is the name of the anime character created in the script?

    -The name of the anime character created in the script is Aane.

  • How many pictures are recommended to upload when training a character model?

    -It is recommended to upload at least eight pictures of the character to ensure consistency and good results when training a character model.

  • What is the key to generating consistent characters in OpenArt?

    -The key to generating consistent characters in OpenArt is to ensure that the character looks consistent across different images and poses, which helps the model to learn and replicate the character accurately.

  • What are the options if you have created a character outside of OpenArt?

    -If you have created a character by drawing or rendering elsewhere, you can upload those images to make it a functional model in OpenArt. Alternatively, if you are generating a character from scratch, you can follow specific tips provided in other tutorials for creating a consistent character.

  • What is the recommended action if you struggle with generating consistent characters in OpenArt?

    -If you struggle with generating consistent characters in OpenArt, you can refer to a specific video that provides guidance on how to achieve consistency when creating characters.



🎨 Customizing Your Illustration Style with OpenAI

This paragraph introduces the concept of training a custom fine-tuned model using OpenAI, focusing on the 'style' model. The video guides viewers on how to create a personalized illustration style that can be used to generate images for various purposes, such as articles or presentations. Key points include the importance of quantity (uploading between 4 to 128 images), consistency (maintaining a common theme across images), and variety (including different subjects like people, animals, and objects). The speaker also discusses a common issue with the model not capturing the intended theme and suggests solutions like uploading more images or adjusting the prompt. The process of training the model and generating examples according to the chosen style is demonstrated.


πŸ‘₯ Developing a Character Model with Diverse Poses

The second paragraph emphasizes the creation of a character model, stressing the need for a variety of poses and angles to help the model understand the character's features from all sides. The character 'Aane' is introduced as an example, showcasing how the model can be used to place the character in different clothing or settings. The process involves selecting the 'character' model type and uploading multiple images of the character to ensure consistency. The paragraph also mentions the option to use existing character artwork or to generate a character from scratch, with additional resources provided for the latter.



πŸ’‘Fine-tuned Model

A fine-tuned model in the context of the video refers to a machine learning model that has been trained on a specific task or dataset to improve its performance for that particular task. In the video, the author discusses training a custom model using OpenAI, which can be fine-tuned for different types of images such as style, character, face, and object.

πŸ’‘Illustration Style

The term 'illustration style' refers to a distinctive visual art style used in creating illustrations. In the video, the author guides viewers on how to train a model to generate illustrations in a specific style, which can then be used for various purposes like embedding in articles or presentations.

πŸ’‘Quantity of Images

The 'quantity of images' is a key factor when training a model, as it determines the amount of data the model can learn from. The video mentions that OpenAI allows uploading between four to 128 images, emphasizing the importance of maximizing this number to improve the model's learning.


Consistency in the context of model training means that the uploaded images should have a common theme to avoid confusing the model. The video script stresses the need for a consistent theme to ensure the model can accurately learn and reproduce the desired style.


When training a model, 'variety' is important to teach the model how the style should look across different subjects. The video suggests including a range of subjects such as people, animals, and objects in the training images to achieve a versatile model.

πŸ’‘Training Images

Training images are the specific set of images used to train the model. In the video, the author uploads 70 images to train the model in a particular illustration style, highlighting the process of selecting and using these images for model training.

πŸ’‘Model Training

Model training is the process of teaching a machine learning model to perform a specific task using a dataset. The video demonstrates the training of a style model, which involves uploading images and letting the model learn from them to generate new illustrations in the same style.

πŸ’‘Character Model

A character model is a type of model that is trained to generate images of a specific character from various angles and poses. The video discusses creating a character named 'Aane' and emphasizes the importance of capturing the character's features from different perspectives.

πŸ’‘Three-Dimensional Knowledge

This term refers to the model's ability to understand and replicate the characteristics of a subject in three dimensions. In the context of the video, it means that the character model can generate images of the character 'Aane' from different angles, as if it has a 3D understanding of the character.

πŸ’‘Anime Character

An 'anime character' is a character from Japanese animation, often characterized by distinct visual features. The video features the creation of an anime character named 'Aane', which serves as an example of the type of character model that can be generated once the model is trained.

πŸ’‘Open Art

Open Art is mentioned as a platform where the author found an illustration style they liked and where some of the images were generated. It is implied to be a tool or service that aids in the creation or generation of art, which can be integrated with the model training process.


The video provides a tutorial on training a custom fine-tuned model with OpenAI for AI image generation.

Four types of models can be fine-tuned: style, character, face, and object.

For beginners, the video recommends a model training book co-authored by the co-founder of OpenArt.

The style model is introduced first, focusing on creating a unique illustration style.

To train the style model, one should upload 4 to 128 images with a common theme for consistency.

Variety is important, including different subjects like people, animals, and objects in the training images.

The model should reflect the desired style across various subjects after training.

An example of training a style model with a black and white theme is demonstrated.

If the model doesn't capture the theme, more images or adjusted prompts may be necessary.

The video shows examples of generated images, including people arguing, co-working, and walking with a folder.

Generating a character model requires a variety of poses and angles to build a 3D knowledge of the character.

Consistency in character appearance is key for the character model.

The video creator shares their own anime character, Aane, as an example of a character model.

Aane can be placed in any clothing or setting, showcasing the flexibility of character models.

Eight pictures of Aane are uploaded to create the character model, Fire G.

The importance of using OpenArt to generate consistent characters is discussed.

Additional tips on generating a consistent character from scratch are available in another video.

The video concludes with a demonstration of Aane, powered by OpenArt, in various scenarios.