AI Image Editing - OpenArt Inpainting Tutorial 2024

OpenArt AI
30 Apr 202409:24

TLDRThis tutorial provides a step-by-step guide to using the updated OpenArt Inpainting tool. It begins with using the Smart selection feature to select and change elements of an image, such as the outfit, with a single click. The video demonstrates how to avoid common mistakes when using prompts and emphasizes the importance of using positive descriptions. It then shows how to remove items like a hat without leaving traces, and how to use the manual brush for detailed edits like changing earrings. The tutorial also covers changing the setting from Paris to New York and adjusting the time from day to night, using both the click area and manual brush tools. The presenter suggests filling in gaps for a perfect edit and highlights the necessity of multiple retouching steps for the best results. The video concludes with a variety of edited images showcasing the tool's capabilities.


  • 🎨 **Smart Selection Tool**: OpenArt's AI smart selection tool allows for one-click selection of different sections of an image, such as the hat, hair, or background, making editing tasks easier.
  • 📸 **Infinite Canvas**: The editor provides an infinite canvas to work with, allowing for multiple iterations and a workspace to experiment with different edits.
  • 📝 **Positive Prompts**: When using the AI to edit images, it's important to use positive language in prompts. Negative prompts like 'remove' or 'erase' do not yield the desired results.
  • 🔍 **Iterative Process**: Good editing often requires multiple steps and iterations. The ability to go back and forth between edit and results helps in refining the final output.
  • 🧩 **Layered Editing**: Adding edited images to the canvas instead of replacing the original allows for non-destructive editing and keeps the editing history intact for potential reversions.
  • 🖌️ **Manual Brush for Details**: For more detailed edits, like changing earrings, the manual brush is preferred over the click area tool for better precision.
  • 🌆 **Changing Settings**: The AI can change the setting of an image from one location to another (e.g., Paris to New York) and adjust the time from day to night.
  • 🖼️ **Preserve Original Composition**: When editing the background, it's crucial to maintain the original composition. Directly replacing the entire background can significantly alter the initial setup.
  • 🌐 **Multiple Options**: The AI provides numerous options for each edit, allowing users to choose the result that best fits their vision.
  • ⏱️ **Time and Patience**: Achieving a high-quality edit is a process that requires time and patience, often involving several rounds of retouching.
  • 🔄 **Non-Destructive Workflow**: The editing process is non-destructive, providing the flexibility to return to previous steps and make additional changes if needed.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the OpenArt Inpainting Tutorial in 2024?

    -The main focus of the OpenArt Inpainting Tutorial in 2024 is to provide a step-by-step guide on how to use the updated features of OpenArt, particularly focusing on AI smart selection tools and manual brush techniques for image editing.

  • How can one access the OpenArt editor from the homepage?

    -You can access the OpenArt editor from the homepage by clicking on 'Edit Image' or from the 'Create' page by clicking 'Edit' and opening the editor.

  • What is the AI smart selection tool called in OpenArt?

    -The AI smart selection tool in OpenArt is called 'Click area', which divides the image into sections and recognizes different parts of the image for easier editing.

  • What is the recommended approach to change an outfit in the new OpenArt editor?

    -The recommended approach is to use the 'Click area' tool to select the outfit and then input a prompt to generate a new outfit style, avoiding negative prompts and focusing on positive descriptions.

  • Why should we avoid using negative prompts in the OpenArt editor?

    -Negative prompts such as 'remove', 'eliminate', or 'erase' do not work effectively in the OpenArt editor. Instead, positive prompts that describe what you want to be included in the image are more effective.

  • How does the 'Click area' tool help in changing the earrings in the image?

    -The 'Click area' tool can be used for larger selections, but for detailed changes like earrings, it's better to use the manual brush. When using the manual brush, you should paint beyond the original earring area to accommodate the desired length of the new earrings.

  • What is the advantage of adding an edited image to the canvas instead of replacing the original image?

    -Adding an edited image to the canvas instead of replacing the original allows you to maintain your editing history. This way, you can revert back to the original image and make further edits if needed.

  • How can you change the setting from Paris to New York in the OpenArt editor?

    -To change the setting from Paris to New York, you can use the 'Click area' tool to select the background and then input a prompt to generate a New York setting. You can also manually erase parts of the background using the manual brush with the 'minus' option.

  • What is the significance of changing the time from day to night in the image?

    -Changing the time from day to night is important to maintain the consistency of the image's setting. This involves adjusting the lighting and shadows to match a nighttime scene.

  • What is the process of filling in gaps when using the 'Click area' tool?

    -When using the 'Click area' tool, you may need to fill in gaps manually. This involves painting slightly outside the intended area to ensure a seamless edit, and then refining the edges for a more natural look.

  • Why is it important to maintain the original composition when editing the background in OpenArt?

    -Maintaining the original composition is crucial for a harmonious and natural-looking edit. Directly matching the entire background can significantly alter the original composition, so it's better to make incremental changes and maintain the structure of the original image.

  • What is the final step in the OpenArt Inpainting Tutorial for achieving a good result?

    -The final step involves multiple iterations of retouching and refining the image. It's important to experiment with different prompts and brush techniques to achieve the desired outcome, as getting a perfect edit in one try is unlikely.



🎨 Introduction to Open Art's New Features

The video begins with a welcome to an Open Art painting tutorial. The presenter highlights the significant changes made to Open Art and provides a step-by-step guide to navigate these updates. A link to a reference board is promised to be shared under the video for additional visual aid. The tutorial demonstrates transitioning from a starting image to a final edited version using only Open Art, showcasing the tool's capabilities without the need for any other software. The process involves using Smart selection for one-click selection of elements like clothing, and changing outfits with the new editor's AI-powered tools. The presenter also discusses the importance of using positive prompts for the AI to generate desired results, and provides tips on iterating through the editing process.


🖌️ Advanced Editing Techniques in Open Art

The second paragraph delves into more advanced editing techniques using Open Art. It covers how to remove specific items like a hat from an image by using positive language in prompts, avoiding negative descriptions. The presenter also shares a trick for keeping editing history accessible by adding edited images to the canvas rather than replacing the original. Manual brush techniques are discussed for detailed work like changing earrings, emphasizing the importance of painting beyond the original area for desired results. The video continues with changing the setting of an image from Paris to New York and the time from day to night, using both the click area and manual brush tools to achieve the new look. The presenter advises on the order of editing (person before background) to maintain the original composition's integrity. Finally, the video stresses the necessity of multiple retouching steps for achieving high-quality results, and shares additional examples to illustrate the process.



💡OpenArt Inpainting

OpenArt Inpainting is a feature of the OpenArt software that allows users to edit images, particularly to fill in missing or unwanted parts of an image with AI-generated content. In the video, the host demonstrates how to use this feature to change the outfit of a person in a photo and to modify the background setting from Paris to New York.

💡Smart selection

Smart selection is an AI-powered tool within the OpenArt editor that automatically recognizes different sections of an image, such as the hat, hair, or background, and allows users to select these areas with a single click. This feature is showcased in the video as it simplifies the process of editing specific parts of an image without manual selection.

💡Infinite Canvas

The Infinite Canvas is a workspace feature in OpenArt that provides an unlimited area for users to work on their images. It allows for the addition of multiple images and the iteration of edits without losing the editing history. The host uses this feature to add different versions of the edited image and to compare them side by side.

💡AI smart selection tool

The AI smart selection tool is a part of the OpenArt editor that uses artificial intelligence to divide an image into sections and recognize different elements within the image. This tool is key to the video's tutorial as it enables the host to select complex parts of the image, like the person's outfit, with ease and precision.

💡Manual brush

The manual brush is a tool within the OpenArt editor that allows for more precise and detailed editing compared to the AI smart selection tool. It is used when the user needs to make fine adjustments or edits to smaller areas of the image, such as changing the earrings in the video.

💡Positive and negative prompts

Positive and negative prompts are instructions given to the AI within the OpenArt editor to guide the image generation process. Positive prompts describe what the user wants to be included in the image, while negative prompts specify what should be excluded. The host emphasizes the importance of using positive language to achieve the desired editing outcome.

💡Editing history

Editing history is a feature in OpenArt that records all the changes made to an image during the editing process. This allows users to revisit previous edits and make adjustments if needed. The host uses the editing history to check settings and results, facilitating an iterative editing process.

💡Parallel Generations

Parallel Generations is a feature available to subscribers of OpenArt that allows for the simultaneous generation of multiple image edits. This feature is used in the video to generate several versions of the edited image at once, enabling the host to review and select the most satisfactory result.


Masking in the context of image editing refers to the process of selecting specific areas of an image to apply changes to, while leaving other areas untouched. In the video, the host uses masking to isolate the background from the person in the image, allowing for the background to be changed without affecting the person.


Retouching is the process of making minor adjustments or corrections to an image after the initial editing is complete. The host mentions that achieving a good result often requires multiple steps of retouching, highlighting the iterative nature of the image editing process.

💡Depth perception

Depth perception in photography refers to the visual representation of the three-dimensional space in a two-dimensional image. The host discusses how the AI editor takes into account the depth of the original photo when making edits, ensuring that the edited image maintains a natural and consistent look.


OpenArt has made significant updates to its image editing platform.

The tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to use the new features.

Smart selection tool allows for one-click selection of different parts of an image, such as the hat, hair, or background.

The AI can recognize and divide the image into sections for easier editing.

Users can add an image to an infinite canvas and start editing directly.

The manual brush tool is useful for making detailed changes, such as altering earrings.

Negative prompts like 'remove' or 'erase' do not work; positive descriptions are required.

Subscribers can utilize up to 32 parallel generations for faster editing.

The editing history page helps users to view and iterate their settings easily.

Adding an edited image to the canvas retains the original and editing history for future adjustments.

Changing the setting from Paris to New York and the time from day to night is possible with the new editor.

The click area tool can be used to select and edit specific parts of the background.

Manual brushing with the inverse selection allows for precise background editing without affecting the subject.

Filling in gaps in the edited image can lead to a more polished final result.

The importance of editing one side of the image before the other is emphasized for maintaining original composition.

Multiple steps of retouching may be necessary to achieve the desired final image.

The new editor offers a workspace that facilitates iteration and comparison of different editing results.