Photo Editing Secrets | Photoshop and Krea AI Tutorial

25 Jan 202405:30

TLDRThis tutorial reveals innovative uses of Krea AI, a free AI photo enhancement tool, beyond its common application in making AI-generated images more realistic. It demonstrates how to precisely add elements to images, correct flawed hair selections, and enhance hair lighting. The video guides through the process of using generative fill in Photoshop and Krea AI's upscaling and enhancement features, showcasing its capabilities in various photo editing scenarios, including collar addition to a dog image, hair selection improvement for a girl's photo, and text enhancement on a concrete background. The emphasis is on the tool's versatility and cost-effectiveness, encouraging viewers to explore its potential for creative photo editing.


  • ЁЯОи Krea AI is a free AI photo enhancement and upscaling tool that can add texture and detail to images.
  • ЁЯЦМя╕П The tool can be used creatively to add elements to images with precision, such as placing a collar leash on a dog image.
  • ЁЯФН For more control over shape, the Brush tool can be used to create a selection before using Krea AI.
  • ЁЯЦ╝я╕П Krea AI offers an upscaling and enhanced section where users can upload images and edit prompts for desired outcomes.
  • ЁЯУИ Adjusting the upscaling factor and AI strength allows for more freedom in image reconstruction based on the prompt.
  • ЁЯЪл To upscale or enhance an image, choose higher resemblance strength.
  • тЬНя╕П Negative prompts can be used to exclude unwanted elements from the generated image.
  • ЁЯФД Krea AI can be used to fix issues with complex selections, such as hair, by recreating it in a more realistic manner.
  • ЁЯОи The tool can be utilized to match lighting and colors, creating a more natural look in the final image.
  • ЁЯЖУ The versatility of Krea AI allows for a wide range of photo editing possibilities, all accessible for free.

Q & A

  • What is Krea AI primarily used for?

    -Krea AI is primarily used for AI photo enhancement or upscaling to make AI-generated images more realistic by adding texture and detail.

  • How does the video suggest using Krea AI creatively?

    -The video suggests using Krea AI creatively for tasks such as adding elements to images with precision, fixing bad hair selection issues, and adding realistic lighting to hair.

  • What is the first example demonstrated in the video?

    -The first example is placing a collar leash on a dog image using generative fill and then refining it with Krea AI.

  • How does the video recommend refining the shape of an object in an image?

    -The video recommends using the Brush tool with increased size and hardness, painting on a new layer, and then using Krea AI to upscale and enhance the image based on the prompt.

  • What are the steps to use Krea AI for enhancing an image?

    -The steps include uploading the image to Krea AI, editing the prompt, choosing the upscaling factor and style, adjusting AI and resemblance strength, and then clicking on Enhance to generate the result.

  • How does the video address issues with complex background selections?

    -The video suggests using the Select Subject tool with a mask button to remove the background and then adjusting the lighting and colors to match the new background.

  • What is the strategy for fixing hair selection in the video's second example?

    -The strategy is to first place the subject on a different background, match the lighting and colors, and then use Krea AI to enhance the hair, refining the edges with a brush.

  • How does the video suggest enhancing text on a concrete background?

    -The video suggests creating a mask around the text, adding a drop shadow for depth, and then using Krea AI with a specific prompt to simulate the text on crumpled paper.

  • What is the significance of adjusting the AI strength and resemblance strength in Krea AI?

    -Adjusting the AI strength and resemblance strength allows for more control over the image reconstruction, giving freedom to create based on the prompt while maintaining the original image's likeness.

  • What is the main advantage of using Krea AI as highlighted in the video?

    -The main advantage is that Krea AI offers a high level of control over the image enhancement process and can be used for free, allowing for creative and personalized results.



ЁЯОи Creative Uses of AI Photo Enhancement

This paragraph introduces Krea AI, a free AI photo enhancement and upscaling tool. It highlights the tool's common use for making AI-generated images more realistic by adding texture and detail. The focus of the video, however, is to explore creative applications of the tool, such as precisely adding elements to images and fixing issues with bad hair selection. The paragraph provides a step-by-step guide on how to use the tool to enhance a dog image by adding a collar and leash. It explains the process of using the lasso tool for complex selection, generative fill for testing, and the brush tool for detailed painting. The paragraph then walks through the process of using Krea AI for upscaling and enhancing the image, including signing up, editing prompts, adjusting upscaling factors, and achieving a better result than generative fill. Finally, it describes the process of refining the mask, bringing back the desired elements, and achieving a satisfactory result.


ЁЯЦМя╕П Enhancing Complex Images with AI

This paragraph continues the exploration of AI photo enhancement by addressing the challenge of working with complex images, such as a photo of a little girl with a busy background and difficult hair selection. The paragraph outlines the steps to improve the hair selection by placing the subject on a different background and matching the lighting and colors. It then details the process of using Krea AI to enhance the image, focusing on adjusting AI and resemblance strengths for better results. The summary also covers the technique of refining the mask and painting edges to achieve a natural look. The paragraph concludes with a final example of enhancing text on a concrete background, demonstrating the tool's versatility and the user's ability to control the outcome. The video aims to inspire viewers by showcasing the creative possibilities of AI photo enhancement and the level of control it offers, all available for free.



ЁЯТбPhoto Editing

Photo editing refers to the process of altering or enhancing digital images using various tools and techniques. In the context of the video, photo editing is the main theme, where the creator demonstrates how to use specific tools to improve and add elements to images, such as adding a collar leash to a dog image or adjusting the lighting on hair.


Krea AI is an artificial intelligence-based photo enhancement and upscaling tool that can generate realistic images by adding texture and detail. The video showcases how Krea AI can be used creatively, not just for enhancing AI-generated images, but also for precise editing tasks like fixing hair selection issues and adding elements to photos.

ЁЯТбGenerative Fill

Generative Fill is a feature in Photoshop that uses AI to fill a selected area with content based on a prompt provided by the user. In the video, the creator attempts to use Generative Fill to add a collar leash to a dog image, but finds the control over the shape limited, leading to the exploration of alternative methods.

ЁЯТбBrush Tool

The Brush Tool in Photoshop is used for drawing and painting on an image with customizable settings like size and hardness. In the tutorial, the Brush Tool is utilized to manually paint a collar and leash on the dog image, allowing for greater precision and control over the final result.

ЁЯТбUpscaling Factor

Upscaling Factor refers to the degree by which an image is enlarged or enhanced. The video discusses using Krea AI to upscale images, with the option to increase the factor for more detailed results. This is particularly useful for improving the quality of images, especially when adding elements or fixing issues like hair selection.

ЁЯТбAI Strength

AI Strength is a parameter in Krea AI that determines the degree to which the AI can freely reconstruct the image based on the prompt. Higher AI strength allows for more creative and less constrained results, while lower strength maintains the original image's resemblance. In the video, adjusting AI strength is crucial for achieving the desired photo editing effects.

ЁЯТбNegative Prompt

A Negative Prompt is a feature in Krea AI that allows users to specify what they do not want to appear in the generated image. This is used to refine the output and ensure that the AI-generated content aligns with the user's vision, as demonstrated in the video when the creator excludes unwanted elements from the final result.


A Mask in Photoshop is a layer that can hide or reveal parts of an image. It is used for complex selections, such as isolating hair from a complex background. In the video, the creator uses masks to refine the selection of the little girl's hair and to adjust the lighting on the hair for a more natural look.

ЁЯТбColor Dodge

Color Dodge is a blending mode in Photoshop that brightens the underlying layer by increasing the lightness and contrast. It is used to adjust the lighting and colors of an image to match a new background or context. In the video, the creator applies a color dodge blending mode to a solid color layer to adjust the lighting on the little girl's hair.


Texture in photo editing refers to the surface detail or pattern of an image. The video demonstrates how Krea AI can add texture and detail to images, enhancing their realism and visual appeal. This is particularly important when trying to blend newly added elements, like a collar leash, with the original image.

ЁЯТбDrop Shadow

Drop Shadow is an effect in Photoshop that creates the illusion of depth by adding a shadow beneath the object or text. In the video, the creator applies a drop shadow to the text on the concrete background to make it appear more three-dimensional and to enhance the overall design.


Krea AI is a free AI photo enhancement and upscaling tool.

Krea AI can be used to add texture and detail to images, making AI-generated images more realistic.

The video showcases creative ways to use Krea AI beyond just enhancing images.

One example is adding elements to images with precision, like a collar leash on a dog.

Generative fill can be used for initial attempts, but it lacks shape control.

The Brush tool and Krea AI can be combined for more precise and controlled results.

Krea AI offers an upscaling and enhanced section with various tools.

To use Krea AI, one must sign up or log in and then upload the image.

Editing the prompt in Krea AI can help achieve specific desired outcomes.

Adjusting AI strength and resemblance strength can influence the reconstruction of the image.

Krea AI can be used to fix issues with bad hair selection and add realistic lighting to the hair.

The video demonstrates how to match lighting and colors in Photoshop for a seamless integration.

Negative prompts in Krea AI can remove unwanted elements from the generated image.

The final result showcases the effectiveness of combining Krea AI with Photoshop for photo editing.

Krea AI allows for a high level of control and can be used for free, offering a powerful tool for creatives.