What Jumping Spiders Teach Us About Color
TLDRThis script delves into the fascinating world of color perception, challenging the traditional view that color is an inherent property of objects. It explores how humans, cameras, and screens use a combination of red, green, and blue light to create the illusion of color. The script then shifts focus to jumping spiders, highlighting their remarkable color vision and the evolutionary processes that have led to diverse color perception abilities among different species. From dichromats to tetrachromats, the video examines how these spiders use color cues for hunting, mating, and possibly even creating visual illusions, suggesting that color is an evolving phenomenon deeply intertwined with the complex interaction between an organism's sensory system and its environment.
- 🌈 The perception of color is a complex process involving the integration of inputs from cone cells sensitive to red, green, and blue wavelengths of light.
- 📺 Screens and cameras trick our brains into seeing a variety of colors by using only red, green, and blue subpixels, despite the absence of 'yellow' subpixels.
- 🧠 Color perception is not just about the wavelengths of light reflected by an object; it's also a phenomenon of the mind, as suggested by Galileo.
- 🐶 Different animals perceive color differently, and some, like dogs, do not see colors like red or orange as distinctly different from green.
- 🕷️ Jumping spiders are unique among spiders for their exceptional vision, including the ability to see color and fine details.
- 👀 Jumping spiders have eight eyes, with different eyes specialized for motion detection, light sensitivity, color vision, and fine detail.
- 🔬 The principal eyes of jumping spiders are highly developed, functioning much like a telescope and allowing them to see patterns nearly as well as a pigeon.
- 🎨 Some jumping spiders have evolved to be dichromats, trichromats, or even tetrachromats, with varying abilities to perceive a wide range of colors.
- 🌱 The evolution of color vision in jumping spiders is not a one-time event but has occurred multiple times independently among different species.
- 🍎 Color vision in animals like jumping spiders could be crucial for distinguishing between palatable and harmful prey.
- 💃 The visual communication and courtship displays of jumping spiders involve complex interactions of color, depth perception, and movement.
Q & A
How does the human eye perceive the color yellow?
-The human eye perceives yellow when the red and green-sensitive cone cells in the retina are equally excited. The brain interprets this stimulation as the color yellow, even though the light entering the eye is a mix of red and green wavelengths, not pure yellow light.
How do cameras and screens trick our brains into seeing a variety of colors?
-Cameras and screens use a combination of red, green, and blue light (RGB) to stimulate our three types of cone cells in different proportions, tricking our brains into perceiving a wide range of colors, even though only three wavelengths of light are used.
What is the debate regarding whether color is a property of an object or a phenomenon of the mind?
-Some people argue that color is a property of an object, meaning it is inherent to the object itself, like Aristotle thought. Others, like Galileo, believe that color is a phenomenon of the mind, created by the brain's interpretation of the wavelengths of light that an object reflects or emits.
Why do we often overlook how other animals perceive color?
-We often overlook how other animals perceive color because we tend to assume that color vision is uniform or similar across species. However, different animals can have vastly different color vision capabilities based on their biology and evolutionary needs.
How do jumping spiders differ from other spiders in terms of vision?
-Jumping spiders differ from other spiders in that they are active daytime hunters with excellent eyesight. They have a unique set of eight eyes, with different eyes specialized for motion detection, light sensitivity, color vision, and fine detail vision. This allows them to perceive their environment in ways that most other spiders cannot.
What is special about the principal eyes of jumping spiders?
-The principal eyes of jumping spiders are the largest and are located at the front of their face. They are built like a Galilean telescope or binoculars, with two lenses and a long fluid-filled tube that magnifies the image, allowing the spider to see fine detail and color in a narrow field of view.
How do jumping spiders' color vision capabilities compare to other animals?
-Jumping spiders have a wide range of color vision capabilities. Some are dichromats with two types of color-sensitive cone cells, similar to dogs and most mammals. Others are trichromats, like humans, or tetrachromats, like birds. This diversity in color vision has evolved independently multiple times within the jumping spider group.
What evolutionary advantage might the ability to see red have for jumping spiders?
-The ability to see red might help jumping spiders to find food or to discriminate between tasty prey and prey that can harm them. For example, some toxic insects use bright colors to signal their toxicity, and being able to see these colors could help spiders avoid eating them.
How do researchers determine which jumping spiders have expanded color vision?
-Researchers use a technique called microspectrophotometry to measure the wavelengths of light absorbed by individual cone cells in ultra-thin slices of jumping spider retinas. This allows them to determine if a species is a dichromat, trichromat, or tetrachromat and what wavelengths of light its cells are best at detecting.
What role do opsin genes play in the evolution of color vision in jumping spiders?
-Opsin genes encode proteins that are sensitive to different colors of light. Different copies of these genes can produce proteins that are sensitive to different wavelengths, allowing for expanded color vision. In some jumping spiders, the ability to see red evolved when their green-sensitive opsin gene was duplicated and the new copy evolved to be more red-sensitive.
How do jumping spiders' retinas help correct for chromatic aberration?
-Jumping spiders have a stack of translucent retinas, with cells sensitive to shorter wavelengths closer to the lens and those sensitive to longer wavelengths farther away. This arrangement helps correct for chromatic aberration, ensuring that different colors of light are in proper focus.
What is the significance of the Advanced Photon Source in studying jumping spiders' vision?
-The Advanced Photon Source is a particle accelerator that researchers are using to collect high-resolution X-ray videos through the spider's exoskeletons. This allows them to see the spider's eye movements and how their eye tubes are changing shape or length, which could affect their perception of depth and color.
What philosophical question about color does the study of jumping spiders' vision raise?
-The study of jumping spiders' vision raises the philosophical question of what color actually is. Is it an intrinsic property of an object, as Aristotle believed, or does it exist only in the mind perceiving it, as Galileo suggested? The study suggests that color might be something that emerges through the interaction between the eyes that see the world and the world that is being seen.
👀 The Illusion of Color Perception
This paragraph explores the fascinating concept of color perception, challenging the notion that we see color as it truly exists. It explains that the yellow we perceive is not due to the presence of yellow light, but rather a mix of red and green light detected by our cone cells. The script delves into how technology, such as screens and cameras, exploits this by using red, green, and blue subpixels to create the illusion of various colors. It also touches on the philosophical debate about whether color is an inherent property of an object or a mental phenomenon, suggesting that our understanding of color is subjective and can vary between species, as illustrated by the example of how dogs perceive colors differently from humans.
🕷 The Versatile Vision of Jumping Spiders
The focus shifts to jumping spiders, highlighting their remarkable vision despite their small size. The paragraph details the unique anatomy of their eight eyes, which are adapted for various functions such as motion detection and color vision. It emphasizes the principal eyes' ability to see fine details and colors within a narrow field of view, akin to using binoculars. The script also discusses the evolutionary advantage of their vision, suggesting that it aids in hunting and possibly mate selection. The diversity of color vision among jumping spiders is underscored, with some species being dichromats, trichromats, or even tetrachromats, indicating multiple independent evolutions of color perception.
🔬 Scientific Inquiry into Jumping Spiders' Color Vision
This paragraph delves into the scientific research conducted to understand the color vision of jumping spiders. It describes the process of collecting spiders from various branches of the jumping spider family tree and the subsequent laboratory analysis. The researchers use microspectrophotometry to measure the light absorption of individual cone cells, allowing them to determine the spiders' color vision capabilities. The paragraph also introduces the behavioral tests conducted to confirm the spiders' ability to see and respond to color, using controlled experiments with moving shapes and monitoring the spiders' reactions.
🧬 Genetic Basis of Jumping Spiders' Color Vision
The script explains the genetic basis for the diverse color vision found in jumping spiders. It discusses how different copies of the opsin gene produce proteins sensitive to various light wavelengths, enabling color vision. The researchers employ transcriptome sequencing to identify and locate the genes expressed in the spiders' eyes. This technique provides an inventory of all genes being expressed in the tissue, allowing the team to understand where each gene is expressed and how it contributes to the spiders' color vision. The paragraph also hints at the evolutionary innovation in jumping spiders, with multiple independent developments of expanded color vision.
🍎 Experimenting with Color Vision and Prey Selection
This paragraph describes an experiment designed to test the hypothesis that jumping spiders use color vision to select prey. The experiment involves training spiders to associate color with the palatability of termites, either red and bitter or gray and tasty. After training, the spiders are tested in a setup where the color cues are removed to see if they can still identify the bitter prey. The results suggest that spiders with access to color cues fare better, laying eggs sooner and being heavier at the end of the experiment. This indicates a potential evolutionary advantage to expanded color vision in identifying and avoiding harmful prey.
🌈 Exploring the Depth and Complexity of Color Perception
The script explores the idea that jumping spiders' color perception might be more complex than previously thought. It discusses the unique structure of their retinas, which consist of multiple layers sensitive to different light wavelengths. This arrangement could create depth illusions, affecting how spiders perceive their environment. The paragraph also considers the possibility that certain visual displays, such as the red coloration of male spiders during courtship, might serve to confuse or distract predators or potential mates, rather than being a direct signal of color. The discussion highlights the intricate relationship between visual perception and evolutionary strategy.
🚀 Advanced Research into Jumping Spiders' Visual Mechanics
This paragraph describes cutting-edge research using the Advanced Photon Source, a particle accelerator, to study the internal movements of jumping spiders' eyes. The researchers aim to understand how the spiders' retinal movements and the shape of their eye tubes affect their perception of depth and color. The script notes that this is the first time such high-resolution X-ray videos have been used to observe the internal mechanics of a living spider's eyes. Although the facility's shutdown for upgrades temporarily halts the research, the potential insights into the spiders' visual experience are significant, suggesting that their perception of color might be three-dimensional and fundamentally different from human vision.
🌌 The Broader Implications of Jumping Spiders' Color Vision
The final paragraph reflects on the broader implications of the research into jumping spiders' color vision. It suggests that these spiders can teach us about the evolution of color vision and its diverse forms within a single group of animals. The script contemplates the possibility that jumping spiders' experience of color might be three-dimensional, contrasting with human perception. It also touches on the importance of preserving the unique ways in which different species experience the world, highlighting the tragedy of extinction as a loss of these varied perspectives. The paragraph concludes with a philosophical reflection on color, positing that it emerges from the interaction between the eyes that perceive the world and the world itself, shaped by millions of years of evolution.
💡Color Perception
💡Cone Cells
💡Wavelengths of Light
💡Jumping Spiders
💡Principal Eyes
💡Dichromats, Trichromats, and Tetrachromats
💡Evolutionary Advantage
💡Chromatic Aberration
💡Behavioral Experiments
💡Transcriptome Sequencing
The human perception of color is a result of the brain integrating inputs from red, green, and blue-sensitive cone cells.
Technology like cameras and screens trick our brains into seeing a spectrum of colors using only three wavelengths of light.
The concept of color as a property of an object or a phenomenon of the mind is debated, reflecting different philosophical perspectives.
Different animals perceive color uniquely, as illustrated by the example of dogs not distinguishing between red, orange, and green.
Jumping spiders have evolved various forms of color vision, with some species being dichromats, trichromats, or even tetrachromats.
Jumping spiders' principal eyes function similarly to a Galilean telescope, enhancing their ability to see fine details and colors.
The secondary eyes of jumping spiders provide a 360-degree view, mostly in black and white, with the ability to focus on areas of curiosity with color and detail.
Jumping spiders' color vision has evolved independently multiple times, indicating a complex evolutionary history.
Researchers use microspectrophotometry to measure the wavelengths of light absorbed by individual cone cells in jumping spider retinas.
Behavioral experiments with jumping spiders involve using tiny magnets to control their field of view and test color discrimination.
Genes encoding proteins called opsins are key to understanding how animals achieve color vision.
Transcriptome sequencing and immunohistochemistry are used to study the genes expressed in jumping spider eyes.
Jumping spiders' layered retinas may correct for chromatic aberration and create a unique perception of depth and color.
Experiments suggest that jumping spiders with expanded color vision use color cues to avoid unpalatable prey.
The display of red coloration in male jumping spiders during courtship may create depth illusions rather than being perceived as red.
Researchers are using the Advanced Photon Source to collect high-resolution X-ray videos of live jumping spiders' eyes in motion.
The study of jumping spiders offers insights into the evolution of color vision and the diverse ways animals experience color.
The concept of color may emerge from the interaction between the eyes that see the world and the world that is being sensed.
- You are not looking at a yellow ball.
Your brain might think you're looking at a yellow ball,
but look closer.
The screen you're watching this on displays color using only
red, green, and blue subpixels.
The yellow your brain thinks it's seeing is actually
a mix of red and green light.
The camera I'm talking to right now has a sensor composed
of red, green, and blue-sensitive photosites.
Again, no yellow.
Of course, I have the ball here in my hand,
so I am looking at a yellow ball,
or am I?
(light mysterious music)
After all my eyes aren't so different from that camera.
The human retina only has cone cells sensitive to red,
green, or blue wavelengths of light.
To perceive other colors, we have to integrate the inputs
from those three cone types.
When yellow light enters my eye, it stimulates my red
and green-sensitive cone cells,
although not as much as pure red, or green light would.
With red and green-sensitive cones equally excited,
my brain tells me I'm looking at yellow.
This is how our technology, our cameras,
and screens, and projectors can trick our brains
into seeing a whole rainbow of colors
using just three wavelengths of light
by triggering our three different types of cone cells
in different proportions.
So is the ball really yellow?
What does yellow even mean?
A lot of people would say that color is
the wavelengths of light that an object reflects.
In other words, like Aristotle thought,
color is a property of the object.
But looking at the same ball on a screen,
your eyes only sensed red and green light,
yet your brain still perceived it as yellow.
So it's also possible, like Galileo believed,
that color isn't a property of an object at all,
but a phenomenon of the mind instead.
But whose mind?
Because we aren't the only animals
that can see the world in color.
- We oftentimes don't really think about
how other animals see color.
So for example, we buy our dogs bright red,
or orange toys that are only bright red, or orange for us,
and not for them, because they can't see orange,
or red as being distinct from green.
- [Derek] So maybe we should start taking in the world
from more than just the human perspective.
Doing that might just teach us why color vision
evolved in the first place.
- We're actually towards
the lower end of the spectrum, honestly.
We're a step up from our household pets, maybe,
if they're cats, or dogs,
but not nearly as good as many animal groups out there,
butterflies, birds, fish, lizards, jumping spiders.
Jumping spiders are harmless creatures, actually.
They don't ever really get big enough to pose
much of a threat to humans.
Of course, if you were a small insect,
yes, you would absolutely need to be afraid
of a jumping spider.
- [Lisa] They'll take down prey that's sometimes
like two, or three times their own body size.
- The Chinese word for jumping spider translates literally
to fly tiger, and that's the way I like to think about them
is the kind of small cats of the undergrowth.
- Jumping spiders are everywhere.
They're in your backyard.
They're probably in your kitchen.
- There are about 6,000 species of jumping spiders known.
Some are sort of furry, some are sort of shiny,
striped, spotted, red, green, blue.
Pretty much anything you can imagine.
It's like every one is a little work of art.
- As a group, spiders aren't known for their vision.
I mean, most species are nocturnal,
and for many, their webs act as a sort of extra sense organ,
so they just don't need to see that well.
But jumping spiders, as active daytime hunters,
well, they're different.
Not only do they have great eyesight,
but different species have different forms of color vision.
Look at those eyes.
- Jumping spider eyes are fascinating,
and when I say eyes, I mean eight eyes.
Jumping spiders split up things like motion detection
and light sensitivity to some eyes,
and then color vision and fine detail vision into others.
The pair of eyes that are perhaps the most fascinating,
or most unusual are what we call the principal eyes,
and those are the really big eyes in the front of the face
that make jumping spiders look a little cute
if you're willing to say a spider looks cute ever,
and those are built unlike any other eye
in the animal kingdom.
- [Derek] It turns out
the way jumping spiders perceive color has everything to do
with the anatomy of those principal eyes.
- [Nathan] They're really actually built
a lot like a Galilean telescope, or binoculars.
That big lens that you see from the outside of the animal is
one of two lenses in these eyes,
and in between those two lenses is
a long fluid-filled tube.
At the end of that fluid-filled tube is a second lens,
and what that lens does is it magnifies the image that
that first lens projects down that long tube,
and in that way, it increases the ability to see detail
by the retina that sits right below it.
- [Derek] And when it comes to seeing detail,
it's hard to beat a jumping spider.
- For most animals, the bigger the eye,
the better it functions.
Jumping spiders absolutely break this rule.
The secondary eyes can see the world
about as well as the absolute best insect eyes out there,
better than the world's biggest dragonflies,
whose entire head is consumed by an eye.
The principal eyes,
they can actually see pattern in the world
better than a lap dog,
a house cat, an elephant,
and nearly as good as the sharp-sighted pigeon,
but it's a very narrow slice of the world that they can see.
It's about like your thumb held at arm's length.
- [Derek] And it's only in that narrow slice of the world
that jumping spiders can see fine detail and color.
- So the jumping spider's secondary eyes give them
a full 360-degree view of the world.
Now, imagine most of that's in black and white.
When you see something move, you can swivel to look at it.
And now, anything that's really of curiosity to you,
you can add to this world of black and white vision
fine detail and color.
But you can only do it moment by moment.
So you're really kind of painting additional details
about color and pattern that you couldn't see otherwise.
It's a wild world to try to put yourself into.
(bee buzzing)
- As they sweep their principal eyes across a scene,
some species of jumping spiders are adding
a lot more color information to their world than others.
Most jumping spiders, including this one, are dichromats,
meaning they have two types of color-sensitive cone cells
in their retinas, just like dogs and most other mammals.
- [Nathan] And by comparing those two kinds of cells
and how they respond to light in the environment,
they get a coarse understanding of color.
They can tell the difference between UV,
violet, blue, and green.
- But some types of jumping spiders are trichromats
with three types of cones, like humans,
and other are tetrachromats, like birds.
(light music)
The weird thing is all these species
with expanded color vision
aren't necessarily close relatives.
- In jumping spiders, we have huge variation,
even from closely related groups,
in how well they're able to see color in the world.
Jumping spiders are reinventing, in some ways,
the ability to see color over and over again
in different ways.
- That makes jumping spiders pretty special.
I mean, consider primates.
Old World monkeys, apes,
and humans all have trichromatic color vision,
but we also share a common ancestor.
So our color vision probably evolved only once,
and then it stuck around.
This is where jumping spiders really stand out.
The ability to see red, for example,
has evolved several times in jumping spiders.
Researchers know that,
because they've figured out
how different groups are related,
and by they, I mostly mean
jumping spider fanatic Wayne Maddison.
- Oh my gosh, Havaika.
Beautiful male.
Ah, it's been, it's been 30 years since I've seen
a live Havaika.
- [Megan] He is absolutely Mr. Jumping Spider.
His expertise really is in jumping spider taxonomy.
- I work on the evolutionary tree of jumping spiders.
The evolutionary tree of life is basically
the pathway of genetic descent that links all of us.
- [Derek] The position of different species
on this evolutionary tree can tell us how they ended up
with the traits they have.
Like if most jumping spiders don't see red,
but two species on two very different parts of the tree do,
chances are that those two species
evolved those abilities independently.
- In which case, then we can start to ask questions like
what's driving that evolution?
Do they have similar ecologies?
Do they hunt similar prey?
And try to really understand
what selective forces are leading
to these expanded color vision systems.
- It might help them find food,
or discriminate tasty prey from prey that can harm them.
- [Nathan] Because, of course,
lots of small insects are brightly colored,
and some of them are using those bright colors
to advertise that they're toxic.
- [Derek] Another possibility is that seeing
a richer world of color might help animals,
from lizards to spiders, choose better mates.
To test these ideas, the researchers needed to know
which of the 6,000 species of jumping spiders had
expanded color vision and which didn't,
and outside of a few well-studied species,
no one really knew.
So the team set out to collect spiders
from every major branch of the jumping spider family tree.
- One of our first things is just prioritizing where to go
and what to look for.
And so, it's a lot of sampling in a lot of places.
- Let's see who lives here.
- [Derek] It's kind of like "Pokemon GO,"
except the Pokemon are real,
they're smaller than your pinky fingernail,
and they're really good at hiding.
- Some jumping spiders have evolved
to be really fine-tuned to a particular situation.
So for example,
there are termite-eating specialist jumping spiders
that you're only gonna find around termites.
There was this one species that we only found
in piles of bones in South Africa.
Who knows what it was doing there,
but we quickly learned that
that was the only place in the environment
we were gonna find it.
And so, that's part of the fun of it.
I feel like it's a bit of a treasure hunt, really.
(light music)
- With no proverbial stone left unturned,
the team returns to their labs with hundreds of spiders
representing many different species.
They want to figure out which species have
expanded color vision, how each species does it, and why.
It's actually a hard question
to tell how animals can see color.
We can't just connect our brains to see what they see.
So how do we do it?
- [Nathan] We begin by using a technique
called microspectrophotometry.
It's a really long word.
What it simply means is a microscope paired with a device
that measures different wavelengths of light,
a spectrophotometer.
- [Derek] The researchers take ultra-thin slices
of jumping spider retinas,
and then they measure the wavelengths of light absorbed
by individual cone cells.
With enough of these measurements,
they can tell if a species is a dichromat,
trichromat, or tetrachromat,
and what wavelengths of light
its cells are best at detecting.
But that's not the whole story.
- Having that knowledge of what's in the retina tells us
what is, or isn't possible for these animals to see,
but it doesn't actually tell us what they do see,
or how they might use that.
And so, the gold standard for establishing
that an animal can see color is to do so behaviorally.
- In other words, we somehow need to ask the spiders
what they can see and then understand their answers.
Figuring out what's going on
inside a spider's mind is difficult.
It's no surprise that it takes
a group of expert zoologists to do so.
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So I wanna thank BetterHelp for sponsoring this video,
and now, back to jumping spiders and how they see color.
- These animals are particularly motivated
to investigate things that move,
and these responses can be guided by color.
- [Derek] The theory is simple.
You show the spider a screen with a moving shape
that differs from the background in color,
but not in brightness,
and you see if the spider tries to follow.
- [Nathan] The problem with letting the jumping spider
actually turn and respond is that they'll absolutely do so,
but it changes some of what they see.
So what we want is to really have some control
over what the spiders can see at any given moment.
- So the researchers hold them in place
with tiny magnets attached to their heads.
- [Nathan] What we do is we give them a ball to stand on.
They actually hold it with their feet,
and we can monitor how that ball moves around in their feet
to know where they would want to go.
- If the spider turns the ball to the left,
it's probably trying to look to the right
to follow the moving shape,
and that's evidence the spider can discriminate
between the colors of the shape and the background.
(playful music)
Once the team knows which species can see which colors,
the next question is how do they do it?
What's different in the DNA of these spiders that can see
and discriminate more colors?
If you ask Megan Porter, a lot of it comes down to genes
that encode proteins called opsins.
- The way that animals achieve color vision is
to have different copies of this opsin gene,
and those variations then are what produce proteins
that are sensitive to different colors of light.
The first technique that we generally go to
with a new species is called transcriptome sequencing,
and this is where we can take the entire head
of a jumping spider, and we can get the sequences
for every single gene that is expressed in that tissue.
- [Derek] This method gives the researchers an inventory
of all the genes being expressed,
in other words, all the genes that are copied out of the DNA
and sent to make a protein.
Then the team can figure out
where each of these genes is expressed,
in which eyes, and in which parts of the eye.
- And we do that using
a fancy technique called immunohistochemistry.
- [Derek] The researchers basically create
glowing molecular tags specific to each protein
they're interested in.
- [Megan] And then looking for which parts glow
in the right color, we can figure out
where each opsin is being expressed,
where the protein is located.
- The team is especially interested in genes
that are expressed in the retinas of the principal eyes.
These are the genes most likely to be related
to changes in color vision.
Already, this process of asking
which species have expanded color vision
and how they accomplish it has led
to some surprising discoveries.
The researchers already knew that the ability to see
and discriminate more colors had evolved more than once
among jumping spiders.
But they hadn't realized
just how widespread this ability would be.
After measuring 45 species across the evolutionary tree,
the team has already found
as many as 12 independent changes in color vision.
In evolutionary terms, jumping spiders seem to be evolving
new expanded forms of color vision all the time,
and different species have acquired
their new visual capabilities in very different ways.
Take, for example, the ability to see red.
Most jumping spiders only have green-sensitive
and UV-sensitive photo pigments in their retinas.
But some species became sensitive to red
when their green-sensitive opsin gene
was accidentally duplicated in the genome,
and the new copy started to evolve,
shifting its sensitivity to longer wavelengths.
- So in our eyes, that's exactly what happened.
The opsin gene for our green-sensitive visual pigment
was duplicated, and the second version evolved to be
more red-sensitive,
and we see this happen over and over and over again
in jumping spiders.
- But other jumping spiders see red
in a totally different way.
Rather than evolving new photo pigments,
they added an internal filter
to some of their green-sensitive cone cells,
which cuts out green light,
and forces those cells to respond
only to longer wavelengths, like red.
- They can basically create two kinds of cells
from the same type of photoreceptor
simply by using a filter in front of some of them
and not in front of others.
- All this evolutionary innovation
makes the original question even more intriguing.
Why evolve expanded color vision in the first place?
That's the question Lisa Taylor is trying to answer.
For a visual predator, like a jumping spider,
better color vision could mean finding more prey.
It could also mean avoiding prey that might harmful.
- [Lisa] And so, a lot of prey in the environment advertise
their toxicity with bright colors,
and particularly with long wavelength colors,
such as red and orange.
So we're testing the idea that the ability
to use color vision will help these spiders learn to avoid
and continue to avoid red prey that taste bad.
- [Derek] In this experiment, all the prey are termites.
Some have a dab of red paint on their backs,
and others have a dab of gray,
- And this doesn't affect their behavior in any way.
They still move around naturally,
and the spiders really like to eat termites.
- [Derek] The red termites also get treated
with a compound called Bitrex,
which is actually the most bitter substance known.
- And yeah, it turns out that the spiders also think
it tastes disgusting.
So we can simultaneously
and independently manipulate color and palatability.
- In other words, the researchers can make
the termites red and bitter, gray and tasty,
or if they want to mess with the spiders,
gray and bitter, or red and tasty.
The first part of the experiment is the training phase.
Basically, the spiders get to choose from a tiny buffet
of termite prey, each one in its own little Petri dish.
- [Lisa] In three of the Petri dishes,
they get a red-painted, bitter-tasting termite,
and then the other three Petri dishes,
they get a gray-painted, very tasty termite.
As they interact with this prey,
they are constantly learning
and it's constantly being reinforced that
whenever they attack something red,
they get a mouthful of bitter-tasting termite,
and whenever they attack something gray,
they get a mouthful of tasty termite.
The first spiders to go through this experiment are
Habronattus pyrrithrix, and we started with them
because we know that they have good color vision
that extends into the long wavelengths.
- [Derek] Habronattus pyrrithrix is one of the species
that can see red using a red filter
in front of some of its green-sensitive cone cells.
- [Lisa] Our data so far suggests
that the spiders are really good at learning the rules.
- And once they learn the rules,
then the real experiment begins.
The spiders hunt for all their food in a setup
just like the termite buffet where they were trained,
except that for half of the spiders
there's a big difference.
Some of the termites are still bitter, but they're all gray.
The color cues are gone.
Now, the question becomes
do the spiders that have color cues available,
in other words, the ones for which bitter termites
are still red, do they do better?
- So our data so far show that they do fare better
when they have access to those color cues,
they lay eggs sooner,
and that they're also heavier at the end of the experiment
if they're in the treatment group
where they have access to color cues.
- One hypothesis for why primates evolved
expanded color vision is
to distinguish ripe from unripe fruit,
or tender new leaves from older, tougher ones,
in other words, telling good food apart from bad food,
kind of like what these spiders are doing.
- Here, we've got this kind of evidence in a jumping spider,
and we're gonna repeatedly test that
in other jumping spider species
that have different forms of color vision.
- The team predicts that spiders
with expanded color vision will use color cues
to their advantage.
So they'll do better when color can tell them
which prey items taste bad.
Species that can't see red won't get any benefit
from the warning colors, or from the training.
If the data support these predictions,
these will be some of the first experiments in any species
to reveal an evolutionary advantage to seeing
and discriminating more colors.
But feeding behavior can't be the whole story,
because the spiders had some more surprises in store.
- For example, there's a genus of jumping spiders
in Central America called Mexigonus,
where males and only males sport
incredibly bright red colors on parts of their body
that they use during courtship.
- We thought for sure
the female has gotta be paying attention to red,
distinguishing it from other colors.
They've gotta have red color vision in some special way.
- And it turns out that at least by our measurements,
they don't have the ability to see red.
They just have UV and green-sensitive cells
in those principal eye retinas.
- I don't mind being proved wrong at all.
It usually means something more exciting,
because it means that, oh my God, there's something cool
and new in the world, right?
And you've learned something new.
- So what's going on here?
To help answer that question
and maybe understand why some spiders are displaying
to one another with colors they can't see,
it's time to revisit the jumping spider retina.
- Instead of just one retina like we have,
they have a stack of translucent retinas
right on top of each other.
- One thing that we think that this layering does is
to correct for a problem
that the optics present to the retina.
It's called chromatic aberration.
- Most optical materials, like these glass prisms,
refract, or bend short wavelength light,
like blue and UV, more strongly
than long wavelength light, like red.
That's chromatic aberration.
Lenses do this, too.
In photos taken with vintage camera lenses,
you can often see a fringe of color
around high contrast edges.
The sensor in a camera is a single flat layer of photosites.
So getting the different colors of light to focus
in the same plane is critical.
Modern camera lenses correct for chromatic aberration
using complicated optical designs
with lots of lens elements.
- But the other solution is to put
different color-sensitive cells at the right depths
behind the lenses, so that the colors
that they're sensitive to are in proper focus.
- That's exactly what jumping spider retinas do,
and this gets us one step closer to understanding
what red might mean to a spider that can't actually see red.
In the jumping spider eye, the cells sensitive
to shorter wavelengths are generally closer to the lens,
and those sensitive to longer wavelengths are farther away.
But most jumping spiders are dichromats.
They only have two cone cell types.
So why have four layers in their retinas?
- [Nathan] Typically, the bottom,
or farthest away from the lens two tiers,
we call those tiers 1 and 2.
Those are both typically sensitive just to green light.
And with a retina like that,
an object in that world might appear in different focus
in tier 2 than in tier 1.
- [Derek] Researchers in Japan have shown
that jumping spiders can actually use this discrepancy
in focus to perceive depth
and distance in their environment.
- But there is a liability with this system.
It only works if you're just using one color of light,
like green.
If you start to mix in other colors of light,
for example, red, then the system creates errors.
Essentially, colors like red might create this perception
of being close, or being looming towards the receiver,
and that would provide
a totally different perceptual experience for the viewer.
- So a jumping spider's red coloration might not look red
to another jumping spider,
but instead create a sort of depth illusion.
But why would a male spider benefit
from displaying an optical illusion?
- One thing about jumping spiders is
that females often are quite aggressive
towards prospective mates.
In fact, they can often eat the male
rather than allowing him to mate with them.
So these males, when they're dancing for females,
are really actually dancing for their lives
in many instances.
- [Derek] If a female thinks a male is closer
than he really is, that could throw off her attack,
or maybe confusing the female pays off in other ways.
- If she can't quite figure out the male's display,
she might stick around paying attention to it for longer,
and this might result in better outcomes
for the male at the end of courtship.
- [Derek] And amorous male spiders might not be
the only ones exploiting these depth delusions.
- So imagine a red prey item.
We might look at it and say, "That's probably toxic,
"and it's warning birds that it's toxic."
But another possibility is that it's red
simply to look like it's closer to a jumping spider,
so that it has a better chance of escaping.
We also see small insects
with red and blue patterns on them,
which would create a really complicated visual illusion
that might simply baffle it,
and require it a longer period of time
before it judge this distance.
Even a split second can really matter.
- But in this tiny game of cat and mouse,
a spider that could see and discriminate red from green
would be a lot harder to fool,
and this could be another surprising benefit
of color vision, one that isn't really about color at all.
- And what we really need to ask
whether, or not this hypothesis is even plausible
is really good high resolution measurements
of the distances of things in their eyes,
including the retina and the lenses, from live animals.
- [Derek] This information you can't just get
from preserved specimens on microscope slides,
but there is another way.
(light music) (air whooshing)
By using a particle accelerator called
the Advanced Photon Source, the researchers have started
to collect high resolution X-ray videos
through the spider's exoskeletons.
- This has never been done before.
It's in X-ray, so we can see through their eyes,
and we can see how these eye tubes are moving around.
- [Derek] If the spider's retinal movements change
the shape, or length of their eye tubes,
that'll affect what they're capable of perceiving.
- It would change how they experience depth.
It would change how they experience color.
Previously, this information
has only been collected from dissections.
So we're very excited to get super high resolution videos
of the inside of the spider's head
as it's performing complicated visual motions.
- Unfortunately, a few months after their initial tests,
the Advanced Photon Source shut down for upgrades
that'll take over a year to complete.
So it looks like we'll have to wait a little longer
for some of the answers the team has been looking for.
- We know that the retinas can be moved around
and that they maybe have between a 50 and 60-degree travel.
Not only can they be moved in the horizontal plane,
but in the vertical plane,
and they can actually be twisted
to change the orientation of their field of view.
- The question is how do these movements affect
what the spiders can focus on, or how they sense depth,
or even how they perceive color?
It's this connection between focus, depth,
and color that makes these spiders so intriguing.
- It opens up all sorts of questions about
what color is in the first place.
(light music)
- It's already clear that these spiders have
a lot to teach us about color vision,
how and why it evolves,
and how many forms it can take
even within a single group of animals.
(gentle music)
If our understanding of their visual system is correct,
the experience of color for jumping spiders
might even be three-dimensional
in a way that's totally different from how we see the world.
And we haven't even talked about their other senses,
like their ability to communicate through vibration.
When you think about it,
you realize that the universe we humans perceive,
even with all our technology,
is just a sliver of what's out there.
(light music)
- If we owe anything to the world,
it's to allow the world to be experienced
in the fullness of itself.
I think this is one of the tragedies of extinction
is the loss of oftentimes a totally unique way
of experiencing our world,
a way of experiencing our world
that we probably couldn't even imagine.
- So color,
what is it?
Is it an intrinsic property of an object,
like Aristotle thought,
or something that exists only in the mind perceiving it,
like Galileo believed?
Maybe it's not an either/or question.
- My belief is that color is something that emerges
through the evolution of the eyes that see the world
and the world that the eyes see.
Color as a thing emerges through this dance,
this evolutionary dance between
what can be sensed about the world
and those that are sensing it.
- It's that dance playing out over millions of generations
that created the colorful world we inhabit,
and shaped the countless ways
that we and our fellow life forms experience it.
(light music)
(graphics beeping)
Come to me.
Okay, not that far.
(Derek laughing)
They're not called jumping spiders for nothing.
Yeah, come on.
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