Roasting OTHER Youtubers' Gaming Setups!

Linus Tech Tips
22 Jul 202335:13

TLDRIn this entertaining script, the host humorously critiques the PC setups of various celebrities, YouTubers, and streamers, highlighting their unique and sometimes questionable choices in tech and decor. From impressive gaming stations to janky, cluttered workspaces, the video offers a fun insight into the personal tastes and work environments of these internet personalities, complete with sponsored roasts and amusing commentary.


  • 🎥 The video discusses various celebrities' and creators' PC setups, highlighting both impressive and less desirable aspects.
  • 🕹️ The speaker critiques setups based on their functionality, cleanliness, and overall aesthetic, showing a range from professional to amateurish.
  • 💻 A notable theme is the contrast between the quality of the equipment and the way it's utilized or presented in the setups.
  • 🎨 The setups are often personalized with unique decorations, custom lighting, and personal items, reflecting the individual's character and interests.
  • 🔌 Cable management is a recurring issue, with some setups having well-organized cables while others are cluttered and messy.
  • 🖥️ Monitor placement and desk organization vary greatly, impacting the efficiency and comfort of the workspace.
  • 🎮 Gaming setups are a significant focus, with discussions on the appropriateness of equipment for gaming and streaming.
  • 🤣 The video includes humor and roasts as a way to critique and engage with the setups, making the commentary entertaining.
  • 🌿 Some setups incorporate plants and other elements to create a more inviting and comfortable environment.
  • 🎥 The video also touches on the use of赞助商 products, such as Build Redux, and includes sponsored content within the critique.
  • 👀 The speaker expresses both admiration and disappointment in the setups, providing a balanced view of the creators' workspaces.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion in the video?

    -The main topic of discussion in the video is the critique of various celebrities', YouTubers', and streamers' computer setups based on their cleanliness, organization, and quality.

  • What is the purpose of Build Redux mentioned in the video?

    -Build Redux is mentioned as a sponsor that helps people get their dream computer setups without the hassle of building it themselves, by shipping the custom-built machines directly to their doorsteps.

  • What is the significance of the UPS mentioned in the video?

    -The UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) is highlighted as a good investment in the video because it protects the computer equipment from power surges and outages, ensuring the safety and reliability of the setup.

  • What is the issue with the 'salt shaker' reference in the video?

    -The 'salt shaker' reference is a humorous critique of the poor quality, pixelated images that were sent in by some content creators, likening the blurry, low-resolution images to salt sprinkled on a camera lens.

  • What is the criticism about the use of a clamp as a speaker stand?

    -The criticism is that using a clamp as a speaker stand is an improvised and potentially unsuitable solution, suggesting a lack of proper equipment or investment in the setup's quality.

  • What is the significance of the mention of 'StarForge Systems' in the video?

    -The mention of 'StarForge Systems' refers to a company or product that one of the individuals in the video has invested in, indicating a possible interest in gaming or tech-related ventures.

  • What is the critique about the use of a cardboard box in the video?

    -The critique is about the makeshift and unprofessional use of a cardboard box to prop up a computer or camera, suggesting that the setup is not well thought out or equipped.

  • What is the reason behind the mention of 'Windows XP wallpaper' in the video?

    -The mention of 'Windows XP wallpaper' is a critique of someone's outdated or unfashionable choice of desktop background, indicating a lack of effort in updating or personalizing their setup.

  • What is the significance of the 'cable management' comments in the video?

    -The comments on cable management refer to the organization and tidiness of the cords and connections in the computer setups. Good cable management is praised, while messy or non-existent management is criticized as it can affect the functionality and aesthetics of the setup.

  • What is the reason behind the mention of Squarespace at the end of the video?

    -Squarespace is mentioned as a sponsor that provides a platform for creating websites, emphasizing the importance of having an online presence and offering a solution for those looking to build a professional website.



🎮 Roasting Celebrity Gaming Setups

The paragraph discusses the revelation of less-than-ideal PC setups from various celebrities, YouTubers, and streamers. The speaker criticizes these setups, highlighting issues such as poor cable management, janky hardware, and impractical accessories. The tone is humorous and roast-like, with a focus on the contrast between the public image of these personalities and their actual tech choices. Sponsorship from Build Redux is mentioned, a company that offers to build and deliver custom PCs, implying a solution to the discussed problems.


🌿 Green Screen and Audio Setups

This paragraph continues the critique of various content creators' setups, with a focus on audio and video equipment. The speaker comments on the quality of microphones, speaker placement, and the use of green screens. There's a mention of a particular setup with a large number of microphones and speakers, as well as the use of industrial-looking equipment and unusual decor. The speaker also addresses the issue of cable management and the presence of a power strip in an inconvenient location.


🎨 Artistic and Efficient Workspaces

The paragraph shifts to appreciating more organized and aesthetically pleasing setups, with a focus on the use of art, efficient space utilization, and high-quality equipment. The speaker praises the cleanliness and focus on the inner components of the computers, the camera mounting solutions, and the minimalistic approach to desk accessories. There's a mention of a Dominus distro block, a rare piece of computer hardware, and a custom wallpaper that adds personality to the workspace.


📚 Creative Corners and Hidden Setups

This section of the script discusses the workspaces of individuals who have created their own unique setups, often incorporating personal items and creative elements. The speaker notes the presence of a wide variety of items, from art pieces to unusual storage solutions, and comments on the functionality and personalization of these spaces. There's a focus on the evolution of one person's setup over time, with mentions of a PlayStation, a Windows XP wallpaper, and a tray of miscellaneous items.


🎥 Behind-the-Scenes of Content Creation

The paragraph delves into the behind-the-scenes aspects of content creation, with a look at the setups used by various personalities in the entertainment and tech industry. The speaker comments on the practicality and efficiency of these workspaces, noting the presence of multiple computers, monitors, and other equipment. There's a discussion about the use of custom-built items, LED light tubes, and the challenges of managing cable clutter in these setups.


🎮 Professional Gaming and Stream Decks

This section focuses on the gaming setups of professional players and streamers, highlighting the wear and tear indicative of heavy use. The speaker discusses the presence of high-end components, such as an HX750i power supply, and the strategic placement of equipment for ease of use during gaming sessions. There's also a mention of a key light setup and the importance of a clean, organized workspace for productivity.


🎥 Roasting the Tech Elite

The paragraph features a humorous take on the setups of tech industry figures and influencers, with a focus on the contrast between their professional reputations and their personal tech choices. The speaker teases the use of a Mac Pro, the presence of extra cables, and the cleanliness of the workspaces. There's a mention of a water bottle that matches the color scheme of a setup and a critique of the cable management in a particularly well-known tech figure's office.


🎨 Artistic and Comfortable Workspaces

This section of the script appreciates the comfort and style in the workspaces of various content creators, with a focus on the use of plush seating, unique decor, and personal touches. The speaker comments on the cozy atmosphere, the presence of pets, and the functional aspects of these setups, such as keyboard placement and cable management. There's a mention of a particularly comfortable-looking workspace and a discussion about the aesthetics of decor.



💡Celebrity setups

The term 'celebrity setups' refers to the personal computer and workspace arrangements of famous individuals, which are often unique and reflect their individual preferences and needs. In the context of the video, these setups are being critiqued and discussed, with a focus on both the impressive and the less desirable aspects.

💡PC gaming

PC gaming refers to playing video games on a personal computer, typically one that is specifically built or upgraded for gaming performance. In the video, the term is used to describe some of the setups that are geared towards gaming, with high-end components and peripherals that enhance the gaming experience.

💡Cable management

Cable management is the process of organizing and arranging the cables of electronic devices to prevent tangling and maintain a neat and tidy appearance. In the context of the video, cable management is a key aspect of evaluating the quality and professionalism of the setups, with some being praised for their tidy organization and others being criticized for their messy or non-existent cable management.


Streaming refers to the transmission of video and audio content over the internet in real-time, allowing viewers to watch and interact with the content as it unfolds. In the video, streaming is a significant theme as many of the setups belong to individuals who are content creators or streamers, and their workspaces are often designed to support this activity.


A sponsor is an individual, organization, or company that provides financial support or endorsement for a project, event, or content. In the video, the mention of a sponsor refers to a company that is promoting its product or service in association with the content, and often such mentions are part of an advertising agreement.


UPS stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply, a device that provides emergency power to a load when the input power source, typically the main power line, fails. In the context of the video, a UPS is considered a crucial component of a setup, ensuring that equipment remains protected from power surges and outages.

💡RGB lighting

RGB lighting refers to a lighting system that uses the three primary colors of red, green, and blue to create various colors and effects. It is often used in computer components and peripherals to enhance the aesthetic appeal of a setup. In the video, RGB lighting is a notable feature of some setups, contributing to their visual impact.

💡Workspace aesthetics

Workspace aesthetics refer to the visual and sensory qualities of a work area, including its design, layout, and overall appearance. A well-designed workspace can improve productivity and create a more enjoyable environment for the user. In the video, the aesthetics of the workspaces are a major point of discussion, with both praise and criticism given based on the visual appeal and organization.

💡Monitor arrangement

Monitor arrangement refers to the physical positioning and configuration of computer monitors within a workspace. The arrangement can affect productivity, multitasking capabilities, and the user's comfort. In the video, monitor arrangements are discussed in terms of their functionality and visual impact on the setup.

💡Keyboard and mouse setup

A keyboard and mouse setup refers to the positioning and choice of input devices in a computer workstation. The quality and ergonomics of this setup can greatly affect the user's comfort and efficiency. In the video, the keyboard and mouse setups of various individuals are critiqued, with attention to both the type of devices used and their placement.


The discussion revolves around the gaming setups of various celebrities, YouTubers, and streamers, highlighting the good, the bad, and the ugly.

A sponsored message about Build Redux, a company that helps you build your dream machine and ship it to your doorstep.

Annemunition, a Twitch streamer, has a setup that includes a gaming PC and a streaming PC, utilizing a KVM for efficient use.

A critique of a setup with poor cable management and an unplugged USB cable, indicating a lack of attention to detail.

A humorous comment about a makeshift speaker stand made from a clamp, reflecting a budget-conscious or DIY approach to setups.

The revelation that Linus's built PC is not being used, instead replaced by another computer, questioning the实用性 of certain setups.

The roasting of a setup with an unacceptable amount of mousing space and misplaced items like ammonia wipes, indicating a cluttered workspace.

The appreciation of Hank Green's classy and mature setup, resembling that of a middle-aged dad, complete with a printer and a woodwork aesthetic.

A critique of a setup with an Apple mouse, deemed unnecessary and uncomfortable, highlighting the importance of user experience in tech choices.

The mention of a musician with a subpar audio setup, showcasing the disconnect between profession and tech choices.

The roasting of a setup with a soldering iron base station and industrial equipment, indicating a mix of professional and personal use in the workspace.

The praise for a setup with a custom wallpaper and a spare monitor for redundancy, showing a professional and prepared approach to streaming.

The humorous critique of a setup with a taped-on side panel and a second keyboard, highlighting the eccentricities and creativity in personal tech setups.

The mention of a setup with a PlayStation and a commitment to personal upkeep, like a treadmill, showing the balance between work and lifestyle.

The roasting of a setup with a Windows XP wallpaper and a tray in the middle, showcasing the dated and disorganized aspects of some tech setups.

The appreciation of a minimalistic and clean setup, focusing on the inside of the computer and its performance, rather than aesthetics.

The humorous critique of a setup with a travel-size Bluetooth mouse and a small workspace, highlighting the practical challenges of content creation.