Rapidly Roasting MY ART for 10 Minutes Straight! 😡 (April Fool's Day Joke 2023)

1 Apr 202310:04

TLDRIn this humorous April Fool's Day video, the creator playfully roasts their own old art, highlighting the awkward proportions, strange details, and amusing mistakes found in their earlier works. Despite the comedic self-deprecation, the video ultimately celebrates the artist's journey and growth, encouraging viewers to embrace their own creative process, regardless of current skill level. The creator assures that the desire to quit was all in good fun, expressing their enduring passion for art.


  • 🎨 The video is a humorous roast of the creator's own old art pieces as an April Fool's Day joke.
  • 😂 The creator pokes fun at the proportions, details, and style of their earlier artwork, highlighting the improvements made over time.
  • 🚫 The creator pretends to be disheartened with their art journey, suggesting they should quit, only to reveal it's all in jest at the end.
  • 🌟 Despite the self-deprecating humor, the creator emphasizes the importance and joy of art in their life and their continued passion for it.
  • 🖌️ The video serves as a reminder that artists often evolve and improve over time, and that early works may not reflect current skill levels.
  • 🎂 The creator uses their own art as an example to show the growth and development of their artistic abilities.
  • 🤣 The script is filled with playful sarcasm and exaggeration, making light of past mistakes and imperfections in a humorous way.
  • 🎉 The video is a celebration of the creator's art journey, with a focus on the progress and learning experiences.
  • 🌈 The creator encourages viewers not to take their self-criticism too seriously and to appreciate the artistic process.
  • 💬 The video ends with a call to action for viewers to share their thoughts in the comments, fostering engagement and community.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the video titled 'Rapidly Roasting MY ART for 10 Minutes Straight! 😡 (April Fool's Day Joke 2023)'?

    -The main theme of the video is a humorous, self-critical examination of the artist's previous artworks, where the artist 'roasts' their own creations as part of an April Fool's Day joke.

  • Why does the artist criticize the size of the heads in their drawings?

    -The artist humorously criticizes the disproportionately large heads in their drawings as a way to highlight their past mistakes in proportion and to emphasize the exaggerated flaws in their earlier works.

  • What humorous comparison does the artist make about the sun in one of their artworks?

    -The artist jokingly criticizes the depiction of the sun in their artwork by stating it isn't a circle but a novel, using exaggeration to humorously point out the incorrect shape in the drawing.

  • How does the artist express their feelings about their past artwork towards the end of the video?

    -Towards the end of the video, the artist reflects on their past artwork more positively, acknowledging that although they joked about their artwork's quality, creating art has brought them joy, improvement over time, and valuable connections with others.

  • What does the artist say about the role of art in their life?

    -The artist mentions that art has been a significant outlet for them, providing relaxation, a means of expression, and joy, even if they humorously suggested otherwise throughout the video.

  • What does the artist use to criticize the lighting in one of their digital art pieces?

    -The artist humorously criticizes the lighting in one of their digital art pieces by asking if 'God is outside her window,' implying that the light coming through the window is unrealistically bright.

  • Why does the artist mention a cube in the context of a marriage proposal in their artwork?

    -The artist humorously critiques their own drawing of a marriage proposal by joking about the unrealistic element of using a cube instead of a traditional ring, poking fun at their own creative choices.

  • What unusual feature does the artist point out about one character's ears?

    -The artist jokes about one character's ears being so large that they remind them of Dumbo, using this as a comedic way to criticize their disproportionate drawing of body parts.

  • What criticism does the artist have about their own use of backgrounds in their art?

    -The artist critiques their own backgrounds by pointing out their poor texture and lack of detail, such as in their depiction of trees, and humorously suggests that their younger self needed to observe real trees more closely.

  • What does the artist reveal about their intention for making the video?

    -The artist reveals that the video was made as an April Fool's Day joke and that the criticisms were not serious but meant to entertain and humorously reflect on their artistic growth.



🎨 Art Roast Extravaganza

The speaker humorously critiques their own past art, highlighting the flaws and quirks found in their older works. They mention the disproportionate features, such as oversized heads and oddly shaped hair, as well as the unrealistic elements like hands made of spaghetti noodles and a sun that isn't circular. The speaker also pokes fun at their own past attempts at proposing with a cube and the presence of a giant broccoli in the background. They transition from discussing traditional art to digital art, pointing out the laziness in hiding a character's hand and the poor background choices. The roast continues with comments on the character's appearance, such as frying hair and alien proportions. The speaker ends by expressing their supposed disillusionment with art, but it is later revealed to be an April Fool's joke, emphasizing that art has been a source of joy and self-expression despite its challenges.


🚫 The April Fool's Art Confession

In this paragraph, the speaker continues their tongue-in-cheek critique of their art, this time focusing on their deviantART account and the various pieces they've created over the years. They discuss the overuse of watermarks, the tendency to hide hands behind the body, and the use of angsty themes that don't resonate with their current self. The speaker also humorously addresses their past self's attempts at creating depth and emotion in their art, such as a character looking 'dead inside' despite being a redrawn piece. They share their realization that even after years of practice, some aspects of their art remain imperfect, like the broccoli and the 'badly drawn scales'. The speaker concludes by revealing that their earlier rant about quitting art was an April Fool's prank, expressing their genuine love for art and the journey of improvement it represents. They also acknowledge the value of art as a creative outlet and a means of connecting with others.



💡Rapidly Roasting

The term 'rapidly roasting' in this context refers to the act of quickly and humorously criticizing or making fun of something, in this case, the speaker's own art. It is often done in a light-hearted manner and is not meant to be taken seriously. In the video, the speaker uses this method to humorously point out the flaws in their old art pieces, creating a comedic effect for the audience.


Art, as a keyword, refers to the various creative expressions used by the speaker to showcase their skills and emotions. Throughout the video, the speaker reflects on their journey in art, highlighting the progress they have made over time. The speaker uses humor to critique their earlier works, but also expresses their love and appreciation for the art they have created.

💡Traditional Art

Traditional art in the context of the video refers to the speaker's earlier works created using non-digital methods, such as drawing by hand. The speaker humorously critiques these works, pointing out the perceived imperfections in their old art, like disproportionate features and unconventional choices in composition.

💡Digital Art

Digital art is a form of artistic expression that uses digital technology as a primary tool. In the video, the speaker transitions from discussing their traditional art to their digital art, highlighting the convenience and ease of creating art digitally. The speaker pokes fun at their own laziness in digital art by mentioning how they avoided drawing certain elements, like the other hand in one of their pieces.


Critique, in this context, refers to the evaluation and judgment of the speaker's art. The speaker uses self-critique to humorously point out the flaws and imperfections in their old art pieces. This form of critique is not meant to be harsh or damaging but is instead used to create a sense of camaraderie and shared experience with the audience, as many artists can relate to the feeling of looking back on their earlier works and finding them less than perfect.


Proportions refer to the relative sizes and positions of parts within a whole, such as the elements in a piece of art. In the video, the speaker humorously critiques the proportions in their old art, mentioning issues like oversized heads, misplaced features, and incorrect hand placements. This keyword highlights the importance of accurate proportions in creating realistic and visually appealing art.


Backgrounds in art provide context and setting for the main subjects of a piece. The speaker pokes fun at the simplicity and lack of detail in the backgrounds of their old art, using terms like 'slapped on a weird gradient' and 'awful backgrounds' to describe their earlier attempts. This keyword underscores the speaker's growth as an artist and their improved attention to detail in creating more complex and immersive backgrounds in their newer works.

💡April Fool's Day

April Fool's Day is a day celebrated on the 1st of April, known for playing practical jokes and pranks on others. In the video, the speaker uses this day as an opportunity to create a humorous and ironic joke about giving up on art, which is revealed to be a prank at the end. The keyword emphasizes the light-hearted nature of the video and the speaker's intention to entertain and engage their audience through humor.


Improvement refers to the progress and development in an individual's skills or abilities over time. In the video, the speaker jokingly critiques their old art but also acknowledges the improvement they have made over the years. This keyword serves as a reminder that growth and learning are essential aspects of the artistic journey and that it is normal for artists to look back on their earlier works with a critical eye.

💡Self-deprecating humor

Self-deprecating humor is a form of comedy where the person making the joke puts themselves down or highlights their own flaws. In the video, the speaker uses this type of humor to poke fun at their own art and abilities, creating a relatable and entertaining experience for the audience. This keyword showcases the speaker's willingness to not take themselves too seriously and to use humor as a way to connect with and entertain their viewers.

💡Artistic growth

Artistic growth refers to the development and evolution of an artist's skills, style, and creative expression over time. The video highlights the speaker's artistic growth by comparing their old art with their current work, showcasing the progress they have made. This keyword emphasizes the importance of persistence and continuous learning in the artistic process, as well as the value of looking back and reflecting on one's own work to recognize and celebrate personal growth.


The speaker humorously roasts their own old art as part of an April Fool's Day joke.

They mock the proportions of their past drawings, particularly the oversized heads.

The speaker jokes about the awkwardly shaped and flowing hair in their traditional art.

They poke fun at the unrealistic features, such as a head that could orbit the moon and oddly placed body parts.

The speaker humorously critiques the lack of skill in drawing hands in their older artwork.

They make light of the dark and disproportionate shadows in their drawings.

The speaker teases the concept of proposing with a cube and the disproportionate features of the characters.

They mock the unrealistic and exaggerated elements, such as a forehead large enough to land a plane.

The speaker pokes fun at their younger self's inability to draw appealing colors and textures.

They ridicule the overemphasis on certain features, like a character's eyes being too detailed compared to the rest.

The speaker humorously critiques their past attempts at creating backgrounds and textures.

They mock the idea of using a character in a shampoo commercial due to the unnatural shine of their hair.

The speaker humorously reflects on their past attempts to avoid drawing hands by hiding them behind the character's back.

They make light of their past use of watermarks on their art, joking about the need to protect their work.

The speaker teases their younger self's attempts at drawing trees, suggesting they should have gone outside to observe real ones.

They humorously acknowledge the emotional nature of their teenage art and the hormones that influenced it.

The speaker ends the roast with a reveal that the entire exercise was an April Fool's joke and expresses their love for art.