10 May 202403:51

TLDRA series of six powerful X-class solar flares have been observed, releasing coronal mass ejections directed towards Earth. The largest flare, an X3 class, occurred this morning, adding to the five previously identified. These solar storms are expected to impact Earth over the next two to two and a half days, with geomagnetic storm conditions persisting for up to five days. The solar activity is among the most prolific in recent years, with the highest risk assessment for major solar storm impacts. The potential for auroras to be visible at lower latitudes and the ongoing weakening of Earth's magnetic field add to the significance of this event. Authorities have issued a level four extreme storm watch, the first in nearly two decades, highlighting the severity and the need for vigilance.


  • 🌟 There are six powerful X-class solar flares that have released coronal mass ejections towards Earth.
  • 📈 The Sunspot group responsible for these flares is massive with considerable magnetic complexity.
  • 🔥 This is one of the most prolific solar flaring outbursts in the speaker's 14 years of observing the Sun.
  • 🌌 The first four flares are expected to begin impacting Earth tonight, with a margin of error allowing for earlier impact.
  • 🌐 A fifth flare, another X-class event, has also been identified and is expected to hit Earth before the weekend ends.
  • 💥 The largest flare so far, an X3 eruption, occurred in the morning with a coronal shockwave indicating plasma release.
  • 🌍 Six full Halo eruptions are anticipated to strike the Earth within approximately two days.
  • ⏳ The geomagnetic storm conditions are expected to last for four to five days, with potential lingering effects.
  • ⚠️ The speaker has raised the chances for lesser impacts up to the 'solar Kill Shot' level, though a global EMP event is not expected.
  • 🌌 Auroras may be visible at lower latitudes this weekend due to the solar storms.
  • ⚓️ Despite the increased number of storms, the speaker questions the awareness of our planet's vulnerability with the ongoing magnetic pole shift.

Q & A

  • How many powerful X-class solar flares are mentioned in the video script?

    -The video script mentions six powerful X-class solar flares.

  • What is the significance of the massive Sunspot group discussed in the script?

    -The massive Sunspot group has considerable magnetic complexity and has been a prolific producer of solar flares, marking one of the most active outbursts in the speaker's 14-year observation tenure.

  • What is the largest solar flare mentioned in the script and what does it indicate?

    -The largest solar flare mentioned is an X3 class eruption, indicating a significant plasma release towards Earth.

  • How many coronal mass ejections were expected to impact Earth by the end of the weekend according to the script?

    -According to the script, six full Halo coronal mass ejections were expected to impact Earth by the end of the weekend.

  • What is the duration of the geomagnetic storm conditions as mentioned in the script?

    -The geomagnetic storm conditions are expected to last for four or five days, and potentially a bit longer with reverberations.

  • What is the highest risk level for issues from solar storms as indicated in the script?

    -The script indicates the highest marks the speaker has ever given for major issues from solar storms, acknowledging the risk even up to the 'solar Kill Shot' level, although a global EMP level event is not expected.

  • What does the 'full Halo blast' mentioned in the script refer to?

    -A 'full Halo blast' refers to a coronal mass ejection that appears as a complete circle or 'halo' around the sun, indicating a significant release of plasma that is directed towards Earth.

  • What is the significance of the 'first level four extreme storm watch' mentioned in the script?

    -The 'first level four extreme storm watch' signifies a high-intensity solar storm alert that has not been issued for nearly 20 years, since 2005, highlighting the severity of the current solar activity.

  • How does the Earth's weakening magnetic field affect the risk of solar storms?

    -The Earth's weakening magnetic field makes our planet more vulnerable to the impacts of solar storms, as it is less able to deflect the harmful particles and energy associated with these events.

  • What is the potential impact on Aurora viewing due to the solar storms mentioned in the script?

    -The solar storms could cause the Aurora to reach lower latitudes than usual, providing a potential viewing opportunity for those not typically within the Aurora's range.

  • What is the advice given to viewers regarding the upcoming solar storm impacts?

    -The advice given is to stay informed, keep an eye on updates, and not to fear but to be safe, as the impacts could begin at any time and continue for several days.

  • What is the timeframe given for when the solar storm impacts could start and last?

    -The impacts could start at any time and are expected to continue for the next two to two and a half days.



🌞 Solar Flare Activity Update

The video discusses recent powerful X-class solar flares and their impact on Earth. It recaps the first four flares and the start of the fifth, and provides an update on the sixth flare. The presenter mentions a massive sunspot group with significant magnetic complexity, which has been a prolific source of solar flares. The video also covers the forecast for solar storms, including the potential for a geomagnetic storm lasting several days and the increased risk due to Earth's weakening magnetic field. The presenter emphasizes the seriousness of the situation, noting it as the first level four extreme storm watch in nearly two decades.



💡Solar Flares

Solar flares are sudden flashes of increased brightness on the Sun, usually observed near its surface. They are caused by the release of magnetic energy stored in the Sun's atmosphere. In the video, it is mentioned that there have been six powerful X-class solar flares, which are the most intense category of flares, indicating a significant solar event.

💡Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs)

Coronal Mass Ejections are large-scale expulsions of plasma and accompanying magnetic field from the solar corona. They can cause geomagnetic storms when they interact with Earth's magnetosphere. The script discusses several CMEs that have been released towards Earth, highlighting their potential impact.

💡Geomagnetic Storm

A geomagnetic storm is a temporary disturbance of the Earth's magnetosphere caused by a solar wind shock wave and/or cloud of magnetic field that interacts with the Earth's magnetic field. The video mentions that the impacts of the solar storms could lead to geomagnetic storm conditions lasting four to five days.


Sunspots are temporary phenomena on the Sun's photosphere that appear as dark spots compared to surrounding regions. They are caused by concentration of magnetic field flux that inhibits convection. The video describes a massive sunspot group with considerable magnetic complexity, which has been a prolific producer of solar flares.


X-class is a classification used to denote the strength of solar flares, with X being the most powerful class. The video script mentions 'X-class solar flares', indicating that the flares are of significant intensity and have the potential to cause substantial disturbances on Earth.


Plasma is the state of matter consisting of ionized gaseous particles, which contains ions and free electrons. In the context of the video, plasma is mentioned in relation to the solar flares, where it is ejected from the Sun during these events and can impact Earth's atmosphere.

💡Halo CMEs

Halo CMEs are a type of coronal mass ejection that appears as a large, circular feature in coronagraphs, indicating that the ejection is moving in all directions in the solar atmosphere. The video discusses 'full Halo eruptions', which are significant as they can affect a large portion of the Sun's facing hemisphere.

💡Magnetic Field

The Earth's magnetic field is a complex, dynamic force field that extends from the core of the Earth to the magnetosphere. It is crucial for protecting the Earth from solar wind and cosmic radiation. The video script alludes to the weakening of Earth's magnetic field, which could make the planet more vulnerable to the effects of solar storms.


Auroras, also known as the Northern and Southern Lights, are natural light displays in the Earth's sky, predominantly seen in high-latitude regions. They are caused by the interaction between solar particles and the Earth's magnetic field. The video suggests that due to the solar storms, auroras might be visible at lower latitudes.

💡Solar Storm Level

Solar Storm Level refers to the classification of the intensity of solar storms based on their potential to impact Earth's technology and infrastructure. The video mentions a forecast for the level of solar storm that will be reached, indicating a high probability of major issues due to the solar activity.

💡Magnetic Pole Shift

A magnetic pole shift refers to a change in the position of the Earth's magnetic poles. While the video does not go into detail about this process, it suggests that ongoing shifts could be making the planet more vulnerable to the effects of solar storms, as the protective magnetic field may be altered.


Six powerful X-class solar flares have released coronal mass ejections heading towards Earth.

The Sunspot group is massive with considerable magnetic complexity, producing a prolific outburst of solar flares.

An X3 class solar flare, the largest of the series, was observed with a plasma release.

Four full Halo coronal mass ejections were expected to impact Earth, starting the same night.

The fifth flare, another X-class event, appeared to release plasma with a full Halo event following.

The sixth and largest flare, an X3 eruption, showed a coronal shockwave indicating significant plasma release.

All six solar storms are expected to hit Earth within two to two and a half days.

Geomagnetic storm conditions are predicted to last for four to five days, with possible longer reverberations.

The probability of reaching a high solar storm level has increased with the number of flares.

The highest risk assessment for major issues from solar storms has been given by the presenter.

The chances for lesser impacts up to the 'solar kill shot' level have been increased, though not expected to reach a global EMP event.

Noah has declared the first level four extreme storm watch in nearly 20 years since 2005.

Concerns are raised about Earth's vulnerability with the ongoing magnetic pole shift and higher storm levels.

Auroras may reach low latitudes this weekend due to the impacts of the solar storms.

The presenter is monitoring the situation and will provide updates if significant changes occur.

The current time is 5:30 a.m. in the new Valley of the Sun, with a message to stay safe.