Serverless Generative AI

Google Cloud Tech
22 Feb 202408:53

TLDRIn this transcript, Lan and Martin discuss a serverless solution that leverages Google Cloud Vertex API to automate the creation of travel advertisements. Lan's team has developed a tool called 'Generative AI for Travel Advertisers' which uses generative AI to identify top destinations and craft ad text, then combines these with images to produce video ads. The process is straightforward, requiring minimal AI expertise, and is managed through Google Cloud Functions, simplifying server configuration. The tool significantly reduces the time and effort required to create targeted video ads for various traveler types and destinations.


  • 🤖 The conversation is about building a generative AI solution for travel advertisers.
  • 🚀 The solution automates the creation of video ads for various destinations and traveler types.
  • 🎯 The generative AI knows top destinations and can generate ad text for those sights.
  • 🌐 The AI solution utilizes Google Cloud Vertex API for text generation.
  • 💻 Serverless architecture is employed, specifically Google Cloud Functions, to handle the backend processes.
  • 📸 The video generation part does not use AI and is handled by additional code.
  • 🔧 Non-AI experts can build generative AI applications using cloud services like Google Cloud.
  • 🛠️ Google's Generative AI Studio and Language options are used to create and refine prompts.
  • 🔄 The process involves experimenting with different prompts and parameters until desired results are achieved.
  • 📈 The use of temperature in the AI model can control the randomness of the response.
  • 📚 The conversation provides a step-by-step guide on how to build a simple generative AI application.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the solution that Lan and Martin discussed?

    -The main purpose of the solution is to automate the creation of video ads for travel advertisers, making it efficient to generate ads for multiple destinations and traveler types.

  • How does the solution handle the requirement of creating 500 video files for 50 destinations and ten traveler types?

    -The solution uses Generative AI to automate the process, which would otherwise be time-consuming and labor-intensive if done manually.

  • What is the name of the solution that Lan's team is building?

    -The solution is named 'Generative AI for Travel Advertisers'.

  • How does the Generative AI know the top destinations in Singapore?

    -The Generative AI is designed to have knowledge about top destinations and can generate ad text for those sights based on its training data.

  • What technology does the solution use to interact with AI?

    -The solution uses Google Cloud Vertex API to send questions to the AI and receive responses.

  • How does the solution handle server configuration?

    -The solution runs on Google Cloud Functions, which means there is no need for manual server configuration as Google Cloud takes care of it.

  • What was the process for Lan to get started with building the AI part of the solution?

    -Lan used Google's Generative AI Studio and Language option to generate a new prompt, experimented with different prompts and parameters, and then used the provided code to integrate it into the solution.

  • What does the temperature parameter in the Generative AI model control?

    -The temperature parameter controls the randomness of the AI's response. A low temperature is for prompts expecting a true or correct response, while a high temperature can lead to more diverse results.

  • How did Lan and Martin demonstrate the solution's functionality?

    -They demonstrated the solution by selecting Singapore as the destination and Relaxation Lovers and Nature Goers as the travel audiences, then generating video ads for the recommended places.

  • What was the role of AI in the process of generating video ads?

    -The AI's role was limited to providing recommendations for places based on the prompts given to it. The actual video file generation was done by separate code without the use of AI.

  • What was the key takeaway from the conversation for someone interested in building their own generative AI application?

    -The key takeaway is that building a generative AI application can be a fairly simple process, starting with experimenting with prompts and parameters in Generative AI Studio, then using the provided code to integrate it into a larger application.



🚀 Introduction to Generative AI for Travel Advertising

This paragraph introduces the concept of using Generative AI to automate the creation of travel advertisements. It discusses the challenge of manually creating numerous video ads for different destinations and traveler types, highlighting the inefficiency and impracticality of such an approach. The solution presented is a serverless application that leverages Google Cloud Vertex API to generate ad text and images for various destinations, significantly streamlining the process. The ease of building this solution is emphasized, as it does not require extensive AI expertise, only the use of Google Cloud Functions and Vertex AI services. The demonstration of the application's functionality is provided, showcasing its efficiency and potential impact on travel advertising.


📝 Behind the Scenes: Developing a Generative AI Application

This paragraph delves into the technical aspects of developing a Generative AI application for travel advertising. It begins with the setup of the cloud function that generates recommended places for different traveler types, discussing the entry point and the handling of CORS-related issues. The process of generating prompts for the AI and the use of the Vertex AI Studio for fine-tuning the questions and parameters are explained. The code's functionality, including creating a text generation model, calling the predict method, and parsing the AI's response is detailed. The paragraph also touches on the separate process of generating video files from the AI-generated content, emphasizing that while video creation requires more code, it does not involve additional AI usage. The paragraph concludes with an encouragement for developers to create their own generative AI applications, based on the straightforward process and code demonstrated.



💡Generative AI

Generative AI refers to the use of artificial intelligence to create new, previously non-existent content, such as text, images, or videos. In the context of the video, it is used to automate the creation of travel advertisement videos by generating ad text and selecting relevant images for various destinations and traveler types.


Serverless computing is a cloud computing execution model where the cloud provider dynamically manages the allocation and provisioning of servers. It allows developers to build and run applications without having to manage server infrastructure. In the video, the team uses serverless technology to build their solution without the need for manual server configuration.

💡Google Cloud Vertex API

The Google Cloud Vertex API is a set of programmable interfaces that allow users to interact with Google's advanced machine learning capabilities. It is used to build applications that can leverage AI without requiring deep expertise in machine learning. In the video, the API is used to facilitate communication between the application and Google's generative AI, enabling the generation of ad text for travel destinations.

💡Cloud Functions

Cloud Functions is a serverless execution environment that allows developers to run code in response to events triggered by Google Cloud services or HTTP requests. It automatically scales the function instances based on the number of requests, eliminating the need for manual server management. In the video, Cloud Functions are used to run the backend code for generating travel ad recommendations without the need for server configuration.

💡Generative AI Studio

Generative AI Studio is a tool provided by Google Cloud that allows users to interact with AI models to generate text, images, or other content. It provides an interface for users to experiment with different prompts and parameters to achieve desired outputs. In the video, Generative AI Studio is used to craft the prompts and fine-tune the parameters for generating travel destination recommendations.


CORS, or Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, is a security feature of web browsers that restricts web pages from making requests to a different domain than the one that served the web page. It can be configured to allow or restrict resource sharing between different domains. In the video, CORS-related code is mentioned as part of the setup for the cloud function to handle requests from different domain names.

💡Text Generation Model

A text generation model is a type of machine learning model that is trained to generate human-like text based on input prompts. These models can be used to create content such as articles, stories, or in the video's case, ad text for travel destinations. They are a key component in generative AI applications that deal with text.


Python is a widely-used high-level programming language known for its readability and simplicity. It is often used in the development of web applications, data analysis, and machine learning. In the context of the video, Python is the programming language chosen for building and deploying the generative AI solution on Google Cloud Functions.

💡Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. It is widely used for data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, data visualization, and machine learning. In the video, Jupyter Notebook (Collab) is mentioned as a platform where Lan experimented with and tweaked the code before deploying it.


API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and protocols for building and interacting with software applications. APIs enable different software systems to communicate with each other, allowing for the integration of functionalities. In the video, the API is used to send prompts to the AI and receive generated responses that are then used to create video ads.

💡Travel Advertisers

Travel advertisers are individuals or companies that promote travel experiences, destinations, or services through various advertising channels. The video focuses on a solution designed to assist travel advertisers in creating targeted and engaging video ads for different travel audiences and destinations.


Lan and Martin discuss a solution that uses generative AI for travel advertisers.

The solution automates the creation of video ads for multiple destinations and traveler types, potentially saving a significant amount of time and effort.

Generative AI knows top destinations and can generate ad text for those sights, then download images and combine them to create video ads.

Building the solution was straightforward, utilizing the Google Cloud Vertex API without requiring extensive AI expertise.

Google Cloud Functions is used, which means no server configuration is needed, simplifying the deployment process.

The demonstration shows how to select a destination and travel audience types, and then generate video ads by leveraging Google's generative AI.

The AI is used to find top places for specific traveler preferences within Singapore, showcasing its ability to process and respond to user queries effectively.

The generative AI model's temperature setting can be adjusted for more randomized or focused responses.

Generative AI Studio allows for experimenting with different prompts and parameters to refine the AI's output.

The code for the application was developed using Python and Google's AI model, with additional supporting code for functionality.

The process of generating video files is more complex than the AI part of the solution, but still manageable.

The example provided showcases the simplicity of integrating AI into a practical application, inspiring others to create their own generative AI applications.

Lan and Martin's conversation provides a clear guide on how to build a generative AI application, from experimenting with prompts to deploying the final code.

The use of serverless technology, like Google Cloud Functions, is highlighted as a key factor in making the development process accessible and efficient.

The transcript emphasizes the importance of trying out different AI parameters to achieve the desired outcome, such as the temperature setting for the AI model.

The conversation concludes with an invitation for viewers to ask questions and suggest topics for future episodes, fostering engagement and community involvement.