Shad, Why'd You Do This?

T Alex Ratcliffe
26 Nov 202315:33

TLDRThe transcript discusses the challenges authors face with negative reviews and the unhelpful reactions to them. It highlights Shad Brooks' response to criticism of his book, including his focus on positive reviews and dismissal of negative ones. The speaker argues that such defenses can appear insecure and dismissive of valid criticism, which is essential for growth as a writer. The critique emphasizes the importance of accepting that not all readers will enjoy a book and that a public work is open to public opinion.


  • 📚 Authors often feel a personal connection to their work, viewing it as an extension of themselves.
  • 💭 Negative reviews are an unavoidable part of putting out creative work, and authors must learn to cope with them.
  • 🎥 Shad Brooks' video response to reviews of his book highlights the challenge authors face when addressing criticism publicly.
  • 📈 The mention of book sales and high star ratings on platforms like Amazon can be seen as a defense mechanism against negative feedback.
  • 🤝 Supporting creators is encouraged, but it should not blind fans to the quality of the work being supported.
  • 📊 High ratings and positive reviews can sometimes be influenced by a dedicated fan base rather than merit alone.
  • 💔 Responding to criticism with defensiveness can make an author appear insecure and can diminish their credibility.
  • 🌐 Engaging with critics online can lead to further conflict and detract from the original work.
  • 📖 The importance of understanding that writing a novel involves showing the world through character actions, not excessive exposition.
  • 🚫 Attacking reviewers for their opinions can create a hostile environment and discourage honest feedback.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue authors face regarding negative reviews of their work?

    -The main issue authors face is that negative reviews can be hurtful and damaging to their reputation, but there is often little they can do to change the opinions of those who leave such reviews.

  • How does Shad Brooks respond to negative reviews of his book?

    -Shad Brooks responds by defending his book, sharing positive reviews, and addressing criticisms. He also highlights his book's sales and high rating on Amazon as a testament to its success.

  • What is the author's opinion on the effectiveness of Shad Brooks's video response to reviews?

    -The author believes that Shad Brooks's video response is counterproductive, as it makes him appear insecure and dismissive of negative feedback, which may encourage further criticism.

  • What does the author suggest is a better approach for authors dealing with negative reviews?

    -The author suggests that authors should be open to criticism, learn from it, and use it as an opportunity to improve their writing, rather than publicly defending their work or attacking reviewers.

  • How does the author describe the character Dal in Shad Brooks's book?

    -The author describes Dal as a Mary Sue, a character that is overly idealized and lacks flaws, making him unrealistic and uninteresting.

  • What is the significance of the 'Mary Sue' term in the context of the script?

    -The term 'Mary Sue' refers to a character that is overly perfect and lacks believable flaws or challenges, which can make the character less relatable and the story less engaging.

  • What is the author's criticism about the exposition in Shad Brooks's book?

    -The author criticizes the book for having excessive exposition, particularly in the form of detailed explanations of the world-building elements that detract from the narrative flow and engagement.

  • How does the author argue that the character Dal's actions are problematic?

    -The author argues that Dal's actions, such as executing people without due process and breaking into homes, are problematic because they are portrayed as justified despite being extreme and violent, which raises ethical concerns within the story's context.

  • What is the author's stance on the importance of writer's growth and improvement?

    -The author believes that writers should be open to criticism and use it as an opportunity to grow and improve their craft, acknowledging that writing is a challenging skill that requires continuous development.

  • Why does the author emphasize the importance of not attacking reviewers?

    -The author emphasizes that attacking reviewers can lead to further negative attention and discourage honest feedback, which is valuable for an author's growth and improvement.

  • What is the author's final advice for authors in relation to their work and public reception?

    -The author advises authors to focus on improving their writing, accepting criticism, and understanding that their work will stand on its own merits or flaws, without the need for defensive responses to negative reviews.



📚 The Challenge of Handling Criticism

This paragraph discusses the natural inclination of authors to defend their work against negative reviews. It highlights the emotional investment authors have in their books and the difficulty of accepting criticism. The author mentions Shad Brooks' response to reviews of his book, 'Shadow of the Conqueror', and how he publicly addressed both positive and negative feedback. The paragraph emphasizes that while negative reviews are inevitable, authors should be cautious about how they respond to them, as it can reflect insecurity and potentially harm their reputation. It also touches on the importance of separating personal feelings from the quality of one's work and the value of constructive criticism for growth.


🤔 Addressing Specific Critiques and Responses

The paragraph delves into specific criticisms of Shad Brooks' book, including the excessive exposition, character development issues, and the detailed explanation of fictional technology. The author of the script shares their own critique and the response they received from Shad, highlighting the importance of understanding that reviews are subjective and that authors should be open to different perspectives. It also points out the disconnect between the author's intentions and the reader's experience, emphasizing that writing should engage and entertain rather than bore the reader with unnecessary details.


📉 The Pitfalls of Public Defense and the Impact on Reputation

This paragraph examines the consequences of an author publicly defending their work against criticism. It discusses how such actions can portray the author as insecure and overly sensitive, potentially alienating their audience. The author argues that instead of engaging with critics, it's better to let the work speak for itself and to focus on improving future works. The paragraph also touches on the negative impact of making a video defense, as it can invite further scrutiny and detract from the author's credibility.


🚫 The Importance of Respecting Critics and Learning from Reviews

The final paragraph emphasizes the importance of respecting the time and effort that critics put into reviewing a work. It points out that attacking reviewers can lead to a cycle of negativity and discourage honest feedback in the future. The author shares their personal experience with Shad Brooks and how a respectful critique led to a defensive response. The paragraph concludes by encouraging authors to learn from reviews and use them as an opportunity for growth, rather than focusing on defending their work against criticism.



💡Negative Reviews

Negative reviews refer to critical or unfavorable evaluations of a work, in this case, a book. They are an inevitable part of putting out creative work, as not all readers will agree with the author's vision or enjoy the content. In the script, the author discusses the challenge of receiving negative reviews and the importance of not responding defensively, as it can come across as insecure and may not help the author's reputation.

💡Author's Defense

An author's defense refers to the act of an author publicly responding to criticism or negative reviews of their work. In the context of the script, it is suggested that such defenses can appear insecure and may not be beneficial to the author's image. Instead of addressing criticisms constructively, it can lead to further controversy and detract from the author's credibility.

💡Book Sales

Book sales represent the number of copies of a book that have been sold to readers. This metric is often used as a measure of a book's success and popularity. In the script, the author Shad Brooks cites high book sales as a triumph of his book, suggesting that commercial success is a validation of his work.

💡Fan Base

A fan base consists of a group of dedicated followers or enthusiasts who support a particular creator or their work. In the context of the script, the author's fan base is suggested to have contributed to the positive reviews and high sales of the book, indicating that their loyalty may have influenced the public perception of the work.

💡Writing Style

Writing style refers to the unique way in which an author presents their work, including their choice of words, sentence structure, and narrative techniques. The script debates the appropriateness of extensive exposition in a novel, suggesting that a balance must be struck between world-building and maintaining reader engagement.

💡Character Development

Character development refers to the process by which a character in a story changes or evolves over the course of the narrative. Well-developed characters are typically more relatable and believable. In the script, the character Dal is criticized for being a 'Mary Sue,' a term used to describe characters that are overly idealized and lack flaws, making them less interesting and relatable to readers.

💡Troll Feeding

Troll feeding refers to the act of engaging with individuals who intentionally provoke or upset others, often with the aim of inciting a negative reaction. In the context of the script, the author suggests that responding to negative reviews can inadvertently encourage further criticism and hostility from detractors.


Subjectivity refers to the quality of being based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions rather than objective facts. In the context of the script, the author emphasizes that reviews are inherently subjective and that different readers will have varying interpretations and reactions to a book.


Criticism refers to the act of expressing disapproval or pointing out faults or shortcomings in a work or behavior. In the context of the script, constructive criticism is presented as a valuable tool for improvement, whereas personal attacks and negative reviews are seen as potentially harmful to the author's reputation and mental well-being.

💡Mary Sue

A 'Mary Sue' is a term used in fan fiction and critical analysis to describe characters that are overly idealized and lack flaws, often being portrayed as exceptionally skilled or morally upright without any significant challenges or setbacks. In the script, the character Dal is criticized for fitting this description, which the reviewer argues makes the character less relatable and engaging.


Exposition is a literary device used to introduce background information about events, settings, characters, and other elements of a story to the reader. When used excessively, it can disrupt the narrative flow and engage in 'info-dumping,' overwhelming the reader with details that may not be essential to the plot. In the script, the author's use of exposition is criticized for being too lengthy and detracting from the story's engagement.


Authors often feel a personal connection to their work, treating it as an extension of themselves.

Negative reviews are an unavoidable part of putting out creative work, and authors must learn to handle them maturely.

Shad Brooks' video response to negative reviews of his book showcases a defensive attitude that may not be beneficial.

The strategy of focusing on positive reviews while ignoring negative ones can appear insecure and unhelpful for an author's growth.

High ratings on platforms like Amazon do not necessarily reflect the quality of a book, as they can be influenced by fan bases.

Engaging with critics and negative reviews can sometimes feed the trolls and lead to more controversy than necessary.

Constructive criticism, even when negative, provides an opportunity for authors to improve their craft.

The importance of understanding that writing a novel involves showing through character actions rather than extensive exposition.

The challenge of writing a novel lies in balancing world-building with maintaining the reader's engagement in the story.

The concept of a 'Mary Sue' character, which is often overly idealized and lacks flaws, is discussed in the context of the book's protagonist.

The critique of the book's excessive focus on world-building and exposition, detracting from the narrative.

The expectation that authors should be open to criticism and willing to accept that not all readers will enjoy their work.

The impact of an author's public response to criticism on their reputation and the perception of their work.

The importance of acknowledging that writing, like any art form, is subjective and what one person enjoys, another may not.

The discussion on the role of exposition in hard fantasy and how it should be handled to keep readers engaged.

The critique of the protagonist's seemingly invincible nature and lack of consequences for their actions.

The advice for authors to approach criticism with humility and use it as a chance to grow rather than to defend.