Do THIS to Make $10,000 as a Student

Iman Gadzhi
6 Jun 202313:03

TLDRThe video script emphasizes the challenges and misconceptions surrounding the goal of earning $10,000 a month as a student. It outlines three key components for achieving this financial milestone: selecting the right business vehicle, extending the timeline realistically, and maintaining and growing the income once achieved. The speaker shares personal experiences and stresses the importance of setting long-term expectations, understanding the value of steady progress, and adopting strategies for sustained success and wealth multiplication.


  • 🎯 Focus on the right vehicle - an opportunity that is big enough but not too risky to achieve $10,000 a month as a student.
  • ⚠️ Avoid high-risk activities like trading, which often benefits from your losses rather than your gains.
  • 🚀 Invest in a lean online business with the potential for high returns rather than trying to turn a small amount into a fortune through trading.
  • 💡 Aim for a business model that generates free cash flow and profit you can actually use, not just high net worth tied up in assets.
  • 🛍️ Consider e-commerce or service-based businesses with high perceived value or high leverage to scale your income.
  • 📈 Understand that achieving $10,000 a month is realistic, but it may take time and dedication, so set your expectations in years, not months.
  • 🌱 Be patient and persistent, as success often comes in waves with periods of flatlining, but eventually leads to growth.
  • 🔒 Once you reach your financial goal, solidify it as your new baseline and build upon it to grow your wealth further.
  • 💼 Learn from old money to understand how to keep and multiply your wealth responsibly.
  • 🏆 Recognize that making $10,000 a month is an accomplishment, but maintaining and growing it is where the real challenge lies.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is how to make ten thousand dollars a month as a student, focusing on the three main components necessary to achieve this goal.

  • What are the three main components to focus on for making ten thousand dollars a month as a student?

    -The three main components are finding the right vehicle or opportunity, stretching out the timeline and setting long-term expectations, and maintaining and growing the income once the goal is reached.

  • Why does the speaker say trading is not a recommended way to make money?

    -The speaker believes trading is not recommended because it is risky and often involves misinformation from traders who may benefit from your losses. It's also very difficult to turn a small investment into a large profit.

  • What type of business model is suggested for a student to pursue?

    -The speaker suggests pursuing a lean online business model that generates free cash flow and allows for remote work, as it poses less risk and has the potential for significant profit.

  • What is the importance of having a high perceived value or high leverage in a service-based business?

    -A service-based business should have high perceived value to justify higher charges for the client, or high leverage which allows the business owner to delegate tasks to others, thus increasing profit without direct work proportional to the income generated.

  • How long did it take the speaker to reach a steady income of ten thousand dollars a month?

    -It took the speaker approximately three years of consistent hard work and adaptation to reach a steady income of ten thousand dollars a month.

  • What does the speaker advise regarding expectations when trying to make ten thousand dollars a month?

    -The speaker advises setting expectations in years, not months, to avoid discouragement and to understand that wealth building is a slow process that requires patience and perseverance.

  • What is the significance of reaching the ten thousand dollars a month goal, according to the speaker?

    -According to the speaker, reaching the ten thousand dollars a month goal is significant as it establishes a financial baseline and a new identity, which should be maintained and built upon for long-term wealth and success.

  • Why should one study old money according to the speaker?

    -The speaker suggests studying old money to understand how to keep and multiply wealth ethically and responsibly, rather than acting like new money individuals who may not manage their wealth wisely.

  • What is the speaker's perspective on achieving financial goals quickly?

    -While the speaker acknowledges that some may achieve financial goals more quickly than others, they emphasize the importance of setting realistic long-term expectations and not being discouraged by a slower pace of progress.

  • How does the speaker describe the typical progression of a successful business?

    -The speaker describes the progression as a period of flatlining followed by sudden growth, which may be followed by another period of stability before another growth spurt, indicating that success often comes in waves rather than a steady incline.



🚀 Starting a Business as a Student

The speaker begins by addressing the common desire among students to earn a significant income, specifically $10,000 a month. They acknowledge the prevalence of misinformation and the oversimplification of the process. The speaker then introduces the three main components needed to achieve this financial goal as a student. They emphasize the importance of choosing the right business model or 'vehicle' that is both scalable and low-risk. The speaker shares personal experiences, including their own journey of earning $10,000 a month at 17, and the evolution of their income over time. They caution against high-risk ventures like trading and highlight the value of starting a lean online business. The speaker also discusses the difference between net worth and actual cash flow, stressing the importance of having a business that generates usable profit.


🌐 Choosing the Right Business Model

In this paragraph, the speaker delves deeper into the concept of selecting the appropriate business model for students. They advise against trading and instead promote the idea of investing in a lean online business. The speaker shares their own experiences with an eyewear company, explaining the challenges of managing cash flow and the need for constant reinvestment. They contrast this with service-based businesses, which can offer high perceived value or leverage, allowing for higher profits and less risk. The speaker emphasizes the importance of offering a service with high perceived value or creating a business model with high leverage to achieve the desired income. They also discuss the reality of achieving $10,000 a month, noting that while it's a significant milestone, it doesn't necessarily lead to a millionaire status but provides a solid foundation for further growth.


📈 Growth and Expectation Management

The speaker discusses the growth trajectory of businesses and the importance of managing expectations. They describe the typical pattern of business growth, which involves periods of stagnation followed by sudden increases in revenue. The speaker uses their own experiences to illustrate this point, highlighting the unpredictability of success and the importance of perseverance. They stress the need to set long-term expectations and to view the achievement of $10,000 a month as a starting point rather than an end goal. The speaker encourages the audience to view this milestone as a baseline for their financial identity and to focus on sustainable growth and wealth multiplication. They conclude by emphasizing the importance of learning from those who have maintained wealth over time and applying those lessons to one's own financial journey.



💡Online Business

Online business refers to a commercial enterprise conducted over the internet. In the context of the video, it is the primary means through which the speaker achieved financial success as a student, emphasizing the importance of choosing the right online business model to generate significant income. The speaker mentions starting a lean online business as a more realistic and less risky alternative to trading for students aiming to make $10,000 a month.


Leverage in the business context refers to the use of resources, such as other people's time or money, to increase potential revenue while minimizing one's own input. The speaker discusses the concept of leverage as a strategy for scaling a business, where one can earn more by delegating tasks to others, such as hiring coaches for an online personal training business or outsourcing thumbnail creation to a remote worker.

💡Perceived Value

Perceived value is the customer's subjective evaluation of the benefits and costs of a product or service. In the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of offering a service with high perceived value to clients, meaning that the clients believe the service is worth the price they pay. This can help a solopreneur or consultant charge higher fees and thus earn more.


E-commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods or services over the internet. The speaker shares personal experience with an eyewear e-commerce business, highlighting the challenges of managing inventory and reinvesting profits to maintain the business's cash flow. E-commerce is presented as a potential business model for students, but it requires careful management of margins and reinvestment to sustain profitability.

💡Net Worth

Net worth is the value of all a person's assets minus the liabilities. The speaker discusses net worth in the context of business ownership, noting that a high net worth tied up in a company does not necessarily equate to having liquid cash on hand. The emphasis is on the importance of having a business that generates free cash flow, which can be used for personal benefit rather than being tied up in the business.

💡Service-Based Business

A service-based business is one that provides intangible services to clients rather than physical products. The speaker advocates for starting a service-based business due to its potential for high profit margins and the ability to work remotely. Examples given include marketing services, content creation, and Google ads management for e-commerce brands.

💡Financial Identity

Financial identity refers to an individual's or business's financial status or reputation, often reflected by their income level. In the video, the speaker talks about establishing a financial identity by reaching a monthly income milestone ($10,000) and then maintaining it as a baseline. This concept is tied to the idea of financial stability and growth, emphasizing the importance of not just achieving a certain income but also consistently maintaining and improving upon it.


Baseline, in the context of the video, refers to a minimum acceptable level of income or business performance. The speaker uses the term to discuss setting and maintaining a financial baseline as a crucial step in building wealth. Once a certain income level is reached, it should be considered the new normal, and efforts should be made to build upon this baseline rather than settling for it.


In the video, 'flatline' is used to describe a period of stagnation or little to no growth in a business or income. The speaker explains that businesses often experience long periods of flatlining before experiencing sudden growth spurts. Understanding and accepting these cycles is important for maintaining motivation and perseverance in the pursuit of financial goals.


A milestone refers to a significant point or achievement in a process or journey. In the context of the video, the speaker sets the milestone of making $10,000 a month as a target for students. This milestone is not just a financial goal but also a marker of progress and a stepping stone towards greater financial success.


Expectations in this video pertain to the预先设定 or anticipated outcomes or results, particularly in relation to achieving financial goals. The speaker advises setting long-term expectations and being realistic about the time it may take to reach the $10,000 a month milestone. Managing expectations is crucial to prevent disappointment and maintain a sustainable approach to building an online business.


The video discusses the three main components necessary to earn ten thousand dollars a month as a student.

The speaker shares personal experience of reaching ten thousand dollars a month at the age of 17 and growing it to 30-40 thousand a month within a year.

Trading is discouraged as a means to reach the ten thousand dollar goal due to its riskiness and the incentive structures of many trading programs.

Investing in a lean online business is recommended over trading for its potential to generate significant income with less risk.

The importance of having a business model that generates free cash flow and profit is emphasized for sustainable income.

E-commerce businesses can be limiting due to the need for constant reinvestment in stock and the challenges of managing physical products.

Service-based businesses, especially those with high perceived value or high leverage, are suggested as viable options for students.

The video stresses the importance of setting long-term expectations and not being discouraged by short-term results.

The speaker shares their journey from making a few thousand dollars a month to building a conglomerate of businesses.

The concept of financial baselines is introduced, which refers to the minimum income level that matches one's financial identity.

Once the ten thousand dollar a month goal is reached, it should be solidified as a financial baseline and not just seen as the end goal.

The video encourages learning from old money to understand how to keep and multiply wealth ethically and morally.

The ups and downs of business growth are likened to a marathon, with periods of flatlining followed by sudden increases in income.

The importance of maintaining and growing the income level after reaching ten thousand dollars a month is emphasized as the real challenge.

The video aims to provide context and guidance for aspiring entrepreneurs to manage their expectations and persevere through challenges.

The speaker concludes by expressing support and encouragement for the viewers in their pursuit of financial success.