Solving a Rubik's Cube without TOUCHING it

13 Apr 202410:19

TLDRIn this innovative challenge, the goal is to solve a Rubik's Cube without any physical contact. The attempt involves embedding magnets within the cube's pieces and manipulating it using an external magnet. Through a process of trial and error, including reducing friction and mounting the cube on a stand, the endeavor proves successful, resulting in a solved Rubik's Cube without direct touch, showcasing the power of magnetic interaction and persistence.


  • 🧲 The main challenge is to solve a Rubik's Cube without physically touching it with hands or any object.
  • 🤔 The idea proposed is to use the power of magnets to manipulate the cube's pieces without direct contact.
  • 🔧 A new, unmagnetized Rubik's Cube is used to start the project from scratch to avoid issues with pre-existing magnets.
  • 🪙 Large magnets are used instead of small ones to maximize the repulsion force for moving the cube's pieces.
  • 🔄 The magnets are strategically placed in the corners of the cube to allow for the greatest range of movement.
  • 🚫 The cube's friction is reduced by removing springs and adding DNM 37 to ensure smoother turning with magnets.
  • 🔧 A 3D printed stand is designed to rigidly mount the cube to a table, allowing it to be turned without being touched.
  • 🎯 The process of solving the cube involves a mix of repelling and attracting the pieces with a magnet while avoiding accidental touches.
  • 🕹️ Fine motor control and precision are required to align and move the cube pieces into the correct positions.
  • 🥇 The accomplishment of solving an entire Rubik's Cube without touching it is achieved, despite the challenges involved.
  • 🔗 The solution may not be practical, but it demonstrates creativity and the potential for innovative problem-solving.

Q & A

  • What is the main challenge presented in the script?

    -The main challenge is to solve a Rubik's Cube without physically touching it with hands or any other object.

  • What is the initial simple solution proposed in the script?

    -The initial simple solution is to wear gloves while solving the Rubik's Cube, but it is considered a 'lame' interpretation.

  • How does the idea of using magnets to solve the Rubik's Cube without touching it work?

    -The idea is to place smaller magnets inside the cube's pieces and use a larger opposing magnet to manipulate the cube without direct contact.

  • Why can't a regular Speed Cube with magnets be used for this challenge?

    -Regular Speed Cube magnets are too small and buried too deep to interact meaningfully with a larger external magnet, and they are designed for cube stability, not for easy turning as required for this challenge.

  • What modifications were made to the Rubik's Cube for the challenge?

    -The Cube was disassembled, and larger magnets were glued inside each of the corners, ensuring they were spaced out as far as possible to minimize interaction and allow for easy turning.

  • What was the problem encountered when gluing the magnets inside the cube pieces?

    -The magnets were difficult to glue in place due to their shape and natural attraction to each other, leading to a more challenging process and some skin loss.

  • How was friction reduced inside the modified Rubik's Cube?

    -Friction was reduced by removing the springs entirely, which made the cube feel floppy but easier to turn with a magnet. DNM 37 was also added to further decrease friction.

  • What was the purpose of the 3D printed stand for the Rubik's Cube?

    -The 3D printed stand was designed to rigidly mount the cube to a table, allowing all sides to be turned without needing to touch the cube directly.

  • What difficulties were faced while solving the cube without touching it?

    -The main difficulties included the cube's floppiness, the challenge of accurately manipulating the cube without touching it, and the complexity of solving without physically interacting with the cube.

  • How was the Rubik's Cube finally solved without touching it?

    -The cube was solved by carefully using a large magnet to manipulate the pieces, employing strategies such as holding the magnet sideways and moving it quickly back and forth to overcome stuck positions.

  • What was the final outcome of the challenge?

    -The challenge was completed successfully, with the Rubik's Cube solved without direct hand contact, despite the difficulties and occasional accidental touches.



🧲 Solving the Rubik's Cube with Magnets

The speaker introduces the challenge of solving a Rubik's Cube without physically touching it. They propose using magnets as a solution, explaining the concept of maglev (magnetic levitation) and how it can be applied to manipulate the cube's pieces without direct contact. The speaker plans to insert smaller magnets into the cube's pieces and use a larger opposing magnet to move them. They also discuss the importance of minimizing friction within the cube to allow for easier turning using magnetic force. The process of magnetizing a new, unmagnetized cube is described, including the difficulties encountered and the adjustments made to ensure the cube's functionality.


🎲 Experimenting with Magnetic Manipulation

In this section, the speaker shares their experiments with manipulating the magnetized Rubik's Cube using a large external magnet. They discuss the trial and error process of finding the right balance between repulsion and attraction to move the cube's pieces effectively. The speaker also explores different strategies for using the magnet, such as holding it sideways or moving it quickly back and forth. However, they acknowledge the challenge of not accidentally touching the cube during the process. The speaker then introduces a solution to mount the cube rigidly on a table, allowing for easier manipulation without direct contact.


🎉 Successfully Solving the Cube Without Touch

The speaker concludes by recounting their successful attempt to solve the Rubik's Cube entirely without touching it, except for the table it was mounted on. They describe the process of solving the cube using only magnetic force, including the challenges of not being able to rotate the cube and the difficulty of performing specific moves without direct manipulation. Despite these obstacles, the speaker manages to solve the cube, marking a significant achievement in their experiment. They reflect on the experience, acknowledging the complexity and difficulty of the task, and express hope that the audience found the challenge enjoyable.



💡Rubik's Cube

A Rubik's Cube is a 3D combination puzzle invented by Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture Ernő Rubik. In the video, the main challenge is to solve the Rubik's Cube without physically touching it, which introduces a unique twist to the traditional puzzle-solving experience.


Magnets are objects that produce a magnetic field, which can attract or repel other magnetic materials. In the context of the video, magnets are used as a tool to manipulate the Rubik's Cube without touching it, by using the principle of magnetic force to move the cube's pieces.


Magav, short for magnetic av, refers to a method of solving the Rubik's Cube using magnets. In the video, the creator discusses using the power of magnets to exert force on the cube's pieces, which is an innovative approach to the traditional manual solving methods.

💡unmagnetized Cube

An unmagnetized Cube refers to a Rubik's Cube that does not have any magnets embedded within it. The video's creator starts with a cheap, unmagnetized cube to experiment with adding magnets in a way that allows for magnetic manipulation without touching the cube.

💡repulsion force

Repulsion force is the force that pushes objects away from each other. In the video, this concept is used to describe how the magnets placed inside the Rubik's Cube pieces repel each other, allowing the cube to be manipulated without direct contact.


Friction is the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another. In the context of the video, reducing friction is essential for making the cube easier to turn using magnetic forces, so the creator removes springs and adds lubricant to decrease the friction between the cube's pieces.

💡3D printed stand

A 3D printed stand is a customized holder created using a 3D printer. In the video, the creator designs and 3D prints a stand that attaches to one of the cube's center pieces, allowing the Rubik's Cube to be rigidly mounted to a table, which is a key step in solving it without touching it.

💡F2L (First Two Layers)

F2L, or First Two Layers, is a method used in solving a Rubik's Cube where the first two layers—typically the cross and the first layer—are solved before tackling the rest of the puzzle. In the video, the creator applies this method while solving the cube with magnets, although the process is more challenging due to the lack of physical contact.

💡APM (Average Moves Per Minute)

APM, or Average Moves Per Minute, is a metric used in speedcubing to measure a solver's efficiency and speed. In the video, the creator humorously mentions APM while discussing the difficulty of solving the cube without using hands, highlighting the challenge of the task.

💡table Cube

The term 'table Cube' is used in the video to describe a Rubik's Cube that is permanently attached to a table. This is part of the creator's solution to the challenge of solving the cube without touching it, as the table Cube allows for magnetic manipulation without the need for hand support.


Solving a Rubik's Cube without touching it is the main challenge discussed.

Using gloves to solve the cube is considered a 'lame' interpretation of the challenge.

The idea of using two more Rubik's Cubes to solve one is proposed as a fun challenge.

The power of magnets is introduced as a potential solution to the challenge.

A new, unmagnetized Cube is used to avoid issues with pre-magnetized cubes.

Large magnets are used to achieve a strong repulsion force for moving the cube's pieces.

Magnets are strategically placed in the corners of the cube for optimal spacing and repulsion.

The cube is disassembled and magnets are superglued in place, facing outwards.

Friction inside the cube is reduced by removing springs and adding DNM 37 lubricant.

A 3D printed stand is designed to mount the cube rigidly on a table, allowing turns without touching.

The cube is successfully turned using a magnet, although it's still somewhat floppy.

The first layer of the cube is solved using a combination of repelling and attracting the pieces with a magnet.

The process of solving the cube with a magnet is described as more possible than initially feared.

The challenge of solving the cube without touching it involves a lot of trial and error.

The Rubik's Cube is completely solved without touching it, marking a significant achievement.

The video concludes with the realization that solving the cube this way is both difficult and possible.

An alternate valid strategy for solving the cube without touching it is humorously suggested.