2. Reasoning: Goal Trees and Problem Solving

MIT OpenCourseWare
10 Jan 201445:58

TLDRThe transcript discusses the process of symbolic integration and the question of whether a program capable of such a task could be considered intelligent. It delves into the problem-solving techniques used in calculus, highlighting the use of safe and heuristic transformations. The historical context of James Slagle's program from 1960 is provided, which was able to perform integration tasks that were comparable to those of a freshman student. The program's methodology, including the use of a problem reduction tree (and/or tree), is explained, along with the educational and philosophical underpinnings of understanding and applying knowledge. The transcript concludes by reflecting on the nature of intelligence in the context of computational problem-solving.


  • 🤖 The lecture discusses the concept of artificial intelligence in the context of symbolic integration, questioning whether a program that can perform this task can be considered intelligent.
  • 🧠 The process of problem-solving in symbolic integration is likened to generating tests, a common activity that humans engage in without explicitly naming it.
  • 📚 The educational philosophy presented emphasizes the importance of understanding a skill at a deeper level, which involves witnessing and comprehending the underlying processes.
  • 🔄 The concept of 'problem reduction' is introduced as a method to simplify complex problems into easier ones, using a series of safe and heuristic transformations.
  • 📈 The safe transformations include constants out, sum of integrals, and integral of negative function, while heuristic transformations involve trigonometric substitutions and polynomial simplifications.
  • 🌳 The problem reduction method is visualized as a tree structure, with 'and nodes' and 'or nodes' representing the branching of possible solutions and the exploration of alternative paths.
  • 📊 The lecture provides an example of solving a complex integration problem step by step, demonstrating the application of the problem reduction tree and the selection of the most straightforward path.
  • 🤔 The discussion highlights the surprising efficiency of a program developed by James Slagle in 1960, which could solve calculus problems with a relatively small set of knowledge and rules.
  • 📉 The average depth of problem reduction for freshman-level calculus problems is found to be around 3, indicating that the domain is not as complex as one might initially assume.
  • 🌐 The knowledge required to solve integration problems, including transformations and integral tables, is much smaller than one might expect, and the program's performance is benchmarked against real-world calculus exams.
  • 💡 The overall message is that understanding the mechanics behind seemingly intelligent tasks diminishes the perceived intelligence of the task, as the process becomes clearer and more manageable.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion in the transcript?

    -The main topic of discussion is the process of symbolic integration and the exploration of whether a program that can perform symbolic integration can be considered intelligent.

  • What is the educational philosophy behind going into grungy detail in explaining a concept?

    -The educational philosophy is that to have a skill, one must understand it, and to understand it, one must have witnessed it at a lower level. Going into detail helps build that understanding and enables one to develop the skill instinctively.

  • What are the four safe transformations discussed in the transcript?

    -The four safe transformations are: 1) Integral of a constant times a function is the constant times the integral of the function, 2) Sum of integrals is the integral of the sum, 3) Integral of the negative of a function is negative the integral of the function, and 4) Dividing a polynomial by another polynomial when the degree of the numerator is greater than the denominator.

  • How does the speaker describe the process of problem reduction?

    -The speaker describes problem reduction as a process of applying safe transformations to a problem to simplify it, looking in a table for the solution, and then applying heuristic transformations if necessary. This process is sometimes visualized as a problem reduction tree, and/or tree, or goal tree.

  • What is the significance of the program written by James Slagle in the context of artificial intelligence?

    -The program written by James Slagle is significant because it is an early example of artificial intelligence. It was able to perform symbolic integration, which was a complex task, and it anticipated many concepts that would be developed in the field of AI over the next 20 years.

  • How did the program handle the hardest problem from MIT 18.01 finals?

    -The program handled the hardest problem by applying a series of safe and heuristic transformations to simplify the problem until it reached a form that could be looked up in a table of integrals. It successfully solved the problem, demonstrating the effectiveness of the problem reduction approach.

  • What does the average depth of the problem reduction tree indicate about the domain of calculus problems?

    -The average depth of approximately 3 for the problem reduction tree indicates that the domain of calculus problems given to freshmen is not very complex. It suggests that most problems can be solved with a relatively small number of steps or transformations.

  • What was the role of the depth of functional composition in the program's decision-making process?

    -The depth of functional composition was used as a measure to determine which problem to work on next. The program would select the problem with the least depth of functional composition to apply a heuristic transformation, as it was considered the simplest.

  • How many elements were in the table of integrals used by the program?

    -The table of integrals used by the program contained only 26 elements, which was sufficient to solve all the problems presented to it.

  • What was the outcome of the program when it was given 56 of the hardest problems from MIT 18.01 finals?

    -The program was able to solve 54 out of the 56 problems correctly. It failed on two problems, not because of memory limitations, but because it was lacking two specific transformations needed to solve those problems.

  • What does the transcript suggest about the relationship between understanding a process and the perception of intelligence?

    -The transcript suggests that understanding how a process works can diminish the perception of intelligence associated with it. As one understands the steps and mechanisms involved, the process seems less intelligent or complex.



🤔 Introduction to Problem Solving and Symbolic Integration

The speaker introduces the concept of problem solving with a focus on symbolic integration. They pose a question about the intelligence of a program that can perform integration tasks, challenging the audience to consider the nature of problem-solving techniques. The speaker then delves into the process of symbolic integration, drawing on the audience's prior knowledge from high school mathematics. The goal is to explore how humans naturally solve problems and how these techniques can be modeled in a program.


📚 The Role of Problem Reduction in Education

The speaker discusses the educational philosophy behind diving deep into the details of problem-solving. They argue that understanding the underlying processes is crucial for developing true skill and mastery. The concept of problem reduction is introduced as a key strategy in tackling complex problems, and the speaker outlines a list of safe transformations that can simplify these problems. The speaker emphasizes the importance of these transformations in the learning process.


🔄 Safe and Heuristic Transformations in Integration

The speaker continues the discussion on problem reduction by differentiating between safe and heuristic transformations. Safe transformations are those that always work, while heuristic transformations are not guaranteed but often helpful. The speaker provides examples of both types and explains how they can be applied to the integration problem at hand. The process of simplifying problems through these transformations is demonstrated, highlighting the iterative nature of the approach.


🌲 Problem Reduction Trees: Structure and Application

The speaker introduces the concept of problem reduction trees, also known as and/or trees or goal trees, which are graphical representations of the problem-solving process. They explain how these trees show the relationship between different problems and goals. The speaker uses the integration problem as an example to illustrate how problem reduction trees can be applied, discussing the use of both safe and heuristic transformations within the tree structure.


🤖 The History and Impact of Early AI in Integration

The speaker discusses the historical significance of an early AI program developed by James Slagle in 1960 for symbolic integration. They highlight the program's ability to perform as well as freshmen in MIT finals, showcasing its effectiveness. The speaker walks through the process of how the program would tackle a complex integration problem, emphasizing the simplicity of the knowledge required and the efficiency of the problem-solving method.


📈 Analyzing the Performance and Knowledge Involved

The speaker analyzes the performance of the AI integration program, noting its high success rate on difficult problems. They delve into the depth and breadth of the problem reduction tree, discussing the average and worst-case scenarios. The speaker also reflects on the amount and type of knowledge required for the program to function, concluding that a surprisingly small amount of knowledge is needed to solve complex integration problems.


💡 The Importance of Meta-Knowledge in Problem Solving

The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of meta-knowledge, or knowledge about knowledge, in problem solving. They reflect on the process of understanding how things work and how this understanding can diminish the perceived intelligence of a task. The speaker uses the example of the AI integration program to illustrate how explaining the process can make it seem less intelligent. They suggest that the real power lies in knowledge about knowledge, which can lead to greater problem-solving capabilities.



💡Symbolic Integration

Symbolic integration is a mathematical technique used to find the antiderivative or the integral of a given function. In the context of the video, it is the core problem-solving process that the speaker aims to model with a computer program, highlighting the educational value of understanding the steps involved in integration.

💡Problem Reduction

Problem reduction is a method of breaking down a complex problem into simpler, more manageable sub-problems. In the video, the speaker uses this concept to describe the process of transforming a difficult integration problem into a form that can be looked up in a table or solved using basic transformations, emphasizing the educational benefits of understanding and applying this method.

💡Heuristic Transformations

Heuristic transformations are strategies or techniques that are often effective but not guaranteed to work in solving a problem. In the video, the speaker contrasts these with safe transformations, which are always applicable, and uses heuristic transformations to tackle parts of the integration problem that cannot be directly solved using safe transformations.

💡Safe Transformations

Safe transformations are those that can be applied to a problem with the certainty that they will not lead to an incorrect result or additional complexity. In the context of the video, safe transformations are the initial steps used to simplify the integration problem before resorting to heuristic methods.

💡Integration Table

An integration table is a reference that lists the integrals of various functions, serving as a resource for looking up solutions to integration problems. In the video, the speaker discusses the concept of an integration table and its role in problem reduction, where after applying transformations, one might find the simplified problem in such a table.

💡Depth of Functional Composition

Depth of functional composition refers to the level of nesting of functions within one another in a mathematical expression. In the video, the speaker uses this concept to decide which problem to work on next when applying heuristic transformations, choosing the problem with the least depth to simplify the process.

💡And/Or Tree

An and/or tree is a graphical representation of the problem reduction process, where nodes represent sub-problems and the branches represent the application of transformations. In the video, the speaker introduces the and/or tree as a way to visualize the steps and decisions involved in solving the integration problem, illustrating the relationship between different sub-goals.

💡Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines, especially the ability to learn, reason, and solve problems like humans do. In the video, the speaker discusses an early AI program developed by James Slagle that could perform symbolic integration, using it as an example to introduce the broader field of artificial intelligence.

💡Educational Philosophy

The educational philosophy discussed in the video pertains to the belief that understanding the underlying processes and principles of a skill is essential for truly mastering it. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not only knowing how to perform symbolic integration but also understanding the steps and transformations involved, which is a key aspect of the educational approach.


In the context of the video, a catechism refers to a set of questions or considerations that guide the understanding and analysis of a particular domain or problem. The speaker outlines a catechism for approaching problem-solving and knowledge representation in the domain of symbolic integration, emphasizing the importance of understanding the nature and use of knowledge.


The lecture begins with a warm-up exercise involving an integration problem, aiming to question the intelligence of a program capable of solving it.

The speaker introduces the concept of modeling human problem-solving, specifically symbolic integration, to understand and mimic the techniques used by people when solving problems.

The importance of understanding problem-solving techniques is emphasized, as it allows for the development of skills and the ability to use them instinctively.

The process of problem reduction is introduced as a method to simplify complex problems into easier ones, which is a common problem-solving approach.

Safe transformations are defined as simple, always safe methods to simplify problems, such as taking constants out of integrals or dividing by polynomials.

Heuristic transformations are introduced as methods that often work but are not guaranteed, such as trigonometric substitutions.

The speaker discusses the educational philosophy behind going into detail about problem-solving methods, emphasizing the importance of understanding the underlying processes.

James Slagle's famous transformation program from 1960 is mentioned as an early example of artificial intelligence, showcasing the potential of AI in problem-solving.

The architecture of the integration program is explained, including the use of safe and heuristic transformations, and the process of applying them to solve problems.

The concept of an 'and node' and an 'or node' is introduced to represent the branching of problems during the problem reduction process.

The importance of measuring the simplicity of a problem is discussed, with suggestions such as choosing the problem with the least symbols or the least functional composition depth.

The process of solving the hardest problem from MIT 18 01 finals is demonstrated, showcasing the application of both safe and heuristic transformations.

The program's performance is analyzed, with 54 out of 56 hardest problems solved, highlighting the effectiveness of the integration program.

The average depth and number of unused branches in the problem reduction tree are discussed, providing insights into the nature of calculus problems for freshmen.

The knowledge involved in the integration program is categorized and discussed, including transformations, goal trees, and table lookups.

The representation and use of knowledge in the program are explained, emphasizing the procedural and tabular representation of information.

The amount of knowledge required to solve calculus problems is surprisingly small, with a table of only 26 elements being sufficient.

The relationship between the method used and the characteristics of the problem is explored, showing that in this domain, the right transformation can almost always be made.

The discussion concludes with a reflection on the nature of intelligence in programs, suggesting that understanding how something works can diminish its perceived intelligence.