Soundhound AI stock

Landon God Bless
25 Mar 202404:21

TLDRThe speaker expresses concern over the continuous decline in the stock price of Sound Hound AI, highlighting that insiders, including the CEO, have been selling shares aggressively. The situation was exacerbated by a negative report from Kappy Bar Research, which questioned the company's integrity. The speaker, a shareholder, is frustrated by the lack of profit and the company's failure to counter the allegations, emphasizing the unfairness to investors who have suffered significant losses.


  • 📉 Insider Selling: There has been significant insider selling over a five-day period, raising concerns among shareholders.
  • 💸 CEO's Sale: The CEO sold 1.69 million shares on the same day as other top executives, which is unusual and alarming.
  • 🤔 Timing of Reports: The selling coincides with the release of a negative report by Kappy Bar Research, which questioned the company's integrity.
  • 💔 Shareholder Losses: Shareholders have experienced substantial financial losses, with the speaker mentioning a personal loss of $11,000 and their kids' loss of $111,000.
  • 😣 Lack of Response: The company has not publicly countered the allegations made by Kappy Bar Research, leading to further speculation and unease.
  • 🚨 Declining Stock Price: The stock price has been continuously dropping for five days without any recovery, indicating a possible loss of investor confidence.
  • 📈 Prior Positive Report: The company's fourth-quarter report was positive, which adds to the confusion about the sudden decline in stock price.
  • 🏢 Company Role Model: The speaker compares the company unfavorably to industry role models like Jensen and Nvidia, expressing disappointment in the company's actions.
  • 🤝 Support for Shareholders: There is a call for the company to support its shareholders in the face of negative press and financial losses.
  • 🧐 Search for Truth: The speaker expresses a desire to understand the full story behind the insider selling and the negative report, suggesting there might be more to the situation.
  • 💪 Encouragement for Action: The speaker encourages the company to take action and protect its shareholders' interests, emphasizing the importance of doing what's right.

Q & A

  • What is the main concern expressed in the transcript?

    -The main concern is the continuous drop in the value of Sound Hound AI's stock and the significant selling of shares by insiders, including the CEO and other high-ranking officials, which indicates a possible lack of confidence in the company.

  • How much worth of shares did Keon sell?

    -Keon sold $2.3 million worth of shares.

  • On which dates did the CEO and other executives sell their shares?

    -The CEO sold 1.69 million shares on 319, the VP of Engineering sold 467,000 shares on the same day, and the Chief Product Officer sold 495,000 shares, also on 319. The Chief Financial Officer sold $751,000 on 319.

  • What happened on 322 that is related to the stock performance?

    -On 322, it is mentioned that there was a sale of shares by an executive, but the specific details of the transaction are not provided in the transcript.

  • What is the significance of the report by Kappy Bar Research?

    -The report by Kappy Bar Research came out hours after the insiders' sell-off and claimed that Sound Hound AI was peddling lies, which seems to have triggered a further drop in the stock price.

  • How has the stock performance been in the five days mentioned?

    -The stock has been dropping for five consecutive days without any recovery, indicating a persistent negative trend.

  • What is the speaker's personal loss due to the stock's performance?

    -The speaker has lost $11,000, and their kids have lost $111,000.

  • What is the speaker's expectation from the company's management in response to the negative report?

    -The speaker expects the company's management to publicly counter the negative report to support the shareholders and the company they have created.

  • Which company does the speaker consider as a role model for Sound Hound AI?

    -The speaker considers Nvidia as the role model that Sound Hound AI should emulate.

  • What is the speaker's call to action for the company and its management?

    -The speaker urges the company and its management to take action to support the shareholders and to address the situation, emphasizing that the current situation is unfair to the shareholders.

  • What was the last positive report mentioned by the speaker?

    -The speaker mentions that the company's fourth-quarter report was positive.



📉 Insider Selling Concerns and CEO Actions

The speaker expresses concern over the stock performance of a company, mentioning that it has been dropping for five days. They discuss insider selling activity, highlighting that the CEO and other executives have sold significant amounts of shares. The speaker is particularly worried about the lack of confidence this activity suggests. They mention specific sales, including the CEO selling $1.69 million worth of shares, the VP of Engineering selling 467,000 shares, and the Chief Product Officer selling 495,000 shares on the same day. The Chief Financial Officer also sold $751,000 worth of shares. The speaker questions the company's lack of response to negative reports and the impact on shareholders, including themselves, who have incurred losses.



💡insider selling

Insider selling refers to the act of company insiders, such as executives and major shareholders, selling their shares in the company. This can be seen as a bearish signal by the market, as it may indicate that those with the most knowledge about the company's prospects have a negative view of its future. In the script, the speaker expresses concern over insiders selling their shares, interpreting it as a lack of confidence in the company's future.

💡Sound Hound AI

Sound Hound AI is likely the company in question in the script. It is implied to be a technology company, possibly involved in artificial intelligence given the name. The speaker is a shareholder and is expressing frustration over the company's stock performance and the lack of response to negative press.

💡stock price drop

A stock price drop refers to a decrease in the market value of a company's shares over a certain period. This can be caused by various factors, including negative news, poor financial performance, or a lack of confidence from investors. In the context of the script, the speaker is concerned about the continuous drop in the stock price of Sound Hound AI, which has led to significant financial losses for the speaker and their kids.

💡CPpy bar

CPpy bar, as mentioned in the script, seems to be a report or an entity that has published negative information about Sound Hound AI. The term 'cheeseburger of AI' might be a metaphor used by CPpy bar to criticize the company's product or service. The speaker is questioning the credibility of this report and its impact on the company's stock price.


Shareholders are individuals or entities that own one or more shares in a company. They have a vested interest in the company's performance and can be affected by its financial decisions and market performance. In the script, the speaker identifies as a shareholder and expresses frustration on behalf of themselves and other shareholders who have suffered financial losses due to the company's stock performance.


The CEO, or Chief Executive Officer, is the highest-ranking executive in a company, responsible for making major corporate decisions, managing operations, and acting as the main point of communication between the board of directors and corporate operations. In the context of the script, the CEO of Sound Hound AI is one of the insiders who sold a significant amount of shares, which the speaker sees as a negative indicator.

💡financial loss

Financial loss refers to a situation where the amount of money lost exceeds the amount of money gained, resulting in an overall negative financial outcome. In the script, the speaker and their kids have experienced a financial loss due to the drop in the stock price of Sound Hound AI, which has led to a decrease in the value of their investment.

💡company response

A company response refers to the actions or statements made by a company to address issues, concerns, or criticisms. In the context of the script, the speaker is frustrated that Sound Hound AI has not issued a response to the negative report by CPpy bar, which they believe is damaging the company's reputation and stock price.

💡role model

A role model is a person or entity that serves as an example to others, demonstrating the behaviors and values they should aspire to. In the script, the speaker mentions Jensen and Nvidia as role models for Sound Hound AI, implying that they have successfully managed their businesses and stock performance.

💡quarterly report

A quarterly report is a financial report issued by a company four times a year, providing updates on its financial performance, operations, and other relevant information. It is used to inform shareholders and potential investors about the company's progress and profitability. In the script, the speaker mentions that Sound Hound AI's fourth-quarter report was positive, but this positive news does not seem to have had a lasting impact on the stock price.

💡market manipulation

Market manipulation refers to the act of artificially inflating or deflating the price of a security or otherwise influencing the behavior of the market for personal gain. In the script, the speaker suggests that there might be some form of market manipulation or hidden story behind the insider selling and the drop in Sound Hound AI's stock price.


The stock price of Sound Hound AI has been dropping for five days.

Insiders are selling shares at an alarming rate, indicating a potential lack of confidence in the company.

The CEO sold $1.69 million worth of shares on the same day as other high-ranking officials.

The VP of Engineering sold 467,000 shares, and the Chief Product Officer sold 495,000 shares on the same day.

The Chief Financial Officer also sold $751,000 worth of shares on the same day.

Eric Paul, another insider, sold shares later, contributing to the overall selling trend.

James Ming Hol, the Chief Product Officer, sold 495,000 shares on the same critical day.

A report by Kappy Bar Research was released hours after the insider selling, which coincided with the stock price tanking.

The company is accused of peddling lies, with comparisons to the 'cheeseburger of AI'.

The speaker, a shareholder, expresses frustration over the lack of profit and the financial losses incurred.

The speaker questions why the CEO hasn't countered the negative report if it's untrue.

Nvidia is cited as a role model that Sound Hound should follow.

The speaker calls for action to support the shareholders and rectify the situation.

The fourth quarter report was positive, but the speaker questions why the company isn't backing it up.

The speaker expresses dissatisfaction with the continuous drop in stock price without any recovery.

There was no earnings report released, only the negative report by Kappy Bar Research.

The speaker is concerned about the fairness to shareholders and the need for the company to address the situation.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of supporting shareholders and doing things right for the company's success.