Stable Diffusion 3 - How to use it today! Easy Guide for ComfyUI

Olivio Sarikas
18 Apr 202416:13

TLDRThe video provides an in-depth guide on how to use Stable Diffusion 3, a new AI image generation tool. The host begins by comparing Stable Diffusion 3's output to that of Mid Journey SXL, showcasing various image prompts and the resulting compositions. The video highlights the improved aesthetics and artfulness of Stable Diffusion 3, noting its closer resemblance to Mid Journey's cinematic and beautiful imagery. The host also discusses the model's ability to handle different styles, including pixel art and complex prompts involving emotional expressions and detailed scenes. Additionally, the guide covers the technical aspects of using the tool, including setting up an account with Stability AI, obtaining an API key, and installing the necessary components on ComfyUI. The summary emphasizes the model's strengths, such as its detailed and expressive image generation capabilities, while also noting areas for improvement, like handling text and certain styles. The video concludes with instructions for installing and configuring Stable Diffusion 3 within ComfyUI, encouraging viewers to share their thoughts and subscribe for more informative content.


  • 🎉 Stable Diffusion 3 has been released and offers new capabilities for image generation.
  • 📈 A comparison between Mid Journey SXL and Stable Fusion 3 shows that Stable Fusion 3 is closer to the aesthetic and artfulness of Mid Journey.
  • 🖼️ The generated images by Stable Diffusion 3 are noted for their cinematic and beautiful compositions, with good use of colors.
  • 🔍 The text within images created by Stable Diffusion 3 is accurate, even when words are layered on top of each other.
  • 🐺 For prompts involving animals, Stable Diffusion 3 can create artful compositions, although sometimes with anatomical inaccuracies.
  • 📸 SDXL models tend to produce more photographic and detailed results compared to Stable Diffusion 3.
  • 🧙‍♂️ When generating complex scenes like a wizard on a hill, Stable Diffusion 3 can capture the essence of the scene, although it may not perfectly render all text.
  • 💳 To use Stable Diffusion 3, one must have an account with Stability AI and use their API, which requires API keys and credits for image generation.
  • 💵 Pricing for image generation varies between models, with SDXL1 being more cost-effective than Stable Diffusion 3.
  • 🔧 Installation of Stable Diffusion 3 involves using the Stability API, cloning a GitHub project, and configuring settings within ComfyUI.
  • ✅ The installation process is straightforward once the GitHub page is translated from Chinese to English, making it accessible for users.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is a guide on how to use Stable Diffusion 3, including comparisons with Mid Journey SXL and installation instructions.

  • How does the video compare Stable Diffusion 3 with Mid Journey SXL?

    -The video compares Stable Diffusion 3 with Mid Journey SXL by showing generated images from both models using the same prompts, highlighting the aesthetic and artfulness of each.

  • What are some of the features that Stable Diffusion 3 was promised to have?

    -Stable Diffusion 3 was promised to have aesthetics and artfulness closer to Mid Journey, and the ability to generate images with better composition and color.

  • How does the video guide viewers on installing Stable Diffusion 3?

    -The video guides viewers on installing Stable Diffusion 3 by explaining the process of obtaining an API key from Stability AI, cloning the GitHub project, and configuring the settings within ComfyUI.

  • What is the cost associated with using Stable Diffusion 3?

    -The cost for using Stable Diffusion 3 is 6.5 credits per image for the standard model and 4 credits per image for the Turbo model. There is also an option to use SDXL1, which is less expensive, costing between 0.2 to 0.6 credits per image.

  • What are the steps to clone the GitHub project for Stable Diffusion 3?

    -To clone the GitHub project, one must navigate to their ComfyUI folder, go to the custom notes folder, open it, click in the address bar, type CMD, and hit enter. Then, copy and paste the git clone command followed by the GitHub project's web address into the command window.

  • How does the video describe the image generation process with Stable Diffusion 3?

    -The video describes the image generation process as involving a prompt, which can be text-based or image-based, and the selection of various settings such as positive and negative prompts, aspect ratio, and model selection (SD3 or SD3 Turbo).

  • What is the role of the 'seed' setting in the Stable Diffusion 3 note?

    -The 'seed' setting in the Stable Diffusion 3 note determines the randomness of the generated image. It can be set to randomized, fixed increment, or decrement, allowing users to control the level of variation in the output.

  • How does the video address the issue of text in the generated images?

    -The video shows examples where text is included in the prompt and discusses the accuracy of the text rendering in the generated images. It notes that Stable Diffusion 3 can produce images with text that is mostly correct, despite some minor errors.

  • What is the significance of the 'wizard on the hill' prompt in the video?

    -The 'wizard on the hill' prompt is significant because it was used in the announcement of Stable Diffusion 3. The video demonstrates how Stable Diffusion 3 handles this complex prompt, including the presence of text and specific scene elements.

  • What are the system requirements or considerations for running Stable Diffusion 3?

    -The system requirements or considerations for running Stable Diffusion 3 are not explicitly detailed in the video, but it is implied that a user needs to have an account with Stability AI, an API key, and access to ComfyUI with the ability to clone and configure GitHub projects.



🎨 Introduction to Stable Fusion 3 and Comparisons

The speaker introduces Stable Fusion 3, an AI image generation tool, and expresses excitement about its release. They plan to demonstrate how to use it and compare its output with that of Mid Journey SXL, another AI model. The comparison involves assessing the aesthetic and artfulness of generated images based on a sci-fi movie scene prompt. The speaker also discusses the setup for using Stable Fusion 3 and its capabilities, noting that it closely resembles the visual quality of Mid Journey, with good color and composition.


🖼️ Analyzing Image Results from Stable Fusion 3 and SDXL

The speaker provides a detailed analysis of the images generated by Stable Fusion 3 and compares them with those from the SDXL model. They highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each, such as the adherence to color rules, the composition, and the artistic style. The speaker also discusses the challenges faced by the models, such as handling text and complex prompts, and notes that Stable Fusion 3 sometimes struggles with highly detailed prompts or specific styles like anime.


🧙‍♂️ Wizard Prompt and Installation Instructions

The speaker shares their experience with a famous prompt featuring a wizard on a hill and attempts to generate images using Stable Fusion 3 and other models. They note that Stable Fusion 3 successfully includes text in the image, although with minor errors. The speaker then provides a step-by-step guide on how to install and set up Stable Fusion 3 using the stability API, including creating an account, obtaining API keys, and adjusting settings within the software.


📝 Final Thoughts and User Engagement

The speaker concludes by inviting viewers to share their thoughts on the Stable Fusion 3 models in the comments and encourages them to like and subscribe for more content. They also hint at other related content that viewers might enjoy and express hope to see them again in future videos.



💡Stable Diffusion 3

Stable Diffusion 3 is a term referring to a specific version of a machine learning model used for generating images based on textual descriptions. It is the main focus of the video, where the creator demonstrates how to use this model within the ComfyUI platform. The video compares the output of Stable Diffusion 3 with other models, showcasing its ability to create aesthetically pleasing and artful images, as seen in the various examples provided throughout the script.


ComfyUI is the user interface and platform where the video's creator demonstrates the use of Stable Diffusion 3. It serves as the medium through which users can interact with the model and generate images. The script highlights ComfyUI's features, such as the ability to save images and adjust settings for different types of image generation tasks.


MidJourney is another AI model mentioned in the script, which is used for comparison with Stable Diffusion 3. The video creator uses it to showcase differences in image generation capabilities, particularly in terms of cinematic and artistic outputs. The comparison helps to illustrate the unique features and strengths of Stable Diffusion 3.


The term 'aesthetic' refers to the visual appeal and artistic style of the images generated by the AI models. In the context of the video, the creator emphasizes the aesthetic qualities of Stable Diffusion 3, noting its ability to produce images that are not only beautiful but also closely aligned with the artistic vision of MidJourney.


A 'prompt' is the textual description or request given to the AI model to generate a specific image. The script provides various prompts as examples of how to guide the Stable Diffusion 3 model in creating desired outputs. The effectiveness of the prompts is discussed in relation to the quality and relevance of the generated images.


Composition refers to the arrangement of elements within an image, which contributes to the overall visual impact and balance. The video script frequently discusses the composition of the images produced by Stable Diffusion 3 and other models, commenting on aspects such as the placement of characters and objects within the frame and how this affects the viewer's experience.


The term 'artful' is used to describe images that are skillfully and creatively made, often with a sense of artistic intention or beauty. In the video, the creator praises the artful nature of the images generated by Stable Diffusion 3, indicating that they possess a level of creativity and visual appeal that is reminiscent of human-made art.

💡API Keys

API Keys are unique identifiers that grant access to specific features or services of a software application. In the context of the video, the creator explains the process of obtaining an API key for the stability AI platform, which is necessary to use the Stable Diffusion 3 model. The script provides instructions on how to create and use this key within the ComfyUI environment.


GitHub is a web-based platform that provides version control and collaboration features for software development. In the script, the creator instructs viewers on how to download and install the Stable Diffusion 3 project from GitHub, which involves using Git commands and navigating the GitHub repository to access the required files.

💡Image to Image Rendering

Image to image rendering is a process where an AI model generates a new image based on an existing image as input, often with modifications or enhancements. The video script mentions that this feature is intended to be used with Stable Diffusion 3 within ComfyUI, but notes that it may not be functioning optimally at the time of the video's creation.


Configuration in this context refers to the setup and customization of the Stable Diffusion 3 model within ComfyUI. The script details the process of editing the config.json file to include the API key and adjust various settings that influence the image generation process, such as prompts, aspect ratio, and model selection.


Stable Diffusion 3 is introduced with a guide on how to use it today.

Comparisons are shown between Mid Journey SXL and Stable Fusion 3.

The prompt 'sci-fi movie scene' generates cinematic and beautiful images.

ComfyUI is noted for getting the fun stuff first.

Stable Fusion 3 is praised for its closeness to the aesthetic and artfulness of Mid Journey.

The second scene generated by Stable Diffusion 3 closely follows a two-color rule.

SDXL model results are shown to have a classic art style.

A wolf sitting in the sunset image showcases the artistic capabilities of Mid Journey.

Stable Diffusion 3 has a longer neck and awkward composition in its wolf image.

SDXL version of the wolf image is more photographic with nice color composition.

Text rendering in images is a challenge for SDXL, but Stable Diffusion 3 manages well.

A poodle in a fashion shoot is depicted with a detailed 1960s Space Age fashion style.

Stable Diffusion 3 and SDXL both produce beautiful and detailed images of the poodle.

Character emotional expressions in cartoonish cats show a difference in expressiveness between models.

Stable Diffusion 3 struggles with highly detailed anime style in some prompts.

The installation process for using Stable Diffusion 3 is outlined using the Stability API.

Users receive 23 free credits upon signing up with Stability, with costs per image generation detailed.

GitHub page for installation initially appears in Chinese but can be translated to English.

Configuring Stable Diffusion 3 in ComfyUI involves editing a config JSON file and adding a specific note.

Settings within the Stable Diffusion 3 note in ComfyUI are straightforward, including positive and negative prompts.