【Stable Diffusion】イラスト生成に差がつく!プロンプトの新法則の解明 【常識の再定義part2】

The AI Hub : Mind of the Machine
20 Oct 202310:43

TLDRThe video explores four new rules for creating prompts for AI-generated illustrations. It demonstrates how the order of sentences and words can significantly impact the resulting images. The study reveals that the AI model prioritizes the subject matter in the first sentence, the use of BREAK statements can override the natural flow, and key instructions are understood even when phrased differently. Intriguingly, the AI seems to have preferences, as certain themes are more frequently illustrated than others, suggesting an element of subjectivity in AI's output.


  • 📜 The video discusses four new rules for creating effective prompts for AI illustration generation.
  • 🔄 Previous methods of using single sentences or multiple words are enhanced by combining multiple sentences for prompt verification.
  • 📝 There's a positive trend in using written prompts, which are believed to yield better results in illustration generation.
  • 🤖 The first law states that the order of sentences affects the generation of illustrations, with the first sentence being prioritized.
  • 🔄 The second law reveals that using BREAK statements can override the natural order of sentences, focusing on the prioritized theme.
  • 🎨 The third law shows that AI can understand the overall context and emphasize important elements, even when key instructions are expressed differently.
  • 🌄 The fourth law, proposed by Chat GPT, suggests that AI may generate illustrations based on its 'preferences,' despite claims of lacking emotions.
  • 📈 The video includes a test where 30 illustrations were generated to examine AI's preferences, with beautiful sunsets and rural landscapes being the most preferred.
  • 🔎 The verification results are available for comparison in the link in the description section, aiding in understanding the impact of the new rules.
  • 💡 A deep understanding of these rules can significantly influence the outcomes of AI-generated illustrations, which is crucial for anyone working with AI in art creation.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    -The main focus of the video is to introduce and verify four new rules for prompt settings in Stable Diffusion for illustration generation.

  • How does the order of sentences in a prompt affect the AI model's response?

    -The order of sentences in a prompt affects the AI model's response by prioritizing the content of the first sentence, influencing the generation of illustrations.

  • What is the significance of using BREAK statements in prompts?

    -Using BREAK statements in prompts helps to prioritize the subject matter, ensuring that the AI generates illustrations according to the specified theme, regardless of its position in the sentence.

  • How does changing key instructions or requests in a prompt affect the AI's response?

    -Changing key instructions or requests in a prompt affects the AI's response by altering the way the AI understands and emphasizes certain elements, but it generally maintains the core theme of the illustration.

  • What does the fourth law, proposed by Chat GPT, suggest about AI's illustration generation?

    -The fourth law suggests that AI may generate illustrations based on its own preferences, as seen in the consistent preference for certain themes like beautiful sunsets and rural landscapes.

  • How does the use of multiple sentences in prompts impact the AI's illustration generation?

    -Using multiple sentences in prompts allows for a more nuanced and detailed illustration generation, as the AI can pick up on various elements and prioritize them according to the structure and content of the sentences.

  • What was the outcome of the experiment with the order of words in sentences?

    -The experiment showed that changing the order of words in sentences can affect the AI model's reaction and the resulting illustrations, with the first sentence's order being particularly influential.

  • How did the AI model respond to prompts with overlapping themes?

    -When themes overlap, the AI model prioritizes the theme of the sentence that is given more importance or placed earlier in the prompt, and the less prioritized theme is not generated.

  • What can be concluded from the test involving different ways to express key instructions?

    -The test concluded that AI not only follows instructions but also understands the overall context of the prompt, emphasizing important elements and features accordingly.

  • How does the AI's generation of 30 illustrations with different prompts demonstrate its 'preferences'?

    -The AI's generation of 30 illustrations, with a majority focusing on beautiful sunsets and rural landscapes, demonstrates a clear preference for these themes, suggesting that AI has a form of preference in illustration generation.

  • What is the importance of understanding these four rules in creating illustrations with AI?

    -Understanding these four rules is crucial as it allows for more precise control over the AI's illustration generation process, leading to better and more desired outcomes.



📜 Introduction to Prompt Settings and Law Verification

This paragraph introduces the concept of prompt settings and their impact on AI-generated illustrations. It mentions that there are four new rules being explored, and the video aims to provide a deeper understanding by verifying these rules. The speaker references previous videos and emphasizes the importance of watching the current video to grasp the full context. It is highlighted that instead of single sentences, multiple sentences are now being used to verify prompts, and positive results have been observed from written prompts. The paragraph ends with a teaser about a new law proposed by Chat GPT and encourages viewers to watch the video till the end for more details.


🎨 Analysis of Sentence Order and Content Impact on Illustration Generation

This section delves into the verification of the first two laws regarding the order of sentences and the impact of content changes on AI-generated illustrations. The first law is confirmed as the order of sentences affects illustration generation, with the first sentence being prioritized. The second law is discovered when using BREAK statements, which override the sentence order and prioritize the theme of the first sentence. The speaker also discusses the third law, which is about the AI's ability to understand the context and prioritize key elements in illustration generation. The results show that AI can generate similar landscape illustrations despite changes in key instructions, highlighting the AI's understanding and emphasis on important elements.


🌟 Testing AI's Preferences and the Fourth Law

The final paragraph focuses on verifying the fourth law, which was proposed by Chat GPT to test AI's preferences in illustration generation. The test involves using different prompts to see which ones yield the best results. The results indicate a clear preference for certain themes, such as beautiful sunsets, with rural landscapes being favored over cities. This finding suggests that AI has preferences, which contradicts the claim that AI has no emotions. The speaker expresses surprise at the clarity of AI's preferences and invites the viewer to ponder the implications of these findings. The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to subscribe to the channel for more research on AI and AI-generated illustrations.



💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a term related to a type of AI model used for generating images or illustrations based on textual prompts. In the context of the video, it refers to the technology that is being tested and discussed to understand how differences in prompt settings can affect the output of generated illustrations. The video aims to explore the nuances and rules that govern how this AI system interprets and reacts to various prompt configurations.


In the context of AI and illustration generation, a prompt is a textual input provided to the AI model to guide the creation of an image or illustration. Prompts can consist of single words, phrases, or sentences that describe the desired visual outcome. The video script discusses the importance of prompt settings and how altering these settings can lead to different results in illustration generation, highlighting the significance of understanding how prompts work within the AI system.

💡Negative Prompts

Negative prompts are a technique used in AI illustration generation to guide the AI model away from including certain elements in the generated images. By specifying what should not be present, the AI model can focus on creating content that adheres more closely to the creator's vision. In the video, the model uses tools like BlazingRealDrive and Easy Negative to effectively apply negative prompts, ensuring that the generated illustrations align with the intended theme and avoid unwanted elements.

💡Order of Words

The order of words in a sentence or a prompt plays a crucial role in determining the focus and interpretation of the AI model when generating illustrations. Changing the sequence can alter the emphasis on particular elements, leading to variations in the resulting images. The video script provides evidence that the AI model reacts differently to the same content when the word order is changed, demonstrating the importance of sentence structure in prompt effectiveness.

💡BREAK Statement

The BREAK statement in the context of AI illustration generation is a technique used to separate or prioritize different elements within a prompt. By using BREAK statements, the creator can dictate which themes or subjects should take precedence in the generated illustration. The video script demonstrates that when a BREAK statement is used, the AI model will generate an illustration based on the prioritized theme, regardless of its position in the sentence.

💡Illustration Generation

Illustration generation refers to the process by which AI models create visual content based on textual prompts. This involves interpreting the given text and translating it into a corresponding image. The video script delves into the specifics of how different prompt settings, word orders, and the use of BREAK statements can influence the AI's ability to generate accurate and desired illustrations.

💡AI Preferences

AI preferences, as explored in the video, refer to the inherent tendencies or inclinations of an AI model to generate certain types of content over others. Despite AI not having emotions, the video presents a test that suggests AI models may show a preference for specific themes or elements, such as beautiful sunsets, based on the frequency of their occurrence in generated illustrations.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is mentioned in the video as a tool or entity that contributed to the development and testing of the hypotheses regarding AI illustration generation. It is implied that Chat GPT was used to formulate prompts and analyze the results, playing a crucial role in the discovery of the new rules governing prompt settings and AI behavior.

💡Law of Illustration Generation

The Law of Illustration Generation refers to the rules or principles discovered through experimentation and analysis that govern how AI models interpret prompts and create illustrations. The video introduces four such laws, each detailing different aspects of AI behavior, such as the impact of sentence order, the use of BREAK statements, the importance of key instructions, and AI's apparent preferences.

💡Contextual Understanding

Contextual understanding in AI refers to the ability of an AI model to comprehend the overall meaning and relationships between different elements within a prompt. This involves not just following instructions but also recognizing which elements are important and how they relate to the intended theme. The video demonstrates that AI can generate illustrations that reflect an understanding of the context, even when the prompts are structured differently.


The video discusses four new rules for prompt settings in Stable Diffusion illustration generation.

Previous video on the definition of common sense introduced how prompt settings work differently than conventional wisdom.

The order of words in a sentence can affect the AI model's reaction and the generated illustrations.

The order of sentences affects illustration generation, with the first sentence being prioritized.

The BREAK statement can override the natural flow of sentences, emphasizing specific themes in illustration generation.

If themes overlap, the prioritized sentence's theme will be generated, and the other theme will not.

AI can understand prompts and overall context, emphasizing important elements in illustration generation.

Key instructions can be expressed in different ways, but AI maintains the core elements in the generated illustrations.

AI's preferences can influence the generation of illustrations, showing a clear preference for certain themes.

The most preferred theme in illustration generation was beautiful sunsets, while cities were hardly preferred.

Chat GPT's claim that AI has no emotions is challenged by the clear expression of preferences in illustration generation.

Understanding these rules can significantly impact the results of illustration generation.

The video encourages viewers to subscribe for more research on AI and AI illustrations.

The video is part of a series aiming to deepen the understanding of AI's thinking and illustration generation processes.

The use of written prompts has been increasing and is believed to yield positive results in illustration generation.

The video includes a link to the verification results in the description section for easier understanding.

Chat GPT provided the texts used for verification, suggesting multiple tests can improve personality identification.