Stocks could be hostage to the Fed and inflation, says Jim Cramer

CNBC Television
13 May 202410:20

TLDRJim Cramer discusses the current state of the stock market, noting that it could be influenced by the Federal Reserve's actions and inflation. He expresses concern over inflation but remains hopeful about the potential of artificial intelligence to reduce costs. Cramer highlights how technology, such as Amazon, can lower prices in certain sectors but acknowledges that housing prices remain high. He also discusses the impact of immigration on the housing market and wage inflation. Cramer is excited about advancements in AI, such as an AI supercomputer that could speed up drug development and a new AI program, CHATGPT 4.0, which can perceive emotions and read stories with feelings. However, he cautions that while AI holds promise for the future, it may not have an immediate impact on current inflationary concerns. He advises investors to focus on stocks and companies that are not heavily influenced by interest rates and to be cautious in the face of near-term economic challenges.


  • 📉 The stock market is currently influenced by the Federal Reserve's actions and inflation concerns.
  • 🚀 Jim Cramer is hopeful about the potential of technology, specifically artificial intelligence, to reduce costs.
  • 🏠 Housing prices remain high, but companies like Amazon are seen as capable of driving down prices in certain sectors.
  • 📈 Despite concerns, there is optimism about the impact of AI on drug discovery and healthcare, potentially speeding up the process significantly.
  • 📉 The Dow Jones Industrial Average dipped while the NASDAQ advanced, reflecting a mixed market performance.
  • 🤖 AI advancements, such as an AI supercomputer for scientific work, are viewed as game-changers but are not expected to immediately impact current inflationary concerns.
  • 🏢 High immigration is contributing to increased demand for housing, which is keeping housing prices and rents high.
  • 📈 Immigration also helps keep wage inflation down, although this may not be a primary concern for consumers.
  • 🎤 New AI developments, like an AI that can sing bedtime stories with emotion, showcase the potential of technology but do not directly address housing affordability.
  • 🚗 Current AI and technological innovations are not yet able to solve immediate economic issues such as high car prices, insurance rates, or rent costs.
  • 💰 Investors are advised to focus on stocks and companies that are not heavily influenced by interest rates, especially those that perform well during periods of high inflation.

Q & A

  • What is Jim Cramer's primary mission on 'Mad Money'?

    -Jim Cramer's primary mission on 'Mad Money' is to make viewers money and to level the playing field for all investors.

  • How does Jim Cramer view the current stock market situation?

    -Jim Cramer views the current stock market as being hostage to the Federal Reserve and inflation, but also sees potential for technology to free it and bring down costs.

  • What does Jim Cramer think about the impact of artificial intelligence on costs?

    -Jim Cramer is hopeful that artificial intelligence can bring down costs, as he sees potential in AI supercomputers to speed up scientific and healthcare work.

  • What is Jim Cramer's opinion on housing prices?

    -Jim Cramer doesn't like the fact that housing prices are staying stubbornly high, but he acknowledges the role of high immigration in increasing demand for housing.

  • How does Jim Cramer perceive the role of technology in the context of inflation?

    -Jim Cramer sees technology, particularly AI, as a potential tool to combat inflation by reducing costs, but he also acknowledges that in the near term, it won't have an impact on the current high-cost items.

  • What is Jim Cramer's advice regarding investing in stocks?

    -Jim Cramer advises sticking with stocks and companies that aren't hostage to interest rates, particularly growth stocks that perform poorly when rates go higher.

  • How does Jim Cramer respond to a caller's question about investing in Visa?

    -Jim Cramer believes that it's a fabulous level to get into Visa, as it is down from its high, and he encourages the caller to be a buyer.

  • What is Jim Cramer's view on the gig economy stocks?

    -Jim Cramer discusses the gig economy stocks and their rally, suggesting that there might be room to run, and he plans to give his take on the matter.

  • What does Jim Cramer say about the power of buybacks?

    -Jim Cramer states that the power of buybacks is real and he is going to share a buyback big shot that might be worth considering for investment.

  • How does Jim Cramer feel about the potential of generative AI?

    -Jim Cramer is excited about the potential of generative AI, but he also emphasizes that it won't have an immediate impact on the current inflationary issues.

  • What is Jim Cramer's perspective on the current state of the CPI report?

    -Jim Cramer expresses hope that the CPI report will come in cool, but he acknowledges that even if it does, it won't be in time to save from the current inflationary pressures.



📈 Investing in a Bull Market: The Promise of AI and Market Dynamics

The first paragraph introduces the show 'MAD MONEY' with the host's mission to make money for viewers and level the playing field for all investors. The host, Cramer, emphasizes the potential of always finding a bull market somewhere and the role of technology, specifically artificial intelligence, in reducing costs across various sectors. He discusses the dichotomy of worrying about inflation while being hopeful about AI's impact, mentioning how companies like Amazon can influence drug and grocery prices. The summary also touches on the importance of the crucial price index, the performance of the Dow and NASDAQ, and the potential of AI supercomputers like Biohive 2 in speeding up scientific and healthcare work. The limitations of AI in addressing immediate concerns like housing prices and immigration are also highlighted, along with the transformative potential of generative AI in the future.


💡 Navigating Near-Term Inflation and the Role of AI

The second paragraph delves into the challenges of near-term inflation and its impact on interest rates and stock investments. It draws parallels with the past, referencing the experience and the delay in realizing the potential of video ads. The host expresses optimism about AI's long-term benefits, such as increased productivity and reduced inflation, but acknowledges the current inflationary pressures on cars, insurance, homes, apparel, and rents. The discussion includes the limitations of AI in addressing immediate economic issues and the importance of focusing on stocks and companies not heavily impacted by interest rates. The host advises on investment strategies, suggesting a preference for growth stocks that are less sensitive to economic fluctuations and interest rates.


📞 Viewer Interaction and Investment Advice

The third paragraph showcases viewer interaction with the host, where callers discuss their investment concerns and seek advice. Topics include a caller's position in Visa and concerns about rising credit card debt, to which the host responds by distinguishing the role of Visa as a platform from that of banks issuing credit cards. Another caller shares their experience joining an investing club and seeks validation for their investment in Eaton, a stock previously recommended by the host. The host provides specific advice on how to approach buying more shares of Eaton, emphasizing the stock's erratic trading behavior and suggesting a strategy for taking advantage of price declines. The paragraph concludes with a teaser about discussing gig economy stocks and the power of buybacks in the following segments.




Stocks refer to shares in the ownership of a company. They are a core component of the financial market and are often bought and sold as investments. In the video, the speaker discusses how stocks could be influenced by the Federal Reserve's actions and inflation, indicating the broader economic factors that can affect stock prices.


The 'Fed' is short for the Federal Reserve, which is the central banking system of the United States. It plays a crucial role in the economy by setting monetary policy, including interest rates. The script mentions how the Fed's decisions can impact stocks, highlighting the Fed's significant influence on financial markets.


Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising, and subsequently, the purchasing power of currency is falling. The video script discusses concerns about inflation and its potential to affect the stock market negatively.

💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is seen as a potential solution to reduce costs and increase efficiency, which could counteract inflationary pressures.


Amazon is an e-commerce and technology giant known for its ability to disrupt markets and drive down prices through efficiencies in distribution and scale. The speaker cites Amazon as an example of a company that can influence prices, specifically mentioning its potential impact on drug and grocery prices.

💡Price Index

A price index is a statistical measure that shows the average price of a basket of consumer goods and services, usually compared to a base period. The video script mentions the 'crucial price index' in the context of upcoming economic data that could influence the stock market.


The NASDAQ is a stock exchange platform known for listing technology companies. It is an acronym for the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations. The script refers to the NASDAQ's performance, indicating its relevance as a barometer for the tech sector's health.

💡Drug Prices

Drug prices refer to the cost of pharmaceuticals. In the video, there is a discussion about how certain companies, like Amazon, could potentially reduce drug prices, which is significant as high drug prices are a concern for many consumers and healthcare systems.

💡AI Supercomputer

An AI supercomputer is a high-performance computing system designed to process complex data and perform tasks associated with artificial intelligence, such as machine learning and deep learning. The video mentions a new AI supercomputer aimed at accelerating scientific and healthcare work, emphasizing the role of technology in innovation.

💡Housing Prices

Housing prices are the costs associated with purchasing a home. The script expresses concern about housing prices remaining high, which is a significant economic indicator and a key factor in overall inflation rates.

💡Wage Inflation

Wage inflation occurs when there is a rapid increase in wages that outpaces economic growth. The video discusses how immigration can help keep wage inflation in check, although this is not a primary concern for consumers.


Jim Cramer discusses the current state of the stock market and its potential hostage situation to the Federal Reserve and inflation.

Cramer expresses hope in technology's stealth forces potentially freeing stocks from current market challenges.

Concerns about inflation are acknowledged, but there's optimism about artificial intelligence's ability to reduce costs.

Amazon's impact on reducing drug and grocery prices is highlighted as an example of technology's influence on the market.

The introduction of a new AI supercomputer, BIOHIVE 2, is mentioned for its potential to accelerate scientific and healthcare work.

NVIDIA's involvement with drug development and the use of AI to expedite discovery and development times is discussed.

Cramer emphasizes the transformative potential of AI in analyzing data and treating hard-to-cure illnesses more quickly.

The challenge of房租 (rents) not decreasing and their significant impact on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is addressed.

Immigration's role in increasing housing demand and its effect on wage inflation is examined.

CHATGPT 4.0, an advanced AI, is praised for its ability to perceive emotions and enhance storytelling experiences.

Cramer questions the immediate impact of AI on housing prices and the construction industry, comparing it to the slow adoption of video ads in the past.

The limitations of current AI capabilities in addressing near-term inflationary concerns are highlighted.

A cautionary note is sounded about the stock market's sensitivity to interest rates and the Fed's potential policy responses.

Investment advice is given to focus on stocks and companies not heavily influenced by interest rates, especially in the tech sector.

Cramer discusses the gig economy stocks and their recent performance, suggesting a potential for continued growth.

The power of stock buybacks is recognized as a significant factor in stock performance.

Caller Miles in Louisiana asks about investing in Visa amidst rising credit card debt, to which Cramer responds that it's a good level to invest.

Tom in New York discusses joining an investing club and seeks advice on increasing his position in Eaton, a stock Cramer favors.