Teaching rizz to Ai

26 Jul 202328:55

TLDRThe video script revolves around a unique concept of teaching 'Riz,' a playful term for charm and social skills, to various characters including Tundra, Casey, and Finn. The narrator, who refers to himself as 'plague,' shares his book of 'tips and trizz' and embarks on a journey to help these characters improve their interpersonal relationships. Through humorous and sometimes awkward situations, the characters learn to navigate social scenarios, express feelings, and ask for dates, leading to a blend of cringe-worthy and heartwarming moments. The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to engage with the content and provide feedback for future improvements.


  • ๐Ÿ“š The speaker begins by referencing a book of tips and tricks, indicating a focus on sharing knowledge.
  • ๐ŸŽค The introduction of the video involves a playful and musical element, setting a light-hearted tone.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ฅ The video features three main characters: Tundra, Casey, and Finn, each with unique personalities and situations.
  • ๐Ÿ’ก Tundra, despite being well-liked, lacks confidence in his romantic pursuits and seeks advice.
  • ๐ŸŒŸ The speaker encourages Tundra to recognize his own worth and attractiveness, building his self-esteem.
  • ๐Ÿ’Œ Tundra successfully uses a pickup line learned from the speaker, leading to a positive interaction with Kano.
  • ๐Ÿซ Casey, the bully girl, starts off antagonistic but shows potential for change through unexpected friendships.
  • ๐Ÿ€ A twist in Casey's story involves her developing a crush on the speaker, leading to a failed romantic advance.
  • ๐ŸŽ’ Finn's storyline involves advice on how to approach romantic interests, with a focus on winning back Flame Princess.
  • ๐Ÿš€ Despite a clumsy plan, Finn ends up successfully securing a date with Flame Princess, showcasing the power of persistence.
  • ๐ŸŽฅ The video concludes with the speaker reflecting on the outcomes of the advice given, highlighting the success in helping the characters.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the video?

    -The main theme of the video is about teaching AI the art of 'Rizz,' which seems to be a playful term for social interactions and relationships.

  • Who are the three characters mentioned in the video?

    -The three characters mentioned are Tundra from Demon's Lair, Casey the bully girl, and Finn the Human from Adventure Time.

  • How does Tundra feel about his interactions with girls?

    -Tundra feels that he is nice to everyone but lacks the ability to win girls' hearts, which he wants to improve.

  • What advice does the speaker give to Tundra to help him with his confidence?

    -The speaker tells Tundra that he is the main character and is lovable, encouraging him to be more confident in his interactions.

  • What is the speaker's strategy for helping Casey, the bully girl?

    -The speaker's strategy for Casey is to gain her trust by offering friendship and then using that trust to influence her behavior positively.

  • How does the speaker propose to help Finn with his romantic endeavors?

    -The speaker suggests using a water balloon prank to create a situation where Finn can appear innocent and helpful, thus impressing Flame Princess.

  • What is the outcome of Tundra's attempt to use the pickup line provided by the speaker?

    -Tundra's attempt is successful; he manages to impress Kano, and she agrees to go on a date with him.

  • What is the result of the speaker's plan to help Casey make friends?

    -The plan backfires when Casey's crush reveals that he was the one who set up the water balloon prank, leading to an awkward situation.

  • How does Finn react when Flame Princess seems to accept his high five as a sign of agreement to go out with him?

    -Finn is filled with excitement and nervousness, prematurely celebrating the perceived acceptance before realizing she hasn't actually confirmed her response.

  • What is the speaker's final verdict on the day's events?

    -The speaker considers the day a success, having helped the characters to some extent, despite the awkward outcomes and his own frustrations.

  • What does the speaker ask the viewers to do after watching the video?

    -The speaker asks viewers to subscribe, comment with 'tap dancing koalas,' and suggest what they want to see in future videos.



๐ŸŽค Introduction and AI's Role in Learning Rizz

The video begins with the host explaining the day's agenda, which involves teaching AI the concept of 'Rizz'. The host, who refers to himself as 'Plague', shares his book of tips and tricks, intended for AI, and opens up to page 37 to dive into the 'good stuff'. He introduces three characters - Tundra, a kind-hearted individual from Demon's Lair; Casey, a bully girl; and Finn from Adventure Time. The goal is to help these characters improve their social interactions and relationships by learning 'Rizz'.


๐Ÿ’– Tundra's Journey to Win Kano's Heart

The segment focuses on Tundra, who is described as always nice and happy, but lacks the ability to win over girls' hearts. Plague offers advice to Tundra on how to impress Kano, suggesting he use his knowledge of Sun Breathing as a conversation starter. Tundra musters the courage to approach Kano with a heartfelt pickup line, which successfully captures her interest. The exchange leads to Tundra asking Kano out on a date, and she accepts, leaving Tundra ecstatic and promising to plan the best date possible.


๐Ÿคบ Casey's Transformation from Bully to Friend

Casey, the bully girl, is the next focus. She is initially portrayed as cold-hearted, but Plague aims to change that by offering friendship. A school lunch scenario is used to illustrate the dynamic, where Plague offers to share his lunch in exchange for spending the day together. They embark on a 'peace tour', confronting Casey's enemies, during which Plague uses a subtle glance to imply a romantic interest. This leads to Casey opening up, showing a softer side, and even considering asking out her crush. However, the situation takes a turn when Casey's attempt at a romantic moment is met with an immature prank, leaving her upset and the plan partially successful.


๐ŸŽ‰ Finn's Misadventures with Flame Princess

The final segment involves Finn, who struggles with relationships, particularly with Flame Princess. Plague suggests a plan to impress her by causing a commotion and then appearing as the innocent helper. However, the plan backfires when Finn accidentally hits Flame Princess with a water balloon, putting out her fire. Despite the mishap, Flame Princess seems to find the situation amusing and agrees to go out with Finn, leaving him both relieved and excited. The video concludes with Plague reflecting on the day's events, acknowledging the mixed results but overall satisfied with the progress made.




In the context of the video, 'Rizz' appears to be a term related to social interaction skills, particularly in romantic or friendly scenarios. It is used to describe the process of engaging with others in a charming or appealing way. The main character is teaching 'Rizz' to AI, indicating it's a valuable skill to possess. The term is used throughout the video as the central theme for the interactions taking place.


AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is a key concept in the video. The main character is teaching 'Rizz' to AI, suggesting the AI is being programmed to understand and apply social skills. This indicates a focus on the development of AI to handle complex human interactions and the potential for AI to learn beyond its technical capabilities.


Tundra is one of the characters in the video who is described as always nice and happy towards everyone. However, he lacks certain social skills, particularly in romantic pursuits. The term 'Tundra' typically refers to a large, frozen, and treeless area, but in this context, it's used as a character's name, highlighting the character's role in the narrative of learning 'Rizz'.


Kamada is another character mentioned in the script, originating from 'Demon's Lair'. The name could be a reference to a place or a character's title, adding a fantastical element to the video's setting. The use of such names contributes to the creation of a unique world within the video's narrative.

๐Ÿ’กCasey the bully

Casey the bully is a character who is initially portrayed as cold-hearted and engaging in negative social behaviors like bullying. The character's development throughout the video signifies a potential transformation, which is a common theme in narratives where characters learn and grow through experiences.

๐Ÿ’กFinn the Human

Finn the Human is a character from the popular animated series 'Adventure Time'. His inclusion in the video signifies a crossover element, bringing familiar traits and backstory from the original series into the video's narrative. This character is used to illustrate the application of 'Rizz' in different contexts, including overcoming past romantic mishaps.

๐Ÿ’กSun Breathing

Sun Breathing is mentioned as a technique or skill being learned by one of the characters. It seems to be part of the fictional world's lore, possibly a form of combat or discipline. The term is used to add depth to the character's abilities and the world they inhabit, and it's also used as a conversational topic to demonstrate 'Rizz' in action.

๐Ÿ’กPickup Lines

Pickup lines in this context refer to pre-prepared or spontaneous phrases intended to attract attention or start a conversation with someone romantically. They are a central part of the 'Rizz' concept being taught, as characters use them to engage with one another in a playful and charming manner.

๐Ÿ’กFlame Princess

Flame Princess is a character from 'Adventure Time' who is mentioned in the video. Her inclusion indicates a continuation of Finn's storyline from the original series, and she serves as a romantic interest for Finn. The dynamic between Finn and Flame Princess is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of 'Rizz' and the complexities of relationships.


Bullies in the video represent characters who engage in negative social interactions. The term is used to highlight the need for change and growth in these characters, as well as to explore themes of redemption and transformation. The interactions with the bullies serve as a backdrop for teaching 'Rizz' and fostering positive social dynamics.

๐Ÿ’กDemon Slayer

Demon Slayer is referenced as the occupation of one of the characters, Tundra. It adds a fantastical and action-oriented element to the characters' backgrounds and the world they live in. The term is used to illustrate the character's role and the challenges they face, both in their profession and in learning 'Rizz'.


Friendship is a key concept in the video, as it is portrayed as a positive outcome of the 'Rizz' teaching process. The development of friendships, especially with characters like the bully girl, Casey, signifies a shift from negative to positive social interactions and is a testament to the power of 'Rizz' in transforming relationships.


The speaker introduces a new segment where they will teach AI how to perform 'Riz', a term used in the context of the video for a specific action or behavior.

The speaker discusses a failed attempt at writing a book, but pivots to sharing tips and tricks, or 'trizz', with the AI.

The speaker emphasizes their generosity in sharing knowledge with the AI, positioning themselves as a 'good dude'.

The speaker introduces three characters from different fictional universes for the purpose of teaching them 'Riz'.

Tundra, a character from Demon Slayer, is identified as always being nice but lacking in romantic success.

The speaker uses humor and role-play to teach Tundra how to express interest in someone, specifically using a pickup line involving 'Sun breathing'.

The speaker's advice leads to Tundra successfully getting a positive reaction from Kano, another character from Demon Slayer.

The speaker humorously takes on the role of a 'bully' to engage with Casey, a character known as a bully girl.

The speaker employs a strategy of pretending to befriend the bully, Casey, as a means to an end.

The speaker's plan to make Casey fall in love involves a series of pranks and then a sudden change of behavior.

Casey, the bully girl, unexpectedly shows a softer side when she starts to develop feelings for the speaker.

The speaker's advice to Finn, from Adventure Time, involves a complex and humorous plan involving a water balloon and a princess.

Finn's execution of the water balloon plan goes awry, but he manages to salvage the situation through quick thinking.

Flame Princess, initially suspicious of Finn, eventually agrees to go out with him after a series of awkward exchanges.

The speaker reflects on the outcomes of their advice, noting both successes and humorous failures.

The speaker concludes the video by thanking viewers and encouraging them to leave comments and subscribe.