Image To Image To Leonardo Ai Tutorial

Autopilot Passive Income
1 Dec 202329:44

TLDRIn this informative video, the creator shares a detailed guide on utilizing Leonardo AI for generating better imageo images. The process involves using specific tools like the unlimited images plus Analytics tool and various techniques such as adjusting the image aspect ratio, fine-tuning the AI model, and applying image guidance. The creator demonstrates how to integrate elements like cherry blossoms and pumpkins into patterns, emphasizing the importance of experimenting with different settings to optimize results. The video also explores the potential of selling these AI-generated images on platforms like Society 6, highlighting the creator's monetization strategy.


  • 🎨 Utilizing AI for image generation can enhance creative processes and potentially generate income through various products.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ The video demonstrates the use of Leonardo AI for image generation, specifically focusing on fine-tuned models for cost-effective results.
  • 🌸 An example of creating a cherry blossom pattern using image guidance and tiling is provided to illustrate the process.
  • πŸ‚ The script also covers generating images with a fall season vibe, like pumpkins and leaves, using specific keywords and image guidance.
  • πŸ“ˆ The importance of aspect ratio is highlighted, with adjustments made for optimal image results.
  • πŸ› οΈ The video introduces various settings and features within Leonardo AI, such as image guidance strength, guidance scale, and tiling.
  • 🎨 Experimentation with different settings (e.g., guidance scale, strength) is encouraged to achieve desired image outcomes.
  • πŸ’‘ The video emphasizes the potential uses of generated images for products on platforms like Society6 and the importance of tailoring images for specific platforms.
  • 🌟 The AI's ability to incorporate detailed elements like intricate patterns and specific color palettes is showcased.
  • πŸ”„ The process of trial and error in AI image generation is acknowledged, with various examples demonstrating different results based on adjustments made.
  • πŸ”— Additional resources like AI image editing tools and premium plans for more advanced features are mentioned, with links provided in the video description for further exploration.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    -The main focus of the video is to provide a guide on how to create better image-to-image generations using Leonardo AI.

  • How does the creator of the video monetize the content they create with AI?

    -The creator monetizes the content by generating different images, posting them on various products for sale, and earning money from those products.

  • What is the purpose of the unlimited images plus Analytics tool mentioned in the video?

    -The unlimited images plus Analytics tool is a Chrome extension used for searching and downloading images that can be used in AI image generation processes.

  • What is the significance of the aspect ratio in AI image generation?

    -The aspect ratio is significant because it affects the output of the generated image. Matching the aspect ratio of the input image to the output aspect ratio yields the best results.

  • What is image guidance in the context of AI image generation?

    -Image guidance is a feature in Leonardo AI that allows users to upload an image and guide the AI in generating new images based on the elements and characteristics of the uploaded image.

  • How does the strength setting in image guidance affect the output?

    -The strength setting determines how closely the output image resembles the input image. Higher strength results in a more similar output, while lower strength allows for more variation and creativity in the generated image.

  • What is tiling in AI image generation, and when would you use it?

    -Tiling is a setting that allows the AI to create a seamless pattern that can be repeated without visible seams. It is used when the goal is to create a pattern that can be used on various products, like wallpapers or textiles.

  • How does the guidance scale setting influence the AI image generation?

    -The guidance scale setting increases the emphasis on the written prompt over the input image, which can lead to more abstract or stylized outputs based on the user's description.

  • What are some of the different models available in Leonardo AI for image generation?

    -Some of the different models available in Leonardo AI for image generation include the fine-tuned model of Leonardo diffusion, Dream Shaper V7, and models with Alchemy and Prompt Magic features.

  • What is the role of the color tool in AI image generation?

    -The color tool allows users to generate and select specific colors for the AI to incorporate into the generated image, adding a level of customization and personal preference to the output.

  • What is the creator's strategy for minimizing the cost of tokens when using Leonardo AI?

    -The creator's strategy for minimizing the cost of tokens involves experimenting with different settings and models to find the most cost-effective way to generate high-quality images while also maximizing the use of available resources.



🎨 Introduction to AI Image Generation with Leonardo AI

The video begins with an introduction to the process of AI image generation using Leonardo AI. The creator explains his motivation for making content with AI, which is to generate income by creating and selling products featuring the generated images. An example given is selling Society 6 products with unique designs. The creator then outlines the steps for generating images, starting with finding or creating the original image and using a tool called the unlimited images plus Analytics tool from Bots and The video sets the stage for a detailed guide on how to create better image generations using AI.


🌸 Cherry Pattern Creation and Image Guidance

In this segment, the creator focuses on creating a cherry pattern using the Leonardo AI image generator. The process involves searching for an image to use as a base, in this case, cherry blossoms, and then using the image guidance feature in Leonardo AI. The creator explains the importance of matching the aspect ratio for optimal results and demonstrates how to adjust the settings for the best outcome. The video also covers how to add details to the AI prompt, such as 'ornate' and 'intricate patterns of petals and leaves', and how to select colors for the generation. The creator emphasizes the flexibility and creativity involved in AI image generation.


🎨 Exploring Image Generation Variations

The creator delves into the different variations and adjustments that can be made in the AI image generation process. By playing with the guidance scale and strength, the creator demonstrates how the output image can be significantly altered. The video shows how increasing the guidance scale makes the AI pay more attention to the written prompt, resulting in images that closely resemble the original input. The creator also shows how changing the strength of the image guidance can lead to different levels of detail and style in the generated images, from pencil drawings to more vibrant and detailed outputs.


πŸ‚ Fall Themed Image Generation

This part of the video focuses on generating fall-themed images using the pumpkin and leaf photographs. The creator explains how to upload new images and adjust the settings to create a fall season vibe. The video covers the use of different image input selectors and how they function, such as 'image to image' and 'pose to image'. The creator provides a detailed walkthrough of creating a pattern with a pile of pumpkins and varying the colors and style to achieve a watercolor painting effect. The video also touches on the potential commercial uses of the generated images, such as for desk mats, t-shirts, and greeting cards.


🍁 Experimenting with Leaf Images and Models

The creator continues the exploration of AI image generation with a focus on leaf images. The video demonstrates how to refine the prompt to better represent the desired output, such as specifying 'Maple Leaves' for a more accurate representation. The creator experiments with different models, including 'Dream Shaper V7' and 'Alchemy', to show the range of possible outcomes and the associated cost in tokens. The video emphasizes the importance of experimentation and adjusting the prompts and settings to achieve the desired aesthetic, whether it's a hand-drawn look or a more realistic style.


🌟 Conclusion and Future Video Suggestions

The video concludes with a recap of the AI image generation process and the various techniques and models explored. The creator encourages viewers to experiment with the tools and offers to make more videos on specific topics if requested. The video ends with a call to action for viewers to provide feedback and suggestions for future content, fostering an interactive and community-driven approach to content creation.



πŸ’‘Image Generation

Image Generation refers to the process of creating new images using artificial intelligence, as demonstrated in the video. It involves inputting specific instructions or elements into an AI platform, such as Leonardo AI, to produce unique visual content. In the context of the video, the creator uses this technology to generate patterns and designs that can be used for commercial purposes, like selling on Society 6.

πŸ’‘AI Image Guide

An AI Image Guide is a tool or method used to direct the AI in generating images that align with the user's vision. It involves providing the AI with a reference image and guidance on the desired output, such as style or theme. In the video, the creator uses an AI image guide to achieve specific aesthetic outcomes, like a cherry pattern or a fall season vibe, by adjusting settings and providing descriptive keywords.

πŸ’‘Society 6

Society 6 is an online marketplace that allows artists to sell their designs on various products. In the video, the creator discusses using this platform to monetize the AI-generated images by turning them into patterns that can be applied to products available for sale on Society 6.

πŸ’‘Unlimited Images Plus

Unlimited Images Plus is a Chrome extension tool mentioned in the video, which the creator uses to find and download images for use in the AI image generation process. This tool is from Bots and and is utilized to search for images that will serve as a basis for the AI to create new, unique designs.

πŸ’‘Fine-Tuned Model

A fine-tuned model in the context of AI refers to a pre-trained model that has been further trained or adjusted on a specific task or dataset to improve its performance. In the video, the creator opts to use the fine-tuned model of Leonardo Diffusion to generate images with the lowest amount of credits possible, making it an efficient choice for those with a free account.

πŸ’‘Image Guidance

Image Guidance is a feature within AI image generation platforms that allows users to upload an image and guide the AI in creating new images based on that input. It helps to ensure that the generated images align closely with the user's desired outcome by incorporating elements from the provided image. In the video, the creator uses image guidance to direct the AI in generating patterns and designs that match their vision.


Tiling in the context of image generation refers to the creation of a pattern or design that can be repeated seamlessly across a surface. It is a setting within AI image generation tools that allows users to produce images intended for use as patterns on various products. The creator in the video uses the tiling setting to generate images that can be used on products without any visible breaks or repetitions.

πŸ’‘Prompt Magic

Prompt Magic is a feature within AI platforms that enhances the user's ability to influence the AI's output by refining the prompts or instructions given to the AI. It allows for more detailed and nuanced control over the generation process, potentially resulting in more accurate or desirable outcomes. In the video, the creator mentions using Prompt Magic as one of the settings available in the AI image generation process.


Alchemy, in the context of AI image generation, is a feature that further refines the output based on the user's requirements. It is a premium feature that typically costs more tokens or credits compared to standard generation options. Alchemy is designed to improve the quality or style of the generated images, making them more suitable for specific applications or aesthetics.

πŸ’‘Watercolor Painting

Watercolor Painting is an artistic medium and style that involves the use of water-soluble pigments. In the context of the video, the creator uses the term to describe the visual style they want the AI to emulate when generating images. This style is characterized by its fluidity, transparency, and the way colors blend and interact on the paper.


The video provides a comprehensive guide on using Leonardo AI for image generation, specifically for creating better imageo images.

The creator uses AI-generated images to produce and sell products on platforms like Society 6, turning a profit from the images created.

A tool called 'unlimited images plus Analytics tool' from Bots and is utilized to find suitable images for the AI image generation process.

The video demonstrates the process of selecting and uploading an image for AI image generation, using cherry blossoms as an example.

The importance of aspect ratio is discussed, with the creator adjusting the settings to match the image's aspect ratio for optimal results.

The concept of 'image guidance' is introduced, where the AI uses the uploaded image as a reference for generating new images.

The creator explains the use of 'strength' in image guidance, which determines how closely the generated image resembles the original.

The process of adding details to the AI prompt, such as 'ornate' and 'intricate patterns of petals and leaves', is shown to enhance the generated image.

The video showcases the impact of changing the guidance scale on the AI-generated image, with higher scales leading to more emphasis on the written prompt.

The creator demonstrates how to adjust the AI's settings, like 'tiling', to create seamless patterns for various products.

Experimentation with different models within Leonardo AI, such as 'Dream Shaper V7' and 'Alchemy', is explored to achieve varied results.

The video highlights the importance of experimenting with different settings and images to achieve desired outcomes in AI image generation.

The creator discusses the potential uses for AI-generated images, such as desk mats, aprons, t-shirts, and greeting cards, among others.

The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to share their thoughts and suggestions for future content related to AI image generation.