Tensor Art image To image Tutorial│Ai Hipe

AI Hipe
23 Jan 202406:00

TLDRThis video tutorial introduces viewers to the process of creating AI-generated images using Tensor Art. It guides users through the steps of accessing the Tensor Art website, logging in, and selecting the 'Image to Image' option. The viewer is instructed to upload a reference image and choose a model for the AI to use. The video explains the importance of crafting a detailed prompt to guide the AI in generating the desired image and provides tips on adjusting settings like strength and aspect ratio. It also covers how to use negative prompts to exclude unwanted elements. The tutorial emphasizes patience during the image generation process, which can take up to 120 seconds depending on internet speed. Finally, viewers are shown how to interact with the generated image, including the ability to recreate, upscale, and share it. The presenter encourages experimentation with different prompts and models to achieve the best results and invites viewers to subscribe for more informative content.


  • 🎨 Use Tensor Art for creating AI-generated images and art pieces.
  • 🌐 Visit the Tensor Art website through a browser search or provided link.
  • 🔑 Log in to access the platform's features.
  • 🖼️ Choose the 'Image to Image' option for generating images based on a reference image.
  • 📂 Upload a reference image by selecting it or using drag and drop.
  • 🤖 Select a model for AI image generation from the available options.
  • 📝 Enter a prompt describing the desired changes or additions to the reference image.
  • 🚫 Use a negative prompt to specify elements you don't want in the generated image.
  • ⚙️ Adjust the strength and aspect ratio of the model for better results.
  • ⏱️ Wait for the image to be generated, which may take up to 120 seconds depending on internet speed.
  • 🔄 If the generated image doesn't meet expectations, try different prompts or models.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is a tutorial on how to use Tensor Art for image-to-image generation.

  • What kind of art pieces can be created using Tensor Art?

    -Using Tensor Art, one can create different kinds of art pieces, including AI-generated images.

  • How does one access Tensor Art?

    -To access Tensor Art, one needs to go to the browser, search for 'Tensor Art', or use the link provided in the video description, and then log in to the website.

  • What is the process of image-to-image generation in Tensor Art?

    -The process involves uploading a reference image, selecting a model, providing a prompt and negative prompt, adjusting settings like strength and aspect ratio, and then generating the image.

  • What is a 'prompt' in the context of image generation?

    -A 'prompt' is a description in words of the desired image that the user wants to create, guiding the AI in generating the image.

  • What is a 'negative prompt' and how is it used?

    -A 'negative prompt' is a list of elements or characteristics that the user does not want to be included in the generated image. It helps refine the image generation process.

  • What happens if the generated image does not meet the user's expectations?

    -If the generated image does not meet expectations, the user can upload a different image, try different prompts, or select a different model to achieve better results.

  • How long does it typically take to generate an image using Tensor Art?

    -The video mentions that image generation can take up to 120 seconds, but it may take less time depending on the speed of the user's internet connection.

  • What options are available after an image has been generated?

    -After an image is generated, users can recreate it, use it as a reference for another image, upscale it, compare before and after versions, make changes, share it, or download it.

  • What should one do while the image is being generated?

    -While the image is being generated, it is recommended to wait patiently without closing the tab or switching to another tab, as this could potentially affect the image generation process.

  • How can users stay updated with more informative content like this tutorial?

    -Users can subscribe to the YouTube channel, press the Bell icon button to receive notifications, and watch more videos for updates and informative content.



🎨 Tensor Art Image Generation Tutorial

This paragraph introduces the viewer to the process of creating AI-generated images using Tensor Art. It explains that Tensor Art is an excellent platform for artists looking to create unique pieces of art. The user is guided through the process of accessing the Tensor Art website, logging in, and selecting the 'Create' option followed by 'Classic Art'. The tutorial then instructs on choosing the 'Image to Image' option, uploading a reference image, and customizing the AI image generation by selecting a model, adding a prompt, and optionally adjusting settings like negative prompt, strength, aspect ratio, scaling, and advanced settings. It emphasizes the need to wait patiently for the image to generate, which can take up to 120 seconds depending on internet speed. The paragraph concludes with options for recreating, sharing, and downloading the generated image, and encourages trying different prompts and models if the initial results are not satisfactory.


🖼️ Creating AI Images with Tensor Art

The second paragraph summarizes the process of generating AI images using Tensor Art's 'Image to Image' feature. It emphasizes the ease of adding a reference image and choosing a model to start the image creation process. The user is reminded to input a prompt and a negative prompt to guide the AI in generating the desired image. The paragraph also mentions exploring other settings to customize the image generation further. After setting the preferences, the user is instructed to click 'Generate' and wait for the AI to create the image, which may take a minute or a few seconds. The paragraph concludes by stating that the viewer can create as many images as they want using Tensor Art with any image of their choice as a reference. It ends with a call to action to subscribe to the YouTube channel for more informative content and to enable notifications by pressing the Bell icon.



💡Tensor Art

Tensor Art refers to a platform or technology that utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to create or manipulate images. In the context of the video, it is a tool that allows users to generate new images based on existing ones or textual prompts, making it a powerful option for artists and designers looking to incorporate AI into their creative process.

💡Image to Image

Image to Image is a process within AI and machine learning where an input image is used to generate a new image. This is typically done through a model that has been trained on large datasets of images. In the video, the host demonstrates how to use Tensor Art to generate a new image by uploading a reference image and applying various settings and prompts.

💡AI Generated Images

AI Generated Images are visuals created using artificial intelligence algorithms. These images are not produced by human artists but are instead the output of AI models that have learned to create images from data. The video discusses the use of Tensor Art to create such images, emphasizing its utility for artists looking to explore new creative possibilities.


In the context of the video, a Model refers to a specific AI algorithm or neural network that is used to generate images. Different models have different capabilities and styles, and users can choose the one that best fits their creative vision. The video script mentions selecting a model as one of the steps in the image generation process on Tensor Art.


A Prompt is a form of instruction or a description that guides the AI in generating an image. It can be a textual description of what the user wants the image to represent. The video emphasizes the importance of the prompt in the image generation process, as it directly influences the output of the AI.

💡Negative Prompt

A Negative Prompt is a set of instructions or descriptions that specify what the user does not want to be included in the generated image. This can include elements such as 'bad quality', 'irregular body', or 'ugly images'. The script explains that by specifying negative prompts, users can refine the AI's output to exclude unwanted features.


Strength, in the context of the video, refers to the intensity or dominance of the selected model's influence on the image generation process. By increasing the strength, the model's characteristics are more prominently featured in the resulting image. The script describes adjusting the strength as part of customizing the image generation settings.

💡Aspect Ratio

Aspect Ratio is the proportional relationship between the width and the height of an image. It is an important parameter when generating images, as it determines the shape of the output. The video script mentions choosing an aspect ratio as one of the settings that can be adjusted when using Tensor Art.


CFG, which stands for Configuration, refers to the settings or parameters that control the behavior of the AI model during the image generation process. In the video, CFG is one of the options that users can adjust to fine-tune the output of the AI according to their preferences.


A Seed in the context of AI image generation is a starting point or an initial value that the model uses to produce an image. Different seeds can lead to different outputs even with the same settings, allowing for a variety of results. The script mentions choosing a seed as one of the customizable options in Tensor Art.

💡Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings are optional configurations that users can adjust for more control over the AI's image generation process. These settings can include various technical parameters that affect the final output. The video script briefly mentions the existence of advanced settings without going into detail, suggesting they are for users who require more nuanced control.


This video is a tutorial on generating images using Tensor Art's image to image feature.

Tensor Art is recommended for creating AI-generated art pieces.

To use Tensor Art, visit their website and log in.

Select 'Create' and then 'Classic Art' to begin the image generation process.

Choose 'Image to Image' for creating art based on a reference image.

Upload a reference image by selecting or dragging it into the designated area.

Select a model from the available options for AI image generation.

Choose additional options like 'Add Laura' or 'Add Controller' if desired.

Select a VA AI option to further refine the image generation process.

Craft a prompt describing the desired image to guide the AI.

Include a negative prompt to specify elements you don't want in the image.

Adjust the 'Strength' setting to control the intensity of the model's influence.

Choose the aspect ratio and other image specifications as needed.

Select scaling options and other advanced settings to fine-tune the output.

Click 'Generate' to start creating the AI image, which may take up to 120 seconds.

Avoid interrupting the process by switching tabs or turning off the browser.

Once generated, you can recreate, upscale, or share the image with others.

Experiment with different prompts and models to achieve desired results.

Subscribe to the YouTube channel for more informative and helpful content.