The BEST of Jesse Lee Peterson SAVAGE Moments! # 7

11 Feb 202211:00

TLDRThe transcript captures a dynamic discussion surrounding the concept of masculinity, border security, and societal roles. Participants engage in a dialogue that questions traditional definitions of 'a man,' touching on evolving gender roles and the influence of societal expectations. The conversation also delves into the importance of border security, with differing viewpoints on methods and intentions. Amidst the debate, the role of love, the existence of racism, and personal experiences with discrimination are shared, highlighting the complexity of these social issues.


  • 📢 The discussion revolves around the concept of border security and the various interpretations of what it entails, such as physical barriers or personnel deployment.
  • 🧱 The term 'wall' is used metaphorically to represent different viewpoints on security measures, with some participants not supporting a physical wall but advocating for other forms of border control.
  • 🎤 Diverse individuals share their perspectives, including a best-selling author, a small business owner, a therapist, and others, highlighting the multifaceted nature of the conversation.
  • 👤 The conversation touches on the evolving definition of masculinity and the societal roles of men, acknowledging that traditional roles are being questioned and redefined.
  • 💪 There's a segment where the capabilities and strengths of women are discussed, leading to a debate on whether certain traits make someone a 'man' or not.
  • 🚴‍♂️ An anecdote about being stopped by the police while riding a bicycle is shared as a personal experience of racism, emphasizing individual experiences and interpretations of systemic issues.
  • 🤝 The dialogue suggests that relationships between men and women are complex, with sex being a significant factor, and questions whether men would interact with women if not for sexual reasons.
  • 🧬 The role of biology and evolutionary factors in shaping male and female relationships is considered, hinting at the deep-rooted nature of these dynamics.
  • 💔 A family therapist in the conversation refuses to answer a hypothetical question about relationships without sex, highlighting the difficulty in generalizing such scenarios.
  • 🌎 The conversation reflects on societal changes and the shifting dynamics between genders, hinting at ongoing debates about equality and the roles of men and women in contemporary society.
  • 🤔 The script ends with an unresolved question about the nature of love and racism, leaving the audience to ponder these complex themes.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion in the transcript?

    -The main topic of discussion in the transcript revolves around the concept of masculinity, border security, and the roles of men and women in society.

  • What does the phrase 'items for border security' refer to in the context of the transcript?

    -In the context of the transcript, 'items for border security' likely refers to measures or resources intended to enhance the safety and security of national borders, although the speaker is seeking a better term to describe these measures.

  • Who are some of the individuals mentioned in the transcript and what are their roles?

    -The individuals mentioned in the transcript include Alexander Juan Antonio Cortez, a 'real player'; Steven, a small business owner and real estate attorney from South Central L.A; Michael Knowle, author of a best-selling book advocating for Democrats; and Renardo Strayhorn, a PhD and licensed marriage and family therapist with a practice in Los Angeles.

  • What is the debate about the definition of a man in the transcript?

    -The debate about the definition of a man in the transcript involves the traditional view of men as not being women and the evolving understanding that a man could also be a woman or someone who possesses characteristics not limited to biological sex. The discussion also touches on societal roles and expectations of men.

  • What is the perspective of the speaker who mentions 'characteristics of men'?

    -The speaker who mentions 'characteristics of men' argues that despite women being able to exhibit traditionally masculine traits such as strength and independence, the absence of male biological characteristics, specifically 'balls', means one cannot be considered a man.

  • How does the speaker view the relationship between men and women in the context of dating and masculinity?

    -The speaker views the relationship between men and women in the context of dating as potentially competitive, especially when women exhibit strong, traditionally masculine traits. The speaker questions whether men would want a woman who competes with their sense of masculinity.

  • What is the discussion about the role of sex in relationships?

    -The discussion about the role of sex in relationships in the transcript suggests that sex is a strong biological drive for men and a significant component in relationships. The speakers ponder whether men would have any interest in relationships with women if sex were not a factor.

  • What is the viewpoint of the family therapist on the panel regarding the question about sex and relationships?

    -The family therapist on the panel suggests that relationships are complex and cannot be reduced to simple questions like whether men would have anything to do with women without sex. The therapist emphasizes that relationships are not black and white and involve many factors.

  • What is the opinion of the speaker who mentions 'evolution might allow for a long-term plan' in changing the role of sex in relationships?

    -The speaker suggests that evolution could potentially lead to changes in the importance of sex in relationships over time, indicating a belief in the adaptability of human relationships and societal norms.

  • How is the topic of racism addressed in the transcript?

    -The topic of racism is addressed as a reality that persists in society, with one individual sharing a personal experience of being stopped by the police while riding a bicycle, interpreting the incident as an example of racism.

  • What is the conclusion reached about the question of whether men would have anything to do with women if it weren't for sex?

    -The conclusion reached in the transcript is that sex is a fundamental aspect of relationships for men, and without it, the nature of interactions and relationships between men and women would be significantly different, although the exact implications are left open to interpretation.



🤔 Debate on Border Security and Defining Masculinity

The first paragraph involves a heated discussion on border security, with participants expressing their views on the need for measures such as physical barriers or personnel to secure the border. The conversation takes a turn as it delves into the definition of masculinity, questioning what it means to be a man in today's society. Participants share their perspectives, with some arguing that traditional gender roles are shifting and others asserting that certain characteristics, such as physical attributes, define a man. The discussion also touches on the role of women and how societal changes might affect the perception of men.


🧐 Speculations on Male-Female Relationships and the Impact of Sex

This paragraph explores the dynamics of male-female relationships, focusing on the biological and emotional aspects that drive interactions between the sexes. The conversation revolves around the significance of sex in relationships and questions whether men would have any involvement with women if sex was not a factor. Various opinions are expressed, from the biological imperative of sex to the potential for evolution to change this dynamic. The discussion also considers the complexity of relationships and the reluctance of some to answer hypothetical questions that remove the element of sex from the equation.


😠 Confronting Racism and Personal Experiences

The third paragraph presents a personal account of an individual's encounter with law enforcement, which they interpret as an experience of racism. The participant argues that their stop by the police after running a red light is indicative of racial profiling. The conversation becomes contentious, with others questioning the validity of this claim and challenging the participant's assertion that this incident is proof of racism. The discussion highlights the subjective nature of personal experiences and the difficulty in reaching a consensus on what constitutes racism.



💡border security

Border security refers to the measures taken to protect a country's borders from illegal activities such as unauthorized entry, smuggling, and terrorism. In the context of the video, it is a contentious political issue where the discussion revolves around the methods and effectiveness of securing borders, including the construction of physical barriers.


An obstacle is anything that hinders progress or creates a barrier to communication or interaction. In the video, the term is used metaphorically to discuss the physical and metaphorical barriers that might be erected between groups of people, particularly in the context of border security.

💡gender roles

Gender roles are the societal expectations and norms associated with being male or female. In the video, there is a discussion about traditional versus modern gender roles, particularly focusing on the changing definitions of masculinity and the evolving expectations placed on men in society.


Masculinity refers to the qualities traditionally associated with men and maleness. It encompasses a range of characteristics, behaviors, and roles that are deemed appropriate for men. In the video, the concept of masculinity is challenged and questioned, with participants discussing its relevance and evolution in today's society.


Relationships refer to the ways in which individuals connect and interact with one another. In the context of the video, relationships are discussed primarily in terms of romantic or sexual partnerships between men and women, with an emphasis on the biological and emotional components that drive these connections.

💡biological drive

A biological drive is an innate urge or motivation that is hardwired into an organism's biology, often related to survival or reproduction. In the video, the concept is applied to discuss the role of sex as a fundamental motivator in human behavior and relationships.


Racism is the belief in the inherent superiority of one race over another, leading to discrimination and prejudice based on race or ethnicity. In the video, one participant shares a personal experience that they interpret as evidence of racism, highlighting the ongoing presence of racial bias in society.

💡personal identity

Personal identity refers to an individual's sense of who they are, including their values, beliefs, and roles. In the video, the concept is explored through discussions on gender, sexuality, and race, as participants examine how these aspects contribute to their understanding of themselves and others.

💡social dynamics

Social dynamics refer to the interactions, relationships, and processes that occur within and between different groups in society. The video touches on social dynamics by examining how constructs like gender roles and racism influence the way people interact and perceive one another.

💡cultural norms

Cultural norms are the shared expectations and rules that guide behavior within a particular society or group. In the video, cultural norms are challenged and examined, particularly in the context of changing definitions of gender and the roles expected of men and women.


Femininity refers to the qualities traditionally associated with women and femaleness. The video indirectly addresses femininity by discussing its counterpart, masculinity, and the ways in which traditional gender roles are being questioned and redefined.


Discussion on border security and the use of obstacles between countries.

Mention of Alexander Juan Antonio Cortez, a significant figure in the conversation.

Steven, a small business owner and real estate attorney from South Central L.A.

Michael Knowle, author of a national best-selling book, praised by President Trump.

Renardo Strayhorn, a PhD and licensed marriage and family therapist in Los Angeles.

Discussion on the evolving definition of what constitutes a man in society.

The assertion that having a good paycheck or physical strength does not make one a man.

Questioning the need for a woman who competes with a man's sense of masculinity.

Debate on whether men would have any involvement with women if not for sex.

Biological drive and the role of sex in relationships.

The hypothetical scenario of relationships without the factor of sex.

The importance of understanding the complexity of relationships.

Personal account of experiencing racism while riding a bicycle.

The belief that racism is alive and will continue to exist.

Anecdotal evidence of racism from a personal encounter with law enforcement.

The impact of running a red light and its perceived connection to racism.

The preference for a woman to perform a medical procedure over a man.

The conversation's focus on the importance of understanding the roles and perceptions of gender and sex in society.