The BEST of Jesse Lee Peterson SAVAGE Moments! # 8

11 Feb 202214:29

TLDRThe transcript captures a conversation among four individuals discussing various topics, including the concept of a 'natural state' of man, the role of men in society, and the impact of atheism. The discussion also touches on social issues such as police brutality, the Black Lives Matter movement, and immigration. The participants express differing viewpoints, with some advocating for traditional roles and others challenging these norms. The conversation, while at times contentious, provides insight into the diverse perspectives on gender roles, societal structures, and current events.


  • 🤝 Introductions are made to the guests, Jake from Hugo and Jesse Lee Peterson, and Kyle.
  • 💡 A discussion on the 'natural state' of men and their roles in society and family is initiated, emphasizing spiritual order and traditional gender roles.
  • 🚫 The conversation touches on the prevalence of 'beta males' in modern America, suggesting a deviation from traditional masculinity.
  • 🏳️‍🌈 The term 'social justice warrior' (SJW) is debated, with differing opinions on what it means and who it applies to.
  • 🎭 A critique of the Black Lives Matter movement and the origins of the organization is presented, with a focus on its founders and motivations.
  • 👮‍♂️ Instances of police brutality are discussed, with one participant expressing skepticism about the prevalence and legitimacy of such claims.
  • 🇺🇸 The impact of illegal immigration on black communities is debated, with concerns raised about job loss, crime, and overcrowding of public services.
  • 🧱 Opinions on the border wall are shared, with a participant expressing support for it due to national security and prioritization of citizens.
  • 💔 A discussion on love, compassion, and forgiveness reveals differing perspectives on these concepts and their role in personal relationships and societal interactions.
  • 🧠 The idea of a 'fallen state' and its relation to anger and hatred is explored, with one participant advocating for a spiritual solution to societal issues.
  • 🏛️ The capability of a woman to lead the country is questioned, with traditional views on gender roles and creativity being brought up.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme discussed in the transcript?

    -The main theme discussed in the transcript revolves around the concept of the 'natural state' of men, societal roles, and the impact of certain social issues such as atheism, police brutality, and immigration on different communities.

  • How does Jesse Lee Peterson define the 'natural state' of man?

    -Jesse Lee Peterson defines the 'natural state' of man as a spiritual order where men represent Christ on earth, and the love of God comes through men to their wives and children, asserting that men should return to God to regain this state.

  • What is Jake's perspective on the term 'beta male'?

    -Jake views 'beta males' as men who have been turned away from their fathers and towards their mothers, adopting a mindset and emotions similar to women, which he believes is a deviation from their natural state.

  • What does the conversation imply about the participants' views on atheism?

    -The conversation implies that the participants see atheism as a result of failed parenting and a lack of spiritual guidance, with one participant identifying as an atheist and being challenged on this belief by others.

  • How does the discussion on 'social justice warriors' (SJWs) unfold?

    -The discussion on SJWs unfolds with one participant arguing that caring about social issues does not automatically make someone an SJW, while another disagrees, associating the term with those who exploit issues like police brutality for personal gain.

  • What are the participants' views on police brutality?

    -The participants have differing views on police brutality; one believes that accusations of police brutality often result from individuals not following officers' instructions, while another sees these accusations as valid concerns that need to be addressed.

  • What is the stance on the Black Lives Matter movement as presented in the transcript?

    -The stance on the Black Lives Matter movement is negative in the transcript, with one participant claiming it was built by a group of individuals with radical ideologies, and another dismissing the movement's concerns about police brutality.

  • What is the discussion about the impact of illegal immigration on black communities?

    -The discussion about the impact of illegal immigration on black communities centers around the belief that illegal aliens are taking jobs, increasing crime, and overcrowding public services, which negatively affects the black community.

  • How does the conversation address the concept of love?

    -The conversation addresses the concept of love as not just an emotional feeling but rather an absence of hate and anger. It is suggested that forgiveness and understanding are key components of love, and that love transcends emotions to represent a state of non-hatred.

  • What advice is given for someone suffering from 'beta male syndrome'?

    -The advice given is to forgive one's parents for any perceived shortcomings, as this act of forgiveness will allow God to forgive the individual and bring them into a more balanced state of mind, which is seen as a step out of the 'beta male syndrome'.

  • What is the opinion on having a woman president as expressed in the transcript?

    -The opinion expressed in the transcript is that while it is technically possible to have a woman president, it is not advisable because the participant believes that women are not naturally suited for the creative demands and difficulties of leading a country.



🤔 Discussion on the Natural State of Men and Spiritual Order

The conversation begins with a discussion on the importance of men returning to their natural state of being, which is believed to be rooted in a spiritual order where men represent Christ on earth and should embody the love of God. The speaker emphasizes that this love should flow through men to their wives and children, but notes that many men today have been influenced by their mothers and have adopted a more feminine mindset and emotional state. The conversation touches on the societal shift from traditional gender roles and the impact it has on family and societal structures. The dialogue also includes a reflection on atheism and agnosticism, with the participants sharing their views on these topics and how they relate to personal and societal failures.


😠 Addressing Police Brutality and the Exploitation of Black Communities

This paragraph delves into the contentious topics of police brutality and the perceived exploitation of black communities, particularly by illegal immigrants. The speakers discuss various high-profile cases of police violence and the reactions they elicit from the public and the media. There is a strong emphasis on personal responsibility and adherence to law enforcement instructions to avoid unnecessary force. The conversation also highlights the impact of illegal immigration on black communities, with a focus on job displacement, increased crime, and strain on public services. The participants express differing views on the role of social justice movements and the importance of addressing these issues through legal and policy changes.


💭 Understanding Love, Compassion, and Personal Growth

The final paragraph of the script explores the concepts of love, compassion, and personal growth. The participants discuss the definition of love, with one suggesting that love is not merely an emotion but a state of being without hate. They also touch on the idea of compassion, which involves understanding and not blaming others for their actions if they are influenced by external factors beyond their control. The conversation shifts to personal development, with a focus on overcoming anger and negative emotions to achieve a more balanced and spiritually aligned state of mind. The participants also briefly discuss societal roles and the importance of creativity and emotional balance in leadership, questioning the suitability of a female president and exploring the potential impact of same-sex parenting on children's development.



💡Natural State

The term 'natural state' in the context of the video refers to a spiritual order where men are seen as representatives of Christ on earth, embodying the love of God and leading in societal structures. This concept is challenged by the speaker who argues that modern men have been led away from this natural state, adopting characteristics traditionally associated with women, thus deviating from their intended roles.

💡Beta Males

In this video, 'beta males' is used to describe men who are perceived as weak or submissive, having been influenced more by their mothers than their fathers, and thus adopting a mindset and emotions traditionally associated with women. This term is contrasted with 'alpha males,' which typically denote dominance and leadership.

💡Spiritual Order

The 'spiritual order' mentioned in the video refers to a belief system where God is at the top of a hierarchy, followed by Christ, then men, with men being over women, and women over children. This concept is used to argue that men should lead and embody the love of God in society.


Atheism is the lack of belief in the existence of God or gods. In the video, the speaker associates atheism with the failure of parents and suggests that those who identify as atheists or agnostics do so because of negative experiences with their parents.

💡Social Justice Warrior (SJW)

The term 'Social Justice Warrior' (SJW) is used in the video to describe individuals who are passionately concerned about social issues such as police brutality, LGBTQ+ rights, and racial equality. However, it is used pejoratively to imply that these individuals are overly sensitive or are using these issues for personal gain.

💡Police Brutality

Police brutality refers to the use of excessive or unnecessary force by police officers. In the video, it is debated whether police brutality exists, with one speaker arguing that instances of excessive force are due to individuals not following police instructions, while others argue that there are systemic issues at play.

💡Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigration is the act of entering and residing in a country without the legal right to do so. In the video, the topic is brought up in the context of its perceived negative impact on black communities, with the argument being made that illegal aliens take jobs, bring in drugs and crime, and overcrowd public services.


Compassion in this video is defined as the ability to understand and forgive others for their actions, even when they are misguided or harmful. It is contrasted with hatred and is seen as a spiritual quality that allows one to not blame others for their actions, recognizing that external influences may be at play.

💡Beta Male Syndrome

The term 'beta male syndrome' is used to describe a condition where men are seen as lacking traditional masculine traits and instead exhibit characteristics that are associated with women or submission. The video suggests that this is a negative state for men to be in and that forgiveness and a return to a 'natural state' can help men overcome it.


In the context of the video, 'love' is defined not as an emotional feeling but as the absence of hate. It is suggested that by not harboring anger or hatred towards others, one embodies love and wishes well for everyone, even enemies.

💡Fallen State

The term 'fallen state' is used to describe a condition where individuals are influenced by negative forces, such as Satan, leading them to act in ways that are contrary to a perceived spiritual or moral order. It implies a deviation from a pure or righteous path.


Introduction of the two gentlemen joining the conversation, Jake from Hugo and Jesse Lee Peterson.

Discussion on the importance of men returning to their natural state of being for societal balance.

Explanation of the spiritual order where men represent Christ on earth and the significance of this role.

Concern about the prevalence of 'beta males' in today's America and the impact on societal structure.

The assertion that atheism often stems from failed parental relationships.

Debate on the label 'social justice warrior' and its implications on various societal issues.

Disagreement on the existence of police brutality and the role of social justice warriors in highlighting such issues.

Controversial opinions on the Black Lives Matter movement and its origins.

Discussion on the Rodney King incident and the justification of police actions.

Analysis of the Eric Garner case and the perspective on compliance with law enforcement.

The impact of illegal immigration on black communities and the associated issues.

Debate on compassion, forgiveness, and the role of spirituality in understanding human behavior.

The concept of 'beta male syndrome' and the possibility of overcoming it through forgiveness.

Opinion on the feasibility of having a woman president and the perceived creative limitations.

The idea that two men together have the mindset and emotions of women, challenging traditional gender roles.

The conversation wraps up with a reflection on the participants' views and the potential detection of 'beta' tendencies.