The Best Way to Vectorize Your Detailed Photoshop Art

Mr. Tom Froese
9 May 202408:30

TLDRIn this informative video, the illustrator demonstrates a method to convert detailed Photoshop artwork into a high-quality vector file, which is crucial for applications like t-shirt design. The process involves creating a smart object from selected layers, applying a threshold adjustment, and using Gaussian blur to smooth out the edges. By copying the visible layers and pasting them into a new alpha channel, the artwork is transformed into a path. This path is then exported to Adobe Illustrator, where it's filled with color and separated using the Pathfinder tool. The result is a detailed vector file that preserves the intricacies of the original Photoshop art.


  • 🎨 Converting Photoshop artwork to vector files is a common request, especially for applications like t-shirt designs.
  • 🖥️ The process is suitable for single-color graphics, but can be repeated for multiple colors by separating each color.
  • 🔍 High-resolution artwork (600 DPI) is beneficial for the vectorization process, ensuring higher quality output.
  • 🚫 Adobe Illustrator's Image Trace function may not preserve the necessary detail and fidelity for complex artwork.
  • 💡 To preserve texture and detail, a smart object is created from the selected layers in Photoshop.
  • 🔄 A threshold adjustment layer is used to control the amount of texture detail in the vectorized image.
  • 📐 The Gaussian Blur filter is applied to smooth out edges for better vector paths without losing important details.
  • ✂️ Copying the visible layers and pasting into a new Alpha Channel helps in creating a selection from the white graphic.
  • 🔵 Inverting the Alpha Channel and loading it as a selection is crucial for the path creation.
  • 🛤️ The 'Make Work Path from Selection' tool in Photoshop is used to convert the artwork into a vector path.
  • 📂 Exporting the path to Illustrator and using the Pathfinder tool to exclude areas creates a clean, grouped vector graphic.
  • 🖌️ Final resizing and color filling can be done directly in Illustrator without the need for further grouping or separation.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the video?

    -The main purpose of the video is to demonstrate how to convert detailed Photoshop artwork into a vector file while preserving subtle textures and details.

  • Why does the illustrator sometimes need to provide vector files?

    -The illustrator may need to provide vector files for various applications, such as designing t-shirts, where the scalability and clarity of vector graphics are beneficial.

  • Why is creating the artwork at a higher DPI beneficial for the vectorization process?

    -Creating the artwork at a higher DPI ensures that when the vectorization process is applied, the resulting vector file will have a higher quality and better detail preservation.

  • What is the issue with using Adobe Illustrator's Image Trace function for this particular artwork?

    -The Image Trace function in Adobe Illustrator does not preserve enough detail from the original Photoshop artwork. It loses the subtle textures and the quality of the lettering, resulting in a vector that is not satisfactory for the illustrator's needs.

  • What is the first step in the vectorization process shown in the video?

    -The first step is to save a duplicate of the artwork file to prevent any loss or damage to the original work during the vectorization process.

  • How does creating a smart object from the selected layers help in the process?

    -Creating a smart object consolidates all the selected layers into a single layer, which simplifies the process of applying filters and transformations, and prepares the artwork for the vectorization process.

  • What is the role of the threshold adjustment layer in the process?

    -The threshold adjustment layer is used to control the amount of texture detail that will be preserved in the final vector. It allows for fine-tuning the balance between detail and smoothness.

  • Why is it necessary to create a new Alpha Channel and invert it?

    -Creating a new Alpha Channel and inverting it prepares the artwork for selection as a white graphic on a black background. This step is crucial for the next phase, which involves converting the selection into a vector path.

  • How does the 'Make Work Path from Selection' button help in converting the artwork to a path?

    -The 'Make Work Path from Selection' button uses the current selection to create a vector path. This is a key step in transforming the rasterized artwork into a vector format that can be exported to Illustrator.

  • What is the final step in Photoshop before exporting the artwork to Illustrator?

    -The final step in Photoshop is to go to File > Export > Paths to Illustrator, which allows the user to export the created path to Illustrator for further refinement and use.

  • How does the Pathfinder panel in Illustrator help in finalizing the vector artwork?

    -The Pathfinder panel in Illustrator is used to combine or exclude shapes within the vector artwork. By selecting all and using the 'Exclude' function, the illustrator can create a clean, grouped vector artwork without manually separating each element.



🎨 Converting Photoshop Artwork to Vector

The video demonstrates the process of converting a complex, single-color artwork made in Photoshop into a vector file. The illustrator emphasizes the importance of starting with a high-resolution file (600 DPI) to ensure quality in the final vector. The standard method using Adobe Illustrator's 'Image Trace' is shown to be insufficient for preserving the subtle textures and details of the artwork. Instead, the artist suggests creating a smart object from the layers, applying a 'Gaussian Blur' to smoothen the edges, and then using a 'Threshold' adjustment layer to control the amount of detail. The final step in Photoshop is exporting the artwork as paths to Illustrator.


📐 Finalizing Vector Artwork in Illustrator

After exporting the artwork as paths from Photoshop, the process continues in Illustrator. The artist shows how to load the paths into Illustrator, where they initially appear invisible. By selecting all and filling them with a color, the paths become visible. The artist then uses the Pathfinder tool to 'Exclude' and merge the paths into a single, clean vector graphic. This method ensures that the vector artwork retains its detail and requires no further grouping or separation. The final vector artwork can be resized without loss of quality, completing the conversion process.




The process of converting a raster image into a vector format. In the video, the illustrator uses this technique to transform detailed Photoshop artwork into a vector file, which is essential for high-quality printing and scalability without loss of detail.


A widely-used graphics editing software by Adobe, where the artist creates detailed artwork. The video discusses converting artwork made in Photoshop into vector format, which is a common requirement for various applications like t-shirt printing.

💡Adobe Illustrator

A vector graphics editing software by Adobe, which is typically used for creating vector art. The video demonstrates the limitations of using Illustrator's 'Image Trace' function for converting complex Photoshop artwork into vector format.

💡T-shirt Design

The application of graphic design on t-shirts. The video's context involves designing a detailed trail map for a t-shirt, which requires the artwork to be in vector format for printing purposes.

💡Smart Object

A feature in Photoshop that allows users to embed an image while preserving an intelligent link to the original source file. In the video, the artist uses a smart object to consolidate layers before converting the artwork into a vector format.

💡Threshold Adjustment Layer

A type of layer in Photoshop that adjusts the contrast of an image to extreme levels, creating a high-contrast, two-toned image. It is used in the video to prepare the artwork for vectorization by emphasizing the details.

💡Gaussian Blur

A filter effect in Photoshop that applies a blur to an image based on the Gaussian function, reducing noise and detail. The artist uses this effect to smooth out the edges of the artwork, making it more suitable for vector conversion.

💡Alpha Channel

A channel in Photoshop that stores selections or masks as grayscale images. The video demonstrates creating an Alpha Channel from the artwork to facilitate the conversion of the selection into a vector path.


In vector graphics, a path is a series of lines and curves that define the outline of a shape. The video shows how the entire artwork is converted into a path in Photoshop, which is then exported to Illustrator for further refinement.

💡Pathfinder Tool

A tool in Illustrator that allows for the creation of complex shapes by combining or subtracting vector paths. The artist uses the Pathfinder tool to simplify the vector artwork by excluding unnecessary elements.

💡DPI (Dots Per Inch)

A measure of spatial printing or video dot density. The video mentions that the artwork was created at 600 DPI, which is higher than necessary, to ensure a high-quality vector file when the artwork is scaled down.


The video demonstrates how to convert detailed Photoshop artwork into a vector file.

The process is suitable for single-color graphics and can be repeated for multiple colors.

The illustrator's t-shirt design features a detailed trail map, showcasing the complexity of the artwork.

The original file was created at 600 DPI for higher quality vector conversion.

Adobe Illustrator's Image Trace function is not sufficient for preserving the detail required.

A new method is introduced that preserves textures and tiny lettering in the vector file.

Creating a smart object from the artwork layers is a crucial step in the process.

A threshold adjustment layer is used to control the level of texture detail in the vector.

Gaussian blur is applied to smooth edges for better vector paths.

The artist uses a radius of one for the Gaussian blur to balance detail with smoothness.

Copying the artwork and pasting it into a new Alpha Channel is a key step before vectorization.

Inverting the Alpha Channel and loading it as a selection prepares the artwork for path conversion.

The 'Make Work Path from Selection' button in the Paths panel is used to convert the artwork into a path.

The path can then be exported to Illustrator for further refinement.

After exporting, using the Pathfinder panel to 'Exclude' can separate the vector elements.

The final vector artwork is a single group, simplifying the resizing and editing process.

The method results in a high-fidelity vector file that maintains the original artwork's subtleties.