The Fastest way to create Architecture Floor Plans

Architecture Inspirations
18 Nov 202209:04

TLDRThis video script offers a fast and efficient method for creating architectural drawings using Lumion, a powerful rendering software. It guides viewers through importing projects, setting up scenes with materials, furniture, and vegetation, and producing 3D drawings like site plans, elevations, sections, and floor plans. The tutorial highlights the use of style presets, orthographic views, and render elements for post-production enhancements in Photoshop. The script emphasizes the software's capabilities in producing dynamic and realistic visualizations, making the design process more engaging and less time-consuming compared to traditional methods.


  • 🚀 Start by importing your project into Lumion with materials, furniture, and vegetation already added.
  • 📸 Utilize Lumion's photo mode and style presets to quickly enhance the visual quality of your renders.
  • 🎨 Apply the orthographic view effect for creating accurate architectural drawings directly in Lumion.
  • 🖱️ Navigate and adjust views using mouse controls and keyboard shortcuts for precision and efficiency.
  • 🌳 Use the clip sliders to remove unwanted parts of the scene, like trees or other buildings, blocking the view.
  • 🎨 Customize your renders further with effects and styles, such as changing the sun angle or adding a new background.
  • 🔄 Experiment with different variations of images for diverse visual outcomes in your presentations.
  • 🔍 Switch to isometric view for better alignment and precision when creating elevations and sections.
  • 🏠 Create a 3D floor plan by using a clip plane and adjusting the view to focus on the building.
  • 🛠️ Take advantage of Lumion's render elements and post-production capabilities in software like Photoshop for further enhancement.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video script?

    -The main focus of the video script is to provide a tutorial on creating architecture drawings for presentations and competition boards using Lumion, a 3D rendering software.

  • How can one obtain Lumion for free?

    -One can obtain Lumion for free if they are a student. Otherwise, there is also a free trial available for non-students.

  • What are the necessary components to have imported into Lumion before starting the 3D drawing process?

    -Before starting the 3D drawing process, it is necessary to have the project imported into Lumion with materials, furniture, and vegetation already added to the scene.

  • How does one switch to the photo mode in Lumion?

    -To switch to the photo mode in Lumion, you click on the button that takes you to the photo mode.

  • What is the purpose of the orthographic view effect in Lumion?

    -The orthographic view effect in Lumion allows users to switch between a perspective 3D view and an orthographic 2D view, which is useful for creating accurate architectural drawings.

  • How can one adjust the view in the orthographic mode?

    -In the orthographic mode, you can use the right mouse button to orbit and drag, the middle mouse button to pan, and the scroll wheel to zoom in and out. Additionally, sliders are available for precise zooming and orientation adjustments.

  • What is the benefit of using the clip sliders in Lumion for creating an elevation?

    -The clip sliders in Lumion allow users to cut away parts of the scene that are nearer or farther away from the camera, which can help to create a clear and unobstructed view of the building in an elevation.

  • How can one export multiple render elements in Lumion for further editing in post-production software like Photoshop?

    -When exporting a render in Lumion, one can choose to export several render elements or render channels, which can be used for further editing in post-production software like Photoshop.

  • What is the variation control effect in Lumion and how is it used?

    -The variation control effect in Lumion is an effect located in the utility category that allows users to switch between different variations of the imported model, which can be useful for comparing different design options.

  • How can a line drawing from a 3D software be used in conjunction with a Lumion render in Photoshop?

    -A line drawing from a 3D software can be exported and then imported into Photoshop, where it can be overlaid on top of the Lumion render by setting the blend mode to multiply, creating a more detailed and professional-looking image.

  • What is the importance of using render elements like material ID and lighting in post-production?

    -Render elements like material ID and lighting can be used in post-production to make selections, adjust materials, overlay colors, or replace textures. They can also be used to create special effects like a clay render look, offering endless possibilities for enhancing the final render.



🎨 Efficient 3D Drawing Creation with Lumion

This paragraph introduces an efficient and faster method for creating architecture drawings using Lumion, emphasizing the benefits over traditional Photoshop techniques. The speaker guides the audience through importing a project into Lumion, setting up the scene with materials, furniture, and vegetation. It explains the process of creating 3D drawings, starting with a side plane, using the photo mode, and applying style presets and effects for enhanced presentation quality. The paragraph also covers the use of orthographic view and camera adjustments for precise rendering. Additionally, it touches on the possibility of experimenting with different style presets and editing the renders in post-production software like Photoshop.


🏠 Creating a 3D Floor Plan and Additional Drawings

The second paragraph focuses on creating a 3D floor plan and further enhancing the architectural drawings. It begins by copying and adjusting the site plane view, using the new clip slider and build mode to add a clip plane for a cleaner cut through the building. The paragraph highlights the advantage of organizing projects in layers for better control over the rendering process. It also discusses the application of different styles and effects to achieve various visual outcomes. The speaker mentions the option to hide sights and create variations within Lumion, as well as the utility of using render elements for post-production enhancements in Photoshop. The paragraph concludes with a suggestion to watch a Lumion playlist for more in-depth learning and ends with a motivational note.




Lumion is a real-time 3D architectural visualization software that allows users to create high-quality renderings, animations, and virtual reality experiences of their architectural projects. In the video, Lumion is the primary tool used to demonstrate how to create 3D drawings for presentation and competition boards, emphasizing its efficiency over traditional methods like Photoshop.

💡Photo Mode

Photo mode in Lumion is a feature that enables users to take snapshots of their 3D scenes from various angles and perspectives. It is highlighted in the video as a faster alternative to creating architecture drawings in Photoshop, showcasing the ease of generating professional-looking images directly within the software.

💡Style Presets

Style presets in Lumion are pre-defined settings that alter the overall look and atmosphere of a scene with a single click. The video mentions choosing the 'daytime style' to instantly enhance the render's appearance, demonstrating how these presets can save time and effort in achieving desired visual effects for architecture drawings.

💡Orthographic View Effect

The orthographic view effect in Lumion is used to create 2D, technical drawings from a 3D model. It is an architectural tool that flattens the perspective, allowing for accurate representation of a building's elevation or section. The video shows how to apply this effect to generate precise, orthographic drawings for presentation purposes.

💡New Clip Slider

The new clip slider in Lumion is a tool that allows users to 'cut away' parts of the scene that are closer or further away from the camera, effectively controlling what is visible in the render. The video demonstrates using this slider to create an elevation by removing obstructing elements like trees and buildings, resulting in a clear view of the architecture.

💡Fill Color

Fill color in the context of Lumion is an option to color the background of a render. It provides a simple way to customize the background appearance, such as choosing a solid color or gradient. The video mentions turning off the fill color to retain the natural sky in the elevation, showcasing how it can be used to achieve a preferred aesthetic.

💡Render Elements

Render elements in Lumion refer to the individual components of a scene that can be exported separately for further editing in post-production software like Photoshop. The video discusses using elements such as the sky alpha map and material ID channel for advanced image manipulation, highlighting the flexibility and control offered by Lumion for creating final presentation images.

💡3D Section Cut

A 3D section cut is a visual representation that shows a vertical slice through a building or structure, revealing its interior layers and design. In the video, the process of creating a 3D section cut is demonstrated by adjusting the camera angle and using the new clip slider to cut through the building, allowing for a detailed view that adds depth and understanding of the architectural design.

💡Clip Plane

A clip plane in 3D modeling and visualization is a flat, infinitely thin surface that cuts through the 3D space to create cross-sectional views. The video explains how to use a clip plane in Lumion to create a 3D floor plan, demonstrating the ability to isolate and focus on specific parts of the architecture while excluding other elements like vegetation.

💡Variation Control

Variation control in Lumion is a feature that enables users to switch between different versions or configurations of an imported 3D model. The video shows how to use this effect to toggle between models with and without site elements, illustrating the utility of organizing projects in layers for efficient visualization and editing.


Post-production refers to the process of editing and enhancing visual content after it has been initially rendered or captured. In the context of the video, post-production involves using Photoshop to further refine the Lumion renders, such as replacing backgrounds, overlaying line drawings, and adjusting materials and lighting, to achieve the desired final look for presentation boards.


Using Lumion for architecture drawings offers a faster and more visually appealing alternative to traditional methods like Photoshop.

Lumion is available for free to students, and a free trial is also offered for non-students.

Before starting with 3D drawings, ensure your project is imported into Lumion with materials, furniture, and vegetation already added.

The 3D side plane can be easily created by using Lumion's photo mode and style presets.

The orthographic view effect in Lumion allows for precise 2D architectural representations.

Navigation in Lumion's 3D environment is intuitive, with mouse controls and keyboard shortcuts for better manipulation of the view.

Lumion's render quality can be significantly improved with just a few clicks using style presets and effects.

Creating a site plan in Lumion is a quick process that saves time compared to manual creation in Photoshop.

Different style presets can be applied to the same image for varied visual outcomes.

Lumion allows for the creation of elevations by adjusting the view and using orthographic video effects.

The clip sliders in Lumion can remove unneeded parts in the render, such as objects in front of the building.

Backgrounds can be customized in Lumion, and the software supports exporting render elements for further editing in post-production.

Lumion's compatibility with various 3D software makes it a versatile tool for architectural visualization.

Creating a 3D section cut in Lumion involves adjusting the camera angle and new clip amount for a dynamic view.

Lumion's variation control effect allows for switching between different model variations within the software.

Post-production enhancements are possible with Lumion's render elements, such as replacing backgrounds and adjusting material properties in Photoshop.

Lumion offers the ability to overlay line drawings from 3D software onto renders for a more technical appearance.